Thanks to all of you for reading and reviewing. It was fun. I went outside my comfort zone and I am happy how it turned out. I CANNOT say enough to Honus47 for stepping in to edit and making the journey so much fun. You are the best Joni!
Until next time!
As Kensi and Deeks walked to the camp infirmary, Kensi's mind wandered back to the bathroom and when she was cleaning herself up. As disheveled as her hair was and how dirty she was, the look on her husband's face had made her blush. The look was total reverence and, she thinks to herself, that she sees that very same look a lot when they're alone. She never once saw that look on Jacks face when they were engaged. The next thing she knows they're at the infirmary.
"Agent Blye, Major Morales told us you were on the way. Come with me and we'll get you checked over and take care of those fingers."
As Kensi walked towards the back, Deeks got up to go with her.
The doctor told him, "Sir, I need to check Agent Blye over and you should wait out here."
"Doc, that lady right there is the most important person on the planet to me. She is my everything. At work, she's Agent Blye, but off the clock, she's my wife, Kensi Deeks. While I appreciate your wanting to protect Agent Blye's privacy, the last time I let her out of my sight with someone I was told to trust, she was kidnapped and hurt. So if you think I'm not going back there with her, you are sadly mistaken."
"In that case, come along."
Kensi coyly looked at Deeks and smiled as they followed the doctor to the exam room.
Two hours later they were back in Migs office. Miller was being processed, and all the intel had been transferred to OPS in Los Angeles. Werth had left camp to finish up with Matthews Consulting but promised to be in touch. The four stood together as Morales and Ira apologized again for what happened.
"Marty, I'm sorry. I never should have let Hetty talk me into separating you two. You were right to come and I'm damn glad you did." Morales never wanted anything bad to happen. Deeks, for his part, couldn't stay mad at his friend. They had been through to much together. He knew who ultimately was responsible for this fiasco and he will deal with her later.
Ira continued. "I spoke with Tony Matthews, and you are good to go with his jet." He didn't mention the other arrangements as Deeks wanted to surprise Kensi. But the big surprise was going to be on Marty . . . Mathews is paying for everything in London for having Kensi go through what she did. He thought it was only right. Besides, what else can he spend his money on if not on dear friends? "I will be in Los Angeles at the end of the month. How about we meet up at the quirky place you two like so much. The place where we first met?"
"Neptune's Net?"
"Yeah, that's the place."
Both Deeks and Kensi nodded in agreement. Handshakes and hugs were exchanged and they left.
As they were walking towards the hanger, Deeks leaned into his wife and whispered in her ear. "You trust me?"
"Always" was the quick response. Deeks just smiled and led his wife onboard the jet. He knew Kensi was tired so she would probably drift off to sleep quickly. Once they were in the air, Kensi was asleep beside him. The pilot came back and handed an envelope to him.
Dear Marty,
All the plans you asked for are set at London Hyatt Regency including a spa day for your wife. Looks like a nice place, I should check it out sometime. Enjoy the anniversary trip.
I spoke with Henrietta. While she was not happy about the detour, I suggested to her she would do well to leave you alone for a few days. Given how the mission went, successful, at the end it could have gone the other way. She agreed to wait and speak with you upon your return. As much as I respect her, even the great Henrietta Lange makes mistakes. Enjoy your time but don't let what almost happened ruin a good professional relationship. Of course the door is always open to join my shop should you two change your mind. Also, Elaine said hello and will be in contact when she is in town for baseball.
Be good to each other.
Deeks smiled and realized Ira was right. He will worry about Hetty later. Right now he was going to enjoy taking care of his wife. As he was remembering their last time in London, he drifted off to sleep.
The jet landing jostled Deeks awake. He opened his eyes to the sight of his wife staring at him. He smiled, leaned in, and kissed her. She saw a mischievous spark in his eyes, as he took her hand and held it close. He put his arm around her as she turned into him, resting her head in the crook of his neck and her hand on his chest. She lost track of how much time went by. She loved everything about it: the way he felt so close to her, his familiar scent, the sound of his heartbeat comforting her. She couldn't remember the last time she felt this content, this happy. And it was because of him.
