Disclaimer: I do not own Noragami, Yato or any of the series' epicness or references.
AN: Done for a fic-exchange, written for SuzaLouch :D
{ Avenoir }
[n. the desire that memory could flow backward.]
It's been four months since Yato's reincarnation. It was still so new.
Yato, god of Calamity, had been killed by the Heavens, not long after Ebisu's ordeal. It had been a 'misunderstanding', but the Heavens weren't very remorseful for such a devastating loss. After all, to them, Yato was just another stray god.
Stray gods weren't of much consequence to them, unlike the Seven gods of Fortune. To them, there had been no damage done, Yato was reincarnated, after all.
At first, Yukine wasn't sure what he had to do. He was the Exemplar, after all, Yato's sole protector. He needed to set the example. But, this was so much different than just acting like an upstanding Regalia for his Master. This was so much more.
For a long time, the loss of Yato was so painful. The memories they had shared. The good, the bad. All the time they'd spent together was now a memory that lived on in others' memories, but not Yato's own.
But, being acutely aware of how his feelings of guilt, fear and sadness would affect Yato's newly reincarnated form, he tried to suppress it as much as he could. For Yato's sake. After all, Yato had chosen him to be his Regalia. Yato had sacrificed so much to save his life. He owed Yato. He owed him his life and his soul... so, he made up his mind, to raise Yato to be the god of Fortune that Yukine knows he can be.
Some things never changed though. Yato's dexterity skills hadn't been affected by his reincarnation at all. He knew how to walk, how to run, how to eat... even his artistic skills were still all there... but his most of his communication skills weren't.
From reading to talking...
He could enunciate well, which was proof there was some skills still there... but he had to learn his vocabulary all over again from scratch. He couldn't recognize words or even speak in full sentences yet. It had taken Yukine the first two months to get Yato to the point where he could, at least, tell him if he was hungry, thirsty or tired...
It was both a good and bad thing that Reincarnated gods had an exceptional growth-rate, when compared to humans. When he was reincarnated, he had returned almost completely to infancy. Within two months he had grown to the size of a one year old child. Right now, he seemed to be around two or three-years old.
"Yato," Yukine calls again and softly shakes Yato's shoulder, "Yato?"
"Yu... kine..." the small whine comes from the bluenette, a yawn following soon enough. He sits up with a swing of his arms and peers sleepily at Yukine's form, "Yuki?"
"Good Morning, Yato," Yukine greets, smiling softly as he brushes down some stray locks from his forehead, "Remember, I'm your Blessed Vessel. I'm here to protect you."
Yukine has made this his routine. To remind Yato of his purpose. To remind Yato that he was there for him.
"'mm sleepy," Yato says and yawns again, rubbing his eyes with his fist.
"Oh, so you don't want to go to the park today?" Yukine suggests teasingly and grins when Yato jumps up happily.
"Yes! Yes!" Yato's excited squeal resounded throughout the room before he sprinted down the hall towards Daikoku's room.
"Dai-Dai!" Yato yells, tearing down the hall as if his life depended on it.
Of course, the tone of his voice didn't exactly sound like pure excitement, after all, understanding the tone of his voice isn't something that Yato had mastered yet.
So, when Daikoku comes bounding up the stairs, a completely terrified expression plastered to his face, Yukine couldn't apologize enough on behalf of his Master.
"Oh! Yukine! I thought he was in trouble!?" Daikoku yells, checking over Yato, just in case. He lifts up his arms and legs one by one, just to check for injuries. After checking the back of Yato's head, again, just in case, he groans in relief.
Of course, Yukine couldn't help but smile in amusement. After all, it was Daikoku who said he wouldn't miss Yato at all. It was Daikoku whom wanted to kick Yato's ass on a daily basis. It was Daikoku whom wanted Yato to stop mooching off of Kofuku's shrine.
But, even after everything, it was Daikoku that answered Yukine's frantic call after Yato had been reincarnated. It was Daikoku that got a baby-cot for Yato. It was Daikoku that went shopping for toys, baby food and clothes... all the while, Yukine was trying to keep it together from missing his old Master so much that he could barely breathe.
