Hey guys!

Back with a new story! Yes I know, my next update will be on Fox Sage but Dark King Marcel came to me with this idea and I loved it!

Now, don't want to give away any secrets so enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the Dragon Ball franchise.

Chapter 1: Beginnings

Booms could be heard for miles as the two warriors fists collided with one another. The ground would shake each time their fists collided with one another.

The two fighters were fighting high above the current spectators.

The first fighter was a tall and muscular man but not like a bodybuilder but more as a man who trained avidly. He wore an orange gi that was tucked into black and blue, shin high boots. He had an insignia on the gi where his heart was. What was his most prominent feature was his blue hair. What was normally wild and untamed black hair, is now blue and spiked straight up.

The man he was fighting was essentially identical to him. He has a slightly darker skin tone and fully outlined eyes, along with a somewhat skinnier physique. His attire consists of a sleeveless dark grey uwagi, a long-sleeved black undershirt with a turtleneck, a red sash, black pants and white boots. He wears a single gold and green Potara earring on his left ear. And like the other man, he would normally have black hair but currently it was pink and mirrored the blue haired individuals spikiness.

These two fighters were Goku and Goku Black, or Black for short.

"Goku will not win." Muttered one of the spectators. He had pale green skin, gray irises, white eyebrows, and white hair in the style of a mohawk. He wore a violet long-sleeved shirt under a gray and yellow coat, a light blue sash, darker blue baggy pants, and white boots. He also wore an earring which was similar to the one Black was wearing that was also on his left ear.

This man was Zamasu and the whole reason this world was onslaught to the current destruction.

"Goku might not win, but you won't be able to see it!"

Zamasu turned around to see who was speaking to him.

"Ah, the young Saiyan, Trunks, was it?" Zamasu said condescendingly. "What are you going to do with that jug there boy? Are you going to offer me a drink before I end your miserable mortal life?" Zamasu laughed as he made fun of the young Saiyan.

Trunks smirked at the self proclaimed god. He could just imagine his face once he realized what he was going to do.

"This is going to be your new home for all of eternity. So, I hope we made comfy enough for you." Trunks stated.

Before Zamasu had a chance to question him, Trunks stuck his hand out towards him and shouted.


Time seemed to stop for everyone, even Goku and Black stopped their fight as they felt the strange power.

And then it seemed to restart as Zamasu felt an intense pain throughout his body as a green vortex enveloped his body.

"AAAAHHHHH! WHAT IS THIS?!" Zamasu yelled as he was caught in the vortex.

"This is the power of mortals! You've underestimated us and now you will be sealed for all of eternity!" Trunks yelled as he started to pull Zamasu into the jug that would be his prison for the rest of time.

"Argh! I have to stop this boy!" Black said as he tried to fly and stop Trunks. He was stopped as Goku teleported in front of him.

"Oh no you don't! Your fight is with me!" Goku said as he punched him into a nearby building.

"You are nothing but vermins!" Black yelled. "I'll kill you all!"

Goku flew up to where Black dislodged himself from the building!

"I won't let you harm anyone else! Your reign of evil ends here!" Goku yelled at him as his started to power up.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Goku yelled as he powered up more than he ever has before.

'He's increasing his power to unbelievable proportions!" Black thought as he started to power up himself.

Goku shifted his body to the side and cupped his hands together.

"KA…" Goku started.

"This is for all the people you have killed!

ME…" Goku said as he started to charge his signature technique.

'This is bad!' Thought Black. 'That has the potential to kill me with the sudden power boost he obtained!' Black shifted his body to mirror Goku's and started to charge his own variation of Goku's signature move.

"This is for betraying your own master !


This is for you destroying innocent planets!

ME…" Goku's palms were bright with the color blue and holding in an amazing amount of condensed energy that waited to be released.

Black who stood across from Goku had his own ball of energy that was pink and had a tinge of black in the middle of the charging energy.

"And this is for my family that you killed here!"

"HA/HA!" Both Goku and Black yelled as they released their attacks at one another.

Pink met blue as the two kamehameha attacks met each other in the air. The power that was behind them were only equal to each other. The power behind the two blasts could be felt across the planet and even the universe!

Both Black and Goku grunted as they tried to overpower one another.

The amount of power the two blasts were making in their push was becoming too much for the universe however.

Both combatants felt there attacks weaken until they vanished into nothingness.

