
Autumn was in the air. The changes of colour creating a beautiful and artful landscape. It was a bit chilly, but nothing that a jacket couldn't fix.

The young Regalia had tried to create some sort of style-sense for the young god, but all hope seemed lost once Yato picked up a light black-and-white striped jersey and wouldn't stop wearing it.

The tracksuit-style fit made Yukine feel nostalgia creeping in on him, he could practically taste the picked plum riceball on his tongue, the sweet and sour that matches his memories now. That had been the last dish he and Yato had shared before his reincarnation. The treat was a post-study snack Yato had conjured up for Yukine.

That... it all felt like a thousand years ago now.

"I see my brother's been reborn..."

Yukine, whom had been idly sitting on the park bench watching over Yato, leapt up, ready to protect the young god.

It didn't seem to be needed though, as the small reincarnated god was already latched onto his Shiki's leg.

"Come now, Yaboku-nee... " Nora cooes and smiles softly, extending her hand towards the small boy, "I'll take care of you, just like I always have."

The vehement way Yato shakes his head makes Yukine sigh in worry. It was true that all memories from the young god had been erased, and still... sometimes...

"I don't know you..." Yato mutters against Yukine's leg, shying away.

"Well then..." she says, a small giggle escapes her as she meets Yukine's eyes, "What if -"

In an instant, Yato has stepped in front of Yukine, arms splayed wide and a deep frown etched on his chubby features, "Uh uh!" he snaps angrily and shakes his head, "Don't touch! Yuki doesn't like it!"

Of course, it couldn't be helped that a blush suddenly covers Yukine's cheeks. After all, he never had been displayed such unfiltered adoration before.

"Oh my, Yato?" Nora mutters, an amused expression falling over hers, "This is new..."

"Don't touch," Yato snaps and glares heatedly.

"I didn't come here to fight, Yaboku-nee..." she says and finally folds her arms, "Don't you want to see Father again?"

The idea seems to strike a chord within the young boy, his arms faltering as he tilts his head. "I... " he mutters and looks up at Yukine, "... Yuki?"

"She's lying, Yato," Yukine says and glares at the young woman, "You were born from a wish, you don't -"

"Now, Yukine, that doesn't change the fact that Father wished him into being," Nora says and purses her lips a bit, suppressing her smile, "Don't you agree, Yaboku-nee?"

"Yuki..." a whine forms from the young boy and Yukine gathers him up into his arms.

"If he wanted to see Yato he would've been here... " the shinki snaps back and hugs Yato tighter, "But he's not."

"... because he didn't think Yato would want to see him," Nora says and narrows her eyes in amusement once the realization set in on the young man -a look of defiance. She looks down at the young boy and smiles sweetly, "Would you like to meet him?"

"... Yuki?" Yato whispers unsurely.

"Yato..." Yukine answers and smiles down at the young boy, understanding what Yato wanted before voicing it, "... If you want to, we can do it."

"...okay!" the excitement was unmistakable.

"BUT!" Yukine says, facing Nora now, "HE meets us here. Don't think for a second I forgot what he did to Lord Ebisu and I'm sure he was involved with Yato's reincarnation, as well..."

The young woman giggles, "Oh, Yuki-kun-"

"Don't call me that!"

Nora backs up and smiles mischievously as she stares at Yato's blessed vessel, "I'll bring Father around tomorrow... " she states non-chalantly and can't help but giggle when Yato's expression lights up, "I'm sure Father would love to see you again, Yato. He's been so worried!"

Silently Yato's Exemplar could only watch as the rogue shiki disappears between into the shadows of the forest behind the shrine.

"I'll meet... my Father...? He wished me to be born, right?" Yato muses, a delighted smile now on his face and light in his eyes, "That must mean he loves me, right?"

Yukine could only match Yato's smile, but no words escaped him. He didn't know the truth behind the wish Yato's 'Father' had made. He wasn't sure how much of Yato's behaviour was because of a wish and how much of it was simply Yato.

There wasn't much information about how gods were formed, after all.

On the way home, Yato couldn't stop talking about it. He was so excited. He imagined and built up a whole adventure that they would go on tomorrow. He detailed how fun and exciting and amazing it would be. And with each passing word, Yukine's strength faltered.

