Hey, King Spike Rules and here is a request from my good friend Lexboss.

Chapter 1: Love at First Sight.

The moon was high in the skies above the large city of San Frantokyo as many of the city's residents were either relaxing at home with their loved ones or out with them in the city streets. Speaking of the streets, two young men were driving through the street heading to building near the town on a scooter. They were brothers Hiro and Tadashi, who had just escaped angry robot fighters a few hours ago and where now off heading to one of their's school. The older one was smiling as he pulled over his scooter in front of the building and began to get off.

"What? Why did you bring me to your nerd school?" Hiro asked as he took off his helmet and looked up at the large, high tech building.

"I just need to pick up something and then we can head off to your fight. " Tadashi said smiling as he walked up the stairs to the front door and Hiro let out an annoyed groan while hopping off of the scooter, following him inside the building. Once inside, the duo were surrounded by a lot of high tech machinery and inventions that could help all of mankind. But the thing Hiro first notice that really confused him was a young lady around his brothers age wearing nothing except a t-shirt and white panties standing next to a horse. She was petting it's head and smiled as she lead it to another room.

"Ummm, what is she doing with that horse?" Hiro asked as he looked form the girl to his brother, who was blushing slightly and couched a little into his hand as he looked away form the girl.

"It's best not to ask and move on." Tadashi said a she walked on with his brother as Hiro's looked back at the room the girl had just walked into and saw that it was now closed. He turned back to his brother and followed him, ignoring any thought of what was happening in that room. After that, the duo entered a room and Hiro was amazed at all of the tech he could see. He began to walk around the room until a tall guy put his hand out.

"Stop, behind the yellow line please." he said as he Hiro did while he turned on a green laser, surprising Hiro as the guy picked up an apple and tossed it at him while saying, "Here, catch." The apple was suddenly sliced to pieces as Hiro caught one.

"Great job Wasabi." Tadashi said smiling as Hiro was smiling while looking at the thin piece of apple.

"Look out." a voice called out as he and Tadashi turned around to see a tall girl with long blonde hard, round glasses, bright green eyes, and a yellow hair bray as she wear a long sleeved yellow shirt, tight white leggings, and yellow high heels. She pushed a large ball of carbon into a spot and she smiled as the duo walked over to her.

"Oh, Tadashi. This must be Hiro." she said smiling as she took his hand and shook it as Hiro stared at her, smiling as he blushed slightly.

"T-that's a lot of carbon." he said as he looked at the large ball, but continued to turn his glances at her as she began to explain what she was doing with a large table full of beakers and other stuff as a small ball appeared.

"And then heat it to 9000 degrees." she yelled out as she took out a blow torch and blasted the ball until It turned pink. She then smiled as she took the ball and walked over tot he carbon with safety goggles on as she dropped it onto the it, turning it all into a bright pink color.

"W-wow, it's really...pink." he said smiling as she looked at him excited before she gently reached out and touched it, causing it to burst in a cloud of pink dust. "Whoa." was all he could say as she nsmiled at him with the pink dust all over her.

"I know right?" she asked as Tadashi told her good bye with the brothers walking into Tadashi's office. A little while later, the brothers were walking out of the school when Hiro stopped in his tracks.

"Hold on a second bro." Hiro said as he ran back into the school as Tadashi smiled, leaning against the scooter.

Hiro walked through the halls of the school as he remembered where he was going. He saw the doors that lead to the room that held the who he was looking for. He opened the doors and saw Honey Lemon calmly brushing the dust from her top. He smiled as he looked at her for a few moments before closing the doors, which made a loud spam and she turned around to see who it was.

"Oh, Hiro." She said as she let out a sign of relief after seeing who it was and asked, "Was it something you needed." He just smiled as he took her hand, and then pulled her into the closet. After shutting the door behind him, he placed his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes lovingly. She looked back at him for few moments before he suddenly leaned forward and kissed her on the lips, shocking her for a few seconds be she wrapped her arms around him and kissed her back.

"I've loved you from the moment I met you." Hiro said as pulled away from her and she smiled back at him as she looked him back in the eyes.

"H-Hiro I-." she tried to say, but he began to kiss again fro a few moments before he picked up and placed her on the counter whiling kissing her neck, and then he moved down her neck and she moaned as she leaned back as he began to lift her dress. She helped him remove her blouse and then her bra as went back to kissing her chest as he moved down her body, and then he reached her bellybutton. He kissed it a few times before he pulled her leggings and undies down, revealing her pussy lips to him. He smiled as he leaned forward and began to lick her pussy lips, causing Lemon to moan out loud and hold his head in place while arching her back as she felt his tongue enter her pussy. She continued to moan out loud for a few minutes before cumming all over his face and the floor. He happily licked up her juices before he stood up and undid his pants to release his cock, which was a little big for his age and she smiled as he took the cock in hand.

"Here we go." he said as e slowly pushed his cock tip into her pussy and watched as she moaned out loud as it disappeared inside her. She moaned as he pulled out a little bit before then thrusting back into her pussy as she wrapped her legs around him and held him close as he continued to thrust into her pussy a little harder as she bounced back to match his thrusting. They both moaned out loud as she was enjoying him thrusting into her pussy and he loved the sound of her pleasured moans coming from her as he continued to thrust into her pussy a little harder and faster for a few moments before she screamed out loud again while she came around his cock. He moaned out loud too as he forced his cock into her womb and began to cum inside it as the two held each other while being lost in their pleasure high. A little bit later, after they had came down from their high, Lemon was putting on her dress as she looked at Hiro blushing.

"Ummm, H-Hiro?" she called out to him and he turned to look at her as she continued, "I loved you from first sight too." She blushed and smiled as he smiled back at her while she started to put her leggings on.

"Wait." he said as she stopped and looked at him as e walked over, took the leggings in hand along with her undies, and threw them both away in the trash before lighting them on fire. He then cut her dress in half so s was bottomless. She giggled as she put them on and could nearly see her pussy he said, "Perfect out fit, Girlfriend."

"Thanks, boyfriend." she said smiling as they kissed one more time before he walked out of the closet with her in hand with every one gasping as they saw her bottomless. She blushed and giggled as he kissed her cheek real quick and then began to head back out when he saw Go Go again. Her hair was a mess and she was still in her robe as she was writing something down, and it was then that he saw a lot of white stuff running down her legs. His eyes widen and he quickly walked past her as walked out the door, and saw his brother still waiting for him.

"So, have you made up your mind yet?" Tadashi asked him smiling as he looked at his brother.

"I have to go to this school." he said smiling back at his brother and they put on their helmets as they headed back home, where Tadashi had to show him what he needed to do.