Before they could question it, a small black ball appeared where the two blasts collided. Then the ball expanded to the size of a basketball until it stopped growing once it reached the size of one of Capsule Corps. space ships!

The black mass of energy started to pull things into it like a vacuum! The force started to pull the two fighters in.

"What have you done you imbecile! You've created a black hole!" Black yelled at Goku.

"What?! You're just as responsible as I am!" Goku yelled as he freaked out!

He didn't want to be sucked into the black hole! He still had to be with his family!

And ChiChi!

She'd kill him if he was sucked into a black hole!

Then, in a very rare moment of intelligence that only Goku can have, he thought of a way to save himself and stop the black hole.

Black turned to yell at Goku some more only to find he wasn't there.

"Where did that moro-" Black stopped what he was saying as he felt a presence behind him.

Black turned around only to see Goku there with a Ki blast in his hand.

"Bye!" Goku said a bit too enthusiastically for what had just transpired.

He slammed the blast into Black, sending him directly into the black hole. Once he entered it, the Ki blast exploded.

The explosion destabilized the black hole and it collapsed on itself.

Trapping Black Goku inside.

"I better check with the others." Goku said as he flew to where he saw Trunks standing with a closed jar and Zamasu missing.

"Did you get him Trunks?" Goku asked.

"Yeah. What about Black? Did you get him?"

Goku frowned.

"I sent him into the black hole that we made." Trunks mouth fell open at the way Goku seemed to dismiss the fact he made something so powerful.

"I ended up destabilizing it with a Ki blast and it collapsed on itself but I don't know if he is still alive or not." Goku told the young Saiyan.

"How did you know you could destabilize it?!" Trunks asked in astonishment.

Goku chuckled and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"I didn't." Trunks face vaulted. "I just kinda took a shot in the dark that it would work." Trunks went to speak but was cut off by a voice.

"Good job Goku. Seems that I didn't need to step in after all." Both Goku and Trunks turned around to see Beerus and Whis.

"Hey Beerus! How long have you been here?" Goku casually addressed the God of Destruction.

"Long enough for you and that copy cat to create a rip in the fabric of space and time." Beerus informed the two.

"So Black is still alive then?!" Trunks asked frightened that someone as powerful as that might come back.

"Actually," Whis interrupted. "he is gone. He is longer apart of this universe or timeline. His presence has all but vanished."

Trunks let out a sigh of relief while Goku smiled.

"Sounds great! But let's go home! I'm starving!" Goku explained much to the agreement of Beerus and Whis.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" The group looked to side side to see Vegeta standing there with a scowl on his face.

"Oh, Vegeta! When did you get here?" Goku asked.

It took everything Vegeta had to prevent himself from attacking Goku.

"I've been here the entire time! You just decided to take the spotlight like always!" Vegeta yelled.

"You can fight the next guy we face first then. No worries!" Goku laughed as he tried to calm him down.

Trunks chuckled as did Whis.

Beerus just smirked at the Saiyans.

He caught onto what Whis was saying. Black disappeared from this Universe.

Didn't mean he couldn't be in another one.

Hopefully he landed in Champa's.

Deep Inside Universe Six


That is all Black felt as he floated through space in time. With all his senses dulled, he had no idea what was going on.

How long has he been drifting? A few second, minutes, days? Maybe even years?!

He didn't know where he was!

Then he saw it.

The light that opened up in front of him.

He didn't care where or what it led too. He just wanted to end this endless drifting. As it he neared it, he had to close his eyes due to a blinding light.

He disappeared from the void.


A pleasant change from the black nothingness that he was expecting to see.

He moved to get on his hands and knees as he was disoriented.

That's when he felt that whatever orange thing he was on was soft and furry?

Before he could contemplate further, chains wrapped around the orange mass, and by default him, and pulled it to the ground with Black stuck to the orange mass.

Black struggled to break the chains but he was still weak from traveling through the black hole and couldn't even muster enough energy to make a Ki blast.

He stopped struggling as he heard voices talking.

He turned and was able to make out a couple of people.

There was a man with spiky yellow hair. He had a white coat with red flames licking the bottom of it.

Next to him was a woman that had red hair that went down to her waist. She wore a long green, loose fitting dress. She had the chains that were holding him and the orange mass down protruding from her back.

They both had a giant claw protruding from their stomachs.

