Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton was never destined to a perfect life.

In fact, you could say he was destined to lead quite a difficult life.

Alex was born in a small cottage in a small Scottish village to a small family - hardly any family, in fact. His father, possibly a wizard but no one really knew, had somewhat of a "fling" with a sweet Muggle woman who was then abandoned by the man and left to fend for herself with a small child.

Alexander's mother was clever, but inexperienced. She was young and alone with a small child. She knew that their child was different; Alex started showing signs of magic at the age of three, but it was easy to hide. His mother didn't know if his father gave him the gift or if it was simply, well, magic, but she knew he needed to be taken care of.

And although she loved her little boy, she knew that she could not take care of him. She was simply unable to provide for his obviously special needs. When both fell terribly sick when Alex was nine, she made the decision to send him away from their small town in Scotland to London, where he would be better hidden and able to make his way as.

With monetary support from her small village, she managed to research and contact people with "special abilities" who would be able to take him to London to live with a distant cousin, as Alex was near the age when he would no longer be able to hide his magic abilities in a small town.

Alexander had a picture of her, and he remembered horrible coughing and high temperatures at their cottage. As soon as he got to London, his minor symptoms of sickness cleared. But his mother, weary and tired even at her young age, was destined to die.

Alex received word shortly after arriving in London that his mother had died. And shortly after that, the cousin who he was staying with committed suicide.

Alone and lost, ten year old Alexander returned to the strange men who had brought him to London. However, they would not house him - not without payment. He would either have to find a home willing to take him or go to an orphanage in London.

But he did not and could not go to a house like that; crowded and cramped, he would either expose his magic or simply live a horrible life there. He had to find a way to make his own living. And so the little boy worked. His mother, although poor, was brilliant and educated and had made sure her son knew how to read and write. It helped him with small jobs delivering items for different shops, and of course for food. His light Scottish accent eventually faded away through his time in downtown London.

Alexander slept in the loft of a baker who took pity on him after seeing the little boy rushing back and forth. There, he was allowed to bathe and wash up. Temporarily, life was satisfactory - if not good and generally pleasant - for Alex. But the baker's wife was not satisfied with keeping Alex, and he could tell. Soon, he would be expected to pay rent, and if not, even kicked out.

Luckily, his Hogwarts letter came shortly after his eleventh birthday. Confused but not surprised, it showed Alex his exposure to the Wizarding World he always expected existed. Swearing to the baker that he would be gone by the end of the summer, Alexander worked extremely hard for the last few months, keeping in mind his dream for success. He needed to buy robes and supplies and books, and he would, just as the letter instructed.

Because he was Alexander Hamilton, and he was going to Hogwarts, no matter how much he had to work or scavenge or labor.

People from all over the world - both worlds - would come to know his name.

Alexander Hamilton was never destined to a perfect life.

But that didn't mean it wouldn't be extraordinary.

Hello! I'm a huge fan of Hamilton, and I also love Harry Potter so I thought 'why not combine them?' There will be a chapter for each song (hopefully) and it will narrate different parts of Alexander Hamilton's life as a Hogwarts student.

There will be a lot of similarities to the musical, but of course, I will have to make some creative changes to allow for storyline. The first few chapters will go pretty smoothly, but future chapters will jump around and will not be from Alex's perspective so PAY ATTENTION TO DATES! Dates that describe when and in what year the scene takes place will be in italics at the beginning, to make it easier to understand.

I hope you enjoy! If you have any suggestions for specific revolutionary heroes I should use (besides the actual musical characters), please review. Also, if you like the story, reviews help me write more! :) Thank you.