Chapter Eight

Bilbo woke as the sun hit his eyes and he was pleased he managed not to swear. The light was blinding to him and his head throbbed. He groaned, opening his eyes to slits and finding some leftover tea among the still sleeping dwarrows. He cursed his light sensitivity as his head throbbed again and he gulped down his first cup of cold tea and two further cups. Likely the children would be waking soon, as he saw several of the children were awake and plotting an escape from camp. "Lets let your families sleep it off and we can get my children and Dwalin and Ori's children as well." Bilbo said and eight dwarflings scrambled after him, Bilbo put a finger to his lips, before moving his children away from his sleeping friends. He set them down the corridor a way's before he tried to wake the other children, before deciding it might be better to just let them sleep.

"There's all sixteen of you, come on we're going to make biscuits." Bilbo said and headed to the kitchen. He found the ingredients he needed and helped the children to wash their hands, before setting out five mixing bowls. "Two to a bowl, mix it together good." Bilbo told the children and they nodded, soon the room was full of the laughter of children, as Brando flicked a little bit of the dough at his sister and they started fighting with the dough. "There won't be any biscuits if you fling it into each other's hair rather than baking it." Bilbo said and the children stopped flinging the dough at once, Bilbo nodded in approval and continued to instruct them on how to make the biscuits, he smiled at the children, as he put the biscuits into the oven. "Now what else would you like to bake?"


"Miner cakes."

"Pie." The children clambered all at once and Bilbo laughed.

"Well we'll have to save the miner cakes for later, because I have no idea how those are made, but we could make several hand pies and cookies." Bilbo said and the children cheered. Bilbo smiled at the children. "Lets make meat ones and sweet ones." He said and started to cook potatoes and steam vegetables in a pot. "Stay away from the stove." Bilbo said. "Now I need several strong young dwarrows to go on a quest to bring back what's left of the food from last night's feast, do you think you can make your way from here to the trees and back, without waking anyone?" Bilbo challenged.

"I'll go!" Vira offered

"And me!" Hildbrin said.

"Me too." Freyis said.

"You won't be quiet we need a plan." Brando said and Bilbo smiled, as ultimately seven of the twenty children decided to accept his quest. Three of which were his own children, the others preferring to stay behind and bake with Bilbo. "Now we're going to make the pie crust, while our adventurers are out gathering our supplies." Bilbo said and showed the children how to make pie crust and roll out the pies. In the end they were a bit misshapen but looked good enough. The other children came back then, triumphant smiles on their faces. "Ah good, you've returned brave warriors. Thank you for getting what's left of the food for me." Bilbo said and cut what was left of the meat, making several platters of chicken, stake and pork from it. He then mixed the meat steamed vegetables and cooked potatoes together. "While we wait for that to cool, lets make the fruit hand pies." Bilbo said and found some preserved fruit, as well as jam, before showing the children how to make hand pies. He smiled as he worked, stopping half way through as Jirgar's braid came undone. He washed off his hands and approached the dwarfling. "Can I fix your braid?"

"Yes Crafter Bilbo." The little boy said and Bilbo smiled, fixing Jirgar's braid back and looking at the others, whose braids seemed to be holding well enough. He then washed his hands again, before he returned to helping the children make the fruit hand pies. Once they had filled twenty trays, Bilbo set them into the oven and started on the meat ones. The children laughed as they folded the pastries and put filling in them, he instructed the children to mark each with the runes that spelled out what they were.

"Oh your writing out what they are." Brando said and Bilbo nodded.

"This says pork, this says stake and this says chicken." Bilbo told the children and smiled as they copied down the symbols. Some were more childish and others looked more polished.

"Can you teach me and Jirgar to read?" Vira asked and Bilbo stared at the child. "Daddy Virin says most miners don't know their letters, but it looks fun."

"I'll have to talk to your parents about that. Hobbit children take some of their lessons together in a school, two days a week, the rest of the time they learn from their parents. Would you all like to go to learn together in a school."

"Schools have fees." Vira said. "So do tutors."

"Yes and I'll gladly pay them, if your parents allow it. I was raised to believe that the wellbeing of my people was my responsibility, whatever I people I chose, I was to ensure that they were provided for."

"And you chose us." Vira said and Bilbo nodded.

"That I did, you should know your history, numbers and how to read at the very least."

"Da says I don't need no book learning' I'm to be a warrior like him." The child of the two guards said.

"Da!" Her little brother squealed and clapped his hands.

"There is much to learn from your ancestors, but it's not up to me what you learn, that's up to your parents. I've got my own children to ensure get an education, but if I've got to do it for them, what's a few more?"
Bilbo asked and smiled at the children.

"Even if your parents don't let you go to school Daddy Bilbo wants to build, come to the library when you have the time and I can teach you your letters, its simple once you get the hang of it."

"So says inky fingers." Freyis teased her brother.

"All you ever think about is fighting, knock brain. Cause your gonna knock your brains in." Brando returned and Freyis laughed.

"No I won't, they haven't and I won't either so there." Freyis said and stuck her tongue out at them, Bilbo laughed.

"Freyis and Brando, dislike one another, they are very different from each other and they don't like those differences."

"He's weak."

