If any of you read my update that I posted for this story, scratch that, THIS STORY LIVES ON BOIS! Apparently all it takes is a little bit of self-motivation, oh and a bit of free time ofcourse.

This chapter is actually way different than what is originally supposed to be since like I said from my update (which I would probably delete by the time I post this) the files were deleted so basically I started from scratch, and tbh, I actually like this better than the original chapter. But hey, don't take my word for it, you guys be the judge, but wait you can't since you guys haven't read the original, lol. Oh well, atleast you can enjoy this chapter.

September 6, Wednesday 4:03 pm

As Nick arrived to his cubicle, he noticed that Judy was on their shared table, with her arms on the table lazily supporting her head. The rabbit noticed the fox's presence and puts her paw down and adjusted in her seat to make herself comfortable as the fox went to sit across from her.

The rabbit sighed as all of this is making her kind of stressed. "So what's the plan Mr. Psychic?"

Nick looked at Judy with slight concern in his expression. "Look Carrots, I've been thinking and….what if….there's actually no need to change our plans, why don't we just let this happen on its own?"

"Then I'd be on paid leave and I couldn't help you in whatever is happening, or will happen, I thought we already discussed this." The doe looked at Nick questioning why he would consider this choice of action.

"That's the point, what if it's actually okay for you not to go with me on this." Nick inquired after some thought.

Judy continued to look at Nick, confused. "So what are you saying?"

The red fox sighed before he replied. "I'm just… scared that…maybe you'll get hurt?" He said while he looked embarrassed as he scratched the back of his head with a somewhat forced smile.

Nick was waiting for the doe's response but what he got what the least of his expectations.

She laughed. Hysterically.

The poor red fox just stared, dumbfounded at the rabbit as he looked for a reason as to why she finds this situation akin to a comedy show.

After a few moments, Judy finally composed herself with deep breaths after laughing so hard. "Oh Nicky boi, that's rich coming from you. Remember who always comes out far worse from us two in whatever situation where in?"

Nick couldn't help but agree with her. "Yeah, I think that's accurate, it's actually becoming a cliché at this point." He said as he stared at the doe with a smile

The rabbit blushed a bit at his sudden smile at her. "But seriously though, thanks."

"For what?" The fox asked with a smirk.

"For worrying about me, duh." Judy said playfully but still maintained her blush.

The fox can't help but blushing himself. "That's what partners are for, right?"

Judy looked at Nick with a smile as her response which made his blush deepen, but still held his confident persona.

"So what's the actual plan now, Mr. Psychic?"

The fox just stared at her with his fingers drumming on the table like he was thinking of something. "I think our best bet here would be to call for an ambulance in advance before we even get there, that way we don't even have to get out of our vehicles to inspect the body."

The rabbit thought that the plan was actually good, if not for a sing flaw, "Wouldn't the responders be suspicious of us since we already know there's a wounded body lying on the ground?"

The red fox was immediately thinking on how to counteract on this flaw, "We could just tell them that someone tipped us of."

"And what if the responders need more proof and needs us to actually go to the body to gather info?" The doe immediately said.

"Hmm.. yeah that is a problem" Nick said as he scratched the bottom of his chin.

And their discussion continued well into the night with some occasional chatter to quell some of their nerves for what was to come.

8:05 pm

The cop duo went out to finally clock out for the evening, finally settling on one of their discussed plans as they went near to their cop car.

"Okay, to summarize everything, We tell Wolford to go undercover in the place you described, then hopefully he'll spot the unconscious fox and call the ambulance or he can just ask us for backup." The doe said as she finished summarizing their plan. "Suffice to say, our plan hinges on whether Wolford can pull this off or not." She added as she opened the door to their car.

"Come on, have faith on our wolfy friend, he's a reliable guy." Nick said as he came into their car and made himself comfortable.

The doe finally started the car as she was now driving after their friendly bet that they made earlier as they discussed things.

"I'm not saying he's unreliable, it just feels wrong to trick another officer into something." Judy was now starting to doubt their agreed plan as she thought of several scenarios as to what will happen.

"It's not tricking if it's true, there will be something there worth checking, and think of this as a generous tip since we're giving Wolford all the credit for this." Nick assured her to hopefully help her fragile conscience.

Judy sighed as she can't help but agree to him on this, besides, it's undoubtedly the most foolproof plan they've come up all night.

The rabbit slowed down the car as she came close to the fox's apartment just near the edge of Sahara Square. She has already seen his apartment many times already but she still can't help but feel happy ever since Nick bought his own decent apartment.

Before the fox attempted to open the door, he saw that Judy was wearing a smile on her face as she looked at his apartment.

"Look, I know what you're thinking carrots, and it's really not that big of a deal. It's just your average apartment complex, nothing really stands out." Nick said with a genuine smile as he looked at Judy's side.

