Summary: Guess who was waiting for Lena and Reign when they got back to the penthouse? Here's the confrontation that would mess you up. Continues from where we left off.

A/N: Thanks to everyone who called me out for the OOC Kara. I swear that wasn't even my plan in the first place, but I guess there was still hate in my heart, but now… I am in the light. I love hearing how you guys want this story to travel on, I take serious inspiration from each one. Everyone here wants a Reigncorp endgame but before the fluff, I'll give you the angst and drama that these characters deserve.

This might get a little OOC, but that's what love does to you, my friends.

"Whe- when you left, before you left.. Did you.. Did you break up with her?" A looming silence hang over their heads, as Reign continued to stare at Lena, and the other intently focused on the mat before her.

It was all the confirmation Reign needed.

Reign let go of Lena's hand as if it was fire and she just got burnt. She didn't know what to think. She had an inkling that the love of her life was heart broken over someone, but she thought that was because that someone didn't feel the same for her. She really didn't expect that Lena was actually with someone right now. How could she when a very naked Luthor invited her to bathe with her, or the fact that she sat on her lap, or the blatant flirting?

Yes, Reign allowed that to happen but that was the only because she thought she wasn't disrupting in a relationship. The least Lena could have done was to actually tell her that she's with someone, right? What better is Lena than Kara if she ended up cheating on somebody? She knows she's judging this situation with a little bias, but she just can't stand any form of cheating. It was something she have always loathed.

"Rei…" Lena started trying to hide the hurt in her voice, as she place her hand on Reign's left arm. Reign managed to dodge the attempt, and instead stood up from her spot.

"Stand up. I'm taking you back." Reign said coldly, staring directly into Lena's eyes. Her face did not give any of her emotions away.

"Rei.. I- I -" Lena tried.

"I don't want to hear it, Luthor." Reign couldn't help the bite in her voice. Lena knew Reign reserved the use of her last name when she's mad at something, and can't bring herself to be too personal by calling her by her first name. But she can't for the love of God figure out what for. It's not like they slept together, or kissed or anything really. It's not cheating really. Only, in the back of her mind she knew damn well what she did, and how bad she messed up but she had hold off dealing with it, as she wrapped the fact that Reign came back for her, and now she's stuck in this giant, ugly mess.

Lena knew that any attempts to continue the conversation with Reign would not be fruitful, she stood up and came closer to Reign, who wrapped her arms around her and took off to the sky without warning. Lena was taken aback by the sudden action and ended up wrapping her arms around Reign who flinched at the touch, but didn't say anything.

Lena did not know what to feel in that moment. She was so pissed with Kara, that she didn't realize she almost did the same with Reign. She was emotionally manipulated her ex-girlfriend for goodness sake. In her defense, she didn't plan on it, didn't even expect to see her in a moment's notice, didn't even realized she called her. She was just supposed to cry her eyes out until she passed out, and have Kara explain her side in the morning, like civilized couples do.

Even before they landed in Lena's balcony, Reign noticed that there was somebody she didn't recognize inside Lena's loft. Not that she knows all of the few new friends that Lena apparently established in her attempts of leaving Metropolis behind.

When they touched down, Reign dislodged Lena's arms from her neck and angrily charged inside through the balcony door, attacking the woman she believes to be Kara, the woman who cheated on her best friend.

"Who ar-" Kara tried to shout at the intruder who cut her off as she was pinned against the nearest wall, inches above the floor. Reign's right arm pressed hardly on Kara's neck, effectively cutting off the superheroes breathing. Her left hand was on the wall, blocking Kara's only way out of the strong hold that she have. Thankfully for Kara who has an alien physiology, she can actually hold her breath for longer than humans can.

Kara knew she can easily toss her attacker like she weighed nothing, but she needed to act like a normal human being around Lena. Even after a year in their relationship, Kara still was not sure how Lena knowing that she's a superhero would affect the balance of their lives.

Rage was burning through Reign's eyes who was trying so hard not to snap the person in front of her into two. It was only the unfortunate knowledge that Lena loves Kara that held her back from laying a single scratch on Lena's girlfriend. With her emotions, and her mind on overload, Reign punched a spot on the wall, only a scary inch away from Kara's face, which cracked under the Worldkiller's left fist.