"No I just don't see the point of hitting anyone but you, stupid head." Brando returned and Bilbo frowned.

"Right that's starting to be insulting, you shouldn't insult each other and I don't want you fighting one another either."

"Yes Daddy Bilbo." Both children said and Bilbo nodded, together they finished the hand pies and Bilbo piled the dishes together, finding ten sponges by the washing area.

"Now who wants to help me clean up, so we can make more yummy things?" Bilbo asked and ten of the children offered to help, Bilbo smiled as he watched them scrub the bowls clean and he rinsed each of them off in the sink. Soon the dishes were finished and several sleepy cooks came into the kitchen and stared at the nineteen children and Bilbo, all were most likely covered in flour. "We'll be making cookies, I'm not expecting most to be up till midmorning, but we could lay out the hand pies we made after they cool. I'll be doing biscuits yet and your welcome to stay and help, or get a bit more shut eye. I got a small army of dwarflings and my own children to help me and we should be fine on baking.

"We had planned to start some roasts, but if you keep to the baking tables and ovens, we could use the spits." One of the cooks said and Bilbo nodded,

"After the first night the food isn't so formal, but the gifts still are." Bilbo said and the others nodded.

"We made lots and lots of pies Daddy, will you try one when they are cool?" A little girl asked and a dwarf smiled.

"I'm sure your pies are very tasty Kalia, I'll be glad to try them later, but for now my tummy feels a bit funny."

"We made biscuits first help yourself and drink some of the tea I prepared last night, that helps to settle a tummy." Bilbo said and tickled Freya's tummy, smiling as the little girl laughed. He smiled then as well, realizing as he realized that he needed to carve. "Mind what's your name again?"

"I'm Kalvrick."

"Kalvrick, while I'm gone."

"Your going to make us another, friend but we have lots already." Freyis said and pouted, Bilbo smiled softly and kissed the little girl on the head.

"One can never have too many friends and your having fun, aren't you my little warrior lass?" Bilbo asked the child and Freyis nodded. "I'll be back before you know it." Bilbo said and walked from the kitchen carrying with him a tray of hot pies.

"I already know you're gone." Freyis said and both laughed, Bilbo walked down to where the still sleeping dwarves lay and hesitated a moment, being sure of his senses, before he pulled off the boots of two guards and tickled the souls of their feet. A moment later they woke one with axes in his hands, sitting bolt upright, the other with daggers and stared at the hobbit who smiled back at them.

"I needed to wake you for the carving." Bilbo said and the guard's eyes widened in surprise.

"Its time? We thought when you didn't carve for us last time..."

"You have to be fully ready in your hearts and minds and Mahal must agree to it, I simply shape the stone of your child. It is your will and Mahal's strength that sees your child born." Bilbo said and both guards nodded, putting their boots back on. "We'll eat these as we walk." Bilbo said and the guards nodded, Bilbo walked to the carving hall and realized his friends were still sleeping in that hall. "Well this will make it more difficult." Bilbo said, finding the right stone, which Bofur had fallen against in his sleep. He sighed, rolled his friend over and turned to the guards. "You must have your hands on it at all times, it would be nice if we didn't step on my friends as well." Bilbo said and the guards looked slightly daunted by the task Bilbo had set for them. They managed to pick the stone up between them and Bilbo smiled, as he put his hands on the stone, before instructing them where to go and what to do. It was a good thing both men were strong and nimble of foot, because they nearly trod on each of the Company at least once, but were able to reverse the direction their feet were going in. Bilbo managed to stop himself from laughing as they reached his door and he opened it. All three children were sleeping soundly and Bilbo smiled at the sight of his friends and their children. "Lets carve in the back room, I haven't filled it and there should be just as much room in there." Bilbo said taking his carving tools with him to the back room. He then started to carve, first came the hands and arms, Bilbo split the stone after making the first two and created a second set. He then moved onto the legs of the dwarflings carving up, their bodies and found that they were going to be two little girls. Both men shuddered in excitement, but they didn't speak trying not to break Bilbo's concentration. He made their torsos next, carving them and stared as they formed under his fingertips, they seemed to be identical. Sure enough when it came time to carve their faces, they both got the same elegant noses, round cheeks, little ears, hair and eyes. Bilbo smiled as he finished the last of their hair, which promised to be as riotous and red as both their fathers. Bilbo smiled as he woke both children and they yawned.

"Sleepy Daddy." One said and they both closed their eyes again, both men stared at their daughters in wonder and worry.

"Are they alright?"

"They are fine, just slow to wake up properly. Come and I'll find them some clothes." Bilbo said and both fathers each took one of their daughters, before following Bilbo. Bilbo smiled and took some clothing from the large pile of things he'd been given last night, he'd be given more clothing than his children could use. He handed them several pairs of padded armor, four dresses with leggings and several shirts and pants. He also gave them two fur lined cloaks for their children.

"This is too much."

"They have need of it, I'm going to set everything but what I most like on the pile and let the other parents choose what they want. My children don't need ten sets of padded armor each." Bilbo said and the guards laughed.

"We do need it, thank you."