And now, Daikoku was almost as concerned with Yato's wellfare as Yukine was. He had been the pillar of support that kept Yukine from being crushed by his own guilt and grief, and now, he was a warm hearth to return to at the end of the day for both of them.
"Sorry, Daikoku," Yukine says with a bow and scratches the back of his head, "Yato got a bit excited when he heard we're going to the park today..."
"The park?" Daikoku repeats with a tilt of his head.
"Um... " Yukine starts awkwardly before crouching down to Yato's height, "Hey, Yato..."
The young boy quickly high-tails it towards Yukine, stopping right in front of him.
"Why don't you wait for me downstairs, okay?" Yukine says and ruffles Yato's hair with a grin, "Go downstairs and wait in the kitchen for me, okay?"
Yato thinks it over for a second before nodding, "Okay!" he answers and runs off with an exceptional amount of glee.
Hearing Yato's footsteps dissapear down the steps, Yukine finally straightens up with a sigh and faces Daikoku, "Well, we got a job from lord Ebisu this morning... or, I guess, I should say Kunimi..." he says and shrugs, "We can't afford to pass up any jobs, not when Yato deserves to become a god of Fortune... so, I'm taking Yato with me..."
"But..." Daikoku starts before settling into an understanding smile, "I get it, you want to make sure that Yato keeps his ethics. I get that."
"Even though he's reincarnated... it didn't affect my Shinki form, and he didn't lose any of his sword or fighting skills... so... at this point I feel we can tackle small jobs from now own..." Yukine says and crosses his arms in thought, "But, he's still-"
A resounding crash from downstairs completely derailed his thoughts and Yukine storms downstairs as fast as he could. He burst into the kitchen, pale and shaken as the cries from Yato fills his ears.
What greets him wasn't quite the disaster he'd imagined.
Cereal was strewn all over the floor, Yato was face down next to an overturned chair. The other cereal boxes were knocked over and some of those cereal had joined Yato's favourite cereal flakes on the floor too.
Ah, Yato was living up to his name as the god of Calamity..
"Yato," Yukine cooes in amusement and tries his best not to crush any cereal as he makes his way over to Yato. He picks up the young boy by his arms and lifts him up to his hip, "Hey, little dude, you okay?"
Yato's face was red, tears streaking down his face and a small bump on his cheek.
"Oh, you got a bump on your cheek," Yukine notes in relief, finding no other injuries than that, "Are you okay? Did the fall scare you?"
Instead of answering, Yato nods solemnly and sighs softly. His lips were still trembling.
"You'll be okay," the regalia assures and kisses the bump on Yato's cheek, "There. Better?"
"Yuki!" Yato suddenly exclaims, a smile now on his face, his whole expression glowing and happy.
It was something that Daikoku had suggested one afternoon, whilst Yato was still a baby. Yukine had tried calming Yato with words and shushing and cooing, but none of it it seemed to take. So, when Daikoku offered advice, Yukine latched unto it.
Physical affection. Hugs, kisses on the cheek, hold his hand... be there. In person.
It was a small bit of advice, but with Yato, it worked wonders. It always calmed him down. It always made him smile once more.
"I'm going to put you on the counter, 'cause I have to clean this," Yukine says as he sets Yato on the counter, "Okay?"
And, just like that, Yato's arms drop from his neck and he sits still.
This was the one aspect of Yato's reincarnation that Yukine was not sure how to handle. This strange reaction to whenever Yukine would put him down, ask him to wait or have to scold him for something. A detached, resigned accepted sigh and compliance. As if Yato had expected it all along and accepted it as his fate.
A normal child would cry or become angry or throw a tantrum... but this?
It was a a dejected resignation to fate that made a chill run down Yukine's spine everytime it happened. Had his Yato experienced this as well? Did the old Yato react this way too? Was this part of Yato's reincarnation form, the framework of the wish that had granted his existence?
Trying his best to smile and suppress that surge of guilt that bubbles up within him each time Yato would react in this way, Yukine smiles at him and assures, "I'll be right back!"
The Shinki trots out the door to get a broom. When he returned, Yato was exactly where he'd left him. Each time this happened it just killed something inside Yukine. He wasn't sure why, but it did. After all, he was doing everything he could to assure Yato's of his loyalty, protection and dependability... so, why would the young god react to Yukine this way?