Kensi looked out the window as the jet approached the hanger. She gasped when she recognized the area.
"Are we where I think we are?"
"Where do you think we are Fern?"
"Then I guess we are where you think we are."
Kensi threw herself at her husband. She couldn't believe that they were back here. She loved the last time they were here. They had just rescued Hetty from Romania, they were tired and they were still in the early stages of their relationship. It was a magical time that helped seal their relationship. She often thought about asking Deeks about a return trip and like he always did, he seemed to read her thoughts.
"Happy Anniversary Kens. I can't tell you how much having you in my life has meant to me." Deeks leaned in and kissed her again.
"And you are the best thing that happened to me Deeks!"
The couple gathered up their belongings and thanked the crew. The pilot let them know what time to be back for their return to Los Angeles and to enjoy their time in London.
Kensi giggled as her husband grabbed her hand and announced to her, "Let's go get lost!"
Mr. & Mrs. Deeks were welcomed back by the concierge, David, who actually remembered them from their first trip and congratulated the couple on their marriage. But it was when they checked in that they got the biggest surprise. Their stay, including 2 days at the spa for Kensi, was compliments of their Uncle Jeff Hyman. The couple chuckled to themselves as they remembered that Jeff Hyman was the alias Ira used when they told him they were in on Nate's rescue.
"Uncle Jeff has always been very generous where his favorite niece was concerned." Kensi noticed the pride Deeks always showed when he spoke about his wife. It was one of the many ways she felt loved by him. He was never threatened by her unique skill-set, or skills named "badassery" as he liked to call them. She could be herself and it was freeing. It was what it was that freed her to love Deeks.
"OOOO spa visits! I love Uncle Jeff!" Kensi leaned into Deeks as he filled out the check-in form. Once they got their key card they turned towards the elevator as the concierge accompanied them.
"Mrs. Deeks may I schedule a visit for this afternoon?"
"Yes please. Do you mind hubby?" Kensi lowered her head slightly, looked up through her lashes and batted her eyes at him and smiled.
Deeks looked at his wife and lost all coherent thought. It's funny that she always accused him of using puppy dog eyes but she was just as bad, if not worse. He would do anything she asked of him when she did that.
"Anything for my Princess. In fact, I may actually join you. David, is a couples massage on the menu?"
"Absolutely Mr. Deeks and I will be happy to arrange that for you."
The elevator dinged its arrival. The couple walked in as David bowed slightly and turned back to his desk. Kensi wrapped herself around Deeks and was nibbling on his ear as the door closed. Let the good times roll!
Four days and three glorious nights later, Deeks and Kensi were boarding the Matthews jet to head home. As they got settled in their seats, Kensi leaned over and whispered in her husband's ear.
"Thank you so much for our treat. I've never felt so rested in my life." She then kissed her words and nuzzled into his neck.
Deeks kissed her forehead and settled in. The jets roared to life. They would be home in 11 hours. He was not looking forward to his meeting with Hetty but he has no regrets with what he did. He will always protect his partner and if it means drawing a line in the sand with his career so be it. He has options if it comes to that and he knows Kensi will not only support him but following him to wherever he goes.
Kensi opened her eyes after her nap. She felt her husband slumped against her. Kensi looked around and realized that there was no crew with them, only the pilots up front. She thought to herself and wondered. Kensi leaned in and gently placed kisses along Deeks' jaw working her way to his ear.
"Deeks" She felt him stir.
"Hmm, Kens you okay?" His eyes still close and his voice husky.
"Oh, I'm fine but there is something I always wanted to do but I need your help." She could tell he was still not quite awake.
"Um what? What did you want to do? Whatever it is we can do it when we get home, I promise."
"Actually it's something that can only be done here. I've always wanted to join the Mile High Club." She started to silently count and when she got to ten, Deeks eyes popped open. Kensi giggled as she watched her husband connect the dots. Kensi then slipped from her seat to his lap. Grateful the lights were low in the cabin. They spent the next several hours reaffirming their love to each other and celebrating their partnership. It made for a very enjoyable flight. Kensi knew there would be a battle when they got home but for now they were together, happy and in love and in the end, that was all that mattered.