"Thank you for being sensible dwarrows and not fighting me on this. This is a time of sharing with others and if someone has need of something and your able to give it, you do." Bilbo said and smiled at both guards, as they changed their daughters, both girls didn't stir and Bilbo smiled softly. "They are beautiful, I wonder what their names will be, I'm sure they will tell you once they wake." Bilbo said, before he smiled softly, as his senses told him it was time to carve again. "I need to go now." Bilbo said and both guards nodded, he was relieved that it was two scribes this time, as they would be easier to wake. He took them down to the tunnels and frowned. "OI YOU LOT, I NEED TO CARVE, SO EITHER GO SLEEP IT OFF SOMEWHERE ELSE, OR WAKE THE BLOODY HELL UP." Bilbo shouted, channeling his Aunt Mirabell, who could wake even the drunkest of hobbits with her shrill shrieks. Everyone sat bolt upright and most groaned. "Now either clear a path, or go back upstairs."

"The children?"

"I carved them last night, they are sleeping still in the carving cave." Bilbo said and smiled at Dori. "Dwalin and Ori might sleep for a while yet, three is more exhausting than one or two."

"Three? You carved three children?" Dori demanded and Bilbo shrugged.

"It was Mahal's will and they are all very beautiful, one of the boys takes after Dwalin, the other after Ori, their sister takes after Dwalin in looks." Bilbo said and smiled at the shocked look on his friend's faces. "Now I have more children to carve." Bilbo said and his friends cleared out of the way, as Bilbo chose a stone and they barely managed to lift it between the three of them. Bilbo took it into the storage room and started in on the carving. Bilbo smiled as the children, who were a little boy and girl came to life under his hands. Finally when he was finished, he woke them and yawned, stretching out his arms.

"I'm Varis." The little girl said and Bilbo smiled, she had copper curls and bright green eyes that sparkled with intelligence he liked the child just as instantly as he liked the twins.

"I'm Vior." The little boy said and Bilbo smiled.

"Well met Varis and Vior, these are your Daddies, lets go get you some clothes and something to eat."

"I am hungry." Varis agreed and Bilbo smiled at the little girl. He walked with them back under the trees and grinned when he saw the children eating their midday meal. His twins were talking a way he'd never seen them talk before, the two little twin girls chattering back just as happily. He smiled at the two guards that were staring at his boys and their newly crafted girls. Bilbo ran over to the children, kindling his sense of auras and focusing on them on the girls and his boys. His mouth dropped as he stared at the four of them in shock.

"Its too soon." Bilbo said and he saw how Brando was eying Varis, the little girl seeming equally interested, he turned his gaze to him and nodded. There was no way that those children and his own weren't connected. Bilbo ran towards his babies gathering them in his arms and started to cry.

"What's wrong Daddy Bilbo?" Brando asked and a tiny hand came up to stroke his hair as the twins looked very confused. Bilbo didn't know if he was sad or happy, he hadn't expected his little ones to find their Ones until they were much older than they were now. He felt little arms surrounding him from behind as well as all his children came over and hugged him as well.

"Why are you clutching onto Brando and the twins so tightly Daddy, its scaring everyone." His daughter said and Bilbo frowned, he didn't wish to scare others, but he needed to feel his boys against him, to know they were still tiny and his and their families. He was sure any father would feel the way he did. He could only cry, every time he tried to answer his child, he started crying again. His emotions were so mixed up and confusing, finally he dried his tears on a handkerchief and looked up, noticing how many people were staring.

"My babies are barely more than a month old and they have found their Ones. What do I do, what can I do to help them. How do you handle something like this?"

"Is it my girls?" One of the guards asked and Bilbo nodded.

"And Varis, I want them to be happy, but I'm afraid of messing this up for them and its unfair of me to want to keep them as my babies forever, but that's what I want to do."

"That's what all parents want, to see to their children's futures and know they are safe." An older dwarf said and smiled at Bilbo. "As for what we do, we draw up a contract, you talk about bride price with the fathers and when they come of age we have a wedding. We'll just have to watch them like ravens in the meantime." The old dwarf said and Bilbo nodded, blowing his nose, feeling calmer already about the whole thing.

"Aye and we let the boys know that if they touch our girls flowers before it comes time, they will feel the wrath of three sets of dwarven parents. I suppose we're to be family, never thought I'd be family with a scribe. Those dedicated towards scribe work and those dedicated towards being warriors don't often mix. Warriors would rather be out there doing things than reading about them."

"Aye I think I have a scribe and a warrior lass in the making, they dislike one another, but we're working on that." Bilbo said and kissed the heads of his three boys, who were looking confused.

"What's all this about a One, One what and why has it got everyone so upset? Can I go play with that girl Daddy Bilbo?" Brando said and Bilbo laughed.

"My lad, she's your One, the One soul to which yours is connected."

"She thinks like I do, so that makes sense, can I play with her please?"

"We wanna play with the other twins." His twin boys spoke up as well and Bilbo smiled softly.

"Of course you can play with them, but their Daddies and I have to work some things out first."

"Why? We wanna play." The six little ones whined together.

"Why don't we eat lunch together and we figure things out from there." Bilbo told the children and the four other parents nodded in agreement, before Bilbo frowned. "Where's Thorin?"

"He's working in the crafting halls." Fili said and Bilbo nodded.