So, trying to lighten the mood, Yukine quickly opened up Yato's old phone and scrolled to the music list. He tapped the first song that he came across and grins when the upbeat tempo kicks up the energy. He nods his head and starts doing all the random dance moves he could remember -trying to manipulate the sweeping of the broom as he goes on. He manages to sweep up most of the cereal before the music stops, freezing on the spot in a robot-esque pose.
"Yuuu~kine?" Yato whispers in confusion as he peers on, bewildered as to why Yukine was suddenly frozen on the spot. His face twists in concern as he peers at the frozen-in-time Shinki before him.
It was only when the next song starts playing -and Yukine suddenly breaks out into dancing once more- that Yato's excited yells suddenly pipes up through the lilting notes and the grin returns to his face. He starts laughing excitedly and claps his hands in admiration as he cheers, "Yu~ki!"
It takes longer than usual, but the blond does manage to sweep all the remaining. He keeps his dancing routine up until he stashes the broom outside once more, returning whilst doing a strange Hammer-dance impersonation.
He sweeps Yato in his arms and starts doing a waltz across the floor with him, holding his hand while the other was supporting the young boy's back, "Bum, bum, phaaaa!" Yukine imitates the bass along with the song as best he could.
It brings a smile to the young god's face.
So, when the music ends, Yukine sets Yato down on his highchair and gets a bowl from the cupboard, "You're ready for today, right?" he says, trying to catch his breath a bit. He was still trying to recover from his impromptu dance-routine. This was hard work, entertaining a kid like this.
Yato nods and waits patiently. His eyes flits to the bowl to Yuki's hands every few seconds.
"More?" Yukine asks and tilts the cereal box a bit more when the bluenette nods excitedly. He finishes up, making sure to top it off with milk and places the box back in the cupboard, pulling out his own favourite in its stead. "We're going to work on a job for lord Ebisu today, are you alright with that?"
Of course, Yato has never declined a job. He just went along with whatever Yukine offered. He never complained about the jobs either. It made Yukine wonder a bit, what wish was made to meld his Master this way?
He fixes his own cereal and sits right next to Yato. "Are you excited?"
Yato nods softly, his cheeks fully stuffed with cereal as he ate. It was actually weirdly adorable to see him like that. His face had changed so much from the animated, sleek built god that Yukine had known, to this chubby faced, squishy and soft little pinked-cheeked kid that was too cute for words.
How in the hell was he supposed to be strict with this kid when every time he looked at him, his heart melts?
But, Yukine just kept reminding himself of his purpose. He was there to protect Yato. It was his calling and that's what he was going to do... and maybe also cuddle with him, because... that .. protects... Yato's... feelings? …
Or, at least, that's what he tells himself.
It was such a strange place to be. The responsibility of the life of the Master he'd grown to respect. The knowledge that he was solely responsible for Yato's upbringing and moral understanding. The truth that he was exceptionally unsure that he was doing the right thing, but the resolve to try his best all the same.
So, when they both finish up their meals -Yukine having to practically inhale his breakfast in comparison to Yato's speed- they both head over to the kitchen sink.
It was strange, in a way, that Yato would simply watch sometimes as Yukine worked. With hawk-eyes the young god stares as his regalia washes and dries off their plates. It didn't bother Yukine to do it on his own, after all, after his ablution he'd taken the chores on all by himself by choice. He felt that, in a very small way at least, it could help him atone for everything he'd done. Not that he would've ever admit it to Yato though.
Not that it mattered anymore though. The Yato that Yukine had known was gone, and everytime small little things like washing dishes, sweeping the floor, making lunch kept reminding him that the person whom saved him and held fast to the belief that he was a good person inside, the person who saw potential in him, was gone.
He quickly suppressed the thoughts once more when he saw how little Yato was scratching absently at his neck. He rubbed his sleeve over his eyes before refocusing his straying thoughts.
The young boy sitting on the counter next to him kept staring at Yukine. His sky blue orbs never wavered in their gaze. It felt like the was searching for something. Or trying to learn something from Yukine's actions, but, it also seemed like the young god wasn't sure what it was what he was supposed to learn.
