Hello everyone, this is your fanfic author, WildlyLaughing. Apologies for the fact that this isn't a chapter but I have bad news. My laptop is fried, and with it goes my ability to finish the next chapter of the story.

I suppose I could try to finish writing everything on my mobile like how I'm writing this right now, but that would drastically decrease the quality of the chapter as well as be too much of a hassle to deal with. Luckily, though, I was planning on building a gaming PC anyway and have already paid for the parts to ship. If everyone is willing to wait an extra 2 weeks, I'll have everything I need to build my PC and crank out the chapters.

As a "Thank You" for waiting, I guarantee 3 chapters for the story once the new date arrives.

Lastly, I'll remove this author's note once I post the newer chapters. Thanks for understanding!

Fox Dragon New Date: 7/22

Worm VS Wyrms: 7/29