"Someone send him a message, he will want to be included in this as well." Bilbo said and one of the messengers dashed off, Bilbo smiled staring down at his children, holding the three squirming boys in his arms, as the other parents held their girls.

"We wanna play!" All six children protested and Bilbo kissed the tops of his son's heads. An out of breath Thorin arrived and Bilbo smiled at him happily.

"Its good to see you, will you help me discuss terms with the parents of these children?" Bilbo asked and Thorin nodded, eyeing the three girls and smiling at them, though Bilbo saw his own displeasure at the early match.

"Of course, we'll talk about schooling and bride price together and then let the children play with one another." Thorin said and sat beside the boys as they squirmed.

"It wouldn't do any good to talk in common, sooner or later Brando and Freyis will find out about what we speak of." Bilbo said and the other five dwarves nodded. "As I've never negotiated a bride price, Thorin will speak for us. Typically we leave it up to the children to decide what they are going to give to their spouses and share with their spouses' family."

"That sounds much easier than haggling over gold, would the usual amount be fair?"

"Doubling it would be fairer as they have you for a father, begging your pardon my King, but we've all heard the tales and his lassies can protect themselves, but what of my Vira."

"She can be trained in the warrior arts as well the scribe arts, my children have to be trained in multiple disciplines it only follows that their future wives should be as well." Thorin said and Bilbo stiffened, staring down at his children, he kissed them each on the forehead and let them go, before standing. "Where are you going Bilbo?"

"Today is always a day of carving, it should stop by tonight." Bilbo said and opened his senses again, this time he found another two guards and smiled down at the men who were twice as broad as he was and stared up at him in surprise and excitement. Wordlessly they dropped what they were doing and followed him. Bilbo found the right stone and walked with them into the carving hall. Bilbo started carving then, focusing entirely on bringing the children under his hands to life, what he originally thought was going to be three dwarflings turned out to be only two, but both boys had the widest shoulders Bilbo had ever seen on children that young. Bilbo woke both boys and went to the kitchens. There he got two hand pies, before he walked to his rooms and got out a large hunk of topaz, before carving the two axes of Durin and a base for his carving. He also got out several smaller stones and crushed them into a fine shimmering powder. He then took the bowl and his gift for Thorin back to the gathering. He smiled as he deposited the package on Thorin's pile, before turning to his own, wrapping some of his things and setting them back into the center, twenty of the tool kits he wrapped and labeled neatly and was about to start on some of his other gifts, when he felt the need to carve, this time for himself. He grabbed Thorin's hand and Thorin stared at him.

"Bilbo, what?"

"I know its not the best time, but come and carve with me." Bilbo said and Thorin nodded, hastily getting up, Bilbo smiled as they walked together to his carving house, Bilbo choosing one large stone and one medium sized one, They walked beside each other to the carving hall and Bilbo started to carve the medium sized stone. He smiled as he finished carving a little girl with his blond hair and eyes. He was glad that the little one was one of those that were slow to wake, as he was busy with the others. She fell asleep again soon after she was woken and Thorin draped his cloak around her, keeping one hand on the rock Bilbo was carving. Soon Thorin started to stare at the stone in front of him, determination in his eyes and Bilbo carved out a hand, before placing Thorin's free hand in the stone. "Its alright to rest, just think of our children." Bilbo said and Thorin nodded, his eyes closed and he started to snore a moment later, a smile playing across his lips. Bilbo smiled softly, before continuing to work on the children, he split the stone nearly in half, before he carved out the second child's hand, though this child was more of a tween than a child and bound Thorin's hand to it. He smiled as the two boys came to life under his fingertips. Then he frowned when he realized he recognized one from paintings that hung all around Erebor. He woke them both and both boys yawned and stretched.

"Is it time again already? I'm Durin, where's my Father?"

"Your Daddy Thorin is asleep, the carving took a lot out of him, and I'm your Daddy Bilbo." Bilbo said and Durin eyed him, before smiling.

"A hobbit, I've never been born to a hobbit before, this should be interesting."

"And you little one, who are you?" Bilbo asked the child who smiled up at him happily.

"I'm Bilrin." Bilrin said and Bilbo smiled at the child.

"Are these two my only siblings?" Durin interrupted.

"Heavens no, your the eight and ninth children born to us."

"That many?"

"Mahal has given me many blessings, they are all fairly newly carved as you are. Come lets go and meet them."

"What about Daddy Thorin?"
Bilrin demanded and Bilbo smiled softly.

"I'll wake him just long enough for him to join us." Bilbo said and both children nodded, Bilbo picked up the little girl and turned to his sons. "Now which of you would like to walk and who would like to be carried."

"I'll walk." Durin said and Bilbo nodded, he scooped Bilrin up in his arms, before ordering Thorin to follow behind him, keep his eyes open and don't snore. He figured it would be easier than trying to wake the dwarf, but he didn't wish to have Thorin carry one of the children, while he was sleep walking. Bilbo smiled as Durin pulled the cloak over his shoulders and picked up the hem on it. Together they walked back to the gathering, Bilbo smiled at everyone, as they stared at the three children and Thorin, Bilbo ordered Thorin to lie down and put a pillow under the dwarf's head as his eyes closed once more and he started to snore.

