DISCLAIMER: I do not own Hawaii Five-0 or the characters.
A/N: So this has been coming for a loooooong time. Ever since I watched episode S04E14 I wondered; what if? Don't know why, but I never did something with it, but the idea always stayed on my mind. Maybe I wasn't sure what to do with it nor did I have the intention to write at all. I had never written anything before, let alone in English nor did I plan to share it. It was just something that was on my mind and I suppressed it for years. But now that I've written three other stories I thought it would finally be time to open up that box inside my mind and start writing this particular plot. And here we are. Hope you enjoy reading it as much I enjoyed writing it! I'm currently writing chapter 21 and I'm not near being done with it, so we're in for it for the long haul.
Minutes after Danny walked out of Grace's school his phone rang. The call said a man escaped from custody in the courthouse and he was on the run, armed and dangerous. Like Danny had not already enough to deal with. He had been called to come to Grace's school and talk with the principal, because Grace had violated the school's code of conduct. She had punched a kid in the face. She got suspended for a week and Danny had no idea what he should do with her. Rachel was on the mainland with Stan, so Grace would stay with Danny. He enjoyed the extra time with his little girl, but now that she was suspended for the entire week, Danny needed to figure out what to do, since he had go to work.
Danny had called the sitter and luckily she was able to come this morning, instead of picking up Grace from school later that day. Steve had picked up Danny and they both went to the courthouse to meet the team. Lou was on site with the rest of the SWAT team. He informed them whom they were dealing with. Chin and Kono had gained access to the camera's and pulled the footage, showing Roy Parrish escaping from custody and fighting with two guards that were leading Parrish to the prisoner transport. Catherine found out that Parrish threatened the star eyewitness, Archie Akama, in court. She would get his address, so Steve and Danny could grab him and get him into protective custody. In the mean time Kono and Chin would reach out to Parrish's daughter.
Steve and Danny walked back towards the Camaro to pick up Akama. Danny shared his theory, talking widely with his hands. "This guy Parrish, he's sharp enough to put together an elaborate real estate scam. It's hard to imagine that he would risk going back to prison just to take a shot at a witness. I'm guessing he's laying low, looking for a way off the island right now."
"Yeah, maybe, but he's not going to last long without help, right?" Steve thought out loud. "He'll have to surface sooner or later." He added. Steve wasn't comfortable with the idea that the guy was still on the loose and not behind bars.
"APB's gone out. We got birds in the air; we got the roadblocks set up within a 15-block radius. HPD is performing car-to-car searches as we speak. We'll find him." Danny reassured him as they both got into the Camaro, parked on the side of the street.
A dark, gruff and male voice spoke a second after Steve slammed his door shut. "Drive," a gun got pressed on Steve's shoulder and the muzzle got traced onto his neck. He shot a glance over his shoulder. The fugitive, Roy Parrish, was sitting in the backseat. Steve and Danny shared a look before Steve started the engine and drove away.
"Okay, here's how it's gonna go, big guy. Keep both your hands on that wheel," Parrish demanded. "Blondie, you go ahead and pass me back those guns."
"I got a better idea. How about I send back some handcuffs, you put 'em on, and nobody has to die, okay?" Danny snapped. He was not about to listen to a fugitive, who also had broken into his car.
Parrish chuckled sarcastic. "You're the funny one, I guess," he pressed the muzzle of the gun on Danny's neck this time. "Guns! Pass them back, grip first. Come on! Give 'em to me!" He bellowed.
"Clearly you haven't thought this through. I mean, this entire place is locked down. You're not getting out of here." Steve said as he handed his gun first and Danny followed his lead reluctantly.
"Oh, we'll just have to see about that, won't we?" Parrish argued.
"Trust me, all right? The only way this ends well for you is if you surrender yourself right now." Steve sounded incisively as he tried to stay calm and figure a way out of this mess.
"I'll take that under advisement. Right now, all you gotta do is shut up and drive." Parrish replied, as he was confident with his plan.
"That's gonna be a problem." Danny stated as they approached the checkpoint. A bunch of police officers were scanning and searching every inch of each car. Steve lined up behind the last car. There were four cars in front of them, so they had a few minute before the trouble started.
"All right, blondie, give me your phone." Parrish panicked. Danny pulled his cellphone out of his pocket and held it reluctantly up, not wanting to give it straight away, but Parrish snatched it out of his hand.
Parrish unlocked it and swiped between a few private photos of Grace on Danny's phone. "That your daughter?" he asked. Danny clenched his jaw. Steve looked at his friend from the corner of his eyes. He did not like where this was going. "I say is that your daughter?" Parrish impatiently showed Danny the photo of little Grace.
Danny stared briefly at the photo of his daughter. "Yeah." He answered as his stomach turned around. He hated himself for having those photos on his phone. Not that he could've seen this coming, but he should've known better. The car in front of them started to drive again, so Steve did the same as there already lined up a few cars behind them. He didn't want to draw the attention by not moving forward.
"What's her name?" Parrish requested as he felt the time running out.
"Her name is Grace." Danny said, as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He tried not to show his anger, it would work in his advantage, but he didn't want to give in either. Parrish searched through the contacts on Danny's phone and stopped at the 'G'. Grace was one of the contacts in the list. Parrish dialed the number on speaker. Steve stared with an aneurysm face outside through the window, still figuring a way out of this. He could see the panic rising in his partner. Danny was almost losing himself. The one thing he hoped for was that Grace wouldn't pick up.
The phone rang a few times before Grace's innocent voice popped up on the other side of the line. "Hi, Daddy," Danny's heart skipped a beat as Grace answered.
"No, honey, I'm-I'm not your daddy," Parrish tried to sound nice. Danny listened attentively. "I'm a good friend of your daddy's, and he asked me to call you because there's a sound that he wants you to hear, okay? Hold on," he threatened. It caught Steve's attention. He felt sick to his stomach.