All the same, Yukine made sure that they both get dressed, hair combed, teeth brushed and sneakers on before they left for the day. After all, a future god of Fortune must be presentable.
So, hand-in-hand they head towards Ebisu's place. After all, their job was still waiting for them.
It didn't take long to reach Ebisu's place, after all, there was a bus route right next to the road to his shrine. All things considered, Ebisu is a god of Commerce and the most economical transportation ports were all centered around his shrine.
"Kunimi?" Yukine calls, pausing at the entrance of the shrine.
But, it wasn't the lead Shinki whom answers.
"Mr. Yato!" Ebisu yells, running towards them with a huge grin on his face, "Mr. Yato, you came!"
"... huh?" Yukine gasps as Yato quickly latches onto his pant-leg, not so much of fear, but seeming to want to protect his regalia.
"I asked Kunimi to request you here for a job," Ebisu says with a grin and holds up a stack of cash, as large, easily worth a hundred thousand yen, "Here you are!"
Shrinking away from the temptation, Yukine smiles awkwardly before shaking his head, "Oh, Delivery god Yato can only accept 5 yen coins, lord Ebisu," he quickly says and smiles, "So, you wanted us for a job?"
"Yes! Play with me!" Ebisu says -albeit grudgingly stuffing the bills in to his pocket in exchange for a coin. He juts the coin into Yukine's palm and repeats the request.
"Um...?" Yukine starts unsurely, only to pause when he sees Kunimi running towards them.
"Lord Yato! Yukine! You came!" he exclaims and finally ends his sprint behind his master. With a calm smile he stands behind Ebisu, resting a hand on his shoulder, "Lord Ebisu requests a play-date!"
"... are you serious?!" Yukine shouts, only to remember his current company a moment later. He quickly clears his throat and awkwardly continues, "Um, I thought this was a job?"
"Well... Mr. Yato's busy... but, if I buy time with a 'job', he'll take it, won't he?" Ebisu reasoned and smiles towads Yato. To Ebisu, whether reincarnated or not, this Yato was still Yato. After all, he was still Ebisu, regardless of how many times he'd been reincarnated, so why wouldn't that apply to Yato as well?
"Lord Ebisu..." Yukine starts, trying to figure out how to best phrase it to a child, "I know you spent a lot of time together before Yato was killed, but... Yato doesn't have the same memories... he doesn't remember the times you spent together..."
The blessed vessel swallows down the growing lump in his throat before continuing, "Even if you spend time together, he won't be able to remember all the good times you shared..."
"Oh, I know," Ebisu answers lightly and holds out his hand to Yato, "I understand, but Mr. Yato is still Mr. Yato, after all. So, I want to."
And, just like that, as if all's right in the world, Ebisu pulls Yato along towards the park right next to the shrine.
"My apologies for my master, Yukine," Kunimi says with a bow, but when he straightens up, there's a ghost of a smile on his lips.
"Does he really understand that Yato's … well... not who he used to be? That all his memories are gone?" Yukine mutters as he watches the two of them run across the field.
Although, more like... Yato's running and Ebisu keeps stumbling along awkwardly, although he's still got a huge grin on his face.
"I think does, but I don't think it bothers him at all... remember, he's been reincarnated more frequently than any of the other gods, so I think he understands better than anyone how Yato's feeling at this point. And, I doubt Yato's reincarnation actually registers as a problem to lord Ebisu at all," Kunimi reasons and flinches for his master when Ebisu face-plants on the grass.
But, even though they seemed to be about the same height, Yato was definitely much more adept at physical coordination in general than Ebisu and them together made it all the more clear. Although, it was Ebisu who could name all the fishes in the pond at the center of the garden whilst Yato listened intently to how to pronouce hi, sumi and shiroji-type of Koi and how water temperature and stress affects Koi fish's colours.
It was a quiet morning so far, and Yukine was actually happy to be resigned to watcher-duty. He didn't mind watching over Yato and Ebisu, especially when it seemed as though they were happy. Even though Yato was quite carefree as a child, he was definitely a god of Calamity and most attempts Yato made to be helpful actually ended up to be quite disastrous. But, Yukine was determined to be his guidepost. His light. His...
what ARE they talking about?!
