It had been nearly a week since Hiro met his new girlfriend, Honey Lemon and was told by his older brother that he needs to think of a great invention to get into the school that would allow him to spend more time with her. But he still couldn't think of anything as he laid back in his chair and placed his hands behind his head as he looked up at the ceiling as he could hear a knock on the door, but he didn't pay it no mind when his aunts voice could be heard.
"Hiro, there's some one here for you." she called out to him and he let out a sigh as eh kicked himself from the desk and stood up as he stretched out his arms.
"Coming." he said as he walked through the door and headed down the stairs to were the living room was, and then went down the second set of stairs that lead to the front door and bakery as he looked at the door. SMiling wide as he saw it was Honey Lemon and she smiled back at him. She saw them smiling at each other and then looked around for a few moments.
"Oh, I think I hear the oven is beeping." his aunt said as she smiled and left them alone, walking away as Hiro turn to see if she was near before stepping closer and she did too, kissing as they held the other close to them for a few minutes until they pulled away.
"I missed you so much." Honey said as she smiled at her and looked at him as he looked back at her, looking t her in her normal clothes of a yellow dress with white leggings. and high heels as she stood in front of him.
"Same here." He said smiling as he stepped closer and leaned up, kissing her on the lips gently as she slowly kissed him back. Hiro placed his hands on her hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck as they continued to kiss for few moments before pulling away, looking into each others eyes as he said, "I love you so much."
"I love you too." She said as she looked back into his blue eyes as they remained in place, holding each other for a few more moments until she pulled away. Blushing hard as she looked down to her hand, which were placed in front of her as she askes, "Ummm, h-how is your invention coming?" He let out a long sigh and looked around the room for a minute as he thought over what he should tell his girlfriend as he decided to tell her after a long time thinking it over.
"I'm having a major block and can't get an idea no matter how hard I try." he said as he sat on the steps and looked at his feet as he was at a lost on what he should do next as Honey looked at him with concern as she saw he was down on his luck. After thinking of an idea, she looked down at him as se stepped forward and leaned forward, placing her hand on his should, which caused him to look up at her.
"I know what you need that will help you clear you mind." she said smiling as she looked down at him and seeing her sweet smile and he smiled back at her as she added, "You relax for half an hour and then meet me outside." After saying that, she turned around and headed out of the house, leaving Hiro smiling as he sat on the couch and waited for her to do the thing she was planning. After waiting for half an hour, Hiro stepped outside and looked around to see if he could find Honey Lemon any. When he didn't, he stepped off of the stair and looked closer for any sign of her, but he still didn't see anything of hers when he suddenly saw a note by the steps that had his name in it. Smiling, he took the note and opened it to read it.
"Dear Hiro, Come to the gurage and prepair for fun." It read as he smiled and began to head towards the gurage and looked inside smiling wide as he saw Honey Lemon standing next to a table with a few burgers on it with fries and shakes as she was smiling at him.
"So, you ready to eat?" She asked him smiling as he looked at her, noticing that she had her hands begin her back and she was rocking on the balls of her feet as she looked at him. He smiled as he walked up to her and kissed her on the nose, leaning on his toes to do so as he pulled away from her.
"Sure am, Honey." He said as she blushed and giggled as Hugo stepped away from her, and walked over to the other side and pulled out a seat for her.
"Oh, why thank you." She said smiling as she took a few steps and say down in the chair he had pulled out for her. He then pushed it in for her and walked over to the other side as he sat across from her while looking into her lovely green eyes. She giggled as she looked back into his eyes as she, "I hope you like the food."
"Oh, yes." He said as he picked up a fry, dipped it into some ketchup and then took a bite as he said, "As long as I'm with you, anything would be the best." She giggled as she ate some of her own food and they enjoyed each others company. As they ate, Hiro noticed some ketchup on her cheek as he took his finger and wiped it from her cheek, licking it from his finger as he smiled and she smiled back at him. They continued to eat their meal when she saw him and saw his face was covered his ketchup, making her giggle as she reached out her hand and took some of the ketchup from his cheek. He opened his eyes as she slowly licked her fingers ass eh looked at him with she had ketchup on them. He blushed hard as he smiled and giggled himself as he ate more of his food.
"This is wonderful." he said smiling as she giggled and they continued to eat their food as they enjoyed the others company as soon, they were finished as they were wiping their faces as he said, "That was a wonderful meal."
