I had officially graduated from Hogwarts and my parents had used the chance to throw one of their stifling celebratory parties. They'd done the same when Draco graduated and now it was my turn to suffer through the event. Mother had my dress robes tailor made from the finest Wizarding dress robe maker in Britain and I had walked in to find the dress waiting for me on my bed. I had learnt a long time ago that arguing with my mother when it came to these sorts of events was a waste of time and so I changed into the dress robes without a word. From my room, I could hear the chatter of guests as they arrived for the party.

Salazar's soul how long would this last? Draco's had gone on well into the night and I really didn't have the patience to be around some of father's friends who, a long time ago would have become the members of Voldemort's inner circle. But now, with no Voldemort around, they were just regular pureblood elites who were made to hide their prejudice in a wizarding world that was more accepting. Merlin, father had almost hexed Tom when he found out he was a half-blood. I had feared more for father than for Tom at that point because although he was much younger, Tom was a far more capable wizard.

Mother, who for some reason absolutely adored Tom from the moment she saw him, had stepped in to bring calm back to the scene. Father had floo'd away to visit grandfather who upon hearing Tom Riddle's name must have warned father about crossing him because when he returned to the manor, father couldn't quite look at Tom.

Tom had long changed since arriving in the 90s. I wasn't pathetically hopeful enough to believe that he had changed completely – that was impossible. He was still quick to anger but his eyes never flashed red, and all it took were a few words to calm him. It still surprised me sometimes just how much he had managed to change but it seemed like Dumbledore was the most pleased with this change. Dumbledore and Tom had built a surprisingly strong relationship built on trust – although neither completely liked the other – and Tom had even been invited to become to new Defence professor at Hogwarts.

There was a knock on my bedroom door, bringing me from my thoughts. I looked to the door which opened to reveal mother standing on the other side. She stepped into the room with a smile only to sigh when she saw that I wasn't ready yet.

"I got lost in my thoughts," I explained with a wan smile.

"You've always done that," mother said as she walked towards me. With a wave of her wand she manipulated my hair into plaited bun at the nape of my neck. "I realised that I forgot to bring you the jewellery from the vault."

It was then that my eyes noticed the sheer number of jewellery boxes floating behind her. "Mother –"

"They're yours by right," she said firmly, stopping me from making a fuss. The boxes were set on the bed and mother looked through them to pick the ones she wanted me to wear tonight.

I eyed the boxed with disdain; Merlin it was so old-fashioned to still be doing this. Of course, there were some beautiful pieces in the boxes but really, in this day and age, what was I going to do with so much jewellery? I'd have rather mother left the jewellery in the vault and handed them over to Astoria once Draco pulled his head out of his arse and realised that she was the best thing for him. Wiping the expression from my face, I took the jewellery from mother.

"Tom's waiting for you," mother said as I put them earrings on. She came to stand behind me, meeting my eyes through the mirror, "I understand he's from a rather conservative place – time." My eyes abruptly went to hers and she nodded once; she knew.

"How –?"

"There's nothing your father hides from me." She squeezed my shoulder, speaking quietly, "Within this family – it is always the women who are the real strength, the real pillars of support. I have no way of knowing what would have happened if you didn't do what you did, but you've singlehandedly saved our family."

I had no response to give her. Mother would never know of the way the Second Wizarding War almost tore our family apart and for that I was grateful. I would remain the only person with such knowledge – apart from Dumbledore of course – and I would gladly keep those memories to myself.

Mother cleared her throat daintily, stepping away from me and making me rise to my feet, "Now hurry along, Draco's talking Tom's ear off about his intentions towards you."

"Salazar," I muttered with a slight shake of my head as we left my room, "we better get going before Draco reaches for his wand."

That was another strange happening; Draco had long ditched his bodyguards and swapped them out for Tom and Blaise. Not only were the three extraordinarily bright but they were the closest friends I'd ever seen Draco have – in either version of the future. The three of them were proving a force to be reckoned with; Draco was on a fast track career to become the Minister of Magic, Tom was to start working at Hogwarts this coming September and was bound to eventually become Headmaster and Blaise was rapidly making his way up the ranks at St Mungo's.

No matter how close they were, Draco was never willing to accept that Tom had suddenly appeared at school and taken not only the spot at the top of the year but the Head Boy slot in the following year. Their relationship was an odd one; Draco respected Tom and trusted him more than he did anyone else, but he didn't approve of Tom – or anyone else for that matter.

But he was more willing to accept him after I had caught the pair of them duelling in the middle of the corridor. They had both managed to lose the house the largest number of points to date but after that they were closer than ever. Merlin, I didn't understand boys. Or rather men.

