A:N/ Sorry for a shorter chapter but, I really wanted this moment between Sanji and Zoro to be on its own. It's better if you listen to a sad theme with this chapter. Try listening to Fairy Tail Lyra's Song English Dub, Naruto Sadness and Sorrow or Fairy Tail Theme By Taylor Davis while reading this. You can feel this chapters depth alot better listening to one of these.


Fairykick- Haha thank you :) I appreciate you taking the time to read it!

Ducky- Not once, but twice you've reviewed! Thank you so much! I am super glad you're enjoying this story so far. Plus, I like that you like how I write. Means ALOT. Yeah, it'll definitely be longer one reason being you've made my day! Haha I hope you don't lose interest in it :D

The forest seemed to go on forever. Each step was like taking a step back. No matter how many steps forward, the end never got closer. Or so it seemed and the air around the island, swiftly drifting past the tall trees towering above them, was thick yet cool. The limbs shivered under it's touch, leaves being swept into the wind and carried away like a never ending cloud floating in the sky. With no destination in mind, the leaves continued to grow in altitude until they were nothing more than small specs way up high. Slowly. All too slowly, they disappeared. Sanji felt captivated by the wondrous sight and he watched the nature of everything around him as they treaded carefully on unknown territory.

The trees were different. They didn't have the image of normal wood and the color was all wrong. Instead of the dark dirt brown of bark, it was an odd red. Almost the color of blood. Yet, the leaves held their beautiful green essence and dangled freely from the strange colored limbs.

Zoro, was walking in front of him. He could almost see the tension surrounding the swordsman. Sanji wanted to make sure the Marimo didn't get lost. He had a tendency to lose all sense of direction even when moving in a straight line, much to the cooks annoyance. They couldn't afford to get separated. Not on an island as strange as this one. The legend that Nami spoke of hung heavily in his mind. He couldn't help but wonder what happened five hundred years ago. Why was so many people slaughtered? What had happened to give it such a name as despair? An island that was bathed in blood, coated with a sickening shade of scarlet. It was anything but welcoming.

They had been walking for a good thirty minutes, not slowing their pace. Zoro hadn't said a word, making Sanji a bit nervous. Usually, the moss head would be complaining about the walk or how hot is was and usually Sanji would call him a pansy for being so whiny. Now, however, the silence was all that was shared between them. He wondered what was running through that hard head of Zoro's. Sanji wasn't sure he wanted to know but a part of him wanted to lift whatever weight hung over the swordsman's shoulders.

Sanji looked down at his feet as they walked.

Sanji had alot he needed to say, wanted to voice into words but he was stumped. His own mind was filled with thoughts and it was anything but settling. His thoughts, they lingered towards something far more complicated than those words could produce, stuck in his mind and stubbornly staying there. He also knew, this weary silence was getting to him. How could he possibly start a conversation neither of them wanted to have but desperately wanted to avoid?

"Oi. Cook."

Sanji looked up meeting Zoro's curious gaze. He was looking at him with a raised brow. Something of concern and irritation sparking in those dark orbs. Sanji wanted to look away from those calculating eyes. Damn Marimo. Why look at me that way?

"What moss for brains." Sanji asked, concealing the tired sigh that almost followed suit.

Zoro stopped walking then, his attention not wavering from the cook and Sanji came to an abrupt halt, too. Something of pain flashed into Zoro's eyes. There too soon, gone too fast, for Sanji to contemplate exactly what it was. "At the ship. You said you're sorry. For what?" Zoro really wanted to know what was going through the blondes head.

Sanji's mouth fell. For a moment he was confused, ready to ask what the hell Marimo was talking about, when he remembered saying it before. He bit his lip. Hard. Were they really going to have this conversation? In a dense, gloomy forest at that? The look on Zoro's face, however, made Sanji deflate. Even if he didn't want to bring it up at that particular moment, Zoro's expression was not only mirrored that of confusion but lost. Like he had no idea why Sanji would apologize.

That's right. Since that night, they never talked about what happened. Sanji's chest started to ache with sorrow remembering everything so perfectly. He never blamed Zoro. Never even considered it but it wasn't like he made that clear. No, Sanji's pain didn't start because of the rape, it didn't run nearly as deep as the thought of Zoro blaming himself did. He could handle physical pain. The things Zoro done to him were nothing compared to the inner turmoil the swordsman must have endured. Sanji could handle whatever wounds were inflicted on him. Even the ones implanted on his soul. He could not stand to see Zoro battling his own inward battle or that broken expression he often saw when he thought no one was looking.

Sanji grabbed a cigarette out if his nearly empty pack. Sticking the unhealthy habit in his mouth, he lit it. Moving it around to the side of his mouth, he contemplated his next words. He wasn't sure exactly how to come about what needed expressed. For some odd reason, it was alot harder to simply say words than it is to think them. Why was that?

"Zoro." He said the swordsman's name softly, with sympathy that Zoro hated hearing from anyone when it's aimed at him. His stubborn pride and all but Zoro's posture didn't change and he continued to stared at the cook.