The exemplar understood the feeling. He knew why Yato was so excited. The prospect of family, a home, it was something he also had wanted. Yet, with time, the passing of what felt like an eternity, family turned from unfamiliar faces to Yato... to Hiyori... to Daikoku and Kofuku. A home, a hearth, a cottage or apartment turned into a shrine of for a goddess of Poverty and later on, a small shrine made by the hands of a girl whom loved them both dearly.

But, this... this, Yukine would indulge in for Yato's sake. He would take him there. They would meet Yato's father. And Yukine would get the answers he wanted.

What wish could he ever possibly had conjured that would cause Yato to be god of Depravity?

"Yuki..." Yato whispers that evening, his voice low and sleepy. The night-light next to his bed still on, which made Yukine realize that Yato had also been afraid of the dark and must've learned to deal with it at some point. The stray god blinks sleepily before asking, "... do you think he'll like me?"

Yukine smiles sadly, wishing with all his heart tomorrow wouldn't come, because the truth will come to light and he didn't want Yato to feel the pain that was about to happen. Yet, trying to best choose his words as to not lie, Yukine answers, "Yato, how can anyone not love you?"

The words make the young god smile.

A young child would usually hold out their hand to hold at night, but Yato never does this on his own, so Yukine, as always, gives him the opportunity.

The young boy grabs hold instantly and pulls it closer to him, "I love you, Yuki..."

"I love you too, Yato..." the teen answers with a nod and squeezes Yato's hand in reassurance, "And no matter what happens... I will always protect you and I will always take care of you, okay?"

Deep breaths from the sleeping god is all answer Yukine gets, but, that makes him happy too. After all, Yato felt safe enough to sleep with someone close-by. He felt secure enough to fall asleep so easily and deeply that sounds didn't wake him. A sign of a healthy, happy home. It made a feeling of pride and happiness blossom in Yukine, that he'd managed to create this for his master.

The soft beep of his alarm woke Yukine up from his light sleep the next morning.

Ever since Yato had been reincarnated, sleep was a commodity, but no longer did Yukine experience the true deep sleep he had. He always felt too alert. Too awake. Ready for an attack to protect Yato, ready to help him if he'd need.

The heaven's excuse of their "mistake" had forced a reality upon Yukine that serenity was no longer a luxury he could afford if he wanted Yato by his side.

The day Yato had been executed, Yukine was here, at Lady Kofuku's shrine, helping Hiyori make breakfast whilst Yato had gone out on a job. The job, simply delivering a package, was certainly not something that had seemed menacing or suspicious a the time. Yato had even insisted that Yukine stay behind because only Yukine could make the waffles the way he liked... it was only a few months later, once the dark clouds of grief started to lift from Yukine's mind, that the truth dawned on him. That Yato probably suspected as much. That Yato had asked Yukine to stay home to keep his Regalia safe, one last time.

The reality of it all made Yukine pause again once he finished changing that morning.

This time, Yato wasn't ready. Yato wasn't prepared. At all.

This young boy had no sense of danger or alarm.

The god of Depravity had not turned into a soft, sweet, slightly menacing child that absolutely stole Yukine's heart from the get-go.

So, Yukine resolved himself to be ready.

"Good morning, Yato..." Yukine whispers softly as he kneels by Yato's bedside, "I'm your exemplar, I'm here to protect you and serve you... "

"Mhhmmm hmmm..." the sleepy answer comes, though it's followed with a smile.

"Let's get ready for the day, okay?" Yukine states, "You want to see-"

"FATHER-" Yato suddenly sits up, eyes wide and slightly shocked. He pauses and a smile creeps to his lips, "Yea... "

The reaction and delayed smile makes Yukine frown. After all, the blessed vessel was sure Yato was excited at the prospect of meeting his 'Father' yesterday, so why had there been such a delayed smile? Was he just too excited or did he need to remind himself to be excited?

"We can stay, if you want, I-"

The young boy shook his head and grins excitedly this time, "N- no... we can go!" he says and smiles brightly, "Please?"

So, Yukine does what he always does. Make it happen.

