A/N: Last chapter! This has been such a fun story to write this summer, and I so appreciate everyone who reviewed and read along! Enjoy!

The next day Kensi and Deeks left the ship in casual beach attire to go to their tasting. "Is there food at this thing?" Kensi asked.

"We just had breakfast!"

"Yeah, but when you have tequila without snacks you start doing that shimmy thing."

"I thought you liked that," he said, looking hurt.

"I do. When we're alone. But Magic Marty needs to stay in the bedroom."

"Fine," he grumbled. "I'm sure there will be snacks."

Kensi felt someone brush past her and turned to see Carlos and Brooklyn. "Don't tell me you're tasting tequila too."

"We booked it months ago," Brooklyn said coldly.

"Are you going to need to check the legality of the alcohol before we taste it? Maybe frisk it, or interrogate it? Because that's going to put a damper on things," Deeks told her.

"Don't sit next to us," Carlos said picking up the pace so he and Brooklyn were ahead.

"Why can't they just let us have one thing?" Kensi asked.

The shot came from nowhere. Screams rang out as cruisers scattered. Kensi and Deeks ducked, their eyes searching for the shooter as a second and third shot rang out. It was difficult to see anything through the panicked crowd but then Kensi realized Brooklyn was on the ground. "Deeks!"

She pointed and they hurried to the fallen agent. Blood oozed from a wound in her thigh. Kensi pulled off her scarf and pressed it firmly into place. Brooklyn winced. "They took Carlos."

"We'll get him," Deeks promised.

"Take this," Brooklyn handed him her Glock. "I have a back-up on my ankle."

Kensi released the second weapon. "Are you—"

"Go," Brooklyn told them, replacing Kensi's hands with her own over the wound. "I'll be all right."

There was no time to waste. If they didn't get to Carlos soon it was likely they wouldn't see him alive again. Kensi and Deeks moved down the pier, eyes searching for any sign of struggle or movement, not an easy task when so many of their fellow passengers were still running toward the ship for cover.

"There!" Deeks spotted Carlos being pulled into a van.

"Disculpe!" Kensi ran toward a man standing near a parked motorcycle. "Federale! Necesitamos pedir prestado su motocicleta, por favor!"

The man looked surprised but handed over the keys and Kensi jumped on. "Deeks!"

"Remember that time we went to Mexico and stole a motorcycle to solve a case that didn't belong to us?" Deeks yelled as he pulled on a helmet.

"Best vacation ever!" Kensi yelled back as she gunned the engine and they took off.

They followed the van through the city, twisting in and out of traffic until it stopped outside a derelict shop, the men emerging and hustling Carlos inside. Kensi cut the engine a block away and they crept forward on foot. "Four in the car," Deeks breathed, "how many more do you think are in that store?"

"Hopefully not too many," Kensi replied, trying to peek in the window without attracting attention.

"Now who's rusty?" Deeks teased.

She rolled her eyes at him and went in for another look. "I know we made fun of him but I would give anything for Eric and a flashbang right now."

"Well we're just going to have to make do."

"Okay, umm…French Twist with a Runaway Reindeer?"

"Don't you think that's a little complicated?"

"Seriously? Fine. Better idea?"

"Harry Potter and the Drunken Sailor."

"I'm sorry, that's less complicated than a Runaway Reindeer? How?"

There was a loud crash from inside. "Jack and Jill on a Sunday Afternoon?" Kensi asked.

Deeks nodded. "Let's go."

Kensi tucked the Glock behind her back in the waistband of her shorts, making sure her shirt covered it and then walked right through the front door of the shop. "Hola!" she called in an intentionally bad accent. "I needo some sunglasseso por favor!"

One of the abductors appeared from the back of the store. "Estamos cerrados!" he told her.

"Sorry, no speako the Spanisho," she told him, walking around the side so that his eyes would follow her and Deeks could sneak in the door.

"Not open," the man repeated in English.

"I just need one thing." She picked up a pair of sunglasses. "What do you think of these?"

