
It was ridiculous. For a brief, brief moment he actually considered it, the possibility of the Null bearing his progeny. But it was ridiculous. It was like something out of an exaggerated fairytale and Klaus refused to believe it.

So he went back to what he really wanted, the reason he came to New Orleans at all.

The warnings of the witches' conspiracy against him was alarming. He wanted to deal with them but this was no longer his playground, this was Marcel's. And while Klaus held more of a fondness for witches than his fellow vampires, he could still appreciate what Marcel had done, how easily and quickly he had silenced the witches.

But the display in the cemetery had made it plenty clear what plans the witches had for his fate. Bind him to their will by controlling the life of his child and use him to take out Marcel. And the Null had rendered their plans void, completely so.

So his reason to stay was gone. But Klaus was terribly curious. He wanted to know what weapon it was that Marcel was hoarding to himself. And that would require staying in New Orleans.

But...but he had found a Null. Marcel had a secret weapon that let him know the witches' every move but Klaus knew it was some form of witchcraft, his mother dear's practices well known to him.

He knew all but nothing about Nulls. No one who had ever come into contact with one could explicate exactly why they were so terrifying. They only spoke in terms of emotions and that was strange. Emotions weren't something that Creatures of the Night dealt in, not often. Once in Berlin he had found a vampire who had met a Null and he remembered what the man had said.

"It's like suddenly being human. It's like being human and in a straitjacket with those eyes like a window in the wall just...just observing, not judging like the witches, barely even curious. Every single time I craved my humanity was nothing compared to having him look at me. Like I was nothing. Like I was powerless. Like suddenly having the rules of the world apply to me."

It was a challenge and he wanted to test his mettle against it.

"Klaus," Elijah said and he was broken from his thoughts. His brother had been insistent on checking in with the Null, see if it was true and Klaus was the father.

Like a dog with a bone.

"Why won't you just let it go already Elijah?" Klaus sighed. Where he was curious about the Null because she was a Null, Elijah's only concern was that she was pregnant. He didn't understand his brother at all, how could he be interested in the baby rather than the Null?

"Because it might be your child Klaus and that makes it family," And Klaus could hear the unsaid 'Always and forever' that Elijah was thinking.

"It's a bit farfetched don't you think?"

"We're the Originals, I don't think we get to call anything farfetched. Sophie wasn't wrong, you were born a werewolf Klaus. How many rules has your very existence broken? And yet you cannot believe this?"

"Come on Klaus, just admit you knocked up the poor girl and deal with it." Rebekah said, sprawled out on the chaise flicking over things on her phone. Her fascination with the gadgets of the new decade didn't seem to be fading. Last Klaus heard she had drained a bar full of humans dry when she failed to clear some level on Candy Crush.

"If any of my contacts get even an inkling of the fact that she's a Null-"

"We can look for her ourselves. Go to the hotel and compel the staff, they'll have her details, credit card statements goto addresses, we can find her."

"Morgana Hayden, right?" Rebekah asked.

"Yes." Elijah answered. He had gone behind Klaus' back to compel the receptionist at the hotel to tell them her full name.

"Brown hair, light brown eyes, beauty mark on her left cheek, smiles like she's trying not to laugh?"

And Klaus and Elijah looked at their sister who was still on her phone. Rebekah had never met the woman so why did she know that?

"Yes?" Elijah said, tentative and Rebekah snorted in laughter.

"She's a psychiatrist, her practice is in Stafford County, timings are Monday to Thursday from 8 in the morning to 6 in the evening, no walk ins, appointments have to be taken in advance, and she's a guest lecturer at Quantico. She has two dogs, a spaniel named Kiki and a labrador named Squidward, is allergic to shellfish, likes bad puns and likes Impressionist art, doesn't think much of Modern art. And she speaks German."

"How do you know all of that?"

"I googled her, she has a facebook page and twitter. Doesn't tweet often and when she does it's mostly about the dogs and retweeting articles about psychiatry."

Right, those without double lives involving the supernatural used social media.

"Everybody's on instagram now, though, you should see Marcel's pics."


Morgana tapped out a rhythm on her desk absently. The next appointment was probably the most important one of the day, possibly more. Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah Mikaelson had made an appointment for a family therapy session. Morgana's receptionist, Liz, had said that it was Rebekah who had called to make the appointment, and that she'd seemed very amused.

Her brothers probably didn't know about the family therapy bit.

It made her want to laugh.

But she would have to keep a blank face, not let it show. She wondered, though if those enhanced sense of the hybrid/vampire made them privy even to that.