They're dressed, ready and brushed before they head out the door that morning, Yato dressed in his freshly-laundered jacket once more -Yukine had gotten into a habit of doing laundry every night just for that purpose.

It was chillier than expected, little clouds of vapor escaping them with each breath. For a moment, Yukine considered staying home.

"L-YUKI-LOOK!" Yato yells, breathing even faster now, grinning as little puffs of mist escape his lips, "LOOK! I'm making clouds!"

The sincere glee makes Yukine laugh as he bends down, "It's called fog, Yato," he says with a smile, "It happens when hot air meets cold..."

The look of confusion is unmistakable.

"Let me show you..." Yukine says and holds up his hand in a gesture for Yato to wait.

The smile fades from Yato's face, he nods and clasps his hands together in silence.

The warmth of the moment slips through Yukine's hands and he wills himself to keep his emotions in check because he didn't leave Yato for a selfish purpose. He forces himself to keep his thoughts aligned to the task at hand, in order to not sting Yato, as he prepares.

When he finally emerges from the house again, Yato's still standing on the step, not having moved a step. The tip of his nose was pink and his hands ice-cold.

"YATO – why didn't you wait inside?!" Yukine shrieks, quickly setting down the tray he'd been carrying on the steps. He falls to his knee, grabs hold of Yato's hands, feeling the chill, "Why didn't you go inside?! It's freezing..."

"... you.. wanted me to wait..." Yato answers softly, shuffling his feet a bit, looking down. A burst of shivers erupt from his form, his teeth chatter, but he doesn't complain.

"No... little dude... I meant just wait for me to come back... not … " Yukine starts but feels his words fail him after a moment. He pulls Yato closer and can't help but flinch when the young god's ice-cold hands slip around his back, "Next time, get comfortable and then wait, okay?"


"You can sit down or play or get warm or stay out of the rain..."


"I didn't mean for you to get cold," Yukine says and rubs the young boy's back in an effort to bring some heat back to him, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay..."

A sigh escapes the young Regalia once he feels the shivers die out from Yato's form and the hands that are on his back no longer feel like ice.

"Here," Yukine says, feeling a sense of relief that he'd actually brought something warm to drink, though it hadn't been originally for this purpose, "Do you want some?"

The milk coffee, sweetened just a tad, made Yato shout happily, "Can I?"

"Here you go!"

The young boy almost downs the coffee and sighs happily once a quiver of warmth makes its way down to his toes, "Delicious!"

"... are you feeling a bit warmer now?" Yukine says, rubbing Yato's arms a bit.

"Yea!" the blue-eyed boy answers with a grin, suddenly realizing that the phenomenon he'd been so enthralled with before was now even more impressive.

"See?" Yukine says, content now that Yato was warm again. He breathes out deeply, grinning when a white puff of clouds escape him, "It happens when hot meets cold..."

"Ooooohhh..." Yato muses and grins, "Like magic?!"

"Like magic," Yukine agrees and forces himself to leave the glass of ice-water, which he'd bought to show the difference, for another time.

"Yuki..." Yato muses, looking down at his cup, frowning as he swirls the liquid around for a moment before holding it up to his Regalia, "Do you want some?"

The gesture makes Yukine smile. He certainly didn't expect Yato to learn how to share so early. He nods and takes a small sip before handing it back.

"No, you … you need to take a sip – a big one!" Yato says, a look of concern on his face, "Then you'll be warm."

"... o... okay?" Yukine answers, involuntarily sighing in relief once he does and warmth, indeed, spreads through him.


"Yeah, good..." Yukine agrees and gathers up the tray and cup, "Wait for me here, okay?"


"Yato... do you remember what I asked you before... how should you wait?" Yukine repeats softly and smiles when Yato follows Yukine inside into the warm shrine, but stays close to the front door once Yukine dissapears down the hall into the kitchen.

When the blessed vessel finally returns, he can't help but smile in relief that Yato had taken up doing balancing hand-stands against the wall of the foyer.

"You're getting really good at it, Yato," Yukine says and grins widely.

"I'm been practicing!"

"I've..." Yukine softly corrects.

"Oh... I've been practicing!" Yato repeats and repeats it to himself once more before looking up, "I've been practicing eating too!"