"Is that?" Fili asked and Durin smiled.

"Well met, I am Durin, I have returned and I'm hungry." Durin said and Bilbo laughed, for all that he'd lived at least twice by Bilbo's understanding, Durin was still a child.

"Clothes first, then food." Bilbo said and Durin nodded, he dressed himself in some of the clothing Bilbo had been given as Bilbo helped the two other children to put on warm clothing and then assisted them in dressing.

"I'm Freyis, wanna play brother?" Freyis said and Durin smiled at his sister.

"I am tired, I want to sleep after I eat, but then I would like to play." Durin said to Freyis who smiled at her two new brothers and sister.

"Is she sleeping, like I did?"

"Yes little one, you should lie down for a nap as well and sometimes children are tired after being carved." Bilbo said and smiled. "I'm sleepy too, carving is tiring." Bilbo said and turned to Fili. "Will you wake all of us before sunset?"

"Of course." Fili said and Bilbo nodded, eating his own hand pies and trying to make sure that his children didn't get too messy when eating theirs.

"Would you like me to braid your hair?" Bilbo offered both his newly carved sons and both nodded. Bilbo braided back Durin's hair into a warrior's braid and Bilrin's hair into a simple child's braid, he then turned his attention towards their sister, doing the same child's braids, before he yawned and picked several pillows and a large blanket. He fell asleep with his children surrounding him and a smile on his face.

Fili woke him near sunset and Bilbo smiled when he saw that Thorin was already standing by the fire, a mug of ale in his hand. Bilbo then woke his children, asking them if they would like to stay up a bit, or go back to sleep. He was surprised when everyone wanted to the join the celebration, but pleased. "What is your name little one?" He asked his daughter and she smiled.

"Iris." She said and Bilbo smiled.

"Now that's a pretty flower, for a pretty little lass." Bilbo said and smiled softly, before he stood in front of the fire and saw that the all father bread and tea had been made, he smiled fondly at everyone gathered by the bonfire. "On this second day, we thank the all father, for his many blessings, for his was the hand that shaped us and his is the voice that guides us. On this day we celebrate all children born or crafted in the last year and ask that he reveal their true names to their parents, so that families might be reunited in the afterlife and so that parents may know their children. Come forth young ones and receive the names the All Father whispered to you as you slept in stone." Bilbo said and the children stood beside him, Bilbo smiled softly and started with his oldest children, smearing the stone on his forehead and cheeks, making the rune for blessing and the warrior's rune on his daughter's forehead. "Do not touch your face, as the All Father needs to see that you are marked and loved by this community." Bilbo told the children, continued down the line, until he marked his newly carved children and smiled softly. "All Father please accept these children as your children and claim and watch over them, from this day until they come again into your halls." Bilbo said and tossed the bowl on the fire before lighting it. It flashed blue and purple, then the All Father spoke to him, telling him his children's hidden names. Those names would be shared with them once they reached their majority, but for now they were his secret to keep, as their more submissive parent. It felt nice to know who his children were, to their very cores and Bilbo smiled. "Mahal has accepted his sacrifice and blessed the children with his protection, all praise is to Mahal our father and protector of our people."

"All praise is to Mahal, the father and protector of our people." Everyone repeated and Bilbo smiled.

"Now lets eat and drink, there's plenty of food and drink to be shared." Bilbo said and smiled as the children lined up. "No more than two cups of the miner's friend or four cups of ale until your of age Durin." Bilbo said.

"That's not enough to get drunk on, everyone else let me drink as I wished."

"Yes well Durin, you're my child this go around and I'm not letting you get sick off of drink. Frerin drank too much last night and he was miserable, weren't you lad?" Bilbo demanded and Frerin looked from his father to Durin and back again.

"Durin may know his limits better than I did."

"I don't care, you are still tweens, and you won't be drinking as much as you like until you can grow a proper beard at the very least. If you get three sheets to the wind, you won't only have a hangover tomorrow you'll have me waking your asses up near dawn so you can go scrub pots in the kitchens and help gather firewood."

"You would have me do such menial work?" Durin demanded and Bilbo stood toe to toe with the tween.

"Yes if you don't obey me, I'm your Daddy, like it or not and you will obey me when it comes to your well being young man, or you will find yourself scrubbing pots." Bilbo replied and Durin glowered at him, a glower Bilbo returned in full.

"Daddy Bilbo is scary when he's mad." Iris said and Bilbo smiled gently, turning from Durin to his daughter.

"I would never harm any of you lass, but your brother needs to learn not to try to cross me." Bilbo stated and kissed her on the forehead. "Now get your food now, so we don't cause anymore of a scene than we have already." Bilbo said and Durin grumbled, before taking his place in line, Bilbo nodded and turned his back on the dwarrow walking towards then end of the line and seeing the looks on the other dwarves stunned faces. "He's a tween, reborn dwarf or no and he needs to know some things aren't acceptable." Bilbo stated flatly, crossing his arms and jutting out his chin, as he waited at the back of the line. He was given a jug of miner's friend, which he took several long swallows from, before passing it back up the line. He drank again when the jug was passed back down, he'd have to brew more tomorrow as he doubted that the rest would last the night. When he saw that Frerin and Durin were sharing a jug between them, Bilbo glared and marched over to both boys.

