So far for this Fandom I have done a One Shot of mostly Hunk and Keith bonding because they are adorable together and I could, what more did I need? Now I have been toying with other ideas when I saw Lotor for season 3 and went damn, anyone else? So here we are with Lotor always having to mess with Keith and his love life, does it mater with who really? Yes I am going Klance in this fic but face it the guy is a cock blocker, still has great hair though. Enough with this look into my messed up trashy head and on to why you are here.

WarNinGs: May or may not be cannon compliant since season 3 is not out yet, a lot of fan fav fan art ideas inspired this, slight OOC, Klance hints.

Aishi Say

"A child touched by fire,

Delivered from Heaven to become the greatest warrior

Destined for victory."

Danny Rand from Marvel/Netflix's IronFist. Keith is certainly touched by fire, aliens come from space so the second line works to, and of course Voltron is all about the victory.


"Prince, can I be of some assistance?"

Lotor ignored the Druid as he walked up to the table, eyeing the young male as he took his chin gently. Smiling at the dark haired male he remember from the weblum, fast, dangerous, honorable, and not bad looking for a non-Galra. "I know this one, a fine warrior only he was in red then."

"That one only recently took over your father's former place as the Black Paladin."

"Hm," Lotor hummed tilting his head, "So you are the one with our noble blood flowing through your heart, interesting?" Glancing at the monitors he frowned, "What is all that?"

"This one attacked a facility once and was doused with raw quintessence, that magic still burns within."

"And what are your plans for this one?" Lotor was curious, this one was special he could feel it.

"Lady Hagar wishes to unleash his Galra blood, with the proper conditioning he will serve us well."

Lotor nodded, "I want this one, see his eyes remind as they are. See he believes his friends turned on him and I saw to his aid, that princess does not deserve loyal Galra knights."

"As you wish my prince, it will take a while for Lady Hagar to do as you ask."

"I should hope so, I will see to a room and more fitting attire in the meantime. Father may have his precious lion back but the Red Lion and her Paladin are mine." Lotor had been impressed by the human, his father had spoken of the Red Paladin who fought as they did, know he knew why.


Keith moaned as he shifted, sitting up with a jerk. The room he was in did not belong in the place, at least not Allura's. Frowning he looked around spotting his Bayard and dagger sitting on his folded uniform and cracked helmet. He could not remember what had happened before waking up there, though a cracked helmet suggested he had been hurt. Besides the room's Galra decor it was not at all threatening, it could be a room owned by a member of the Blade for all he knew. He was a Paladin of Voltron it was unlikely any other Galra would welcome him so warmly. Frowning he narrowed his eyes when the door opened and a young women with pink skin and long hunter green hair tied into a thick braid entered, blinking at him before bowing, " don't have to do that, really."

"Thank you, you may go," Lotor command gently as he entered the room, there was no reason to yell at well mannered servants. Looking up he blinked, meeting eyes similar to his own. Haggar had done well, the lovely purple skin and furry feline ears complimented the others natural feline appearance. The crimson robe flowed like blood when he moved. "I see you have awoken finally, you had me worried for a while there."

Keith turned his attention to a new alien when he spoke, voice unknown but not threatening. Long white hair was what he noticed first, Galra skin tone, elf like ears and eyes that resembled his if the whites were yellow instead were striking. When he spoke again Keith blinked, he did not feel like he should have worried anyone so he must have been healed. Frowning slightly he swore the outfit looked familiar and not just because it was Galra, "I know you...from the weblum."

"Yes," Lotor assured his fellow hybrid with a pleased smile, "I repaid your kindness most poorly that day, thankfully I was able to do so properly this time around."

Keith bit his lip not use to such attention directed at him, frowning when he felt a fang like point instead of his normal human canine. Raising his hand to check he blinked at his clawed violet hand, "no...what happened to me?"