"You say that, but something tells me you're actually proud that you moved here." Judy said with a smirk.

"And why's that?" Nick asked as he tilted his head to the side.

"Cuz you're not smirking, you're actually smiling like how you smiled during the ceremony when you became a cop." The rabbit still held her smirk.

The fox was confused at first till he saw himself in the sidemirror of their car and saw the smile that Judy described. When he saw this, he sighed as he chuckled to himself as he thought that the more he's with her, the more his emotions are out in the open. And maybe that aint a bad thing, he thought afterwards.

"Or maybe it's a sign that I'm just loopy from all of this stress building up." Nick tried to make an excuse but it won't fool the bunny as he saw when he looked at her, she still has a smirk on her face.

The red fox lightly chuckled as he opened the door to his side and walked around to Judy's side of the car and leaned in the car door. "You know, you should move yourself to a new apartment, because last time I checked, my storage room may be the exactly the same size as your room."

"You know what, your right, maybe I'll move. I actually know of one apartment just at the edge of sahara square."

"I wouldn't recommend moving there."

"Why?" Judy asked, curious as to why he would say that.

"Because there's a fox living there that may devour you." The fox flirted to the doe which resulted in them having quite a blush.

"And what if I don't mind that? He can devour me however he wants for all I care." The rabbit immediately flirted back before she could even comprehend what she was about to say.

They both now just stared at each other holding their forced smiles as there blush redden even more. After a few moments they just laughed until the tension they created has dissipated.

"Yeah were definitely loopy." Nick said as he wiped a tear from his eye from laughing too much.

"Yup, so loopy." Judy agreed.

"Well, I think this is our cue to scram and hit the hay, busy day tomorrow after all." The fox said as he walked back from the car.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow partner." The rabbit said while she started the car back up.

Nick replied by lazily saluting and walking towards his apartment door. When he was finally inside his apartment, Judy is now alone with her thoughts of realization of what she just did a few minutes ago and bashed her head lightly over and over a couple of times on the cars steering wheel.

"Why the hell did I just say?" She said to herself when she finally thought her head bashing was sufficient for now and drove off to her own apartment. But what she didn't know is that the fox saw her did all that he looked through one of the apartment windows as he walked to his room.

God knows why I'm hesitant on asking her out. He thought

I don't know, maybe your terrified that your relationship may become a mess and her being your partner partner and co-worker is just icing on the cake? His own thought fired back at him.

He can't help but disappointedly sigh to himself as he never acted like this before. "I swear that gray ball of fluff will be the death of me." He said to himself as he finally retreated to his own room.

September 7, Thursday 9:05 am

It was around this time that the Chief of Police of precinct 1, who just got up from his desk to face his underlings in the bullpen who are armed with roars and table bashes. The Chief still don't get why they do this. But it's probably for the best, a simple howl or shout can help relieve stress immensely. The large buffalo thought. His thoughts were interrupted as he suddenly heard knocks on his door. His eyes narrowed as he questioned himself who it might be.

"Come in." The Chief commanded.

The door to the chief's office opened, revealing two of the precinct's smallest, but not the weakest officers. "This better be worth my time, the more I'm late the more the bullpen's being trashed right now."

"Chief it's us, we might have something in our hands that needs attention." The rabbit spoke first.

"And what might that be, Hopps?" The chief said with a gruff as he went back to his seat to better talk to the two.

"I'll handle this one." The red fox whispered to his partner as he faced their intimidating chief, but for some reason a part his brain fails to understand how to be intimidated, resulting in situations that usually leads to both of his partner in an endless task of parking duty, but the only reasoning he has against this is that it's always worth it to see his chief happy, apparently happy for the fox means shouting and looks of pure anger.

"Sup Chief." Nick said with barely a salute and a smirk.

"I'm already regretting my decision." Chief Bogo uttered with his irritation starting to rise.

"Oh come on Chief, when did I ever let you down?"

The buffalo's response was a raised eyebrow as he thinks that the fox already knows the answer to his own question and suddenly Judy's elbow found a sweet spot on Nick's stomach to urge him to focus on the current situation.

The fox clutched his stomach as it actually hurt. Damn this bunny can definitely hit. He thought. "Ok but for real though, someone in the neighborhood tipped us off that someone might be in trouble today." The red fox said with a smirk, hoping his confident façade can help make their excuse more believable.

"And what kind of trouble exactly?" Bogo asked with a tone that says "I'm not buying this one bit"

"A 'a-guy-could-be-shot-dead-in-the-middle-of-the-street' trouble?" Nick said with a shoulder shrug, but nonetheless still maintained his confident demeanor.

"And why such a specific kind of trouble? And who the hell even tipped this to you bozos?" The buffalo asked with his anger starting to rise.

