The team enjoyed the cake Hunk made, Lance was especially grateful, of course.
"How did you find the Red Velvet?" Lance asked before taking a bite. The ingredients seemed so Earth-like, he was surprised he was even able to make it.
"Remember that store with all the Earth stuff? The one we got Kaltenecker and that game from?" Hunk answered around a full mouth, "I asked him where he gets all of it. Basically went on a scavenger hunt for it all."
Lance laughed, "well, thanks for going through all the trouble. I really appreciate it but you didn't have to."
"Of course we did," Pidge chimed in with a smile.
"We know how much you miss your family on Earth, Lance," *Allura walked up, her face filled with genuine care. If anyone related to Lance it was her. Pidge's family was somewhere out in space, reachable if lost. Keith didn't really have a family and Hunk...well he never brought it up. Neither did Coran. But Allura, Allura understood the feeling of never being able to truly see them...even if it was less absolute when it came to Lance," *It's important that you get to have as much of Home as you can, even if it's just a taste of...Red Velvet."
The others nodded in agreement. Lance looked over to Keith, catching the Red Paladin staring. Lance smiled at him, somehow it felt like Keith was the one behind it.
"You know it was your boyfriend's idea," Pidge teased, causing the two boys to blush.
"Wh-" Lance stuttered, not knowing how to come back from that. The rest of the team laughed, the couple looking away in embarrassment.
"We heard everything. Every word," Hunk laughed, gently nudging his friend, "I told you so, bro, but you kept denying it."
Allura smiled, "I'm happy for you two."
"Yeah I bet you're super relieved, princess," Pidge snickered, "no more flirting for you, loverboy. It's all Keith now."
"Oh, will you guys shut it? We never even-" Keith spouted, before stopping himself. He wasn't sure how to finish that sentence. Again, he was very bad at just...human stuff in general.
Lance stared at him as if trying to finish the sentence in his head. He frowned, taking a breath before smiling again as he came up with his response, "I wouldn't mind being tied down."
"Ooh-oh!" Hunk exclaimed, grinning. He was obviously enjoying this.
"Smooth, Lance," Pidge muttered. keith stared at him, almost as if trying to figure out what that meant. After a while he just flushed and looked away, "just eat your damn cake...we can talk about it later. In private."