"I am told the quintessence in your body activated when your Galra blood did and it changed you," Lotor did not miss the horrified expression, the poor thing was so afraid and for no reason.

"Quin...the fight I had with that druid yeah it healed my burnt made me look like this?" Keith had no idea unlocking the blade would lead to this, and who knew what else. There was no hiding the fact he was part Galra like this.

The prince nodded, "If I may? The effects are most faltering, and our strength and speed are vast as you may know." Lotor could not complain about Hagar's work on his body, his mind may be in question.

Keith looked up from his hands and blinked, looking away he did not know what to say, flattery was too new to him and he would rather not sound like Lance. "My friends reacted badly to just hearing I'm part Galra this...oh God how can I face them like this?"

"You do not remember then?" Lotor asked tone soft, when Keith tilted his head he nodded, "They attacked you."

"No they..," Keith trailed off looking down at his hands once more, "I thought they were accepting it, but with how Allura reacted I..."

"And what did your fair princess say?" Lotar asked eyes narrowing, not at all surprised the high and mighty princess had said quite a lot. When the other hesitated he frowned slightly, "Please, I wish to hear?"

Keith looked up, he had to talk to someone about what had happened so why not someone else who was part Galra? "She hates Galra for destroying her world, which I get really but she...when we found out I was part Galra she either ignored me or treated me like a traitor." Clenching his fists he closed his eyes, "No mater what I've done to help the Team, her, it didn't mater because I'm part Galra. I don't even know how much of me is Galra...was Galra now I guess."

Lotor narrowed his eyes even more, is that how Alteans repaid loyal sacrifices then? The Red Paladin had done nothing but fight the Galra and then was suddenly rejected, that was truly cruel. Reaching out he hesitated for a moment before resting his hands on slumped shoulders feeling the other tense for a moment. When the other relaxed Lotor took a small step forward, not wishing to startle his prize. "And what did the others do when she rewarded you so poorly for your service?"

"They treated me differently too, just not as cold...even Shiro changed." Shiro had been confused but had not been cold, they were too close for that. "Hunk kept calling me Galra Keith, and even watched me to see if I would turn purple."

"The Champion did not stand up for you?" Lotor wanted to be clear, he needed to know which of the humans would still mean something to his guest. "You two are close yes?"

Keith nodded, taking a deep breath, "Shiro always calls us on our shit when we go too far, but no one call tell the Princess anything."

"I give you permission to tell me if something I say or do makes you uncomfortable." Lotor meet eyes so like his own now that the white was gold, darker then his own but still striking. "I want you as an ally, we are both children of mixed blood are we not?"

Keith closed his eyes, he had felt like an outsider for most of his life and now he knew why, "At least you knew that."

Lotor nodded, "Finding out you are more then you always thought you were can be overwhelming. I am sorry the truth has caused you so much pain."

Dark eyes opened with a blink, head tilting, "But I'm your enemy?"

"Am I?" Lotor asked gently, "Zarkon may have built a grand empire but as what cost to his people? Once we were respected now we are feared and hated, and for good reason true. I wish to restore our honor and to do that my father's ways must end. Tell me is that not something your princess would send you all to fight for?"

"She hates Galra, I'm still surprised she did not turn on Shiro since he has a Galra arm now." Keith crossed his arms looking away, her rejection still stung. He had still looked fully human when she had turned on him, as he looked now he was almost scared to face her.

"Ah yes, he has made good use of his replacement as I understand it." Lotor had heard about Haggar's pet project, it was what had first made him interested in these humans, a pleasant sounding word. When the Red Paladin glanced at him with a mixed expression he sighed softly, "Apologies I am called Lotor, how would you preferred to be addressed?" The feline touched young man frowned as if the concept was somehow foreign to him, "I am told humans have multiple names, do you favor one?"

