Chapter 1 I own nothing

Tony's P.O.V

Tony's P.O.V

I sitting on my makeshift bed in the cave eating beans that Yinsen had made for dinner when we heard yelling outside "Get up" Yinsen yelled the door opened and a man was thrown into the cave along with us. Yinsen moved to help the man up but was yelled at

"Lépjen vissza, vagy leszel shor" he immediately stepped away put his hands back on his head

"Yinsen what did they say?" I whispered

"They said they would shoot me if I didn't step back" I nodded as soon as the men left Yinsen and I ran over to help the man up but we were both surprised when we saw that he was clutching a little girl to his chest. As we got closer the man yelled

"Please don't hurt us"

"No one is going to hurt you sir, we are prisoners here as well" Yinsen said he slowly stood up and the little girl held on tightly to his leg. "Who are you?" Yinsen asked

"I'm Daniel Matthews and this is my daughter Abigail" he looked down at the little girl "Sweetie are you hurt?" he asked she shook her head "thank god"

"So what did you do that they brought you here?" I asked

"I don't know My wife, daughter and I were on vacation and we lost our tour bus at one of the stops and when we went to find a phone I guess we ran into them doing something illegal they grabbed my wife and they killed her right in front of me Abigail was so scared of the men she was hiding behind me and I guess she didn't see anything. He said with tears in his eyes

"Mr. Matthews let me look at the cut on your leg, I'm a Doctor" he picked up his daughter and handed her to me I was hesitant at first but took her into my arms

"Would you mind holding her for a moment" and he walked away before I could answer I sat down on my bed and put her next to me. I have never been keen on the whole having children but I have to admit she is really adorable after a moment she crawled onto my lap and put her hand on the new arc reactor I had built and tapped it a little

"Are you scared of the dark?" I looked at her confused "is that why you have a night light on you?" I chuckled

"No sweetie I'm not scared of the dark, but you're right it's like a night light are you scared of the dark?"

"A little" Yinsen and Daniel walked over and he took Abigail into his arms

"So Mr. Stark if I was to guess I'm assuming that they kidnapped you so you would build them some sort of weapon"

"Firstly please call me Tony, and yes you are correct they want me to build my newest weapon" he looked at me

"So um did you agree to build it"

"I told them I would so they wouldn't hurt us but actually building a sort of suit kind of like armor that will help us get out of here"

"I'll help in any way I can" he said but seconds later he the doors opened and they grabbed Daniel and pulled him out the door

"DADDY!" Abigail started to run after them but I held her back

"No sweetie" I looked over at Yinsen and asked "where are they taking him" he sighed

"From what I heard them saying it seems they are going to kill him" I sighed I felt to bad for little Abigail

A Few Days Later

I am sitting at the table and working on the helmet this is the last thing I need for the suit to be completed I looked over and I saw Abigail looking at me "Hey squirt you wanna help me" she slowly over to me I pulled her up onto my lap "ok I have a big job for you, I need you to hold the mask closed while I screw in the last two nails you think you can do that for me?" she nodded she reached over and grabbed the mask and held it closed once I finished I gave her a high five "good job"

"Um is my daddy coming back?" I sighed

"I don't think so sweetie" I couldn't lie to her

"When we leave here can I stay with you?" I was shocked of course I would take care of this little one like she was my own

"Is that what you want" she nodded and snuggled into my chest

1 month later

Although I had finished the suit over a month ago we had to wait a little while so they wouldn't get suspicious of how I finished their pinball machine weapon being built so quickly

"Ok Abigail you know the plan right?" she nodded

"I stay with Mr. um Yin" she started but she didn't know how to fully pronounce his name "and when you come back we all leave"

"That's my girl" and I kissed he on the top of the head I went to get in the suit but she stopped me

"Um, um" I kneeled down to her level

"What is it"

"Can I call you daddy?" I was shocked I mean I had never even wanted kids actually at one point the thought of being called a dad freaked me out a little bit but if Abigail wanted to call me dad she could