Damn it. How can I say this? He silently cursed his lack of ability to just say what he wanted to say. "I said it because, that night wasn't your fault. If was because I came back when you said not to." Sanji just decided to start it with that, watching Zoro flinch.

Sanji gritted his teeth. "It wasn't your fault moss head! I don't blame you!" The cook stomped up to Zoro, grabbing him by the hem of his shirt and bringing their faces together until their noses touched, not caring how rigid Zoro was.

Zoro's eyes were wide.

"I want to know what the hell happened to you before that?! You, your eyes, I've never seen them so cold. It was like you were a completely different person." Sanji's voice softened, recalling those hard eyes that held a depth of hatred and burned with a fire that was too hot, too out of control. A depth that anyone looking into them could sink into their dark void.

Sanji closed his eyes, shivering at the memory. He never again wanted to lock gaze's with the eyes of a beast, not when those eyes were Zoro's. He felt a gentle but firm pressure on his wrist. He didn't open his eyes, not right away. Not only was his face hot with embarrassment with what he just said, but he knew his body was shaking.

"I was at the bar." The low voice had Sanji opening his eyes and looking at the calm swordsman. Zoro's brows were drawn together as he spoke. "I let my guard down. Ended up paying for it with a needle to my neck."

Sanji's eyes widened. A needle? Couldn't be, was he drugged? The cook swept his gaze from Zoro's face towards his strong neck. At first he didn't see anything but after looking long enough he spotted something small and round. The cook slowly tilted Zoro's head upwards and the swordsman let him. Squinting, Sanji got closer and saw a small, almost fully healed, puncture wound that indeed was left by a needle. It was already fading but could still be seen up close. He felt bile and undeniable rage, at seeing the wound. The bastard!

Sensing the cook's rising anger, Zoro gripped the small wrist he still had in his hand. Sanji's skin was soft, he noted. He never used his hands in battle and was always careful not to damage them. Everytime they fought, the cook used only his legs. The reason his hands were so smooth was because they were precious to him. One day, those hands were going to be the reason Sanji becomes the worlds greatest chef. The one he held was connected to the shoulder he had nearly broken and a tidal wave of guilt crashed into him. How could he ever damage the part of the cook that was deemed holy?

"I'm sorry." He said, not realizing the words had slipped past his lips. Though they were low, barely audible and went unknowing to Sanji.

Suddenly, something filled the air. It was a peaceful aura and a beautiful voice. A feminine one. The tone was angelic almost and was being carried across the wind like a soft symphony. Soft, calm singing could be heard in the distance and both Sanji and Zoro froze. The pure sound drifting into their hearing and they listened.

"What..?" Zoro was shocked at the emotion flowing through the women's voice, usually he would be unsheathing his swords, already on high alert for the threat but something about the calming sound gave him a sense of security.

Sanji, too, hadn't moved, just stared wide eyed at nothing.

Words as clear as day, could be heard.

Strength, compassion, a kind spirit,

Drifts in the air, carried in harmony,

A heart, pure and bright,

Shinning through the darkness with impending light.

I do wonder, if you feel it to, that love,

So true.

Such warmth, that wraps around you.

Words, that are said, can only be felt,

When they are real.

Carried with compassion, held with softness,

Can you feel their depth?

Sanji was hypnotized by the voice as it sung in a lovely tune. Each phrase dipped in emotion and felt by the heart. His body grew heavy, his legs turning to jelly and in an instant he was falling to the ground. At least he would have, if not for a strong set of arms wrapping around his small waist and keeping him from face planting. The strength he had moments ago was leaving him and he didn't know why. The harmonic sound pulled him under, threatening to consume him with darkness. He couldn't hold on to reality. He was thrown into a peaceful black oblivion.

Zoro didn't know what was wrong. He could barely stand. His body weighed a ton all of a sudden. The moment he saw Sanji tip forward he was already catching him, despite his own fight at staying up right. His arms started to shake. Not wanting to drop Sanji, he carefully laid him down on the ground. One look of Sanji's face showed the cooks eyes closed and his body relaxed. He was unconscious. "Hey! Cook!" He shook Sanji's shoulders, getting no response, fear for the cooks unresponsive and unmoving form.

Dammit. What is this feeling? Zoro silently cursed.

His eyes closed to half slits as the song rang out, listening to the words that never froze. They continued to flow. No matter how much he tried to block out the voice, it was futile.

Tell me, do you know,

When love and compassion flow,

The light turns blinding, like the sun showering down,

So blinding.

Let it lift your heavy heart, fall into a peaceful sleep,

Shall you find what you so desperately hope to keep.

What it is, your heart seeks.

Zoro didn't feel the ground when it rose up to greet him. He wasn't sure when he lost his grip on the real world but as he was being tossed into that dark pit of nothingness, before his eyes closed for good, he saw something coming towards them. It was a white blur, like a thick cloud of smoke. Then he knew nothing, his eyes closing and his mind going blank as he was lost to the darkness.