Keith was silent for a moment as he considered that, most people called him Keith because it was easy for them to say. Shiro had been the only one to ever call him by another name, he was sure the others had no idea what his full name was. Being called Keith now reminded him of the friends he had let get close only to have them turned on him for something completely out of his control. "Akira 'Keith' Kogane, everyone pretty much just stuck to Keith since I answered to it."

"Akira...that is form the same tongue as the Champion's name yes?" Lotor had seen images of the other Paladins, they all had files free for him to study. The pair both had dark hair and eyes, which seemed to be traits that defined their blood.

Long hair shifted with a nod, "'s a nickname, a shorten form of Shirogane."

"Ah, yes I see how a nickname would make things faster," Lotar nodded thoughtfully, the names had something in common but they did not sound related just similar. "And how do your names work? If I wished to be formal or simply professional what should I address you by? If I wish to show you affection or friendship?" Names were very important things, for Galra it was your rank that defined you but there was more to them then simply being soldiers.

Keith frowned at the prince of the race that he had been fighting since ending up on this side of the universe. None of the others had given calling him by his first name a second thought, they had treated Shiro the same way. "Kogane for anything formal or professional, I think I would prefer to be called that by your people. First names are more casual, even more so among Asians in general. Keith is not something I want to be called for a hurts too much."

"As you wish so shall it be, I did not bring you here to cause you pain Akira, sadly some is unavoidable." Lotor sincerely wished his fellow hybrid no ill will, he was turning out to be as interesting as he had hoped. "I will leave you now to eat and change. That door there leads to a chamber where you can cleanse yourself, that one to an array of clothing I hope is to your liking. I will leave a servant to escort you to me when you wish to speak more." Bowing Lotor turned leaving the confused male to his thoughts knowing he would come to him soon enough. The other wanted answers and Lotar was the only one who had them. Smiling he nodded to the young women from before, "When he wishes it bring Kogane to me, he has much to learn before he is ready to take his place."


Keith opened the door Lotor had gestured at that held clothes, towels and robes were fine for staying in rooms but he was not going to walk a ship in them like Lance might. Thinking of Lance he clenched the doorframe closing his eyes, all this pain and confusion was the Latino's damn fault. Rowling he looked up and blinked, Lotor had been busy during however long he had been asleep. His Voltron uniform was going to remain folded and unworn, how could he work with let alone lead those who saw him as nothing more then a monster? The Team would find another to take his place soon enough, no doubt Allura had begun searching the moment she learned he was not fully human. He wanted to wear some sort of armor that was not basic Galra or his uniform, normal clothes were for when he felt safe or relaxed. Pushing things around he stopped and pulled a suit free, it was a charcoal gray suit similar to the black one they wore under their uniform's armored pieces. The harder armor plates were black with red trim like his lion, the design similar to what the Blades wore, even came with a hooded version. The dark colors were familiar and welcomed, he had always worn red and black not purple.

Slipping the suit on he sighed as he moved a bit testing it, it had a similar fit and was surprisingly comfortable. Nodding satisfied he slipped on the thigh plates before stepping into the boots, sealing them on they moved with him easily and weighed no more then his uniform's boots so he moved on. The chest piece had a blue symbol that drew his eyes, it was Lotor's symbol not the standard Galra crest he was more familiar with. He did not know exactly what the mark meant but if it meant the other aliens around would leave him alone then he was fine with it for the moment. Slipping it on he glanced down at it, having touches of blue were familiar and he smiled a sad little smile before slipping on the gauntlets, flexing the clawed gloves a few times before nodding. Flipping up the hood he glanced at his bayard and dagger, grabbing both he fitted them to his belt. Being armed made him feel safer and right now he needed that feeling. Content he was now presentable and able to defend himself he walked up to the door, blinking at the alien form before. "Um, hello again, Can you take me to Lotor now please?"

The alien blinked at the feline now dressed in proper armor, he seemed unsure but kind, kind was rare. Nodding she gestured and he fell in beside her without further prompting, her Prince had said he had been hurt and might be confused. "Prince Lotor has given me to you if you wish it."