Parrish pressed the mute button to exclude Grace from the conversation. He turned his attention towards Danny, pointing the gun on the back op his seat. Danny tensed as he felt the slight pressure through his seat. He tried to stay calm, but a panic attack was settling in his mind. His heart started beating faster and the anxiety was rushing through his veins. It was not the first time someone pointed a gun at him, but those previous times nobody ever had involved his daughter. All those times he had blocked the thought of Grace out of his mind. Only with her on the other side of the line, he felt completely different.
Danny was brought back to reality as Parrish spoke. "Now listen to me. You don't make it through that checkpoint, she's going to hear you die, you understand?"
"Danno...?" Grace asked from the other side, as she couldn't hear anything.
"You nod your head if you understand." Parrish demanded.
Danny his heart raced at tremendous speed and every muscle in his body felt tense. If this man were anything like Lou had told them, he wouldn't think twice about pulling that trigger, so Danny decided to cooperate with this lunatic. He let out an anxious breath as he nodded his head. Steve's grip on the wheel white knuckled. He could see the weight on Danny and he felt the same. Grace wasn't supposed to be dragged into this.
"Danno, are you there?" Grace asked again.
Parrish pressed the mute button again, taking back the call. "Here it comes, honey. You just listen up." He pointed the gun harder against the back of the car seat. Danny was breathing a little heavier, while dark thoughts rushed through his mind. His mouth was dry and he was clammy. Like he had been walking in the middle of the desert for a couple of hours. He tried to suppress his heavy breathing. He didn't want Parrish to notice it and Danny did not want to give in.
Against his will Steve drove slowly ahead. The car in front on them was getting checked and they were next in line. He was trying to think of a way to get Parrish to surrender, but that didn't seem an option.
"Danno?" Grace asked uncertain on what was going on. "Danno, are you there? I can't hear you." It was a complete torture for Danny to hear his daughter ask for him, over and over. He'd rather take a few punches to the stomach or get the crap beaten out of him. Just as long as he didn't have to hear Grace ask for him. He tried to blink away the tears that welled up in his eyes. He didn't want her to hear any of this, but he couldn't let Parrish get away with it either. He'd rather get shot than cooperate with a fugitive. It was not something he would do. "Daddy?"
Steve ran his hand over his face as he swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. He could come up with one option and looking at his anxious partner, it was the only one to go with. Steve could tell Danny wasn't going to give in. So Steve dialed Lou's number and demanded that they all should go to the other side of the island because Parrish had been spotted there. He didn't like to lie to him, but it was the one thing he could come up with to save his partners life. The police officer was signaling that Steve should pull up to the spot so they could search his car.
"I need boots on the ground up there, right now! Did you hear me, Lou? Right now!" Steve shouted as he was running out of time. He disconnected the call hoping Lou would listen to him and would call everybody to the other side of the island. Danny could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Getting shot was one thing, but having Grace hearing him getting shot, was a whole other thing. Why did she have to be home just today? Danny thought. If she had been in school she wouldn't have been able to answer her phone.
Every cop was packing up their things before they realized it. "Turn around, let's go! Let's go!" The officers barked at each other and they rushed away with howling sirens. Steve floored the gas pedal and quickly tore off. Danny could finally breathe again. It was over. The anxious feeling vanished and he was left with one thing only. Anger.
"Danno?" Grace's voice popped up again.
"Okay, Grace. Don't hang up just yet." Parrish said, as he was relieved they made it past the checkpoint. He muted the call again.
"You didn't choose this car by accident, did you?" With anger flashing in his eyes, Steve stared at Parrish via the rearview mirror.
"No, I didn't. Now make a right." Parrish resumed his plan. "Blondie, handcuff your partner's wrist to that steering wheel. Then give me his phone." He ordered.
Danny hesitated as he glanced at Steve. He did not like the demand. They locked eyes with each other. Saying, without a word, that it was going to be okay. "Do it," Steve said as he tossed his phone on the backseat. Danny took the handcuffs out of his pocket and restrained Steve onto the steering wheel.
"Daddy, you there?" Grace didn't give up and asked again. She was just as stubborn as her father.
"Thanks for getting me past the checkpoint," Parrish smiled exultantly. "Now, you're not going anywhere, but you still can." Steve crossed a confused look with Danny. They both had no idea where this was going.
Parrish focused on the phone call. "Honey, your daddy has something say now," A gunshot roared into the air. It was a bone-chilling crack. The bullet tore through the car seat. Followed by a painful grunt as the power of the bullet penetrated the skin on Danny's back. His back arched, but the burning sensation caused him to tumble forward.
"DANNY!" Steve exclaimed with fear as he stopped the car abruptly and reached for his friend.
"DANNO?" Grace cried through the phone.
Obviously I changed the plot, because if Parrish had been innocent, like in the original episode, he wouldn't have shot Danny without any remorse. So in case you didn't fully remember the episode, even after reading this chapter, don't worry, from now on I will change everything and fill in the blanks myself. It's not a deathfic. I would never be able to write one, so don't worry. There will be some serious whump and angst though as I do love writing that. *evil mind, I know*
I didn't have someone beta read it for me, so bear with me for any mistakes. Not because I think I don't need it, but I know how much time it takes to correct it. We all live a busy life, so having to ask for someones time is just not something I like to do. I did my best, grammar speaking, but I didn't want to keep this story from you all, so that's why I posted it anyway. If someone's voluntarily offering their time, I would gladly accept it. So let me know! :) Until then, forgive me for any mistakes I've made, I still have to learn a lot when it comes to grammar or English in general.
As I already spoiled that Danny was getting shot in the summary, here's chapter 2...