"We haven't even had three cups." Frerin protested and Bilbo glared down at them, taking both boys by the ear. "Ow!" Frerin protested and Durin glared at Bilbo.

"If you can't obey me, then you don't get to join in tonight's celebration, its a shame to be sure, but I'm not having you get sick from drink boys." Bilbo said and marched them up to the royal quarters, as they both cursed at him and Bilbo glared at them in return. They didn't want to hurt him, Bilbo knew that by reading their minds, they just wanted to drink their fill, which Bilbo refused to allow, as they would be sick and miserable once they woke up the next morning. He marched them off into a corner, where he ordered them to both eat and sleep after they had finished their plates, not caring about how rude it was to command another to do things they didn't wish to do. Bilbo then returned to the back of the line. "Not a word." Bilbo said flatly his eyes gleaming with anger at his foolish sons, he hated it when his children were sick and he wouldn't allow them to make themselves sick, not when they were barely more than tweens. Bilbo filled his plate and ate his food, before gathering two blankets and pillows and smiling softly when he saw both boys asleep, their heads touching their chests, their plates empty of food. Bilbo gently took the plates and stacked them, before he laid each of his sons down, put a pillow under their heads and covered them both with the blankets. "Sleep well." He said kissing both of their foreheads. He then walked back to the gathering and smiled at the remaining children. "Now why don't you try to find your presents?" Bilbo said to the children and smiled at how his own children's piles had gotten smaller and there were more the sixty crudely wrapped packages. He waited until everyone else was done and then stopped as he heard a scream, followed by another cry and Bilbo ran back to both boys, waking them both and holding them as they sobbed in his arms. "Its alright, its alright, your alright, nothing is going to hurt you now." Bilbo wished that he could promise the boys that forever, but they were both warriors and he couldn't promise that they would never be harmed. "Why didn't you tell me that you were having nightmares."

"Usually they aren't so bad." Frerin said shaking still and clutching at his stomach, as Durin's hand went to his heart, feeling that the skin was whole seemed to reassure both boys. Bilbo smiled at both of them.

"Come and sit by me, I'll sing you some silly songs and you can drink a bit more of the miner's friend and open your gifts. Your nightmares were enough punishment and I'll make sure you won't have them as long as I live." Bilbo promised, and touched his head to each of his lads. He then stood and put his arms around both of them, holding each close as they walked back to the gathering.

"There's no shame to warrior's dreams lads." Dwalin said gruffly, before passing them the bottle.

"Would you like to try some orange juice in it?" Bilbo asked and both his sons nodded, he was passed a half empty bottle of orange juice, which Bilbo filled with miner's friend. "We'll share it between the three of us, I'm not leaving your side until you stop shaking." Bilbo promised and they both nodded. "When I have a bad dream, I tell myself stories, it helps the bad memories go away. I could tell you a story about your Daddy Thorin and Uncles if you like." Bilbo offered and both of his lads nodded, he launched into the tale of the trolls and soon he had them laughing. Bilbo smiled, not releasing his hold on them, until he was sure that they were alright. "Now why don't you open your presents?" Bilbo asked and realized that none of the children had opened their gifts. The other boys got up and found their own gifts, piling them, before sitting back down next to Bilbo.

"We'll sit here." Frerin said and Bilbo nodded.

"Would you like me to braid your hair?" Bilbo asked and Frerin nodded eagerly, he also undid the braids he'd done on Durin's hair and ran his fingers through the hair of both his boys. He hummed softly as he did so, an old dwarven lullaby that his Grandfather used to sing and he found comforting. Soon several others joined in and Durin started to sob. Bilbo stopped braiding and gently rubbed Durin and Frerin's backs continuing to hum, as he drank occasionally from the miner's friend and passed it to the boys. "Anymore and you will be sick on top of everything else." Bilbo said.

"I just want to pass out and not think for a time." Durin said and started crying.

"I could make you sleep, without dreams if that is what you want." Bilbo offered softly and Durin nodded, Bilbo ordered his son to sleep dreamlessly, he felt Durin collapse against him and smiled softly at the tween.

"I want to stay awake for a while longer, I think I'll be able to enjoy the celebration." Frerin said and Bilbo nodded, he continued to card his hand through Frerin's hair, as Durin's head lulled on his chest, Bilbo smiled softly and gently moved Durin so he was lying across Bilbo's and Frerin's laps. Thorin got the presents for Bilbo and Frerin and they both unwrapped them when it was their turn. Bilbo smiled at the large variety of books he received and thanked everyone, his favorites were the recipe and children's adventure stories. Several gifts were from the Company however, a new scabbard for Sting, a set of bell hair clasps that chimed when he walked. Some pastries and other foods, as well as a set of new knives which were clearly from Thorin. Bilbo smiled at the elaborate knives and the bag they had come in.