By the time we reached the bottom of the stairs, I had managed to come out of my thoughts and took the hand that was held out for me. I looked up at Blaise who smirked down at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you live to piss Tom off?" I asked quietly as he led me through the room, pointedly keeping me away from anyone who wanted to talk to me. I'd never been so thankful for his aversion of socialising with certain people.

"Your boyfriend and brother are currently at odds," he informed with a roll of his eyes, "If I didn't come to take you off of your mother's hands, chances are your father was going to steal you away to introduce you to some more 'worthy' men."

Scrunching my nose in distaste, I recoiled slight. Blaise looked down at me as if to say 'exactly'. "Thanks, Blaise."

"Don't thank me just yet." He gestured to the corner of the room where Tom and Draco were speaking with equally dark faces. "You need to sort that out before they reach for their wands."

"Salazar's soul," I groaned, releasing Blaise's arm to stomp towards them. The two men paid no heed to my approach and I cleared my throat. They still didn't bother to look at me. "What the hell is wrong with the pair of you?"

Draco finally looked at me and raised an eyebrow as he demanded, "How do you feel about becoming Mrs Riddle?"

"I – well, what?" I floundered, shoulders stiffening.

Blaise came up behind me to put his hands on my arms, squeezing them gently to get me to relax. "Draco found out that Tom asked your father for your hand."

"And father said yes!" Draco exclaimed, meeting my wide eyes, "Exactly!"

"Release my witch Zabini," Tom warned darkly making Blaise step away from me with raised arms. Satisfied, Tom glanced back at Draco, "I don't see how this has anything to do with you Malfoy."

"She's my sister!" he exclaimed loudly, drawing attention from the room full of guests. I glared at him for making a scene, making sure to drive the heel of my shoe into his foot. He winced, lowering his voice. Blaise snickered from behind me. "You're a bloody cradle robber."

Tom smirked; if only Draco knew how true his words were. Before Draco could become more incensed by Tom's smirk, I turned my angry eyes onto my boyfriend who sobered slightly under my eyes.

"You have to admit I'm the best choice," Tom said to my brother who nodded reluctantly.

"Unfortunately." Draco shook his head, "But that doesn't change the fact that she's only 18, you prick."

"Ok," I stepped in before they caused more of a scene, "here's what's going to happen; Draco you're going to cool off and Tom, you're coming with me. We need to talk."

I didn't give either of them the chance to protest. Taking Tom's hand in my own, I led him out of the room and ignored the looks we were getting from the guests. Once we were in one of the drawing rooms, I released his hand and shut the door behind us. When I turned back to him, Tom was looking around the room.

"Well?" I demanded with crossed arms, waiting for him to look back to me. "What happened? Tell me Draco was lying?"

"About what?" he asked curiously, tilting his head slightly.

"You know what," I muttered, walking to his side. He reached out to take my hand, pressing a gentle kiss to my pulse point. His silence spoke volumes. "No way, Tom. I'm only 18."

"We would have married right out of Hogwarts in the 40s," he said with a charming smile, pulling me towards him. I reluctantly went to his side, peering up at him. "Come on little witch, what's the point of delaying the inevitable."

"It might have been common in the 40s but not now," I insisted, "Merlin, if we marry now people will think you've managed to knock me up."

"Knock you up?" he repeated the unfamiliar slang.

"Made me with child." My explanation had him smirking and I drew away from him before he could get any ideas.

"Don't even think about it Tom," a voice warned and we both turned to look at the portrait of my grandfather which hung above the fireplace.

"Abraxas," Tom greeted coolly.

"Salazar," my grandfather shook his head, "when Lucius came to speak to me about you, I had a hunch, but my granddaughter. Honestly. The brief moment where I managed to see the witch you'd branded as yours, I had wondered whether she was a bastard child father never accepted. The Malfoy genes ran too strong. You just had to go after my granddaughter."

"What can I say?" Tom reached for my waist, and hid a smirk within my hair, "She's a one of a kind witch."

"Of course she is." If it was possible, my grandfather's portrait puffed his chest out with pride. "She's a Malfoy." He turned his eyes away from his old friend to look at me. "Now, my dear, what on earth have you gotten yourself into? What were you doing back in the 40s and how did you end up on his arm?"

I shrugged under the two pairs of eyes. "It just turned out like this."

Tom's hold on my waist tightened and I didn't dare look at him. My grandfather shook his head and muttered, "So headstrong; just like a true Malfoy. Do you love him?"

"I do," I answered without needing to give it any thought.

Again, I didn't dare look at Tom. It was the first time that I had even implied –

Tom took me quickly in his arms, kissing me until I was breathless. He ignored my grandfather's threats to rise form the dead just to hex him as his hands slid past my waist.