That's when he saw the two children, obviously newborns given they were still nude and way too small to be anything but newborns.

Identical twins.

With whiskers?

That is when he noticed where the claw was coming from.

What he saw was a giant fox.

A nine tailed fox.

He was tied down to a nine tailed fox!

Before he could contemplate any further, he felt something pulling on him and the giant fox.

He saw a ghostly like creature pulling on him and the creature.

The apparition split the beast into three parts.

He separated the energy the fox had in two pieces and the consciousness of the beast.

He then locked eyes with the apparition.

It smirked.

'A Saiyan. This has become very interesting.' The apparition spoke before grabbing him.

It sealed the one piece of the energy into the blonde man and the other half into one of the twins.

The apparition then grabbed the consciousness of the beast and him and proceeded to seal him into the other twin.

Black succumbed to unconsciousness.

Outside World

Hiruzen was on his knees crying as held one of the twins.

He had just lost two powerful ninja and ones he saw as his own family.

Minato and Kushina were always happy and spreading joy wherever they went in the village. Kushina never ceased to remind him of his age while Minato just chuckled and looked to him for guidance as he was his grandfather.

And now they were gone. They had passed in sealing the Nine Tails into their twins, Naruto and Menma.

He held Naruto while Menma was being held by his student, Jiraiya. Tsunade just behind him.

"What do we do now?" Questioned Tsunade.

She was heart broken at the thought of losing her surrogate sister, Kushina. Kushina had lived in the Senju compound when she had came to the village given the Senju and Uzumaki were distant cousins.

"What do you mean, 'what do we do now?' We train little Menma of course!" Jiraiya shouted loudly.

"And what of Naruto?" Hiruzen said a bit distastefully at the white haired man.

"What of him? You heard Minato's words. Menma has the Yin chakra of the Nine tails inside of him while Naruto just has the consciousness." Jiraiya said. "Menma needs all the training he needs to harness the power bestowed upon him."

Hiruzen frowned at his student's words. He would forget his own apprentices son for another just because of a little power.

"I'm gonna take him with me on my travels." Hiruzen gasped at Jiraiya's words. "Don't worry about it. I am a seal master so if anything were to happen with the seal, I would be the most qualified to deal with. And Naruto will do fine growing as a nor- WHAT THE HELL?!" Jiraiya shouted mid thought as he pointed at Naruto.

The group all turned to look at Naruto who was wrapped up in Hiruzen's arms.

Naruto's once golden hair was now turning to a solid black. His blond eyebrows now matching his hair. And his skin now taking a darker tone than the one before. (Black's hair and skin tone)

"W-what just happened?" A stunned Tsunade asked.

"I-I don't know." Hiruzen muttered. Jiraiya moved towards Naruto and moved the blanket he was wrapped in.

He looked at the seal on his stomach to see it was slowly changing to something he has never seen before.

"The seal may be the cause of it." Hiruzen looked at Naruto's stomach and noticed the changes. "This is the first time that we have heard of a tailed beast being sealed by the Shinigami. Maybe it is the Shinigami's influence that made the boy's features and seal to change." Jiraiya said in thought.

"That may be true, but I still refuse you to leave." Hiruzen stated. Jiraiya looked at Hiruzen as if he was crazy.

"But he needs to be trained in order to control the power of the Nine Tails. Kumo already has a Jinchuuriki who can fully control their tailed beast. Plus, if he remains here, people would feel the power of the Nine Tails when he is training and make the connections." Jiraiya reasoned. "You've heard the stories of other Village's Jinchuuriki. Do you want that for these boy's?" Before Hiruzen could speak Tsunade stepped forward.

"No matter how much I hate the pervert, he does have a point." Hiruzen's jaw hit the ground. He never thought he would see the day Tsunade would agree with Jiraiya. "Plus, he's gonna need my help. Can't have him train a Jinchuuriki and end up dying to the tailed beast's power. Only a medic of my caliber could heal that type of injury. Plus, I have to keep an eye on my godson after all! Can't have his godfather making him into a pervert!"

Hiruzen looked down as a shadow covered his eyes. He was shaking with rage.

"What about Naruto! He's your god child after all! Minato and Kushina trusted you two to look after their kids when they weren't able to!"

"Sensei, it's just that Men-" Hiruzen snapped at Tsunade.