The wording makes Yukine grin in amusement.

"That's good, I'm proud of you," Yukine assures and zips up his jacket, "Ready to get going?"

"Yep!" Yato chirps and -rather ungracefully- exits his hand-stand He skips forwards and pulls Yukine by the hand, "Come on!"

It doesn't take too long for Yukine to jog after Yato and they make their way down the road towards the bus stop.

The bus had just left by the time they made it and they ended up waiting a while for the next one.

"I'm so excited!" Yato says, climbing unto Yukine's lap once the Regalia takes a seat on the bus bench, "Are you excited?"

"Definitely," Yukine agrees and grins, "Do you want to get cheesy-bun afterwards?"

"Yes!" Yato jitters excitedly and looks out to the bus, patiently waiting as it pulls to a stop, "... maybe... we can get one for Father too..."

"... Let's..." Yukine starts, only to pause once a more tactful statement comes to mind, "Let's... ask him first if he wants one..."

"Oh... okay," Yato agrees.

"... even better..." Yukine says, forcing himself to grin, "What if we get one for Hiyori?"

"OH!" Yato says with a wide grin, "Can we visit Hiyori when we're done?"

The thought makes Yukine smile.

"'Well, I like that idea..." Yukine says and pulls Yato in his arms once the bus finally opens its doors, "Let's do it."

The ride to the park was quiet. Quieter than Yukine expected it to be.

There seems to be a strange aura around the young boy. One of patience. One of concern. One of reverence.

It wasn't the usual joyful and respectful patience a child would have when waiting.

The thought struck a chord within Yukine.

He unzipped his jacket and pulled Yato closer, pulling him into a hug, wrapping his jacket around him, "It's so cold today... maybe a fresh hot cheesy bun will be exactly what we need..."

The mere mention of the treat relaxes Yato's shoulders and he leans against Yukine, "Yuki... I'm scared."

"I know."

"What if he doesn't like me..."

"I know."

"What if ..."

"Yato," Yukine says, pulling the young god closer to him but he doesn't meet Yato's eyes this time, "No matter what happens... I will always be here to protect you. I will always be here for you. Okay? I love you."

"Mm hhmmm..." the soft acquiescence comes.

It was obvious the young boy was still worried.

But, Yukine leaves it as is, he knows there no use in pursuing the subject further.

The bus stops a few yards from the park and Yukine carries Yato down to the park. He doesn't hurry and he makes sure to point out the sights along the way. Anything to delay the inevitable.

They meet Yato's Father by the pond side. Nora seemed to have vanished, but it didn't really make the situation any less tense. It didn't seem like a trap. It, indeed, didn't seem like anything but a reunion.

Yukine just couldn't shake the anxiety bubbling up in his chest.

Even when the brunette teen approaches the blessed vessel and the young god, it didn't seem like anything menacing.

"Hello Yaboku, my boy," Fujisaki says and tilts his head with a smile, "It's so good to see you again... I missed you so much!"

The young man kneels and holds his arms out wide, "I'm your father, do you remember me?"

"No..." Yato wriggles a bit until Yukine sets him down, yet, he stays rooted by the young teen's side, holding unto his jacket's pocket like a lifeline.

"I was the one who wished you into existence, I'm so excited to meet you... " he says and his eyes soften at the stubborn way he clings to Yukine's jacket, "I see... he was the same before as well... always clinging to me... "

"Tell me...what did you wish for... why..." Yukine says and steps in front of his master, "What could you possibly have wished for to cause Yato to feel like this? So … isolated... so alone... what could you have asked for that would make that happen?"

"Yuki... ne?" Yato mumbles, sending a confused look to his regalia. The words didn't match his feelings at all.

"You want the truth?" Fujisaki says and laughs, he walks closer and leans in, "You really want to know?"


Fujisaki holds out his hand to Yato, smirking when the young boy hesitantly holds it.

He steps closer and stops next to Yukine, leaning over.

It couldn't be helped when Yukine tenses up and swallows hard, Fujisaki smirks when he notices this.

"Look, boy, I wished for an obedient vassal that would do anything to make me happy. I wished for a cunning, pliant, obedient toy whom would be do anything for recognition and love... " the man whispers into Yukine's ear, low enough for Yato not to hear, and smirks as he says, "I think I created a masterpiece."