"Give? Well I could use a guide until I get the layout down so that's fine, I guess. So what is your name? I mean I don't want to just call you hey you all the time." Keith was not comfortable with servants but she seemed nice and he could use a little help, as long as treated her well it would be all right.

"I am known as Runa Master Kogane," Runa answered glancing at the young man catching an absent little smile which confused her. "You find my name pleasing?"

"Hm? Well, yeah, but where I grew up runa means moon," Keith was not about to go into grammar lessons with an alien but translations were easy enough.

"Moon...on my world only the royals were named for the heavens, but it still pleases me my name made you smile if only a little." Runa had a feeling she would enjoy serving this Galra, he did not look at her as an object.

Keith blinked lips parting, chuckling softly he shook his head confusing the alien, "That's really sweet Runa but you shouldn't worry about me so much."

"But you are my master now, it is my duty to please you," A duty she would not mind with this one, his confused expression was truly adorable.

"I don't even know who or what I am anymore Runa, but I do know I am no body's master. Just try and keep me from doing something really stupid and I'll be content enough. Oh and you can just call me Kogane, it's cool really." Keith did not want to be waited on hand and foot, it was not his style, and since he was no hurt or sick he did not require it.

Runa blinked before frowning slightly, cool confused her but she was sure she got the point, "As you will Kogane." Looking up she debated for a moment before deciding to ask since she knew he would not strike her, "What does Kogane mean? Runa means forest child."

"Kogane means gold," Keith answered, when she frowned slightly he guessed she did not know what that was. "It is rare on Earth so highly valued."

"I see you are named for something valued because you were, your parents were very wise." Runa nodded as she started walking once more, not that her Prince would be cross with her since pleasing his guest was her duty.

Keith sighed as he closed his eyes, hand going for his dagger, his only link to his past whatever that was. Forcing the pain down he absently looked around as he followed Runa, "They died when I was just a kid but yeah, I thought the other Paladins cared but...Lotor said they attacked me...I don't remember."

"You were found battered and without your Lion, Lady Haggar herself oversaw your healing at the Prince's command." Runa did not understand why anyone would harm this young man unless it was simply because he was a Galra.

"I...I am so confused. Does Lotor often collect hybrids like me?" Keith knew nothing about Lotor really, but the same could be said about Galra in general.

Runa bowed her head, "I can not say, however I do know he has been fascinated with the Red Paladin since returning from a mission. Emperor Zarkon had told him he was of Galra blood and so belonged with them and now you are here."

Keith frowned, Zarkon went after Shiro because he wanted his former Lion back but he had shown interest in him as well. It would not surprise him if the bastard thought he had some claim on him, Lotor might agree he belonged with the Galra but he was at least being nice about it. When a door opened and Runa did not follow he frowned, she bowed and stepped away so Keith guessed he was there, wherever there was. Turning he blinked up at the dome of stars, walking towards the center of the room without realizing he was moving. "wow."

"I often come here to ponder things," Lotor said from Keith's right getting a slight jump as the white haired male walked up to him. "If I may that look flatters you, and is worthy of a warrior as elite as a Paladin. Not many could have crossed swords with my father and walked away as you did."

Keith looked down biting his lip, he really was not use to flattery, "It reminded me of what the Blade wear."

Lotor nodded as he gently lowered the hood, "Once elite warriors always elite warriors my friend, even if they may not be willing to give me a chance to prove I am not my father. Do you fear me Akira?"

"Fear you? Why would I?" Keith may not exactly like or trust Galra but he was not afraid of them really, and now that he looked like one he had even less of a reason to fear them in general.

"You have heard stories form your princess, seen my father's cruelty, been rejected and feared for being of our blood." Lotor reached out and took the other's chin, skin warm against his fingers fitting for a knight of flames. "It will take time to adjust and I wish to make it as painless for you as I can. That symbol marks you are one of mine, I wish to give you a place worthy of your prowess and noble soul."

