Author's Note: I'm baaaaack! Thanks to everyone who reviewed the last chapter. I wasn't sure what you guys would actually think about this idea :P

His name was Chris Danvers and he was beyond amazing. He brought her flowers and wrote her sweet texts and was her first love and would be her last.

And, ok. He might of been the son of the doppelganger of hero Kara Danvers, AKA Supergirl. Which was a little weird. But so was Icyln's life.

Julian and Caitlin didn't approve.

"You're only 17." Caitlin huffed one evening after Icyln spun into the kitchen and asked for a vase. "This is too much for 17."

"I'm practically 18 and it's not." Icyln argued.

"I actually have to agree with Caitlin." Julian added in from the kitchen table, where he was eating reheated dinner and finishing up on a case file for the CCPD. "You're getting in pretty deep with this boy. He's your first boyfriend and you've never had any experience with this before. Just remember to take it slow, ok? I don't want you to do something you regret."

Knowing exactly what he meant and not wanting to think about it, Icyln through up her hands in annoyance and stomped out of the kitchen, flowers still grasped in her fist.

Chris texted her that night, asking if she wanted to join him and his friends out that night.

Sorry, curfew :P

Just sneak out

Haha learned the hard way not to do that

Icyln shifted on her mattress and sighed. With her luck, she would probably have to refuse Chris so many times that he would break up with her. Wouldn't that be perfect.

Ok whatever ur comfortable with

Icyln smiled. Ur amazing 3


She texted him to say goodnight, but it never showed up as being read.

The reason they broke up wasn't actually because of her mother and her strictness. It was because of her. She had cold powers -she was a superhero-, and even though she could control them, she couldn't tell him. It was a huge part of her life- it was her life- and she couldn't share that bit of herself with him.

And besides, she was going to college in another city, and he was going to college in another state, and Icyln didn't want any ties holding her back. She wanted to make her own person by herself and not worry about having a boyfriend back home.

It still hurt though; to see the look on his face when she told him that she didn't think they were working out anymore. Julian came home from the CCPD and found his daughter curled up on the couch with a tub on Ben&Jerry's ice cream, crying over some romantic movie and holding a blanket around her shoulders.

He decided not to go into the room, and snuck into the kitchen to find his wife.

"Is she okay?" He whispered over the sound of murmured voices from the movie.

"What do you think?" Caitlin asked, giving him a kiss as a hello and peeking into the living room to check on her child. "She broke up with Chris today."

Julian's eyebrows shot up, and he took snuck a peek at Icyln. "She did? Why on Earth would she do that?"

Caitlin let out a sigh. "She can't tell him about her powers, and she babbled something about not wanting to have any ties while she's in college before she burst into tears and began bemoaning her singleness and future-thinking mind."

"Wow." Was all Julian could manage, looking impressed.

"Yeah." Caitlin breathed, unable to fight her smile. "It's times like these that remind me why she's our daughter. My organization, your emotional break downs-"

"Oi!" Julian gave her an affronted look and Caitlin laughed, kissing his cheek to make up for it.

"I'm kidding- I'm kidding!" She told him quickly.

"Would you two stop being cute in there?" Icyln called from the living room. "I'm trying to mope."

Julian pressed his lips together in a desperate attempt not to laugh, but had to end up excusing himself to the bathroom anyway. Caitlin let out another sigh and joined her daughter on the couch.

"I'm proud of you, you know." She said quietly when the movie reached a lull point of sad music and rain streaming down a window.

Icyln let out a sniffle for a response, and Caitlin smiled at her. "I know this was a difficult decision for you, but I think that you know yourself, and you know your future. It's very grown up of you to end things between you and Chris before you couldn't and regretted it."

"And what if I hadn't?" Icyln asked quietly. "What if Chris and I were meant to be together, and I wrecked it for a stupid future I don't even know if I have. What Chris and I have- had- that was real. Why did I have to go and be so stupid-"

She broke off and buried her face in her mom's shoulder. Caitlin pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. "I know." She whispered. "I know. It's hard right now. I promise- it'll get easier. You're going to find someone else."

Icyln did, in fact, find someone else. Someone who was tall and attractive and sweet and a year older then her and happened to go to the same college.

Someone who shared the same life as her- the life of being a superhero.

Someone named Steven Queen.

And Caitlin and Julian (and Oliver and Felicity) weren't quite sure what to think of that.

Author's Note: Haha, I just had to. I had to. Because I feel like the kids of the Arrowverse couples in these shows just would end up together. It's so perfect! And it's not like they're related or anything.

OH ANY BTW ihateeverybodyandthing: I WROTE THIS BEFORE YOUR COMMENT! What are the chances?