Before Nick could even begin to enrage the Chief further, Judy stepped in to help remedy the situation. "As we said Chief, the tip was anonymous so we don't know who exactly it was, they just suddenly called us Nick's personal phone so it maybe someone who Nick personally knows." The doe finished explaining as she looked at her partner looking for confirmation whether her lie is good enough.

'For someone who was hesitant on making lies, Carrots can certainly deliver, I'd rate that a soild 8 in my book' Nick thought as he glanced at his partner with a smile and a wink which earned him a smile from her.

"And yes based on the voice that we've heard, I'd say I know the guy and trust me, he's trustworthy enough, at least to some extent." The fox assured.

The buffalo sighed in defeat to the two, as he never, ever let a tip, especially if it involves innocent mammals dying go unnoticed.

"Allright, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and luckily enough I was actually going to assign you two to patrol happytown"

'We already knew that though.' The cop duo simultaneously thought.

"That's great timing Chief Bogo, but because of this certain case, we would like to make a request" Judy said.

'Hmm this'll be good' Bogo thought. "Let's hear it"

"We would like to request an officer to go undercover , as me and my partner are not really fit to do it ourselves." Nick piped up before Judy could even begin to talk.

The buffalo didn't even need to ask why as he already knew the answer to it. Judy is already infamous in happytown for having a fox partner and as for the fox, well, besides being infamous himself, he assumes the neighborhood would instantly know the fox even he shaves all of his fur.

"Allright, I'll assign an officer to you, but make sure to provide backup. And if anything bad ever happens to him, I'll swear I'll make the life of you two here a living hell that you'll want to resign." The bogo threatened with a gentle smile. This caused the rabbit to gulp and the fox to yawn.

"If that's all you two have from your goddamn mouths then I suggest you two scram to the bullpen before I drag you two myself." The Chief said as his intimidating expression returned.

The doe hastily saluted and when to the door with a slight dash in her step while the red fox just , after lazily saluting, walked casually to the door with his paws in his pockets.

10:30 am, happytown

After a routine meeting in the bullpen, the two mammals plus one wolf in a somewhat disheveled attire to fit the environment, was now arriving at their destination near the street of what is about to happen.

"Where almost there, you know what to do, right Wolford?" the rabbit asked to the wolf in the backseat.

"Aye aye captain, just go up there and look for something out of the ordinary and possibly get mugged while you two chill in your car sitting tunes on the radio." Wolford responded playfully.

"Yup, that pretty much sums up everything." The fox said as he looked in the backseat to smirk at the Wolf. Wolford responded by giving a middle finger which elicited a laugh from him.

The car now near the supposed crime scene just 2 blocks away from it while still giving them enough vision to see what's going on. "I think it's your cue now Wolford, If anything is amiss, talk to us immediately on the radio" The bunny cop said while the wolf officer fiddled with his radio and see if it works well.

"Roger that." Wolford's reply went to the radio of the cop duo as Judy gave him a thumbs up.

As the wolf got out of the car, the two watched as he got near the area of the soon to be crime scene.

The fox watched the time on his phone to know when it is about to happen. "10:45, any moment now and there should be a poor fox on the street and our poor wolf would be in the front row seat."

"Which kind of concerns me Nick, what if the shooter instead shoots Wolford, not the fox?" Judy said with her voice riddled with concern for her fellow policemen.

"No one shoots a random wolf in broad daylight carrots."

"But they'll shoot a fox instead?" The rabbit now facing her partner who was strangely fixated on the street ahead. "The fox probably has enemies carrots, every fox has one." Nick said it with an unusual tinge of seriousness.

Judy just sighed, not trying to further escalate the topic she started.

"Hmm, that's strange.." Nick suddenly said.

"What's strange?"

"I swear it was this exact time when we found the fox on the ground." The fox said after he checked his watch that indicated 10:48.

The doe reached for the radio to try and contact the undercover wolf. "Wolford, do you see anything out the ordinary?"

After some moments, the wolf replied. "Umm no not really". The rabbit was about to ask something else before the wolf suddenly piped up. "Wait, someone's going out of the house you guys mentioned."

"Allright, try to hide but stay on them for the time being." The doe ordered.

"You got that boss"

"I'm not your boss Wolford."

"Sure boss, anything you say."

Judy just sighed with a smile after the exchange and thought 'Now there's two of them.'

The doe's thought was interrupted as their radio turned on again, "I can now see him clearly, it's a fox wearing a striped polo shirt wearing tattered dirty jeans."

Upon hearing this, Nick immediately blurted out "Wait that's him!"

"Who's he, you know the guy?" Wolford asked from the other side of the radio.

"No but keep your eye on him." The fox ordered.

"Sure boss." The wolf replied

"I'm also not your boss pal."