"No! I'm no longer your teacher! I know I didn't teach ungrateful kids like you two" Hiruzen looked up with a fire in his eyes. "Leave if you want! But know this! You won't be labeled as missing nin but you won't have any backing of Konoha either! If you cause trouble in another village, you will be held responsible! Any money that you need, you have to get on your own! I will not send any missions to the both of you! Do you understand?!" Hiruzen yelled.

Both Sannin nodded at him.

"And you better return by the time Naruto graduates from the academy! You can't keep him away from his own blood!" A nod. "And whatever money you take with you that will be all you get! If you guys so much as come back before Naruto leaves the academy for any reason, you will stay! Any attempt to leave will result in you two becoming missing nin with a reward so great whether you are brought back alive or DEAD!"

They nodded fearfully at him. They haven't seen him this angry in years.

"Now leave and gather your things. Just the sight of you sickens me." Hiruzen said as he stood up.

"We'll be leaving at noon tomorrow." Jiraiya informed him hoping he would see them off.

Unfortunately for them, Hiruzen thought of them as trash for abandoning his predecessors son.

None of them noticing an Anbu, with the kanji for 'Root' on their mask, listening to their entire conversation.

Inside the Seal (before Hiruzen came)

Black Goku groaned as he sat up. He noticed he was in shallow water. He looked around and noticed he was in some sewer.

He stood up and stretched. He then saw giant bars just a few feet away from him.

He walked towards them and saw they close together to where he couldn't get through if he wanted too.

"Well well well. What's a human like you doing in here?"

Black turned around and was met with the giant fox he saw earlier. The only difference being is that he couldn't sense an ounce of power compared to the near limitless power he felt earlier.

"And who are you calling a filthy human you overgrown plush toy." Black shot back.

Kurama growled at him.

"I am a god! I have brought fear into other gods with just my presence." He boasted.

"Another human claiming to be a god. I already dealt with Madara's god complex and I certainly don't need to deal with yours!" Kurama shouted.

"Claim? No, I am one!" Black shouted before he powered up.


Kurama was utterly shocked at the power Black was showing as he saw Black's hair turn from black to pink. He hadn't felt power like this since his father. And Kurama was ashamed to say it, but Black would have decimated his father should they fight with this power.

However, just as quickly as he changed, it disappeared as Black fell to his hands and knees.

"What was that?!" Black gasped.

"That was the seal." Kurama pointed at the large paper on the cage. "This seal is made to take whatever power it has sealed behind it and give it to the holder of the seal. You may not have felt it, but it was taking your power since you were sealed. But you using whatever power you just used was instantly taken as the seal thought you were trying to force yourself out."

"Humans. They have some, peculiar techniques." Black muttered as he remembered Trunks sealing Zamasu.

"Tell me about it. This one is an interesting one though. It is meant to take all of the sealed objects power to nothingness. Meaning you will eventually die from it." Black's eyes widened.

"What?! I can't die! And what about you! You have no power what so ever so how are you still here!" Black shouted.

Kurama laughed at the self proclaimed god.

"That may be true but since I don't have any chakra, it never detected me as an entity to be sealed. It can't steal my energy because it doesn't know I'm here!" Kurama taunted the man.

Black just glared at the fox.

"And how do I get out of here? There has to be a way for me to get out before I die!" Black yelled.

Kurama looked thoughtful for a second before speaking.

"There is a way but you won't live long enough to see it." Black gave him a look to continue. "You see, we are in what is called a Jinchuuriki, or power of human sacrifice. The only way for a tailed beast, such as myself or something else that would be sealed like you, to get free would for their Jinchuuriki to die or release us on their own." Kurama paused for a moment.

"Your best bet is to wait for your Jinchuuriki to die as they will be loyal to their village and not release us in fear of the home being destroyed."

Before they could continue, they heard talking and were able to see what Naruto saw. They witnessed the entire scene with Hiruzen and his two students.

"Hmmmm. Seems that seal absorbed more than just your energy. It seems to have absorbed your dna also."

Kurama smirked.

"You may be lucky." Black looked at Kurama in puzzlement. "You may never be free, but how does having an apprentice sound? This boy is meant to live lonely and hated by the village. And I don't know if you ever wanted this, Naruto is now technically you in a sense. Plus, those monkeys didn't see that Anbu hiding in the bushes.