"Reign!" Lena, who was frozen in her spot just moments ago, shouted as she approached the living room.

"You fucking hurt her again, and you'll get worse than what the wall received." Reign threatened, adding more pressure on Kara's throat, never breaking eye contact. She may be hurt by Lena's own actions toward her, but she still couldn't let go of what Kara did to Lena. She still hurt her, and whatever Reign's feelings are won't change that fact. If Kara thought she can get away with manipulating Lena's feelings without getting attacked by people who like herself, then she's fucking mistaken.

"Rei…" Lena softly called again, this time placing her hand on Reign's left shoulder. Reign removed her hold from Kara, and backed away a few steps.

"Don't worry about it, Luthor. I was just leaving." Reign said without looking at Lena. She turned on her heels, and headed for the door in a pace faster than humans can manage.

Lena started for the door, wanting to go after Reign, knew that she had to go after Reign if she wanted to fix whatever was left of their relationship. But Kara was here, and for the love of everything, she couldn't bring herself to leave.

"Who, in Rao's name, was that?" Kara asked trying so hard no to raise her voice, but she was just attacked by an intruder who obviously came out of nowhere, so that was hard.

"What are you doing here, Kara?" Lena obviously not wanting to approach the subject just turned to face Kara, and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Lee…" Kara started, changing her tone to something softer as she slowly approached Lena's side. "Look, I know I messed up big time, and I know there's no explanation in this world that could right my wrong but please hear me out."

The young Luthor only raised her eyebrows at that, trying to silently pass the massage for her girlfriend to continue.

"Elaina is an alien…" Kara sighed "who I met her at the dive bar that we go to. I went there alone one night when you were busy with your new project and you got angry at me when you refused to go home and rest…"

"Oh so, I'm sorry, I didn't realized that it was my mistake that your girl was basically humping you like it's the end of the world. Or was I supposed to say 'you're welcome,' because quite frankly it didn't seem like she was making you uncomfo-"

"Lena, I know I deserve it, Rao knows I do but please just let me finish." When Kara thought that Lena acknowledged the request, she continued without being urged.

"First, I didn't mean it that way, agra. I am sorry if it came out like that. I was just starting from the start. When Elaine came to the bar, it was clear that she was troubled by something, by someone. So…I approached her to see what I can do to help her out. At first I thought that I'd just be listening too her troubles, and that would be it, but when she told me her story I knew I had to help her out. Sh-she's not from here. She's Kryptonian from the planet Krypton… you know where Supergirl and Superman are from. But she was sold by her parents, as a slave to the Daxam royal family when she was young. During the the Krypton-Daxam War, she managed to take one of the Kryptonian pods and it took her here. She didn't land here on Earth until a few months ago."

All of Lena's once insecurities came running back, once a newfound Kryptonian, that can match Kara in every way, was brought up to the conversation. She knew everything was too good to be true. Of course there will always be someone better than her. Who was she compared to an alien from the same planet, right? She was just another Luthor. Still, she didn't interrupt Kara again, and just let her continue.

"I-I took her in that night. I brought her back to my apartment because she didn't have any other place to seek refuge to."

"Oh I bet you comforted her all night long." Lena couldn't help but comment.

"Her ex-boyfriend, the alien who found her, who she ended up living with was abusing her, and it was the night that she ran away from him." Kara continued, ignoring Lena's comment. "I couldn't stomach to live out a-a fe-fellow Kryptonian…not when we're the last left of our race…" Kara slowed down her story at the last few words, trying to study how Lena would take the revelation. Lena, used to dealing with pressure only gave Kara her best CEO power poker face.

"I know, Kara." Lena said like it was a matter of fact.

'Yo-you know? How do you know?"

"Of course I know. I'm a Luthor, remember?" Lena paused. "Plus the glasses doesn't really do well in hiding how you look like to your gir- to me." Kara's unsettling feeling in her stomach got worse when she noticed Lena's correction, but she tried to ignore it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kara asked.