For the past five minutes, both Ebisu and Yato were sitting by the small pond, animatedly waving their arms or making strange gestures. But, Yukine has a sixth sense about things like this. He quickly stood up and waltzed closer, just to make sure...
"Oh.. so you mean... the angle and force you use will change the it to a steep yield curve?"
"Uh?" Yato pauses with a confused expression on his face.
"That's means there'll be more stuff... " Ebisu quickly explains and nods for him to continue.
"Oh, yeah!" Yato exclaims and shows a striking motion towards his neck before grinning, "And if you take it like this and turn it like that, they'll die faster!"
Hold up... what?
"That's like the cost-of-production theory of value!" Ebisu exclaimed excitedly and flails his hands expressively as he speaks, "That's when the price, or in this case, the blood-"
"YATO!?" Yukine yells and runs over to them. He was definitely not expecting their conversation to take a turn to this, "Come on! We.. uh, need to g-get going!"
"Oh, Mr. Yukine, sir," Ebisu says and stands up, bowing politely, "Mr. Yato's teaching me about being a god of Calamity!"
The fascination on Ebisu's face makes Yukine's stomach flip.
The two boys weren't bothered at all though and Yato tries to imitate how Ebisu stands, hands behind his back and feet together. It would be cute if it weren't for that little conversation those two shared a second ago.
"Well, I think Yato and I need to head back," Yukine quickly added and grinned sheepishly. After all, he didn't want to be rude.
"Oh, can I request on more job then?" Ebisu asked and quickly dug out another five yen coin, "I want to visit Iwami..."
And that flip in Yukine's stomach turned to a drop. Ebisu wanted to visit Iwami aka. Bishamon's shrine. Of course, Bishamon and Yato weren't enemies anymore, but they weren't friends either. And, Yukine wasn't really up to trying to deflect Yato's blatant disregard for propriety when it came to the older woman.
Last time they met, Yato had called her a grandmother and had a very in-depth assessment on the wrinkles around her eyes. It almost ended in a war.
But, a job is a job, and Yukine could feel his stress levels spiking sharply as the five yen coin is pocketed for Yato's jar.
The ride to Bishamon's shrine took much longer than expected and both Yato and Ebisu had grown sleepy in the ride. Ebisu had at least tried to stay upright whilst sleeping, his head eventually landing on Kunimi's shoulder; Yato started off sleeping against the window but ended up sleeping on Yuki's lap by the end of the bus ride.
A small, very small but very real, part of Yukine actually really liked this. He loved the responsibility. He liked the fact that Yato now depended on him. He knew it wouldn't last, but he was determined to also make sure that Yato's new childhood was the best that life could offer.
So, pulling Yato closer, he wrapped his jacket over Yato's form and slowly rubs circles on his back. It wasn't long before Yato was completely knocked out and now drooling too. It was so cute. And, just for a bit of blackmail, Yukine snaps a couple of pictures with it on Yato's old phone. He grins and forwards it to Hiyori. After all, if there was anyone else he'd trust Yato's life with, it was her.
The ride comes to a stop quite a ways away from Bishamon's shrine and both Kunimi and Yukine end up having to carry their charges uphill towards Bishamon's shrine.
It was a quiet walk though. The sun was high in the sky, but there were so many clouds abound it didn't feel so tortuously hot as it normally would. Bouts of shadows followed them as the clouds blocked out the sun, only to uncover it the next.
The air was still fresh with spring and the cherry blossoms made for a wonderful pastel backdrop for their view of the shrine. It was such a blessing to be staying in Japan. It was so peaceful. Those thoughts swam through Yukine's mind as he carried Yato on his hip towards the shrine. It was the most content he'd felt in such a long time. He smiled.
"Almost there..." Kunimi says and smiles awkwardly when Ebisu answers with "... shh … lower the depreciation rates by six points ..."
It was something neither of the Shinki could even try to want to understand: The god of Commerce, his mind working a mile a minute even in sleep. The piggyback ride the Kunimi was giving him wasn't as comfortable for the provider though, since he practically had to walk hunched over so that his young charge wouldn't fall off whilst sleeping. Of course, Ebisu was highly resistant to any other forms of carrying, so, unless being woken up, this was the only way to get the young boy to their destination.