"Thank you for this courting gift my love, I hope you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine." Bilbo said and Thorin actually blushed slightly. Bilbo smiled softly and set the knives to the side and then came the more raunchy presents. Frerin looked confused at several of them and Bilbo felt that he might be a bit too young for this part of the festival, but if he wanted to stay that was his business. Bilbo drank a fair amount of miner's friend to gather his courage before tearing off the wrapping on his first gift. He grinned when he saw the sashes filled with copper coins. "Do you mind if I get up?" Bilbo asked and Frerin shook his head. Bilbo smiled and gently moved out from under Durin. He then put on the sashes, one by one over his clothes and used the castanets to go along with them. He braided back his hair in the traditional style of dance and started to dance in a slow circle. People stared at him in shock as he continued to dance around the fire laughing and moving in the slow rhythm the dance was meant to be danced to at first. Then he sped it up whirling past Thorin and dropping the scarves as he did so, teasing the dwarf and laughing as he blushed as well. He was skilled at dancing the dance of coins, his second had made sure of that, coming for two years from Rhun, when he was an awkward and shy tween. She helped to bring him out of his shell and promised her Uncle that she wouldn't tell the rest of the family where he had settled, until Bilbo was ready to reveal his existence to them. She was a well known courtesan and she had taught Bilbo some of the submissive arts and the movements of the fans dwarven submissives could choose to use to communicate. Bilbo laughed as he continued to whirl around the fire, enjoying the freedom of the dance, until he was left without scarves and was smiling from ear to ear.

"That was amazing Bilbo." Balin said and Bilbo winked at Thorin.

"I might very well have to send a letter to my cousins in Rhun." Bilbo said.

"I don't think I'd survive such a letter." Thorin said and Bilbo laughed again.

"I might be horrible at dwarven politics, but I know most of the submissive arts and dances, but I'm only ever going to strip for you." Bilbo said pointedly and Thorin blushed, Bilbo smiled and sat back down, taking the coin sashes with him and laughed at Frerin's expression. "It's just dancing my boy." Bilbo said.

"That wasn't dancing, it was too sexual for that." Frerin said and Bilbo laughed again.

"I'd offer to teach you, but you don't seem to be a submissive." Bilbo said and his child laughed as well. When it came to be Bilbo's turn again, he smiled when he saw the tiny beads and blushed slightly.

"Someone's mixed up hair beads." Frerin said and Bilbo shook his head.

"No they haven't lad, these beads are for, more sensitive areas." Bilbo said and Frerin's eyes widened a look of disgust and interest crossing his face at the same time.

"I think that I might not be ready for this, I'll go off and someone can get me, before I embarrass everyone with my questions and comments."

"Its normal for you to start to get interested in this, I started to at your age, its perfectly natural, your body is changing into that of an adult dwarrow and there are certain things that come along with those changes. If your feeling uncomfortable, you may of course leave, but you can stay as well and I don't think anyone would mind your questions. They were young dwarrows too once after all." Bilbo said to his son and Bilbo laughed when Dwalin was given a set of piercings and cock rings and he had to explain the purpose of them to Frerin. Several of the Company was blushing by the end, including Ori, Fili and Kili and Balin, as well as Dwalin and Frerin. His Aunt had taught Bilbo about such things, but he blushed easily and hearing Dwalin talk about the uses of dick piercings and rings was awkward.

Then Frerin asked about the notched stones a miner received and Bilbo laughed at Thorin's trying to explain it to the boy, as many in the circle blushed at the explanations.

"Well he's getting an education tonight." Balin said and Bilbo grinned.

"Aye, that's why we save the more sexual gifts until later and take them back with us at the end of the night. Its better for questioning tweens to learn these things from their community, than trying to muddle about on their own." Bilbo said and Balin laughed. Bilbo was the one to be questioned next, as he received several sets of nipple clamps.

"Some people like to stimulate their nipples, or have their lover's nipples be stimulated." Bilbo said. "If you make a set of these, be sure to not clamp them anywhere other than your nipples, because that's really quite unpleasant. I made the mistake of trying it in a phase of experimentation and lets just say it took a day for my voice to stop squeaking and a week for me to stop limping. So nipple clamps are good on nipples, but I suggest you don't clamp it anywhere else." Bilbo said and blushed scarlet, he was very glad when it was someone else's turn to open a gift. The rest of the gifts were things Bilbo often received at Midwinter festivals. Frerin did ask a lot more questions, which everyone took it turn to answer and Bilbo laughingly grabbed Thorin's hands when everyone had opened their gifts and took the submissive part to a traditional dwarven stomping dance, which was common throughout the dwarven kingdoms. He laughed along as he stomped with Thorin, whirling his arms out to the side and bringing them back in. He loved to dance and he enjoyed the many types of dances he knew.

"If your Aunt was a Blacklock, do you know the other dances?" Someone asked.

"I do, I had a very through teacher. Would you be wanting to dance something in particular?"

"I'd like to dance a Blacklock line dance."

"Well first we'll need to hide away anything sexual, the children will likely wake once they hear the drums, Frerin and Durin may be old enough to be exposed to some things, but I don't believe that the others are ready quite yet." Bilbo said and the others nodded, he took the sexual gifts he'd been given back to his quarters and returned, braiding his hair into the Blacklock style, which was best for these dances. He grinned when he saw the line and drummers.