"Why didn't you trust me?" Lena rebutted with a speed that The Flash would be proud of.

"I trust you, Lena." Lena scoffed at that statement. Knowing that they should have a separate conversation for this secret, Kara just continued her explanation.

"Anyway, I- ugh, I didn't tell you about her immediately after, hell I didn't tell Alex, because I kind of wanted to keep her from myself. Because with her I can be Kara Zor-El. Tha-that's my Kryptonian name. With her, I can be my old self that I remember, I can stop holding back. And I wanted that to be special to me, and me alone. What you saw the other night…Lena, I swear to Rao that was just a lapse of momentary weakness. She stormed into my apartment that time crying, and we were sitting on the couch and the next thing I know she was on my lap, Lena. She was kissing me."

"Did you sleep with her?"


"Did you, or did you not sleep with her?"

Kara didn't respond.

"Our anniversary night wasn't the first time, was it?"

Kara could only manage single nod.

"How many times, Kara?"

"A fe-few times…"

"Out of curiosity, why didn't you run after me if you knew I saw you? Do you get off in hurting me? Was that it?"

Another silence loomed over them, only disturbed my Kara's quiet mumbling. Lena only caught the words "leave" and "alone."


"I couldn't leave here alone in my apartment because she was suicidal…and she's one of the last of our kind…"

"God, Kara! You couldn't even text me?" Nothing but silence enveloped over them, as Kara took the words she more than deserved from Lena.

"And how many more 'lapses of momentary weakness' should I standby for, Kara? Huh? How many more 'comforting' should I swallow down?" Lena voice was raging with so much anger, and emotions. Kara remained silent.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. I can't do this anymore, Kara. I-I think w-" she sighed defeated.

"If the next thing you're going to say will, in any way, indicate that you're breaking up with me, then please don't say it, Lena. Please." Kara begged. She sounded so desperate, which made Lena's heart soften. "I swear to Rao that that will never, ever, happen again, Lena. Please, I'm so sorry, baby. I even told Alex already about it, and she's dealing with it. I swear I'm not handling her anymore."

Lena flinched at the endearment, and Kara's very poor choice of words. She wanted to forgive Kara, really. She wanted this whole thing to be over and done with, to be placed behind them, and to come out of this stronger. But she couldn't bring herself to accept the apology.

"You should leave." Lena said softly, not looking at Kara in the eyes. "I need some space." Kara sensed that Lena was serious when she said that. Knew that Lena meant every word of that statement. Contented that at least Lena didn't break up with her, Kara nodded her agreement.

"Okay, baby. I'm so sorry, and thank you" Kara opened her arms to give Lena a hug, which Lena didn't reciprocate.

"I'll call you tomorrow, okay?" Kara said, without receiving any response. Not knowing what else to do, Kara headed out of Lena's penthouse.

Once, Lena was sure Kara was out of her home, she counted from 1 to 15 to help push down the anxiety that had been bubbling. As the last of her self-control had vanish, Lena fell down to the floor and started crying her eyes out. Whoever thought that the powerful CEO of a multi-billion company didn't cry, was gravely mistaken. The youngest Luthor couldn't control the sobs that her body produced. Her heart literally felt like it was broken. There, as she lied on the floor, she realized how alone she was once again, without Reign to pick up her broken pieces this time.

The thought of her precious first love being in her life again, so close, yet so near after she made her mistake, was enough reasons to cry more. It was only after a few moments of realization that the of trying to fix her relationship with Reign sobered her up.

Without thinking, she dialed Reign's cell, only to be declined on the first ring. It was only then that she realized that she doesn't know anything else about Reign. She didn't know where she lives, where she works, what she even does now. She was so caught up with telling stories about herself the whole time Reign was there, and Reign just politely listened to her, never interrupting her. She felt ashamed of this whole realization, which encouraged her more to find her.

She knew that there was only one person she needs to contact for this special job. She called Jess.

E/N: I actually think that last chapter was crappy, and I promise to do better. I had a bad day yesterday, but I'm better now. I hope this could make up for that. -LuthorAndDanvers