That ninja belongs to a shady organization known as Root. It is lead by a power hungry fool who cares only for himself. I'm willingly to bet that he will spread word of Naruto being a Jinchuuriki leading to his abuse and neglect. That will make him resent the village and humans such as you do."

Black had an evil smile.

"And with that, I can create my own god here and can watch peacefully as Naruto destroys all these pathetic mortals. After all, it is a father's duty to make sure his son can protect himself." Black said.

"Now, what can you tell me of this world?" Black asked.

Kurama grinned.

He was going to enjoy being sealed with this man.

Seven Years Later

"Taichou, shouldn't we be heading out to watch the boy already? It's getting late and the village has started their celebration." Said an Anbu wearing a mask that resembled a cat.

"Calm down, Neko. The festival only started so things are still calm." Stated their captain who wore a mask resembling a Cat. "Just relax a bit and enjoy yourselves."

Neko along with the other Anbu in their squad look a bit reluctant at that. But, orders were orders and if they left that could be seen as insubordination grounds for being stripped of Anbu and even their ninja license.

Begrudgingly, Neko sat down in Anbu HQ along with her teammates following her. She looked out the window and hoped for the best.


Naruto woke up with a groan. His head hurt.

The last things he remembered was walking home as everyone set up for the festival.

Then he remembered when he turned the corner to go to his apartment, he was met with a mob of people waiting for him. From civilians to ninja.

And then pain. Unbearable pain.

They had attacked him and probably dumped him somewhere to rot.

That is when he noticed the sewer like place he was in.

"Great, they dumped me in the sewers below the village. Damn villagers!" Naruto spat as he stood up.

"You're not in a sewer kid."

Naruto turned around at the sound of another voice. What he was met with were giant metal bars that seemed higher than the Hokage monument.

Then he saw what lied behind the bars.

A giant nine tailed fox with a man with black hair sitting on the fox's head.

"Welcome to your mind!" Kurama said in a booming voice.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked. He figured who the fox was but the man was a mysterious.

Black jumped down to where he was in front of the bars separating Naruto and his tenants.

"Well, I have many names but people call me Black Goku, or just Black for short. And this guy," Black motioned behind him. "Is the Nine tailed fox, or Kurama."

Naruto looked at him wearily for a moment.

Could he believe him? Did he really have a man sealed inside him along with the Nine tails?

"I know it might be hard to believe, but it is true. We have been sealed in you since your birth." Black said. Naruto's eyes widened.

"My birth?! So do you guys know who my parents are?! Can you tell me about them?!" Naruto pleaded. Kurama looked at Black and smirked.

"How about we show you instead?" Kurama said behind the mindscape shifted to show the day Naruto was born.

Naruto was tears when he saw his parents. His father was the Fourth Hokage. And his mother was beautiful. He was so happy to finally know who they were.

However, that soon died as he found out his godparents abandoned him for his twin brother.

"How do you feel about all this, Naruto?" Black said.

Naruto looked down as his hair shadowed his eyes.

"How do I feel?! I feel angry! No, I feel furious! How can they me in this hell hole for my brother?! If they ever come near me, or any of these bigoted villagers, and try to act like nothing happened," He looked up and Black grinned at Naruto as he saw his eyes changing from his blue to a seafoam green.

"I'll kill them all if they think I'll ever forgive them! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Naruto yelled as electricity sparked around him.

Then, energy exploded around him as a yellow aura surrounded him. His hair changed from black to yellow. If possible, his spiky hair got spikier.

Naruto felt weird. No, he felt stronger. As if he could fight all the jounin in the village and still win.

"Congratulations Naruto." Naruto looked at Black. "You have reached what is known as a Super Saiyan."

"And what is a 'Super Saiyan?'" Naruto asked in a bit deeper voice.

"Well, you are a Saiyan, a proud warrior race. But you weren't born one." Black said. "But before that, let me tell you my story."

Black then proceeded to tell Naruto how he came to be and how he ended up here.

The entire truth.

Forest of Death

Anko was pissed.

It had been a month now since that bastard Orochimaru left her on that island after giving her the curse mark.

She was only ten dammit! She wasn't even a ninja and the bastard betrayed her trust!

She was heading home from training when she saw it.

To her left she saw a bright golden glow in the distance of the Forest of Death.

She decided to make her way over to the glow only to find a boy glowing with a shroud of yellow around him.