"Oh, we're not done yet." she said smiling as he was confused as he got up and walked towards the fridge as she turned to looked at him and winked as she said, "Now, close your eyes." He smiled as he closed his eyes and waited as he heard her do something, fighting not to open his eyes to look and see what she was doing as he wanted her to surprise him. After waiting for a few minutes and fighting his urge to open his eyes to see what she was doing, he heard a loud thud hit the table which was quickly followed by her voice as she said, "Okay, open your eyes." Hiro opened his eyes and was shocked to see a large bowl, filled with ice cream along with everything that could possibly be put on it to make it taste better then how it already tasted.
"Whoa, is this all for me to eat?" he asked with a wide smiled on his face as he looked at the treat and his mouth watered, Hiro might have been a genius, but he was still young and he still loved having some ice cream time to time.
"Nope." she said as he looked at her confused as to why she would place a bowl of ice cream in front of him and to not want him to eat it. He got his answer when she smiled at him and revealed two spoons in her hand. He smiled bigger then before as she handed him his spoon as she sat down in her chair and the two of them began to eat their ice cream together. But after a few bites of the treat, Honey looked at him and a thought popped in her own genius head as she stood up suddenly. Doing this made Hiro look up at her and wondered what could have made her stand up, but he couldn't ask since he had his mouth full. She just looked at him for a few minutes and smiled as him as she walked over to him, and sat in his lap. He grunted as he looked at her while she wrapped her right arm around him as she said, "There we go, much more comfy/"
"Yep, and a better view." he said smiling as he looked up at her and then took a spoon of their treat, but he offered it to her. She giggled as she saw what he wanted to do and took the bite as she took a spoon full herself and offered it to him as he smiled, taking the bite as they continued to feed each other bites of the treat. Honey giggled as she took a spoon full and offered it to him when it slipped from the spoon, causing it to fall onto her dress and she gasped as she felt how cold it was. Hiro saw it laying on her chest and he smiled wide before leaning forward, placing a kiss on her chest as he cleaned it up from her shirt and making her giggled as she looked down at him as he did that.
"Oh, the tickles." she said smiling as she placed her spoon on the table and wrapped her arms around his head, pulling him into a deep hug as he continued to kiss her chest through her dress. After a few minutes, she let him go and he smiled as he took hold of the rim of her shirt. She giggled as she watched him wait for her to give him the okay and so she lifted her arms above her head. He took the hint and pulled it up, over her head as he looked at her chest. She smiled as she sat on his lap with her shirt off and letting him soak in her lovely skin as she asked, "What are you thinking about doing next?" He answered her as he took a spoon of ice cream and dropped it onto her bare chest, causing her gasp and shiver from feeling the cold treat land on her chest. He then leaned forward and began to kiss her chest while also licking it, making her giggle as she felt his tongue run across her skin and collect the sweet treat from her chest. Once he cleaned all of her chest from the ice cream, she got off his lap and looked down at him as she smiled wide as he looked back at her, giving her the same smiled at she leaned forward. They then kissed lovingly a nd held each other close as she pulled away and asked, "Want more ice cream?"
"Oh, yeah." he said as he stood up and placed his hands on her hips, helping her to sit on part of the table and he began to pull her leggings down. She giggled as she helped him remove her leggings and then sat there in her undies with high heels still on. He smiled as he began to kiss her thigh slightly before pulled back and started to pull her undies down, which made her giggle as she was now nude for a boyfriend as he looked at her hot body while picking up the bowl of ice cream and he slowly began to pour it all over her body. Honey gasped and shivered as felt the cold treat run over her body, and watched as it covered herself as Hiro just looked at her in aw while licking his lips.
"Enjoy." she said smiling as she looked at him and looked back at her as he kissed her real quick before slowly going down her body, licking up all the ice cream as she moaned slightly from feeling his tongue run over her body. He licked her chest clean and then went lower to her belly button, licking all the ice cream around it before finally moving down to look at her pussy lips before he slowly started to lick the ice cream from it, causing her to gasp and arch her back as she petted her head while he licked her a little deeper. He placed his hand onto her hips and pushed his tongue deep as he back arched hard while she placed both of her hands on his head as she got closer with each of his licks. Hiro felt her getting closer and so licked her even faster then before and looked up at her as she screamed in pleasure before she suddenly cums all over his face, which he licked up and then sat up as he licked his lips while looking at her.
"That was a great desert." he said smiling as she panted heavily and he looked at her lying on the table when he suddenly got an idea, gasping as he stood up before he said, "That's it."
"What's it?" she asked him as she looked up from the table, still panting hard from it and smiled as she saw him looking at her with the biggest smile on his face.
"I know what I need to do to get into the school." he said as he kissed her on the lips and headed back into the house, leaving her on the table smiling as she watched him leave.
To Be Continued.