Prologue- Intertwining Destinies
"You chose this path out of all others….You have chosen to kill...And what of it? To kill under the cover of night….To disrupt our balance…"
A single man stared back at the woman as he looked up at her and smirked.
"You know nothing about me….Because you seek to understand nothing….A power like mine can change a man…." He said.
"And you let that corrupt your soul….? That only shows your weakness I'm afraid…."
"Soul? Perhaps I believe I may have one….But you care not to see if I have one….."
"Only a soulless wretch would commit the atrocities against Pokemon kind…..You deserve no sympathy…."
"You all are all the same. I am as you see fit...a monster driven by the black in his heart….
That's all you can see through the mist over my eyes…"
"You speak nothings….And you will pay for your crimes….Your devil sword shall be broken and sealed forever...So that no human may ever be subject to its temptations….Its temptation to kill. And your evil intent with it…." Cresselia said.
"Evil….? Perhaps I am….But then what does that make you my dear….?" He asked, his single blue staring at her, the other bloodied and cut.
"A savior. And you a demon."
"A demon….that you no doubt wish to kill don't you….? Don't you feel that rush of anger….? To strike at those who wronged you…?"
"Quiet!" Cresselia shouted.
"Oh yes….The blood from my body would be a magnificent gift to your dead father…..Especially seeing as I sent him-" The man smirked.
Cresselia then grabbed the throat of the man by using Physic as she breathed deeply, preparing to end him.
"No...you deserve a fate far worse than death…..You monster…."
"Now it is time for you to accept your judgement…..You shall bear the appearance of the very beings you killed for your demented versions of enjoyment." Cresselia.
At that moment, the man's body started to change, his screams of pain sounding through the room as his body morphed, his skin blackening. His arms shortened in length as his sense of feeling slowly whittled to nothing.
"You….will rue the day...you've done this….I will rise again….Through others…" He said as he clawed at his chest.
"Their greed...their suffering...Are all at my disposal….And you will sit by and do nothing...Just as you do now…" The man smirked.
"I will see your world bathed in blood….Maybe then will they see the nightmares that plague my mind every day…." The man laughed with a insane smile on his face before he grunted again.
"If your mind can survive that long….However, your form will live on as long as time goes on…. Such is your fate…." Cresselia said as she exited the room, leaving the suffering being in the room.
The lights around him slowly went out as he then got one last look at the Pokemon, a tear going down his face.
"My fate?….such is fitting...Berlitz."
"Mya! Mya!" The young man called after his sister as he smiled at her.
The man had wore a simple small robe, his hair in a ponytail. He was quite well toned for his age of twenty, and he had a serious expression.
She then came over to him, giggling like a happy child as she smiled at him.
"Hey big brother!" She said happily as she walked up to him.
Mya was a teenage girl of tanned complexion. Her eyes were a deep brown, her hair black as well as it hung down around her hips.
"Mya! I told you that being out this late was dangerous! Especially when the Hunt is to commence tomorrow eve!" He scolded.
"Aww...I'm sorry big brother….I was just bringing up an offering to appease Arceus…" She said with a crestfallen face.
"Mya….I'm sure he accepts your gift….and he would have anyone else's. That's the older maiden's job...not yours…" He said as he rubbed her head.
"I know….I just want...to help everyone…" She said as she hugged him.
"And you will...in you're own way." The brother said with a smile of his own.
"Now come. The village is back this way. The Chief has announced of dinner." He said.
"Right!" She said with a smile as she ran with him down to the village.
Once they had gotten there, they greeted a passing Lucario as Mya marveled at the village once more.
It was already bustling, both Pokemon and human walking side by side. It seemed to be a perfect equilibrium, something that both races fought hard for.
They then stopped by the chief's hut as they stepped inside and squatted down to take a seat.
The chief was a man of tanned skin, wearing only a robe and pants, a robe that left his chest open.
"Hello father!" Mya cheered happily.
"Mya, that's Chief….He may be our father, but please honor him with a bit of respect…" The brother sighed before the chief turned to them.
"It is fine you two….I consider it honor to see you two waiting so patiently. So, Kyland, have you started the preparations for our migration?" He asked.
He had hit a sore spot with Kyland as he grimaced.
"Chief….I believe that if we can find another way to stop the Hunt….To fight back…" Kyland said.
"Fight back…? And endanger the lives of all in our village?" The chief said as he raised an eyebrow.
"But...we can't keep running forever father!" He yelled out.
""We will do what we must to keep our lives intact…." The chief said as he folded his hands behind his back.
Mya simply watched in horror as the two argued, placing a hand over her heart as she looked at Kyland.