"I contacted the shrine before we came, so Iwami should be-"
"Yukine!" Kazuma calls, arms crossed and a smile on his face as they approach the shrine.
"-here already." Kunimi finishes and smiles when his old mentor is seen standing right next to Bishamon's Exemplar.
"It's been a while," Kunimi says, the relief evident in his voice upon seeing his mentor again, "How've you been?"
"Lady Bishamon's been very accommodating, and I have actually found several hobbies to pursue my time against," Iwami says and smiles contently. After all, being alive is a blessing in of itself.
"Kazuma, what's the noise?" the blonde War god asks, waltzing closer. She nods her head towards Ebisu and suddenly grins when she sees Yato's sleeping form, "He's sleeping?"
"Oh, yeah-"
And, before Yukine could even finish his sentence, the young woman steps up next to him and grabs Yato from his grip and turns him to face her. With a soft happy squeal she hugs him and supports his weight with her arm, "I'll carry him!" she says and suddenly, as if only now remembering her countenance, frowns, "I mean... you should catch up with Iwami... I'll watch Yato for a while..."
The five of them -albeit with Ebisu still asleep- watch with wide-eyes as she struts off with Yato in her arms.
"I'm not dreaming, right? That DID just happen right now... right?" Yukine says in disbelief.
"Veena's always loved kids, I'm not sure why you're so surprised," Kazuma answers with a shrug and turns to face Kunimi, "Would you like to come in for some tea, I'm sure you'd like to catch up."
Kunimi bows, albeit a bit awkwardly since Ebisu was still asleep on his back, "Thank you, that would be wonderful."
So, they finally head into the shrine.
It was cool inside, but still had an air of comfort and elegance. The shrine itself was quite traditional, unlike Bishamon's heavenly counterpart. But, all the same, they headed to the backyard of the shrine.
Veena had set Yato down on the bench in the garden, his head in her lap while she lazily braided his hair. It was definitely the most motherly thing any of them had ever seen her do. She was absolutely content with a smile on her face and a soft lilting hum in the air.
"Veena, would you like some tea?" Kazuma asks softly, careful to disturb her peaceful demeanor.
"Yes, please," she answers, almost in a trance, as she continues softly humming.
"This is so weird," Yukine mutters in disbelief, a bubble of nervous tension brewing in his stomach, "Am I the only one freaking out? Come on!"
And, of course, when a god of War sends you a death glare because you're being loud, you shut up.
Ebisu has woken up by the time the tea was served and was happily munching away on cookies while listening to Iwami explain how macramé works.
Yato who woke up, not long after Ebisu, happily jogged over to join them. And, in comfort they ended up spending the afternoon catching up. From the weather and recent politics to the uptake in phantoms and storms over their city. But, before they could even steer the conversation to a lighter subject, it was Yato that chimed in with: "I slay them."
At that point all the other gods and regalia's turn to Yukine with a mix of both questioning and disapproval.
"What? I didn't teach him that?!" Yukine answers defensively.
And, with that, he wrangles Ebisu into a game of tag across the lawn.
"Wait, Yato!" Yukine calls and motions for him to return.
With a sigh and a frown Yato returns.
"Give it," Yukine motions to him and holds out his hand.
"I didn't take..." Yato counters softly, trying his best to not meet his regalia's eyes.
"Come on, you know stealing is bad. Give it," Yukine reminds softly and motions once more, "You want to become a god of Fortune, right? And how can we do that?"
With a deep sigh, the small child holds out an object, "By doing the good thing..." he says the phrase reluctantly and hands over the item to Yukine.
"Doing the right thing..." Yukine softly corrects.
"Doing the right thing..." Yato repeats dutifully after him. He repeats it once more, just to himself, as to remind himself of it for the next time. After all, he was pretty sure there would be a next time, anytime soon.
"Thank you," Yukine says with a pleased smile and nods, "You can go play now?"
"Okay!" Yato exclaims, like a light-switch, happy once more.
"I don't get it, what'd he take?" Bishamon asks with a tilt of her head.
