Sonic Does Robotnik's Mom, by Dickfart
Mama Robotnik was dressed in her best negligee one night when the doorbell rang.
"Poopsiekins, get the door!" she howled while channel hopping. She proceeded to clip her yellowing toenails and they littered the linoleum floor like copper pins. Just as she reached the last of them, the doorbell rang again and she barked even louder. "THE DOOR!"
"I'm showering, mama!" said Robotnik from clear across the fortress.
"Useless boy. Get one of your robots to answer the door then!"
"We don't have functioning legs at the moment," Scratch groaned, sparks spraying from his beak. This particular encounter with Sonic hadn't ended well.
"Well, I'm not getting up!" said Mama. "My cankles hurt!"
"No need to get up, ma'am," said Sonic, appearing in front of her suddenly. "I let myself in."
"Oh, it's YOU," she spat. "What do you want? I've got programs to get caught up on! If you're gonna beat up that useless son of mine then GO. But keep it down!"
"No no, I ain't here for Robuttnik," said Sonic, pulling out a hotdog bun. "I got bigger, beautifuller things in mind, ma'am." He took her hand in his free one and kissed it.
"Oh my. What a little Casanova you are," said big Mama, blushing beneath her mustache. "Would you like me to lose the gown?"
"Oh yes," said Sonic, placing his spiny blue dick in the bun and pouring warm chili over it. Once Mama Robotnik was good and naked, he took her massive tits in his gloved hands while she took his saucy dong into her womanly mouth.
She sucked furiously, getting bits of bun and bean into her lady 'stache, and Sonic took one of her tender nipples into his mouth, giving it a suck. She groaned and flicked her bean beneath her many rolls of fat. The little red hairs on her nipples only seemed to encourage him.
"O hedhog," she said, with a mouth full of spiny gotta go fast pen0r. It came out of her mouth with a POP. "Take that chilidog and stick it in me."
"Ma'am yes ma'am!" said Sonic. He bent her over the couch and shoved his spiny blue cock into her ass with fervor. The legs of the couch gave in beneath them, but an abrupt fall and a few splintered toes did nothing to stop their passionate lovemaking. Sonic spotted Robonik running down the stairs, and it was enough to trigger an explosive orgasm.
"Mama! What's that noise? Is it that blasted hedge..." said Robotnik, running in on his naked mother and arch-nemesis engaged in raging bumfucking.
"Get out! I'm not finished!" said Mama Robotnik, throwing a toaster at her son. By the time he hid in the closet, she noticed the breeze of vacancy in her rectum.
Sonic was already gone.
The End