It was silent in the amusement park, as everything was peaceful after the battle in it. The remains of Whaleman and the heartless that were among it littered the ground. BUt after tonight, there was much torture and suffering this day. It was then… that the darkness began to melt and fuse together into a large pool.

(Cue: Aleister Black Theme - Root of All Evil feat. Incendiary)

The pool bubbled. First, out from nowhere came a sleek, jet-black female Emotionless with no dinosaur features, only human but 7 ft in stature with Ballerina attire mixed with light armor and metal slippers. She performed on the black water at her feet, not sinking in. truth be told… there was something created from Kanami's regret this day, a new female emotionless known as Balletia. But she was not the only one. What had become of this pool, was the sight of HIS return.

As the music picked up, a powerful muscular and scaly arm burst through the black liquid, continuing to rise into a familiar shape. It was a tall Emotionless with beading red eyes, a long, thick lizard like tail, claws and lizard like feet, and a ches and body. In addition, the neck had scars. It was none other than Tyranno.

Balletia spinned to his side. Tyranno stretched his arms and cracked his neck as they moved out of the pool together, Balletia on her tip-toes. Tyranno could vaguely remember who killed him before, but he only knew one word...Dragon, a vision in his mind of a faded Meliodas with wings.

He had work to do, and this time… he wasn't going to die. Balletia manifested a portal to the Animated World as they walked in, both to assist one another with their portal disappeared and the screen faded.

The Strongest back.