The words sink into Yukine's soul and every shred of his existence as a shinki demands he rips Yato's hand from that monster and protect him.

But Yato's still smiling idly, unworriedly holding hands with his Father and waiting patiently until they've finished their conversation to finally be able to talk.

Yato's smile makes Yukine pause.

He knew he couldn't do anything about it right now.

"... Call me if you need me..." Yukine breathes out, his voice thick with emotion as he tries his best to smile naturally towards his master.

It seems to work, as Yato simply nods happily and pulls the other man away by the hand to walk.

The walk around the garden wasn't quite up to Yato's usual pace, as Yukine would usually half-jog in order to keep up with him. But right now, the young god had to carefully pace his steps, trying his best to match the taller male next to him, after all, he wanted to leave a good impression.

"Your Hafuri has been taking good care of you," Fujisaki says smoothly, smiling down at the young boy, "Have you been having a good time?"

"Yes! Yuki always gets me snacks and take me to watch the buoys at the harbor..." Yato answers and giggles.

The young boy clambers up the railing of the small bridge and balances himself out before walking, "And sea... " he pauses mid-sentence to try and remember exactly what word Yukine had used last time, nothing came to mind but it certainly didn't stop him, "Sea-chickens-"

"Seagulls," Fujisaki mutters darkly, though he smiles a second later, "You're still such an idiot. Can't you even remember the most basic names?".

The change of demeanor makes Yato pause in his walking. He tilts his head, a look of confusion and reproach nestling there for a moment before his shoulders sag. He jumps down from the railing and matches pace once more, "Seagulls..." he repeats softly to himself, the rest of his story now forgotten.

"Yaboku... I want you to dismiss Yukine and come with me."

"... But I like Yukine."

"Yukine doesn't like you-"

"He does. He never lies to me and he says he likes me. So, he likes me."

"But, I'll be lonely if you stay... I want you to come with me."

"Oh... " Yato answers and stares at his Father for a moment before shrugging, "No, thank you, I'll stay with Yuki."

"... Yato, don't you think you're a burden on Yukine...?"

"... Yuki never calls me that," Yato answers flatly and tilts his head with a frown, "And I don't want to come with you..."

"... you... little..."

"Do you have the answer you're looking for?" Yukine snaps darkly, stepping closer. He can't help but smile when Yato excitedly runs over to him and grabs him by the leg, "Hey, Yato... did he hurt you?"

"No... but..." Yato answers with a quick shake of his head, but dives behind Yukine a moment later. He doesn't say anything further, but a whine erupts from him and he starts crying.

The older man steps forwards, but Yukine's brilliant blinding borderline intercedes them.

"That's close enough," Yukine states and cradles Yato in his arms, "to my master."

"... it's bad manners to draw a borderline against a god," Fujisaki snaps and eyes the young boy, "Especially against family."

"Screw that!" Yato yells and smiles sheepishly when Yukine sends him an annoyed look, "... sorry..."

"I'll let it slide this time," Yukine says with a sigh, "But seriously... this is the third time this week..."

"... I guess I've been replaced... " Fujisaki muses and laughs halfheartedly before waving, "Ah, the joys of parenthood."

Yukine growls and finally starts walking again, this time, towards home. The young boy on his arm rubs his sleeve against his nose and sniffs – not that it really helped the snotty situation.

"... jerkface..." Yato mumbles angrily against Yukine's collar, all the while still glaring at the back of that guy's head.

"If you swear like this if you we meet Hiyori she'll think I taught you all that..." Yukine says and puffs out a breath in exasperation, "I should seriously not let you near vines again..."

Yato, whom had been glaring at Fujisaki's retreating figure, looks forwards as Yukine carries him towards Kofuku's shrine. He sniffles again and finally ducks his nose to Yukine's shoulder.

"Don't use my jacket as a handkerchief," Yukine scolds with a grimace, handing over a handful of tissues from his pocket, "If you get snot all over it..."

"You'll still love me, even if I get snot on it, right?"

"Ugh... yes, I'll still love you even if you get snot on it."



Thanks for reading!

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