A/N: This chapter's kinda short, but THAT'S OK!!! ^_^; For some reason my second chapters are always short. Go figure ^_^;;; Hatori ponders about Tohru, and goes CRAZY because he talks to himself as several different people ^_^ It's fun... It doesn't seem to have a point (yet, but it will later ^_^) but oh well READ ANYWAYS!!!


Hatori was on the couch, a smouldering cigarette held lightly between his lips. Grey vapour rose to split across the ceiling in thinning tendrils. He shivered. Had he really just done that?

*~ Her face had been so soft between his hands...~*

He took a long, vicious drag of the poisonous smoke, angry with himself, and angry at Shigure, although...

~Perhaps...~ he thought idly to himself, "it's better that Shigure came in just then... Perhaps I shouldn't have been doing that...~

The ash crumbled.

~What if...~

What if. Despite himself, he snorted. (A/N: Hatori: *{HONK}* Ok I've had my fun) So he'd been seized by that stupid thought again. What if.

~What if she'd have rejected me?~

~Don't think like that...~

~You shouldn't even warm up to her. It'll all end in pain, just like last time.~

~What if someone knew...~


The cigarette burned itself out, glowing ash singing the tatami as it tumbled to the floor. Hatori winced as a sharp, hot pain welled up in his bare foot.

~What if I...~

~You shouldn't...~

~What if she...~


The dragon bit down on his extinguished cigarette with a quiet, aggravated growl. He was disgusted with himself. How could he be tripping himself over a high-school girl, like Shigure! It made him sick. It was all fine for Shigure, the Sohmas cursed with the dog's spirit had always had strange and rather perverse senses of desire, but for him, the cold and quiet ryu, it just didn't fit. Plain and simple, it wasn't right.

He let his lips relax, and drolled the mangled stub of a cigarette into his outstretched palm, reaching out to let it fall gently into a nearly overflowing ashtray nearby. He sighed.

This couldn't be happening to him, not again, not after Kana...

Deep down, he knew he shouldn't, he knew that eventually it would all end the same way. He tried to discard his feelings, but he couldn't help it.

For awhile, he just sat there, staring into emptiness. A soft humming caught his ears, gradually rising in a crescendo, indicating that it was coming closer.

That could only mean...

Shigure walked past the doorframe.

"Shigure." called Hatori. ~Shit, no! What am I doing!?!~ he light another cigarette and perched it neatly between his lips. The dog stopped his trip to wherever-the-hell-he-was-going and walked slowly into the room, curious as to why Hatori had just called him.


Hatori, amused at himself for actually having called Shigure, chuckled inwardly. His normal self would never say this. Maybe he was allergic to leeks.

"I need to talk to someone." He scanned Shigure's face. Sure enough, there was surprise there, right in his slate-gray eyes. He sat down next to him with a tiny smirk.

"Fire away."

"Thanks." mumbled Hatori, handing him a cigarette. Shigure lit up with the nearly done-for lighter, expertly striking the flame.

"Something wrong?" asked Shigure through the burning cylinder held between his lips.

Hatori's shoulders jerked as he let out an inadvertent breath of a chuckle. "I don't even know if I should be telling you this."

Neeee~? What is it?" whine Shigure, making Hatori doubt him even more. The dragon let out a breath of smoke. "It's Tohru."

Shigure's eyes widened.

"I think I love Tohru..."