Keith gaped, stepping back he frowned, "You don't know anything about me, I have been fighting your father since I was brought to this crazy part of space. If my friends rejected me for being part Galra why would Galra accept an enemy of their empire like me?" The entire idea was insane, the Blades were the only ones who still accepted him, and that was only because he had one of their blades since birth.

Lotor sighed softly as the feline back away from him, confused and still smarting from his friend's reactions. Haggar may have implanted memories but it was true the humans had not been overly kind even if Allura had been the worst. Lies based on truth worked best and until Akira rejected the fact his friends had attacked him he was his. "You have been lied to your entire life and you are not the only one. They will welcome you because you reject my father's brutal single-minded vision as I do." Taking a slow step froward he was encouraged when the feline remained still. "Think of all the good we could do together? We can not undo what has been done, no one can, however we can see it stops. Do you not want to ease the pain of the innocent, the afraid?" Reaching out he flatted his palm against the feline's cheek, "Take your rightful place at my side Akira, help me save what is left from the madness my father stirred in us all?"

Keith leaned into the touch sighing, sparing others from what had happened to Shiro, Matt, Shay, so many others was what he had been fighting so hard for. Shiro and Matt were out there and just maybe Lotor could help him find them. With Zarkon defeated there would be no need for Voltron and the others could all go home, back to their friends and families while he tried to figure out where his were. Maybe someday his former friends would see they had been wrong about him, as wrong about him as he had been about them. "Without Red what good am I?"

"That is the fool Allura talking, you are so much more then simply a Paladin unlike my father." Lotor wonder how little the grand princess valued all her followers? She had no vast army yet one who had done nothing but fight for her felt so worthless now that he had no Lion? His father had suffered the same pain of loss, Lotor did not want to see madness claim his lovely prize as it had his sire.

Keith sniffed, he missed Red almost as much as he did Shiro, everything he loved was denied to him because of Zarkon or Allura. Had he not fought hard enough for her, had not the fact he had been the one to find Blue been enough? Red had chosen him, Black had allowed him to pilot it, Blue had brought him along with the others, what more did she want? A gentle finger sweeping a few leaked tears away was unfamiliar but welcomed, how long had it been since anyone besides Shiro had seen him cry? "Takashi, watashi wa anata o ketujo shimasu."

Lotar blinked at the words he had no context or meaning for, the pain behind them however was palpable and real. Takashi was the Champion, the only one Haggar could not convince Keith had turned on him, and since he was missing that was not a problem. If finding the human would please Akira so be it, another fine warrior would be to his favor. The other humans were of less interest to him, though if they were willing to serve then they would be given a chance to prove useful. "If you desire the Champion then I will see what our Druids can do to find him." Dark eyes opened and shimmered in the light of stars around them. Wiping spilled wetness from smooth skin he leaned close, "Speak Akira, tell me how to ease your pain?"

Keith felt his breath catch, closing his eyes again head spinning, "Please?"

Lotor nodded, he did not need more then that, "It shall be done, they are hardly all needed to monitor my father."

"Father?" Keith blinked confused, he knew they had hurt him but had they managed to hurt him that badly? Is that why Shiro was gone?

"He sleeps, you and the Champion are not to be crossed my friend. With him indisposed the Empire falls to me, and I have plans for us I wish you to be key in. That is talk for a later time unless you wish to hear more now?" Lotor did not want to push Akira too hard too fast, Haggar had warned her spells would work best if things went slowly, naturally. Reenforcing the real pain his friends had caused would keep his prize at his side, it would be entirely their fault for being so prejudices. Surprise he could forgive, Keith had looked so human and had not even known himself, but were humans truly so petty a race?

Keith looked up at the stars, the night sky had always brought him peace before, "Why me, really?"

