The sky could be so beautiful at night. Bleak and dark, revealing no secrets yet telling an individual everything they need to know.

Kid's situation could not get any worse. In total, two hundred Meisters have been stoned now. He was unsure the number the witches had, as Mabaa was not allowing him to enter their Realm. He didn't know the status of the Witch Judge. Whether or not she'd be persecuted or let off. And was the civil war between the Witches still continuing despite Messiah's appearance? Why did "The Absolute" decide to reveal itself to him now? How does he control it … can he even control it?

Will he have enough power to stop Messiah when the time comes?

He didn't know. He couldn't find the answers. He didn't know why the witches suddenly decided to shut out Death City. He didn't know why Messiah's stones had the same energy as his father. He didn't know why Crona couldn't remember anything – what could Messiah possibly want with Crona? How was he even captured? Crona has Ragnarok to protect –

Wait …

How was Crona really captured? Ragnarok would've went crazy.

Kid widened his eyes. "That's it! Marie!"

Marie almost fell over herself running towards the Death Room. "Sir!? What's wrong?" He felt bad worrying a pregnant woman.

"I need you to get Maka and Soul here – as quickly as possible."


Now in the Death Room was Marie, Soul, Maka, and Lord Death. Crona lying on the floor before them. The idea Kid had was crazy enough to work. Perhaps the reason Crona couldn't keep himself steady and the reason he was captured was because Ragnarok was sealed. Ragnarok was apart of him appearing when he wants, especially during a fight. Even if he were to go down, the chances of Crona being captured was highly unlikely.

So in essence, to heal Crona they needed to spark his black blood. Mira did say the issue was internal and not external. This must be it. Soul and Maka had black blood coursing through their veins, all that was needed was a blood transfusion.

"And why do you need me here for this?" Marie gulped.

"Mira is off the clock, we needn't bother her. Besides, you can do a simple transfusion can't you?"

Marie scoffed, "With red blood yes. But we're dealing with something a bit more delicate. Things could go wrong – I could seal Ragnarok further, or I could hurt Maka and Soul!"

Maka balled her fists, "No. Don't worry about us, if it's for Crona I'm willing to do anything." Soul nodded in agreement.

Marie let out a huff. "Jeez, you kids are quite stubborn. Fine. Come here." Kid watched as Marie began to set up equipment to transfer Soul and Maka's blood into Crona. Some of Crona's corrupted blood would enter them, but considering they were clear vessels they would be fine and the blood would be purified. The process was nerve wracking. Kid watched with a heavy heart.

After a few minutes, Soul grunted, Marie looked up, "Soul? Are you alright?"

He nodded, "Just keep going."

Once it was over, the pale complexion Crona had slowly dissipated. His contorted face relaxing a bit. Maka panted, "Did … it work?"

Marie stood, "I guess we'll know when he wakes up."

Kid furrowed his brows. "Why was his blood corrupted?" He whispered.

Marie looked over at him, "What was that?"

He gave her a fake smile, "Oh nothing. Thank you all." His thanks seemed to be a way to dismiss them. He looked back towards the sky, silently being glad he created a transparent roof in the Death Room. He began to think. And think. And think and think. And think.

Messiah captured Crona, they got Crona back weak and disoriented.

They needed a blood transfusion to awaken Ragnarok and heal Crona.

The Witch Judge was a "fake Messiah" holding Crona close to her.

Then it all made sense.

He wanted Crona's black blood.