"But must we be such….COWARDS!?" Kyland yelled back.
His father glared him down as he then stood up.
"You had best learn to hold your deceitful tongue of your's Kyland. I love you dearly, but I do not have patience for foolishness, nor the baseless insults that come with it." The chief boomed.
Kyland then quickly shut his mouth as he clenched his fists.
"Yes...chief…" He said as he then walked outside.
"Kyland!" Mya yelled out as she ran up to him.
"Leave me…" Kyland said to her softly as he walked away faster.
Mya then sighed as she saw him head into the forest.
"Big brother…." She said under her breath.
Kyland had wandered into the forest, starting to relent his frustrations.
"Is everyone I know a coward? To be content with running…? We must stay and fight!" He yelled out.
"Oh who am I kidding…? We'd be wiped out in a few minutes…" He sighed as he then looked back at the village.
The village that Mya had grown up in. The village that had been the birthplace of his best memories.
He wouldn't let it go...not yet...Not when he had to let go of his home neatly 15 years ago…
He then heard a small voice in his head as he looked around.
"Call to me…." The voice whispered.
"Who are you….? Where are you?" Kyland asked as he looked about the forest.
"That matters not….I am everywhere….I am also nowhere….My location only appears to those that seek power…" The voice whispered.
"Power?" Kyland asked as his eyebrow arched in confusion.
"Power to shape destiny...To stand unopposed…" The voice whispered, its voice almost like honey.
"With its power...No foe could slay you…."
"The Hunt...I could stop it…" Kyland said as his eyes went wide.
"Please, I want to keep everyone safe! I don't want our village to be razed! Please, if this power can help the people and Pokemon, then I beg of you!" Kyland pleaded.
"You have asked...and you shall receive…." The voice said.
The wind then started to pick up as a myriad of shadows appeared in front of him. The shadows then dispersed to reveal a sword, its edge serrated and sharpened.
"Take this blade...And strike down those that oppose you…" The voice whispered once more.
Kyland then looked in awe as he then picked up the sword and examined it. It was like no blade he had seen before.
It was engraved with dark markings, a jewel at the hand guard.
A scabbard had appeared next to it.
Kyland then raised the sword at the tree and struck at it, slicing the tree completely.
"Wow….What….power…Can this save the village…?" He asked.
He then heard a voice behind him as he tried to hide the sword.
"Brother! Brother!" Mya called after him as she ran up to him.
"Maya! What a….pleasant surprise to see you here…" Kyland said with a nervous expression as he hid the sword behind his back.
"Yeah...But...what's that behind your back…?" Mya asked with a curious expression.
"Nothing…." Kyland said as he then started to back away from her.
"Annoying pest...I wish I could shut her up myself…Wait….why would I think of that
..? I love my sister!"
"Um...I don't know...Because that looks like something." She said as she then reached to grab the sword.
"If I tell you...then will you keep it a secret…?" Kyland asked as he looked around to make sure no one heard him.
"A secret…? Even from father?" Kya asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Especially from him. You have to promise...alright. And you have to trust me…" Kyland said as he looked her in the eyes.
"Alright brother….I trust you. What is it then?" Mya asked.
"This….might help us live through the Hunt….We can stay and fight...If I use this…." Kyland said with a smirk as he brought out the blade.
Mya stared in awe as she looked at the blade.
"Wow….Can it really do all of that…?" Moon asked.
"I believe so...It cut down a tree in a single strike…" Kyland said as Mya then slightly frowned.
"Wait...but aren't weapons forbidden…?" Mya asked as she looked at Kyland.
"They are...which is why you are not to tell anybody...Understand…?" Kyland asked with a smile.
Mya nodded yes as she then offered her brother her hand, Kyland not taking it however as he stared at the blade, almost transfixed by it.
The two eventually made it back to the village as Mya and Kyland soon feel to sleep, Kyland hiding his sword under his sheets with him.
Kyland looked around him to see that it was now morning time. The air was moist and misty, and the area was encased with a big fog.
However...one stench seemed to nose...A smell he hadn't smelled in 15 years...One of blood.
His eyes widened as he then started to clear through the fog as he looked at the ground, only to see a Gardevoir, bleeding out to death.
"No….No! This can't be!" He screamed as he backed up, only to trip over the dead body of a fellow blacksmith.
"Arceus please...have mercy upon me…" He said as he broke down crying.
"I was too late to save them…." He said before he remembered his sister and father.
He then ran forwards in the fog, only encountering more and more dead Pokemon and humans.
He then found his father's tent, only to see him bleeding out and lifeless as well as his eye's widened.
