Hey guys! This is my first Spiderman story that I am really excited to write! Spiderman homecoming was awesome! Definitely recommend seeing it if you haven't yet! Enjoy chapter 1 :)

Disclaimer: Spiderman belongs to Marvel, not me. I only own the plot.

As Peter Parker enters his school, after a nice relaxing spring break, he can't help think back on what happened six months ago. With Liz's dad being the Vulture, he knows he can't ever be with Liz after that. He has to admit, he was definitely disappointed by it, but he knew it was for the best. Now that he thinks about it, all he really had with Liz, was just a small crush. Liz also moved to Oregon so it's not like he could be with her anyway.

As he opens his locker to put take his books out, his best friend Ned comes up to him.

"Hey Man! How was your break?" Ned asks.

"It was alright, yours?" Peter answers as he stuffs his books into his bag.

"It was nice and relaxing." Ned notices Peter's sad face.

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Umm… yeah. Just stressed out about school and stuff." Peter can tell Ned looks unconvinced.

"Since when do you care about school? Come on seriously Peter, what's going on?"

He wants to lie to Ned, but he knows he can't. He knows Ned wouldn't let it go until he gets answers.

"Alright, I guess I'm still thinking about the incident with Liz."

"Seriously man! That was six months ago! You need get over Liz! I'm sorry to break it to you, but she's not coming back. You need to move on."

Even though Peter is annoyed by what Ned said, he knows it's true. He can't hold on to Liz forever; even she was here, he couldn't be with her. As he places his bag on his back, he notices the most beautiful girl walking down the hall. It takes Peter a few seconds to recognize her. It's Michelle! Book worm and socially awkward Michelle! How is that even possible?

"Yo Peter!" Ned yells and Peter jerks out of his thoughts

"Ned, do you recognize that girl that just walked by?"

"No why?"

Peter sighs, "Come with me." He pulls Ned down the hall and to the right. There Michelle is standing at her locker. Instead of her hair being all messy and everything, it was nicely waved down just below her shoulder. Peter also notices a little bit of eyeliner on her eyelids, although he thinks she doesn't need it. She's also wearing a cute pink top with blue jeans.

"See." Peter points with his head.

"Woah, who's she?" Ned's jaw drops.

"Seriously? It's Michelle." Ned's eyes are wide now.

"What? No way! How can that be?" Ned's eyes are wide

"I know right. We were only gone for a week. How does a person change so dramatically in a week?" Peter wonders while Ned gives an 'are you serious look.'

"Seriously? You're going to ask that? Mr. changes from a normal kid to a superhero." Peter just rolls his eyes.

"Man, she's like so…. Wow." Peter really didn't know how to describe her. He's just so in shock with how amazing she looks now. He wishes he could have the courage to go talk to her but he doesn't want to mess things up.

"You think I should go talk to her?" Peter turns to look at Ned.

"Yeah, go for it, man. Maybe she'll help you move on from Liz."

"Are you kidding me? I don't want to treat Michelle like that."

"Alright, just go talk to her."

"Yeah, you are right. I'm going to do this, I'm going to do this, I'm going to do this. I can't do this." Peter looks at the ground, while Ned rolls his eyes."

"It's okay, you don't have to do this. Hey Michelle!" Ned pushes Peter towards her and runs away. Making Peter look back at Ned with an annoyed look, and Michelle turns around.

"Oh hi, Peter. What's up?" Michelle gives a cute smile.

"Umm…. hey. How was your spring break?" He asks shyly.

"Oh, it was alright." She places her books in her backpack.

"You look umm…. different. In a good way, though." Peter tries to compliment as he blushes and looks at the ground.

Michelle lets out a cute giggle, "Oh yeah, thanks. My mother insisted that I change the way I look and wants me to socialize more. So, she sent me to this kind of social group thing that really helped me a lot. But that could also be because I'm a fast learner, but I also wanted to change."

"Well, I definitely like this new look. But you looked fine before also." He flashes her with a smile.

She giggles again as she places a hand on his shoulder, "What? Are you trying to hit on me, Loser?"

"Well, what if I am?" Michelle flashes a smile back at him.

"Well, then I would say-

"Hey MJ, right?" Flash Thomson interrupts as he comes from behind making both Michelle and Peter look at him.

"Yeah?" Michelle answers with a confused look.

"I can't help but notice how much you changed in such a short period of time. You look hot! Want to get ice cream after school?" Flash gives her a wink.

"Oh umm…. Flash, I'm flattered but-

"Come on MJ! You don't want to miss out on a date with Flash Thomson! It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, I usually don't ask many girls out."

"Oh well, alright. I guess one date wouldn't hurt." Michelle agrees making Flash smile.

"Awesome! Come on, let's go plan our date." Flash takes Michelle's hand and pulls her away from Peter.

Peter can't help but have an angry face on as Flash takes Michelle away from him. How could he do that? He never showed any signs of liking her! He kicks the locker as he walks down to his first period class.

Meanwhile, Toomes is sitting on his bed in his cell. He's been sentenced to ten years up to life in prison. He lets out a sigh as he tries to find a way to see if he can get revenge on Spiderman. How could he have lost to a fifteen-year-old kid! How is that even possible? He's not even that powerful! He kicks the leg of his bed and lies down. He's just about to shut his eyes when he hears a quite whisper.

"Psst! Hey Toomes!"

Toomes sits himself and slowly walks over to the bars. He can't see the person who's talking but the voice sounds familiar.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"Not important right now, I heard about your scam with Spiderman."

"Umm okay." Toomes as a confused look.

"You want revenge on him?" The voice asks making Toomes interested.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well first you have to make a deal with me." The voice sounds extremely serious.


"You know the gun you have that allows you to go through walls and doors?"

"Yeah? What about it?" Toomes is becoming impatient.

"Let me use that gun and all your other weapons , and I'll break you out of prison and help you get revenge on Spiderman. I have the perfect plan. Deal?"

"Fine deal." The voice takes out the keys and unlocks the cell and Toomes walks out and into the light. His eyes wide and his jaw drops and he sees who's been talking to him and who just broke him out.

"Holy crap! Loki!"

Uh Oh! Will Peter get Michelle? What kind of plan does Loki have for Vulture? Stay tuned to find out. Please Review! :)