'He's injured!' Anko thought as she inspected his body. Cuts and bruises littered his body.

"Summoning Jutsu!" Anko yelled as she slammed her hand on the ground.

A small black snake appeared in a puff of snake.

Anko quickly put a rolled up scroll in its mouth.

"Quick! Take that note to Yugao-nee!"

The snake nodded before it slithered off towards the village.

Anko cut Naruto's shirt and started to clean and bandage his wounds.

Not long after Naruto's golden shroud died down and his hair reverted back to his usual black.

'Wait!' Anko thought. 'This is that boy! The one that all the villagers talk about!'

Before Anko could think further, a squad of Anbu appeared.

"Anko, what happened?!" Questioned the cat masked Anbu.

"I don't know! I was training when I saw him lying here!" Anko said.

They didn't question any further as the cat masked Anbu picked up the boy.

"It's fine, Anko. Go home, we'll handle this." The squad of Anbu disappeared in a flicker of leaves.

Anko just stood up and dusted off her pants.

She then started her journey home.

Thoughts of a golden glowing boy occupying her thoughts.


Hiruzen was pissed!

Naruto was never meant to be harmed! He was attacked by a drunk villager a few years ago but was saved before the idiot could do more than just give Naruto a black eye.

And now, apparently a mob of villagers, and some ninja, were waiting to ambush the young boy.

He was interrupted when an Anbu with a dog masked entered.

"Inu, grab your team and wait for me in my office! I will not accept tardiness!"

Inu nodded before he left.

Hiruzen then noticed that Naruto started to wake up.

"How are you feeling Naruto-kun?" Hiruzen asked as Naruto opened his eyes.

Naruto just looked at the Third Hokage.

"I feel better." Naruto said. "Jiji, can you tell me about my parents?" He suddenly asked.

Hiruzen was about to say he didn't know but decided against it.

He put this off long enough. He needed to tell this boy everything concerning him.

"I will. Come by my office tomorrow and I'll tell you everything you want to know." Naruto looked surprised but nodded still.

"Now, I have some business to attend to so I must be leaving." Naruto looked saddened by this which Hiruzen noticed.

"Now, there is someone who wants to see you. Claims since they did find you I feel it is fair that they get to see you." Naruto looked shocked.

Someone wanted to see him?! Who?

As Hiruzen left, he noticed a girl not that much older than him enter the room.

She had brown, pupiless eyes. She had violet colored hair. She was certainly beautiful for her age.

Anko closed the door and sat next to Naruto.

There was an awkward silence for a few minutes.

"Hi." They both said at the same time.

They looked at each other before breaking out in laughter.

Things were looking up.

Hokage's Office

"Care to explain to me what happened Kakashi?" Hiruzen said with anger.

Inu, or the now revealed Kakashi, stepped forward.

The Anbu knew their Hokage was pissed if he was using their actual names when they were still in Anbu gear.

"Well, we were late in getting to Naruto and had no idea where he was." Kakashi tried to save face.

"Is this true Yugao?" Hiruzen didn't trust the man before him. Every single person that the Hokage put faith in seemed to stab his back.

First Tsunade and Jiraiya, then Orochimaru, and now Kakashi.

"It is somewhat true Hokage-sama." Kakashi glared at Yugao. "Kakashi had stated that we had nothing to worry about and Naruto would be safe. So he ordered us to wait in HQ to relax for a bit. It was only when Anko's summons found me that we left to find Naruto."

Hiruzen looked like he wanted to kill someone.

"Is this true?!" He asked the rest of the team.

They all nodded at what Yugao said.

"I see. Well," He looked at Kakashi. "You disobeyed orders from your Hokage, Hatake! Grounds are for you to be removed from being an active shinobi."

Kakashi's eyes widened at that.

"But you are one of our strongest ninja. So, I hereby strip you of your Anbu status. You are now a Jounin with no chance of ever becoming apart of Anbu ever again. Furthermore, you will listen to any order given to me and be on time to everything pertaining to ninja matters. Failure to do so and I will put you on a fresh team of genin so you can learn how to be a proper ninja! Do you understand?!" Hiruzen yelled.

"H-hai." Kakashi said a bit shakily.

"Good! Now, Yugao." She stepped forward. "You are now Anbu captain. You were always next in line should Kakashi retire but due to these circumstances, your promotion has been moved up."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama!" Yugao bowed.