"Father….no….Why…? Why couldn't I save you...Or anyone else…?" Kyland asked as he looked downwards.
He then heard a scream from his sister as he ran forward in the fog, only to see Mya backing up from him.
"I'm here My-" He began to say before he was interrupted.
"Get away from me….You...you monster!" She screamed.
At that moment, Kyland then woke up in a cold sweat as he held his head.
"W-What was that…?" He asked as he then looked outside, before hearing a bell ring.
"That bell….No! They couldn't have! This early!?" Kyland said in worry as he grabbed his sword as Mya slowly got up, rubbing her eyes.
"Brother….?" She asked sleepily.
Kyland rushed past the people running behind him, making it to the front of the village. And in the darkness of the woods, he saw them. A ferocious pack if Mightyena, their fangs bared at him as they creeped forward.
"Feed me….And strike down your foes…" The sword whispered to him as he then repeated the same words, almost in a trance.
The first Mightyena then pounced, jumping towards him as it tried to got for his neck. Kyland then raised the sword and struck it down, cutting its body like cheese as it fell in two. Blood had sprayed all over him as he looked at the sword in awe once more.
"Yes...yes...More…" It whispered as Kyland smirked, looking at his now new prey.
The sense of euphoria he felt as the blood landed on him dulled his mind, making him crave for more and more.
The Mightyena then continued to charge at him, all at once to bring Kyland down for good.
It was a massacre….Every Pokemon that had attacked him lay severed in two on the floor, blood pooling out of their bodies.
The more and more he cut down, the wider his smIle had gotten…
He then turned back to the village, seeing that everyone had gathered at the front...a mixture of horror and disgust upon their faces.
Her father had been currently holding a crying Mya, her face covered by his arms.
However, Kyland cared not as he only saw his next prey….
"More….More...I need more…" He said in unison with the sword, his voice sounding just as demonic.
He then turned towards the villagers as he raised his sword before seeing a few Pokemon stand in his path.
A Gardevoir, a Lucario, and an Ampharos.
He then made quick if the Ampharos, striking fear in the other two Pokemon's heart , paralyzing them as he then sliced Lucario through. He then turned towards the Gardevoir, it backing away in horror as she could only watch as he cut her down.
Mya watched in absolute horror as she saw her brother kill the Pokemon one by one, before turning to his fellow villagers. The blood stains and crooked smile of his giving off the appearance of a demon.
"Please...run! Now…." The chief begged as he then stepped forward.
Kyland then smirked as he then raised his blade at his father.
"I'm sorry my son….I should have paid better attention...I should have been more brave...But yet...I let fear blind me...As you have yourself…." He said as he looked at the ground in shame.
"Father! No!" Mya yelled out.
"Don't do it brother! Please!" She screamed out.
Kyland only responded with a demented smirk as he then shoved the blade into his father's chest.
"Yes….More...I need more...I must kill…" He said to himself as he turned to the other villagers.
Mya then clasped her hands in prayer and then gave out one last prayer as Kyland raised his blade once more, cutting down more and more villagers.
"Please...Arceus….Give me the power to save my people...To stop my brother!" She begged as she bowed down.
At that moment, she felt everything go white as a huge flash of light appeared around her, blinding her and her brother as she then felt her body morph.
Her arms had melded into her form, her legs as well. Her face and body shape became different as well, it now a light purple and pink.
She felt centuries of knowledge be imparted within her as her brain almost overflowed with information.
The light then dispersed as the few remaining villagers looked upon her, bowing down at her as Kyland then grimaced at Mya.
She dominated a vibrant glow that made her seem almost otherworldly and godly.
"Brother….You have commuted an atrocity on a grand scale today….You will suffer for the lives you've taken...For the crimes you've committed!" Mya boomed.
"I, the keeper of the moon, Cresselia, will not allow this to stand!" She yelled as she then prepared a Moonblast at Kyland.
Kyland could only look in fear as he saw the moon twinkle and radiate with light, before a large amount of energy was sent his way.
"Are you sure…?" A villager had asked her meekly as she then sealed the man's tomb.
"I'm completely sure….He deserves nothing better…" Cresselia said.
"But...He is your brother...And the sword…-" The villager said back before Cresselia glared at him.
"The sword was not the killer...My brother was. And that us where our conversation will end. Understood…?" Cresselia said as she glared at the villager before floating away.
(For the backstory of Darkrai, I sort of took inspiration from the swordsman mythology from Pokemon Platinum, mixed with the lore behind the Wo Dao from Fire Emblem and its effect on Karel.
Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. Make sure to leave a comment down below to tell me what you thought of it.)