Kensi was never so grateful to see their home. Their time in Afghanistan was very trying, although the past 4 days were phenomenal. And a pink tinge crept up her neck to her face as she thinks of the plane ride home. Monty was jumping between the two of them, barking excitedly and shaking his body apart trying to catch their attention. As Deeks went through the mail, Kensi started the laundry. She also sent a text to Nell to let them know they were home but asked her to not tell anyone even though she was sure Hetty knew. She invited Nell and Eric over for dinner tonight to catch up on things. Better to know what they were walking into. Deeks walked over to where she was and surrounded her with his arms snuggling up close to her backside. Kensi felt him and decided to wiggle her hips just a tiny bit. Deeks knew right then he had made a mistake as his body responded to her.
"I invited Nell and Eric over for dinner. I thought we should find out what the temperature was in the Mission before we head back."
"That's probably a good idea. I sent messages to Tony and Ira to thank them and I let Migs know we were home. He said we will probably get a subpoena to appear at Miller's court marshal." Deeks was and wasn't looking forward to that. He did not want Kensi to have to go through the ordeal but she was strong and it would allow for closure for the mission. "Now, let's go upstairs and welcome ourselves home."
The next morning they pulled into the mission. Today was the day. The partners sat in their seats staring at the door to the mission.
"You know you have nothing to worry about." Kensi being ever the optimist.
"Easy for you to say, you didn't disobey a direct order."
Kensi knew her husband was a worrier, whether Mercury was in retrograde or not, which it wasn't.
"Well would you rather face Hetty for following me or planning a funeral if you hadn't?"
Deeks just stared at Kensi. And then he smiled.
"You're right. Let's go."
They arrived at their desks. Deeks saw that Hetty was her desk and started towards it. As he arrived he realized he wasn't alone. Since the moment she showed up at his door following the Lazik case, he knew he would never be alone again. But he was not going to let her go down with his ship. This was his fight. He turned to say something but before he could open his mouth, she gave him the look that he had come to know so well. DON'T. EVEN. THINK. ABOUT. IT. He nodded and smiled then turned back toward Hetty.
"Mr. & Mrs. Deeks, welcome back."
"Hetty." They said together.
"Congratulations on successfully completing your mission. It was not quite the way I planned it but nonetheless, stopping Jack Simon was accomplished."
Kensi felt the rise in Deeks' temperature. She placed her hand in the small of his back.
"No Hetty, I am sure it was not the way it was planned. You were perfectly happy to let my wife go off alone. To keep me here. And what happened? She was kidnapped and damm near killed. So explain to me Hetty, why did you think keeping us separate was such a great idea?" His voice had risen to such a level that it actually caught the attention of several folks close by. "I thought you trusted us? How many more times do we have to prove to you that we can work together?" Hetty allowed Deeks to finish and then she did something that she rarely did and then only with Callen.
"You're right Mr. Deeks. I was wrong. My reasons for keeping you back was an error in judgement. You both have more than proven yourselves and I wish I had something more to offer but the mission got in the way of doing what was best for the team, for your partnership. Jack Simon played me in addition to Ira and Owen Granger. I wanted him stopped and was willing to use whatever means necessary. Unfortunately that meant using Kensi as bait and that was wrong." Hetty slumped into her chair. "The problem here Mr. Deeks, is that I forgot why I brought you here to begin with. I forgot how gifted you are. I chastised Sam for underestimating you and I went and did the very same thing. All I can do is to promise you both, I will not make that mistake again."
Deeks had thought he had seen everything. And maybe seeing Henrietta Lange, admitting she was wrong, maybe now he had.
"I am in your debt, both of you."
Kensi nudged her husband. Deeks looked at her, her eyes telling him everything he needed to know.
"Thank you Hetty. I think we can move past this. I have this amazing wife who keeps me grounded and as long as she is by my side, we're good." Kensi smiled at her husband. He was right.
Partners, Couples, Twosome, Husband and Wife.