"You think I have been doing nothing but filling your head with empty praise Akira? My dear child there is so much about yourself you have no idea about, so much potential waiting to be unleashed and claimed. Everything that made you worthy of Red and even Black is but a start, your leader saw it, the Blade saw it, Allura chose to ignore it."

"She said Red was the most unstable," Keith had bonded with Red and would never trade her for another, Black was just temporary until Shiro was found.

"Alteans have always favored order over controlled chaos, in the end that was part of their downfall, they could not foresee my father's growing madness. It had nothing to do with his being Galra no mater what she may claim, her father was as big a fool." Lotor knew exactly how flawed his father was, he did not care to repeat the same mistakes.

"Never met him, though a corrupted version of him tried to kill us all once," Keith shrugged helplessly what more was there to say about that? "Allura loved him but being a good father did not mean he was a good king...why only send Blue away?"

"Oh that was hardly his doing, though the others were well hidden to be sure. It seems so fitting yours was the one we found first, if only we could have met under better circumstances so much pain could have possibly been avoided." Lotor wondered when his father knew for sure the Red Paladin was more then human, his style alone could not have been it.

"I would not have sided with your father, he's a monster," Keith growled, Allura was not wrong about that much at least.

"Oh and more," Lotor agreed with a nod, he would not defend his father entirely simply because he was his father. "We do not have to be, that is the fact your dear princess has decided to overlook as she sees to wiping us out."

Keith sighed softly, "She has no use for me now that she knows what I am, she is no princess of mine."

Lotor frowned slightly, the feline still looking at stars he had no names for, "Blind hate is easier then being forced to acknowledge not all Galra are the enemy. Father saw her people suffered for denying him what he felt was his but he went much too far, and in all this time has nothing to show for his efforts. So much destruction and pain for nothing, I do not blame her for hating my father and what he has made us become."

"It's not your fault Lotor, words will not reach some people," Keith reached out and laid a clawed hand on the prince's shoulder. "All we can do now is try and fix what we can, not everyone will accept us and we have to accept that."

Lotor glanced down at the hand offering warmth and support, laying his bare hand over it he smiled. "You see now? You are not simply a sword to be used then sheathed when she had no use for you, you were born to lead never simply follow."

Keith frowned as he considered that, Shiro had looked to him to replace him and it was not simply because they knew each other so well. Maybe he could lead other like minded aliens, he could at least try. "What kind of key?"

Lotor grinned as he took the feline's armored hands in his own armorless ones, "Delighted you have asked my young friend. I foresee great things being accomplished by us both in the near future." Gesturing he smiled as stars shifted into a map of his empire, Akira blinking at the sheer size of it all, not releasing his left hand as he did so. "I will layout the basics for now, there will be time for details after speaking with Haggar about your missing friend."


"I don't like this one little bit," Lance muttered as he pulled his helmet free, his gut screaming something was very wrong. "We should have heard back from Keith by now."

Allura frowned at the Blue Paladin who had been anxious since they had split up, his worry clear in his demeanor and tone. "Keith has not checked in, but Red has not moved and if he was in danger we know Red would have responded."

"Yeah but there was this wonky interference on our way back, we couldn't call each other for like what 30 dobash?" Hunk frowned looking to the others, it was long enough for him to worry.

Pidge pushed her glasses back into place, "Sounds right but you know how Kieth is."

"Exactly," Lance and Hunk said as one, "I knew letting him go alone was a bad idea but he never listens to me." Lance finished muttering, he knew Kieth did now and then but that was not the point.

Allura sighed softly, Keith had not taken losing Shiro well their brotherly relationship was hurting him now. There was little she had been able to do, and if he chose to focus on work over everything else there was nothing she could do. Shiro had named Kieth leader in his stead and Black would allow no one else to pilot him until Shiro was found one way or the other. Lance had been allowed to pilot Red only when Keith was in Black and she had taken Blue from him. She worried for Kieth and the rest but could do nothing more for them, "Coran can you contact the Red Lion?"