Vampire, werewolves, hybrids and witches, oh my. Such a strange turn of events all because of a one night stand while driving through Virginia and a consequent foetus.

Morgana was fairly certain that Klaus was the father. Her menstrual cycle was regular and she knew her fertility window. It wasn't an absolute of course, she knew that beyond a DNA test there was no way to be absolutely sure that Klaus was the father.

But there was a very high possibility that the baby, that she had decided to keep after days of deliberation, was his and consequently a...what was it the witches had called it? Ah, yes, a tribrid.

Ridiculous name aside, she did want to know more about the werewolf and vampire thing. Her child would very probably have to deal with the issues that came with being a tribrid at some point and she wanted information. Especially since what little she did know about vampires and werewolves came solely from popular culture and overhearing the witches and what that mad woman, Sophie, had said while trying to intimidate her.

Morgana pressed the button for the intercom letting Liz know to let them in and stood up, ready to greet them. The door opened soon after, a blonde woman, probably the Rebekah who had made the appointment, followed by the brother who'd tried to use the mind compulsion thing the witches had talked about on her and finally Klaus.

"Mikaelson family?" She asked although she knew the answer already and Rebekah smiled.

"That would be us."

"Good evening, I'm Dr Morgana Hayden. Please, take a seat." Klaus and Elijah looked at one another in silent conversation while Rebekah moved to greet her instead.

"I'm Rebekah," She said grinning from ear to ear. "Thank you for seeing us on such short notice."

"Oh, it was no trouble at all." Finally the trio sat down on the various chairs in the room and it was her turn to engage. "So, have you attended any therapy or counselling sessions before?"

"No, being that psychiatry as a field has evolved only in the last hundred or so years and I kept my siblings in a form of stasis by stabbing them and storing them in coffins for the last ninety years, we haven't quite had that chance." Klaus deadpanned.

"And how does that make you feel?" The words had barely left Morgana's mouth when Rebekah burst in loud, almost hysterical laughter, doubling over with the strength of her chuckles.

Keeping a blank face was just getting harder and harder.

She was laughing at him. It may not show on her face but he could tell that she was laughing at him.

The Null who might possibly be carrying his tribrid child was asking him how he felt about daggering his sibling for the better part of a century for a lark.

"I felt good, I felt righteous. Doing what was best for them, keeping them alive, I felt good."

The hidden laughter had dropped from her face but then it had dropped from everyone in the room. Rebekah inched away from him, jaw clenched and he heard Elijah inhale, preparing for a fight.

"Doing what was best for them, that's interesting. Have you always felt the need to parent them despite the fact that they are clearly of age?" The Null continued, unworried.

"Enough with the chit chat!" He roared and the Null rolled her eyes. 'One session in and already deserves a referral,' she muttered under her breath and he tried to control himself. He couldn't just reach out and snap her neck, that wouldn't do. Firstly, she was possibly carrying his child and secondly, as an Inhuman he couldn't hurt the Null even if he wanted to.

"Ugh, fine. Although recognising your siblings as individuals with their own agency and free will is important and you really need to work on that."

"What about the baby?" Elijah asked before Klaus could get mad again. "Are you keeping it?"

"I am keeping it. And for the most part it does seem like you're the sperm donor although I really have to emphasise that we cannot be sure of that. While our encounter was during my fertile window and I did have a period before having sex with you as my most recent partner, there are occasions when vaginal bleeding can be misconstrued as a period during the pregnancy. So, while it is most likely that you are the parent there is also every possibility that either Harry or John, my other sexual partners might be the father as well."

"And do Tom, Dick and Harry know that you're pregnant?" Klaus bit out even as her calm cool voice soothed the worst of his anger.

"The only thing I know about John is his name and while Harry knows he has also made it clear that he'd rather not be involved."

"And how does that make you feel?" Klaus couldn't help but ask waspishly.

"Well, considering that I told him that he was only a potential father and if the baby was his, then he could be as involved as he wanted even if that meant being not involved at all, I'm pretty happy for the succinct answer and the fact that he was willing to sign away all rights to the baby to avoid future nastiness. It's really quite lovely when people are honest about what they want and what they expect from others. Let's you handle things like mature adults."

"Honesty, huh?" Klaus smiled his most charming smile, "If you're carrying my child I want to know because it will very likely have repercussions regarding the hybrid army I want to build. While I like you a great deal more than most of the women I fuck, you're also infuriating and I want to know everything about so that I can know just what it is that makes a Null tick."

The smile on her face grew more and more wooden until it resembled a snarl more than a smile.

"What the fuck is a Null?"