The man began to mutter in Spanish and advanced on her. "Get out puta."

He grabbed her arm but Kensi was ready. With one swift movement she broke his nose and put him in a headlock, strangling him until he passed out. "Who's the puta now bitch?" she said, breathing heavily.

Deeks had made it to the back of the store undetected and she joined him at the top of a staircase. "Last chance to head back to the tequila tasting," he told her.

"And let the bad guys win? Never."

They reached the bottom and paused to listen. "They're asking him how he found out about them," Kensi whispered. "They're saying that if he doesn't tell they will kill him."

"Standard bad guy stuff," Deeks replied.

"It sounds like there are four of them. Including the guy from the ship."

"My baby's never wrong."

She smiled and kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you too."

They burst through the door. "Federale!"

The element of surprise was on their side and within several shots all of the abductors were lying dead or injured on the floor. Carlos was sporting a fat lip and a black eye. "Thank you," he gasped as they began to untie him.

"Couldn't let the bad guys take down a good agent," Deeks told him. "Even if you are ATF."

"Just couldn't stay away huh?" Callen teased from the video monitor on the ship's bridge.

"We tried. We really tried, but the bad guys just kept being bad," Deeks told him.

"Well listen, do your best to keep them away for the last three days of your trip all right?"

"We will," Kensi told him. "Any issues with jurisdiction?"

"ATF is a little pissed off that you guys jumped the gun on their case…"

"Did they want two dead agents?"

"But," Callen continued, "they are grateful that you saved Agent Rodriguez and assisted Agent West. Mexican police are cooperating so far. Now, leave the rest to me and the two of you go enjoy what's left of your vacation. Have a margarita for me."

"Will do," Deeks told him. "Thanks."

They signed off and turned to the captain. "I just want to say again how grateful I am that the two of you were able to step in. It's been so many months and I was starting to get concerned about the safety of my guests and crew. I would be very pleased if you joined my table for dinner this evening," he told them.

"Of course, sir." Deeks shook his hand.

"We'd be honored." Kensi shook it as well.

They left the bridge and wandered toward the bow of the ship. They were still docked, not yet having left the port despite all the chaos earlier. Deeks reached for Kensi's hand and she laced her fingers through his immediately. "If this is what vacation is going to look like for the rest of my life, I'm really glad you're the one who'll be doing it with me," he told her.

She kissed him. "Me too. Although," she cocked her head, "I'm really hoping our honeymoon is much more like the first day on the ship than today."

"That can definitely be arranged." He pulled her close and they fell onto a lounge chair together.


The clearing of a throat brought them both back up again. "Seriously, don't they teach timing at ATF school?" Kensi asked, adjusting her shirt.

"Or manners?" Deeks added.

"Sorry," Carlos told them. "We just wanted to say…thank you."

"That almost sounded sincere," Kensi said.

Brooklyn rolled her eyes. "It is sincere. You saved us today, even if you did wreck our investigation."

"Yeah the gratitude is just…oozing from you," Deeks observed.

"What we're trying to say is, we appreciate the assist," Carlos said.

"Well, you're welcome," Kensi replied.

"And we're staying in port to tie up some loose ends, so you won't have to see us on the ship."

"Oh, how…sad?" Deeks said in a voice that implied he wasn't sad at all.

"Listen, hopefully we never meet up again but, you guys are decent agents so, thanks. Have a good rest of your trip."

With that Carlos and Brooklyn limped away. "Decent?" Kensi repeated. "We are far, far better than decent."

"Seriously," Deeks replied.

"How about we go back to our room and I'll show you something better than decent?" Kensi bit her lip seductively and reached for his hand.

"Oh god yes," he agreed immediately.

"Before we do let's stop by the bridge and cancel our dinner with the captain, because I fully intend to make the most of every second of vacation we have left."

"Decent my ass," Deeks told her as she pulled him toward the bridge. "We're freaking perfect."

A/N: Leave your final love in the reviews! It's back to teaching for me next week so it might be awhile, but I will be back!