"I'm sure necklaces aren't his thing," Kazuma notes and grins when he points to her neck.
She pats her collar before peering down in surprise.
"I'm really sorry, Lady Bishamon," Yukine quickly says and bows as he extends his hands towards her -the necklace resting in his palm.
"When did he take it?!" she exclaims, not so much offended that he did take it but by the fact that she hadn't noticed it was missing...
"Probably when you picked him up from Yukine..." Kazuma thinks out loud and shrugs, "Well, he is a god of Calamity, after all. He's supposed to -"
-and, almost as if it were destiny, a scream suddenly ripped through their midst.
It was Ebisu. He'd tripped.
Yato had been running straight towards the pond, find his footing for a second before leaping straight across the stream. Of course, it was less than a yard and a half wide, but to see a child so young being able to do that was mystifying. So.. when Ebisu had tries to imitate him.. the worst possible thing happened.
He had tripped and fallen over a rock close to the gravel lining the pond of the garden. He had definitely hurt himself, since the tears were instant and his reaction was to retract in himself, a sure sign of true pain in children.
But, before Iwami or Kunimi could even react, Yato was at Ebisu's side.
"Ebi! Ebi!" Yato yells in concern, falling to his knees next to him. He quickly pulls Ebisu into hug, patting his back and instantly crying with him, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
The scene was so surreal. None of them had expected Yato to react this way.
A few moments later, Ebisu had started to calm down, only small hiccups emitting from his form, "It's... I'm fine... I'm okay... Mr. Yato," he says and hiccups again, "I'm okay...It's not your fault..."
"You're hurt!" Yato exclaims and hugs Ebisu tighter, "You're hurt!"
Iwami nods towards Kunimi, whom stood up and slowly made his way over to the pair. "Lord Ebisu, may I see?" he says softly and touches Yato's shoulder.
Yato quickly retreats, instantly drawing away from the touch.
"Mr. Yato-" Ebisu calls, quickly reaching out and grabbing Yato's shirt to stop him from moving completely out of reach, "Don't go."
Kunimi silently assessed the damage, but, it seemed to be nothing more than a light scratch. It wasn't even bleeding. But, it had definitely been a shock since Ebisu has still not moved.
"Are you alright, lord Ebisu?" Kunimi asks softly and re-ties Ebisu's shoelaces, just in case.
Ebisu nods softly and scoots closer to Yato, "Thank you, Mr. Yato..."
Yato quickly looks up and blushes darkly, "Hmmm... " is all he manages to mumble out in affirmation before crossing his arms, "Is it pain?"
"... painful, Yato..." Yukine correctly softly, with an encouraging smile.
"Is it painful, Ebi?" Yato repeats, his concern showing clearly on his youthful features.
"I'm okay," Ebisu answers, now smiling once more even though the tear-streaks were still visible on his cheeks.
Yato shuffles closer and peers at the scrape. He nods to himself and quickly hoists Ebisu up over his back into a piggyback ride, ignoring Kunimi's protests.
"M-Mr. Yato?" Ebisu exclaims, a bit confused over Yato's actions.
"Yuki! Yuki..." Yato calls, his eyes brimming with tears as he walks closer, "Ebi's hurt!"
The young boy softly puts Ebisu in front of him and stares at him expectantly.
"Oh... right..." Yukine nods and kisses the palm of his hand before placing it on Ebisu's knee, "There, is that better?"
Ebisu, now completely baffled by the action, looks over to Yato.
"You okay now?" Yato asks softly, patting Ebisu's back.
Kazuma scoffs in amusement and amazement at the development of Yato's reincarnated form, at how much Yukine had affected his growth and personality. He grins as he sends a knowing looks over to Veena as he says, "Is that something a god of Calamity would do?"
"No, it isn't..." Yukine responds instead, with a proud smile gracing his features.
"Thank you, Mr. Yukine... Mr. Yato..." the young Commerce god replies, a heart-warming smile forming on his face as he assesses the scrape with new found awe.
"It works, right?" Yato exclaims excitedly and hugs Yukine tightly, "He's like magic!"
And, for the first time in so long, Yukine felt truly happy.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!
Please drop me a pm or review if you liked it!