Bella's POV:

I was leaving Forks and I had been changing my mind constantly to avoid Alice and Edward. I penned a letter constantly flicking around giving it to Renee or tossing it out to keep Alice guessing. The debate is real though, I keep telling myself all this is foolish and I'm making an important decision too fast but I needed to do this and I'm promising myself that I'll return to Forks and more importantly to Edward and his family. Lying has never been my strong suit but I've had to work on it alot lately to avoid drawing suspicion.

I didn't tell Edward that Charlie died while he was gone and I couldn't deal with the knowledge of it anymore. He was killed by Laurent and Victoria the night after he and his family left, I couldn't help but think it was my fault that they killed him as they were going after me in the first place and he happened to be in the way. I knew that if I told Edward or his family they'd think it was their fault and I didn't want them to think that.

The nightmares following Charlie's death have gotten worse, first it was just Edward leaving, then it morphed into his whole family, and later transformed into a dream where Edward, his family, and Charlie were all being burned alive in my house by Laurent and Victoria with me powerless to stop them.

"I should just tell one of them and get this over with so I don't have to leave" I thought for the 40th time in a row. Doing that would give me too much anxiety and with them working hard to get Victoria I didn't want to stress them out even more. On my 3rd piece of paper since starting this letter all I've gotten down is:

I have to go away for a while, I've got some things on my mind that I need to clear up and I promise you I'll be fine wherever I go and I'll be extra careful and I love you all and will talk to you as soon as I am able.

Forever Yours

Bella Swan

This'll have to do, I've never been a Shakespeare and I don't intend to start now. With that thought in mind I send this off to their house and get to the airport to move around for a bit with no set destination in mind. I am such a horrible person, they work so hard and I leave them with no more than a letter just because I can't deal with something, how pathetic is that? I've been having this whole mental debate all night and the Cullens are off hunting somewhere so I'll have enough time to drop this off and be gone before they come back... hopefully.

My mind is still racing as I make it to the airport and head off to the Bahamas knowing that it'll be difficult for them to get me there with the sun and all after having checked the weather there a few times to make sure its sunny all throughout and I have a good few hours til I land and then I can piece together my mind then.