"If that's what you want sweetheart" she smiled

I walked and got to into the suit I was instructing Yinsen on how to get the suit to power up "This isn't going to start in time" suddenly we heard yelling at the door and pulling on the door where we had placed a bomb in case someone tried to come in

BOOM the bomb went off and the door opened and Yinsen ran towards the door and grabbed one of the dead men's guns

"Mr. Stark I am going to buy you some time"

"Wait Yinsen stick to the plan" as soon as he started shooting I realized the suit powered up and was ready to go I broke away from the wall and looked at Abigail

"Stay here, and hide"

She ran behind the wall and hid under the table I walked away

A few minutes later I was making my way back to get Yinsen and Abigail the leader of the group had managed to know Yinsen unconscious and he was holding Abigail with a gun to her head and my heart started pounding

"Stop now Mr. Stark or the little girl gets it"

"Daddy" she said through tears

"Its going to be ok sweetie I promise" all of a sudden the leader fell to the floor Yinsen had woken up and kicked him hard Abigail got away and ran to me when he stood back up I shot my weapon and I'm 100% sure he is dead I grabbed Abigail and ran toward Yinsen

"Yinsen we have to go buddy"

"No Mr. Stark I'm going to join my family now get yourself and Abigail out of here" I closed the mask we ran when we got to the opening I put Abigail down they are probably going to shoot so I don't want her here right now

"Stay here I'll be right back" she nodded as predicted as soon as I walked out they started shooting I let them shoot and once they finished I said

"MY TURN" and started setting everything on fire once it was time to go I ran back and grabbed Abigail "Hold on sweetie" and we took off into the air we didn't get far but far enough away from them before we crash landed

Once we landed I realized Abigail was wasn't still in my arms "ABIGAIL" I yelled

"Daddy" I turned around she was laying in the sand behind me

"Sweetie are you hurt" she pointed to her leg where she had a pretty nasty scratch I think she got it when the suit broke and it scratched her I ripped a part of my shirt and wrapped it around the scratch "Ok lets get out of here"

We have been walking for hours and we are both thirsty and I keep praying that at a small town will appear soon somewhere with a phone so I could call then all of a sudden I saw helicopters and I started laughing

"HEY, HEY WE'RE HERE" and they landed and I saw my best friend Rhodey run toward us

"How was the funve?" I laughed "Next time you ride with me"

"We're safe sweetie" I said to Abigail

"Who is this?" Rhodey asked

"She is the daughter of a man who was also held hostage and she is the sweetest little girl she is like my daughter she even calls me dad there was no way I was leaving without her" Rhodey gave a weird look and then a smile

"Alight man all I have to say is welcome to father hood" we walked onto the helicopter and the medics walked over to us

"I'm fine but Abby has a nasty cut on her leg" the medics nodded and walked away

I went and took a shower and it felt good when I got out Rhodey had left me some fresh clothes "Hey Rhodey how is Abby?"

"She is taking a nap" I nodded

"I'm going to do that too"

"Ok man you need it" I had only just started to fall asleep when I heard a squeak of the door I opened my eyes and saw Abby walk in

"Daddy?" I heard her ask

"Yes sweetie?"

"Are we safe now?"

"Very" she smiled she walked over to me

"Can I lay with you" I nodded and we both fell asleep"

We landed in Malibu the next day and I was holding Abigail as we got off I smiled when I saw the love of my life Pepper Potts not that I'll ever say that she deserves way better than me. As I got closer I saw she had tears in her eyes

"Few tears for your long lost boss?" she smiled

"Tears of joy I hate job hunting" I chuckled she looked at Abigail "is this her" I nodded I'm assuming Rhodey had told her

"Abigail this is one of my best friends Pepper Potts, she will never hurt you" Abigail took her head out of the crook of my neck

"Oh she is so precious" I smiled Abigail reached out to her "can I hold her?" I nodded and handed her to Pepper and we walked to the limo

"Hey Happy" I said

"Hey boss, so where too"

"Take us to the hospital Happy" Pepper said

"No I have been in captivity for 3 months I want an American cheese burger and I need you to call for a press conference"

"What for?"

"Just do it please"

Ok so what do you think? Please review