"I don't know where Deku is. You think I keep up with the shit faces every move?" Bakugou crossed his arms and glared in feigned annoyance at recovery girl. The old woman looked like she wanted to punch him but instead resigned her self to rubbing her temples in frustration.
"Can't you act respectfully for five minutes and be honest. You have been sneaking into his room everyday for two weeks to check on him and give him those magazines. Don't think no one has noticed how attentive you've been. Now, can't you stop acting like a spoiled hot head for five seconds and tell us if you know where he went?"
Bakugou slammed his hands angrily on the table in front of him. "I TOLD YOU, YOU OLD HAG! I DON'T KNOW WHERE FUCKING DEKU IS!"
All Might placed a hand gently on his shoulder. "Bakugou my boy, please. If you know anything please tell us." The frail man's eyes were welled up with tears. The dark circles under his eyes managed to look even worse than normal indicating a sleepless night.
"He has been missing for two days. The medicine he was on was making him hallucinate and I knew that. I-I should've looked out for him more. Made sure he knew he was safe. I left him alone instead of staying with him. How can I call myself his mentor? He ran off because he was scared and who knows what state he is in out there alone with those injuries." Tears started streaming down his face freely now. He lifted in arm in an effort to shield his face from his student.
Bakugou sighed and stared at his shoes. The bright red served as a focal point as he did his best to hold in the truth. Seeing the hero he had looked up to his whole life openly crying bothered him more than he would like to admit. "I promise I don't know… I wish I knew where Deku was, but I don't. I'll admit I don't want anything terrible to happen the little shit."
All Might hugged Bakugou tightly. "Thank you my boy."
Bakugou felt sick to his stomach knowing how much he was making everyone suffer by hiding Deku. Truthfully, he wondered if it was just a hallucination from the medicine too at first. Maybe he was making a big mistake by hiding him when he desperately needed all the medical attention he could get. Something in Deku's eyes however, swayed him. He knew deep down that what he had seen wasn't just an effect of the medicine.
He pulled away from All Might gentler than normal. "Can I got back to class now?"
Recovery girl nodded. "Thank you for talking with us. Just try and be more mindful of your manners please. Can you tell Uraraka we need to speak to her next?"
Bakugou raised a hand waving dismissively. "Yeah, Yeah, I'll tell her."
Uraraka had her face planted on her arms, face down on her desk. Bakugou tapped her shoulder. "Hey round face. Recovery girl wants to talk to you."
Uraraka's head shot up and she slammed her hands down in front of her. "Okay! I'm going now! Maybe I can convince her to let me join the search team for Deku!" Her eyes were swollen and red. Bakugou couldn't help but feel slightly guilty as she rubbed her eyes roughly before speeding off to the nurse's office.
Kirishima quickly stole her seat and turned to face Bakugou. "Crazy, that Izuku is gone isn't it? I know you don't like the guy but, you grew up together so I'm sure you're a little bothered by it all."
Bakugou sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Why should I be bothered by Deku being missing. I don't have to see his shitty, annoying face now." His words didn't have the same bite behind them as normal.
Kirishima reached over and patted him on the back. "Don't worry. I'm sure we will find him, and he will be okay. I overheard Uraraka and Iida discussing a 1-A search party team. Sometimes young people think of things the adults miss so maybe we will be able to put out heads together and think of where he has gone." Kirishima smiled at Bakugou reassuringly.
Damn the guilt was going to eat him up today. He wasn't used to feeling guilty about anything. Normally he could justify all his actions in some way. Make it seem like he had a reason for his bad attitude and actions. He couldn't push down this new feeling no matter how hard he tried.
Bakugou let out a heavy sigh. "Yeah maybe…" He muttered."
"Kirishima! Your turn!" Uraraka called from the other side of the room.
Kirishima ignored the call and grinned wider, patting Bakugou roughly on the back. "That's the spirit, keep hope!"
Bakugou shoved his hand off in annoyance. "Shouldn't you go talk to recovery girl now hedgehog hair."
Kirishima flicked Bakugou's forehead. "Now, now, I thought we were past the name calling phase." He waved goodbye to Bakugou before trotting off.
Later that day Bakugou trudged to his room. He had managed to sneak some food from lunch into his bag and wanted to make sure Deku ate some of it. He opened the door and gently closed it behind him. For once he didn't want all the attention directed at him, he normally gathered by slamming his door. "Hey, I brought some food." He held out the bag in front of him in offering.
His eyes widened in shock when he realized Deku was gone. "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT." Bakugou dropped the food on the floor. Panic filled him as he wondered if the unknown villain had found Izuku and killed him.
Bakugou jumped when something shifted under the pile of his covers on his bed. The lump let out a small groan.
Bakugou ran over to his bed and pulled back the covers revealing a completely passed out Izuku, curled up in a ball. The boy was drooling slightly on the covers but Bakugou was too relieved to be grossed out. He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Dammit Izuku, you scared me." He whispered reaching his hand out and running his fingers gently through Izuku's dark green hair. It comforted him feeling the warmth beneath his hand. He had really thought he was gone for a moment.
Izuku shifted again towards Bakugou. His eyes began to flutter and Bakugou jerked his hand back quickly.
Izuku blinked wearily at him. "Ka-chan when did you get here? And why are you so close?" Izuku looked at him in confusion.
Bakugou felt his face heat up with embarrassment at almost getting caught touching his rivals hair. How would he have explained that? "Uh, I brought food. I was just going to wake you up dammit. I don't want to be close to an annoying Deku like you but you sleep like a log, so I thought I'd have to hit you with a blast to wake you up."
Izuku sat up quickly and winced in pain at the sudden motion. Bakugou reached out instinctively to steady him before pulling back in embarrassment again.
Izuku stared at Bakugou for a minute.
Bakugou glared at him. He wasn't sure if his face could get any redder. "What? Something wrong with my face?"
Izuku glanced at the floor. "Why is all the food spilled out on the floor?"
Izuku burst out laughing at his friend's visibly red face. "Shh, be quiet or we will get caught. Wait, actually scream more. They are probably used to it from when you play games!" He laughed harder.
"WHY YOU!" Bakugou screamed.
Izuku was clutching his side now. "Okay, calm down. Stop making me laugh. My broken ribs are screaming!"
After that they sat in silence. Bakugou was throwing a silent tantrum in the corner while Izuku ate his food and tried not to laugh at his childish behavior. It reminded him of their childhood days.
Authors Note:
Hi everyone. I doubt anyone is still waiting for updates on this story. To be honest I never planned to finish it. Since I last touched this story I got out of an unhealthy relationship, had my first niece, and even survived stage four cancer. I never thought my life would turn out the way it has but I also think I appreciate the simple things more for it. I wasn't sure if I would be able to write or draw again with the neuropathy in my hands but, overtime I've managed to feel human again. My body also feels almost normal again. I think it would be nice to return to some simpler things for a while. Like finishing this story about one of my favorite manga's. I hope you enjoy.