"Whatever you say boss."

Nick sighed as he looked at his partner, "Am I this annoying?" He asked.

"Yes 100%" The rabbit replied with a smile.

"Now I get why the chief is always fond of me." As the fox finished saying this, the bunny chuckled.

A few moments later their attention is yet again on their radio is it chattered to life yet again. "Now our fox is walking towards the street and seems to be holding an absurd amount of cash. The other fox talking to him is now shaking his hand and the- oh now he's walking away, what do I do?!"

The fox quickly lead the situation as he took the radio from his dashboard to reply to the wolf. "Go after him Wolford, he may be in a lot of trouble if we don't hurry."

"So what, I'll just approach him and talk?" The wolf asked in a hurry as he was trying to catch up to the walking fox.

"Yeah go do that."

A sigh was heard on the radio as they assume Wolford did that on purpose.

Meanwhile on Wolford's perpective, he's about to catch the attention of the fox before he remembers he was holding the radio on his hand and quickly stuff in on his pocket but not turning in off so that the Nick and Judy can hear their conversation.

As the wolf finally approached the middle aged fox, he grabbed his shoulder to try and get his attention, and when it did, the fox faced the wolf which a questioning expression. "Hey uh…" Wolford realized that he didn't really thought of anything to ask to the fox.

"What?" The fox asked.

"I kinda saw you over there holding a bunch of cash-" Before the wolf could continue, he was interrupted by the fox.

"And what, your trying to mug me? Because so far, you're doing a pretty bad job at it." The fox said insultingly to the undercover wolf.

"What? No, I was just going to ask, as someone who is pretty broke right now, I actually want to know how you got that amount." Wolford said as the cop duo looked at each other looking impressed so far.

"You don't really look broke to me but oh well." The fox looked to his sides before he continued, "This is our little secret allright?"

Wolford replied by a simple shoulder shrug and said "Sure, ok."

"I actually sold a stolen furrari to that guy who lives there." The middle aged fox said as he pointed to the house he went out earlier and continued, "I was actually scared for my life as he said that he would shoot me in broad daylight if I didn't, but hey, I bet you he was bluffing." The fox said with a laugh.

Meanwhile at our cop duo, Judy was in a stage where she was already fired up to arrest the mammal but Nick quickly held her down on her seat. With Nick's paws on her shoulders, the bunny blushed at the contact but quickly went away as what he saw on Nicks face was an expression of pure confusion. Nicks mind was full of questions like who the hell even owns a furrari that lets someone steal it, but his thoughts were answered as the conversation on the radio continued.

"And get this, it was probably the most easy steal I'd ever done do far, because the dimwit who drove it was a sloth." The middle aged fox laughed after he finished saying this and made Wolford feel very uncomfortable as he held his force smile as to not reveal his undercover. "Beat him to every inch of his life like he was a punching bag." The fox continued while making punches in the air.

Back at the car the fox was now wide eyed as bits and pieces came together. The paw that was holding the rabbit's shoulders now on the fox's jaw as he was comprehending was he just heard.

"Nick you all right?" The doe asked as she was deeply concerned now for her partner as she never seen the fox this shaken up.

The fox didn't answer her as he was deeply in thought and hoping that what he thought was wrong and just purely coincidence.

The laughter in the radio died down as the middle aged fox said "Hey it was nice chatting with yah pal, but I really gotta scram so I won't get mugged." Before the wolf could even reply the fox was running away.

"Hey guys, what should I do, he's running away and I don't have any tranqs on me." Wolford asked as he tried to follow the fox.

Before Judy could even respond, the speakers now sounded with someone asking for a backup. "10-54, I repeat, 10-54 on 6th street Sahara Square, possible dead sloth ID'd as Dash Slothmore, asking for assistance if anyone is near hear, we already called the ambulance but they said they would take a while, I repeat, 10-54 on 6th street Sahara square." The fox was full on panicking it this point as the announcement just confirmed his suspicions.

"Oh god no…" Nick blurted out, seemingly full of sadness and despair.

"Nick why is dash unconscious, he was just driving his furrari yesterday." The doe asked as she scooted closer to the fox.

"Carrots, it's all my fault." The fox said as he looked at the doe

"Wait why?"

"Originally, I let you apprehend Dash the last time you saw him because as you said, 'I better stop him now before he injures somebody, or himself', and then after that you called to tow his furrari for speeding and reckless driving."

The doe was about to ask further until it all came to her as she frowned until she herself was starting to regret what they'd done. "So the stinkin fox was actually about to be shot for not bringing what the guy wanted but since I didn't take Dash's car, he's now running with his pocket filled with so much money."

What the rabbit said summarized all that happened and didn't bode well with the fox. And what Judy is about to say perfectly encapsulates what the both of them currently feel like.

"What have we done."