"You can take the lead first." Someone said and Bilbo nodded, taking the golden chain someone passed him and holding it in his free hand, as the drumming started. He yelled and laughed as the children woke and stared at everyone dancing around the fire. Bilbo waved them over, as he continued to dance.

"MAKE YOUR OWN CIRCLE AND CROSS ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER, FOLLOW THE LEADER." Bilbo said and soon the children were giggling lining up in front of the older Blacklock dwarrows. Bilbo smiled, he'd only danced these dances with his Took cousins before in Took Hall. He laughed as his hair bounced along in time with the music, bringing forth his free hand and clapping it against Freyis' who was leading the laughing children. They danced several more dances in this manner, before someone called for the high stepping style favored by dwarves descended from the Line of Durin. Bilbo laughed as he danced around the Company, hobbit had their own dances which were very similar, and so he always incorporated elements of both styles into his dancing. Everyone danced this form of high step, but there were other forms that called for submissives and dominants to dance separately. Someone called out a switch in forms and Bilbo explained to the children what that meant. He quickly buttoned up a kilt that was in the pattern of the Line of Durin. Some dwarves chose to show the colors of the ancestor they were decided from and Bilbo had a fondness for the Durin colors. He took off his pants a moment later and laughingly started high stepping, dancing without pants to a high step was always a challenge, but it was one that Bilbo loved and from the look in Thorin's eyes, he loved it as well. Bilbo laughed enjoying sexually teasing his One, when he was surrounded by their children and couldn't do a dammed thing about it. The second night was always one of laughter merriment and increased sexual drive, the third made the first two seem tame in comparison. Bilbo laughed his hair bouncing about as he danced around Thorin.

"Doin' the high step with anything underneath, you are a talented dancer Bilbo, I wouldn't be so certain of my skills." Bofur said and Bilbo laughed swinging an arm around his friend.

"I've danced in shorter kilts then these my friend, this is a long one, it covers my knees, the only way it would flip up is if I were to do this." Bilbo said and gave a brief glimpse of his thighs laughing.

"How much drink have you drunk."

"Enough and its the festival, you shouldn't be worried about propriety at such a time, that's for the rest of the year, festival days are when we drop such niceties." Bilbo said and said niceties like it was a curse, Bofur laughed.

"Your saucier than a miner's daughter." Bofur said and Bilbo laughed.

"Only when I want to be." He said and scooped up a jug of miner's friend dancing as he drank. Everyone stared and Bilbo smiled at them, as he danced laughing.

"The festival is about breaking barriers, forgetting the social niceties and simply being yourself. If you want to take part, loosen up a bit." Bilbo said and grinned, before dancing around Thorin. Someone called for couple's dances next and Bilbo happily let Thorin draw him in against his body.

"You hobbit will be the death of me, I'm as hard as a rock." Thorin whispered and Bilbo laughed.

"What a way to go, the night isn't over yet, there's no reason why we can't spend it in more pleasurable ways."

"I would have you sober, when I take you again."

"I'm not that drunk, I'm not slurring my words and I want you." Bilbo said and smiled at him, he knew that Thorin would never hurt him again, because the dwarf had offered to let him read his mind any time Bilbo chose. He smiled at Thorin and Thorin nodded.

"Then lets go to my bedchamber." Thorin said and Bilbo grinned, taking Thorin's hand and running down the halls once they got out of sight of everyone. Thorin laughed as well, his face lighting in a smile, as Bilbo opened the door to their quarters. Bilbo smiled as he unbuttoned his shirt, removing it entirely, Thorin groaned and practically threw Bilbo onto the bed, Bilbo squealed and then laughed, before groaning as Thorin's mouth found his nipples and Thorin's hands went to his shirt stripping it off, his pants following soon after. "Get on your knees." Thorin said and Bilbo whimpered as Thorin stuck his fingers into Bilbo's asshole with one hand and stroked him with the other. Soon Bilbo was stretched and Thorin added oil to his shaft and Bilbo's entrance. He then plunged himself into Bilbo with a muffled cry, Bilbo smiled and moved his ass against Thorin in time with his thrusts, all the while Thorin stroked his shaft. Bilbo bucked against Thorin crying out and making little mewling noises, as he came. Thorin took Bilbo's hips in his hands then, but kept the much more gentler rhythm than what Bilbo remembered of the dwarf. Thorin went stiff several minutes later, giving a cry and collapsing on top of Bilbo, his own release having taken the last vestiges of his energy with it.

Bilbo laughed as he was squished by Thorin's dead weight and ordered the dwarf off of him. Thorin rolled off and started to snore like a Stoor stewing in ale. Bilbo laughed again and a moment later he ordered Thorin to stand, the dwarf did so, swaying on his feet, snoring loud enough to wake the dead. Bilbo quickly moved the blankets and got Thorin back in bed, pulling them around both Thorin and himself. He smiled as he laid his head on Thorin's chest and Thorin's arm came around him. Regardless of how deeply asleep he was, Thorin would always wrap one arm around Bilbo when they had started courting on the quest. That had stopped with the gold madness, but Bilbo hoped that he could have more nights like this, he hoped that he would be able to fully trust Thorin again. Both for their relationship and the sake of their children. Bilbo closed his eyes and fell asleep with a satisfied smile on his face.