"A moment...there is no answer, even with out Keith inside Red should answer. Her power readings are steady but it seems almost as if she is frozen." Coran frowned as he typed running more scans.

"I knew it!" Lance exclaimed fist hitting his flat palm, "Kieth got himself in trouble again."

Hunk frowned, Lance was just worried so he let it go, "Can we help him?"

"We don't even know somethings wrong, for all we know he got back to Red before whatever caused that interference locked Red systems." Pidge reminded her emotional often time partner, it was not as if Kieth had not gotten out of trouble on his own before.

"Maybe," Lance agreed frowning, "I'm not beating on our luck being that good right now. Zarkon did something to Shiro and I bet the Galra went after Keith. New leader, one of them, who cares really they are so dead if they've hurt him."

Hunk walked up to Lance and laid a hand on his shoulder, "Hey Zarkon was all complimenty so if the Galra have them they probably want to recruit him so they won't likely hurt him right?"

Pidge nodded seeing where Hunk was going, "Right, Kieth is too stubborn to break but they don't know he can't be bought either."

"Unless they know about his past," Lance reminded his friends sadly. "They could use that against him, look how much he went through with those Blade guys and for what, to find out he is part alien? Hell if they know where Shiro is they have him two ways, Keith would do anything for his big bro we all know it."

"All the more reason we should pick up Red and see if there are any clues to follow." Allura did not want to think about the Galra turning Keith, they needed him back safe and sound just like Shiro.

"If they do have Shiro it'll be a nice two for one," Hunk squeezed Lance's shoulder he missed their friends too.

Lance nodded, "I'll be in Blue, she may be able to get a hold of Red, if not maybe Black can."

Hunk let his friend go with a sigh, "Not good."

Pidge nodded, "All we can do is try Hunk, Keith is tougher then he looks and will fight them every step of the way."

Allura closed her eyes, Keith's shocked expression and frozen form when she had clung to him seeking forgiveness came to her and it hurt a new. "Coran keep up the scans I want to know as much as we can before we get there."


Lance sighed as he curled up in Blue's pilot seat, so far nothing from Red or Keith, though Black seemed sure he was not being harmed at the moment. Taking some comfort in that maybe fact he curled tighter in on himself. So much had changed between them and yet there was more he had wanted to say, so much really. With it clear the bond between Kieth and Shiro was brotherly and nothing romantic he had been encouraged only to have Shiro ripped away from them all and Keith cracking. It had been bad enough when Allura treated him coldly because he happened to have some Galra blood in him now his brother was gone once more. The guy just did not seem to be able to catch a break and no doubt would reject Lance out of fear of losing him alone. Lance would not blame him, if he had that kind of track record he would fear letting anyone get close too. The fact they were so far from Earth it might as well no longer exist only made everything worst, but it did not change how he felt. He would find Keith then Shiro then Matt and then, maybe finally, he would get the chance to claim Keith as more then a rival turned friend. When Blue made soft sound he sniffed, not crying because he wanted his eyes clear so he could move the second they had something. "I know Blue you love the hothead too, we'll get him back and never let him or Red go anywhere without us again." Blue made a purr that Lance took as a damn straight and smiled a little in spite of everything, Blue always knew just what to say.


And I am a horrible person Seriously though this is the end for now and I end with Langst, God I so sorry Lance. I have been in love with Klance since episode one and Sheith is a person fave as well but we are sticking with Bros this time, so cute. This set not long after the season two finally and may or may not care about the trailer besides hot damn hello Lotor, seriously meow right? This is a leap from the One Shot I already posted which is a lot of Hunk and Keith bonding because they are adorable and that is all there is to it. If you have any ideas, thoughts, suggestions, feel free to hit me up in a Comment/Review and if I like them I'll use them, full credit given of course. And back into Voltron Hell I dive, see you there?