Scars of War

Chapter 8

The Road Less Traveled

Fernando and Ash walked down the country road alone again.
Though none of them seemed to mind it, it was still very much a bore to see nobody for leagues upon leagues.

Thankfully, the boredom wasn't that great since Fernando was a very eccentric and talkative person. However, it was always nice to hear someone else speak and hear their views on certain things that did not include knighthood, damsels, and damsels.

"And there I was in the jungles of Sere'n Geti." Fernando moved his hand across the horizon, "Where the feared Avatar of Wekono dwelt. I was sent to drive him away for he had cursed the town with a Dreaded Serpent that poisoned their wells and crops."

Ash, though not very interested, nevertheless heard his tale.

"So after defeating the Venus Mantraps and a bog filled with giant snakes, I found his temple." Fernando continued and stopped. "Just when I thought my job was done... Boom! A giant ghost snake shot out of the temple's doors!"

Ash let out a short huff of air.

"Many people would have fled in fear, but not Fernando." Fernando spoke proudly. "I raised my father's lance and charged through the ghost, only to see the Avatar of Wekono himself! What a scary man!" he opened his mouth.
"His eyes were green like emeralds and his skin as dark as earth... From that moment I knew I was face to face with Mal'damba... Mal'damba meaning "Accursed One" in the Wekonian language."

"Enough of that." Ash shook her head as they stopped by a well.

"What is wrong, my lady?" Fernando asked, "Are you frightened?"

"Me? Hah!" Ash scoffed at the idea, "I tore down the Citadel of Trizzak by myself! I fear nothing!" she pointed at him.

"No need to be afraid, Ash." Fernando smiled as he put his arm over her shoulder. "Rest assured I drove him back into the spirit realm. His heathen ways were no match for my Holy Lance."

Ash shook her head and sat on the well.
"Very impressive, Fernando..." she mumbled and crossed her arms, "If that story is true, that is."

"As true as my love for you." Fernando grinned, only to get a slap to his face.

"I don't need your flattery. But I do need your answers." Ash crossed her legs. "What sieges or battles were you part of in the war?"

Fernando sighed.
"Perhaps it is best not to talk about the War, no?" he looked at Ash, but her face said otherwise. "Huh... Very well. I was part of the Siege of Kastarnak, the Siege of Heliopolis, the Battle of the Seven Plains, the War of the Fifth Coalition... oh... and a few other sieges here and there." he informed her.

"What were they?" Ash asked him.

"I cannot remember them all, my lady. It was so long ago." Fernando responded and rubbed the back of his head. "Five years, no?"

Ash nodded and looked at her armor.
"Yes." she mumbled.
"Oh, Fernando... I wish I had your peace..." she looked at him.

Fernando smiled.
"I will help you, my lady." he bowed, "As I said before I am here to help you."

Ash took in a deep breath.

"Will my lady tell me her experience in the War?" Fernando asked cautiously.

Ash looked at him with a deep pain in her soul.
"I too took part in the Siege of Kastarnak and Heliopolis... But also in Yukatan, Ghongola, and... and... Nikana..." she shuddered.

Fernando's eyes opened in surprise.
"Nikana?" he gulped.

He knew what that meant, for he too had been there in that disastrous battle. He could remember they were all routed and the siege was a complete and utter failure.
Never in his life had he seen such a catastrophe as he witnessed in Nikana.

Ash started to cry and cover her face.
She didn't want to appear weak, especially in front of someone else.

"No need to feel bad. I understand." Fernando knelt in front of her and placed his hand on his chest.
"I'm sorry I brought it up!" he shook his head and grabbed her shoulder.

Ash stood up and faced him.
"It will not consume me." she clenched her fist and swallowed her pain.

Fernando stood up and looked down at her.
"I like that." he grinned and pulled up the bucket in the well.

"Thank you." Ash nodded.

Such words made Fernando stop refilling their canteens and smile.
"I am here to serve you, my lady!" he laughed and continued his action.

Ash nodded

"Can you do something with me?" she asked, "It's... personal..." she mumbled.

Fernando stopped instantly.
"Ah... Yes!" he exclaimed and looked around, "It's getting dark so I guess! Yes Yes!" he laughed and started to take off his armor.

Ash looked at him.

"What are you doing?"

Fernnado stopped again.
"Uh... Did you not say that- Uh... Ok." he stopped taking off his armor and placed the canteens in his backpack.
"Ignore that." he shook his head and walked to the road.

"I was going to say that if you can come with me to search for food." Ash told him. "I must admit that hardtacks are getting quite... tasteless."

Fernando nodded in understanding.

"Whatever my lady desires, I shall help you complete what you need!" he bowed and extended his arm.

Ash looked at him with confusion.
"What are you doing?" she looked at his hand.

"I cannot allow a damsel to venture into the woods alone." Fernando reached for her hand and held it, "I shall protect you from whatever wil-" he was uppercutted in the stomach.

"I do not need your protection." Ash murmured as she walked towards the small forest around two stadia away from them.
"But... you can come if you'd like."

"I knew you'd come around..." Fernando groaned and dusted off his chest.

"It's not romantic or anything, idiot."

Fernando calmly walked up to her.
"Why must you always reject me? Can you not see my affection is like a rose?" he lightly tapped her nose.

Nearby birds flew out of the forest when the sounds of deep punches echoed through the air.