"Now, as first duty as Anbu captain, I want you to find everyone involved with Naruto's beating. And prep them for public execution. I don't care if they are ninjas or council members, they will be tried for their crimes!"

They Will of Fire was back!

Along with the God of Shinobi!

"Hai!" Yugao said before she and her new team vanished.

"Kakashi, get out of my office."

Hiruzen finally sat down in his chair with a sigh.

Six Years Later

Naruto stirred as he woke up.

He yawned as he laid in bed pondering everything that happened.

First, was that when Black told him everything, he agreed to be his apprentice before the seal killed him.

While he won't kill everyone, he will destroy those who try and belittle or bully him.

Which he did.

Then when he went to the Hokage, he was surprised that he told the same story that Black and Kurama told him of his parents and godparents.

That was a shock. He knew the third lied when he said he didn't know his parents but to find out that the third hated himself for letting his students take his sibling while leaving him here kinda touched Naruto.

It showed that people cared for him even when he didn't know it.

Stirring next to him brought him out of his thoughts.

He looked down to see violet hair on his chest as the person showed signs of awakening.

That was another thing.


After the trip to the hospital, they instantly became friends. They were both hated for something that they didn't have control over.

And after the Third suggesting that they move in together to keep each other company, things flourished from there.

"Morning Naru-kun." Anko said as she sat up a bit.

"Morning Anko-chan."

Anko leaned in and gave Naruto a peck on the lips.

The sheet falling off her body to reveal her womanly figure.

Only sixteen and had a figure that woman would die for. With a slim, muscular build for a woman and D cup breasts.

Anko then straddled Naruto as she rubbed their crotches together.

"A-Anko-hime, don't." Naruto moaned.

"Sounds like *pant* you don't want me too though." Anko said speeding up her movements.

"You don't know how much I want to take you Anko, but I have to go to the Academy. I'm graduating today." Naruto said. "When I pass and after they show up, I'll give you all my undivided attention."

That was another thing. Naruto told Anko everything from his birth to meeting Black and Kurama.

To his surprise, Anko accepted it just saying it was a part of him and that made her love him even more.

"Oh! My Naru-kun is going to become ninja now!" Anko said as she still straddled him. "You're gonna fight ninja and save people." Her eyes got a dark perverted glint. "And then your gonna have your way with those helpless kunoichi."

Naruto didn't know why, but Anko really wanted him to have other women. When asked why, she just responded that it made her hot thinking about it and always wanted to be with other women as her man brought them to nirvana.

"Anko-hime, stop!" Naruto struggled to say.

"Fine. But you owe me!" Anko said as she got off of him.

"Yeah yeah."

With that, both teens got dressed and left their apartment for the day.

Neither of them realizing their peaceful days coming to an end.


That is the end of the first chapter of this story!

I had a lot of fun writing this story!

Now, to explain a few things.

Naruto is going to be Dark. Now before you complain, he won't be broody emo dark or evil. He just has a more realistic look on the world. He will despise people for obvious reasons such as the villagers for hating him for his tenant and his 'family'.

As for him and the third Hokage. Well, while I do not like him, I have made him to be like a real grandfather to Naruto.

As for other character if you couldn't tell, there will be bashing. That will not be the main focus of this story as it never really is if you have read my other stories.

Also, don't try and say that what I wrote between Goku and Black isn't how it happened. This is fanfic so I changed it.

Naruto will have chakra and ki.

Next, don't try and get all technical with black holes and stuff like that.

To my knowledge, we have no idea what black holes do so I made it up.

As for Black, the black hole took him to Universe six and back in time a bit.

Well, in terms of when Naruto happens as opposed to when the Tournament happens in Dragon Ball Super.

This is a few years before the tournament happens so when we get to the shippuden part is when DBS characters will start to appear.

And no, I will not write out all of the first Naruto! The first Naruto was comprised of a few arcs. Wave, Chunin exams, Tsunade, and the Sasuke Retrieval arc.

I will not spend too much time on Wave but will add the Waterfall mission for 'special' reasons. Most of you may know why already. *cough* Fu *cough* These may be done in 1-2 chapters.

Chunin exams may be done in 1 or 2 chapters. No more than 2.

The Tsunade arc will not happen but as for the Sasuke retrieval arc, well, things will have a turn in!

Anyways, let me know what ya think of the chapter and what not!

See ya!