The shouts of the children around her as coaches spoke clearly and diligently, giving orders for maneuvers and bounds. Trine found herself between the world she sat in and the one she visited every night. Watching as the little boys and girls run down the mat, performing backflips, kicks and twists in the air she knew would awe audiences everywhere. Oh, how she missed it. But of course, her mind fluttered back to her dreams as she closed her eyes.

There she was again, within the small room, writing away as King Birger spoke briefly to others and him. She knew he'd walk over to her, asking if she was tired of writing and wanting a break away but she knew it was for himself to escape the rising politics and wars that threatened the boarders.

"Bridget?" and there he was, just as she placed her quill down and stared up into those aqua eyes. "Want to walk?"

"Ja Ber, that would be good."

It changed again as she saw the stage light up as she walked forward, so many cheering and clapping for her as she curtsied before them. She knew she gave a hell of a performance, including what she had written beforehand, she even got him to smile as she sang her piece to him.

Looking to her left, she saw him standing there again as he clapped for her, the small hidden smile was easy for her to spot as she gave him a smile as well, making her way to him.

"You did well, Jenny." he nodded to her.

"Don't I always?" she poked at him.

Once more, the view changed as she looked out the large window before her. It was hard for her to believe that the medal was sitting on her desk, her a noble peace prize winner, what where the odds? She smiled as she saw him walk up the way, his usual visit to her. He was one of the comforts, besides her children, that she had after losing Gunnar. She was glad to have learned of the man, how the world really was and what she still needed to learn around her. Two solid raps came to her door, her sign that he was fully there. Twisting the knob, she saw him give that small smile again as he nodded to her.

"God morgon Alva." he said.

"God morgan Berwald."

Excited cheers filled her head as she was brought back to the real world again. Looking around she saw one of the little ones upon the bars, doing flips between the two as she practiced her routine over again with her coach. She smiled, seeing the excited group cheer their friend on, just to hear whimpers and cries from beside her.

Glancing over she saw a little girl, hugging her knees as she shook with her crying. Trine moved herself beside her as she rubbed the little girl's back.

"Hej, vad är fel?" she asked the girl.

"Nothing Miss Trine."

"Oh, now don't give me that, lille en." she replied, letting her Danish slip out.

The girl wiped her eyes and sniffled back as she looked over at the group, "They're better than me. I stink at this and can't do anything. Not even balance."

Trine let the girl vent to her, waiting to take her moment and speak freely, "I just might as well quit."

"Hej nu, tror ikke det." she said, taking her hand, "Don't give up, never do that. All you got to do is work hard on it. I'll help you."

The girl's eyes came to her as she looked her over, Trine knew that look well. Didn't have to be told what she was thinking, she saw it all the time.

"Here, watch me." she sat across from her as she positioned her body. "Now just place your hands in line with your shoulders like me, keep them close to your thighs alright?"

The little girl nodded to her as she mentally prepared herself to do this, "Keep your hands steady and gently..."

Trine gently lifted herself off the ground, feeling her legs and hips sinking down as she rose as high as her back would let her, just to drop back down, holding back the pain that shot up her spine.

"Wow." she heard her say as she tried to ready herself.

"Told you." Trine smiled as she helped her position herself, "Now like I said, keep steady."

Sure enough, the little girl lifted herself up on her hands as her legs lifted, "Now if you want to try, move your legs and I'll help you to a handstand and then a flip, ok?"

The girl gave a grunt of agreement and did as told, raising her legs up so her toes pointed to the ceiling, Trine placed her hand on her back as she tried to hold herself there.

"Now just push off on your hands and kick your legs behind you." she told her and with a jerk of her wrists, the girl flipped and landed on her feet, pure excitement and joy written on her.

"I did it!"

"I told you." Trine smiled and gave her a hug, "Never say you can't."

"Tack, fröken Trine."


The girl skipped merrily along as the bell rang, ending the sessions in the small gymnasium. Trine sighed as she scooted herself back to her chair, hoisting herself within it and placing her legs in the rests. Hard to believe that a crippled Danish woman was helping teach Swedish children gymnastics, yet there she was, wheeling herself around the place as all the children bid her goodbye and the instructors wishing her a pleasant evening.

She made her way outside, slowly heading down the street to the little shop she had grown quite accustom to. She still wondered why those dreams came to her, how interesting they were and the women within them yet what god her most was at times, she found herself as the women. She could feel their adoration and love for him and how he felt when he touched them and held them, how he lingered of the scent of vanilla. He awed her in truth.

A pained cry caught her attention as she wheeled by the small alley way. The cries intensified as something moved around on the ground, Trine moved carefully into the alley as the cries came more to her realizing a dog that was hurt. There behind the dumpster was a small white pup, tangled in wires as it struggled to get free.

"Oh, sweetie." she said as she came closer to it, "It's ok, here."

Trine reached down and helped the pup as she untangled its little paws from its entrapment, finally with one final tug, she got it free and lifted it to her chest.

"There you are sweetheart, free at last huh." she said as she tucked the pup in her coat and backed out of the alley.

The little dog licked her chin as she got back onto the main drag, making her giggle, "Cut that out, you're going to make us crash."

Petting its little head, she smiled as she made her way to the shop just to see the waitress, Maja, waiting for her like usual.

"About time there-Oh my god! Where did you find that?" she squealed in excitement as she came over to pet the pup's head.

"Found it in an alley all tangled in wires, got it free but I think it's hungry." Trine replied.

"Awe it's so cute! Wait here and I'll grab something quick." she dodged into the shop as Trine lifted the pup to her eye and checked it over.

"Oh, you're a girl." Trine said as she checked her belly, "Well if no one is looking for you I'll take you home. How's that?"

"Here Trine!" Maja said, "Any collar?"

"Not that I see and it's a girl by the way." she replied as she held the fork to the pup with the meatball, "Hear anyone calling for a dog?"

"Not that I'm aware of, did hear two people calling for someone but it could've been for the dog, can't remember the name." Maja said, "Well, she likes meatballs."

The puppy scarfed down the meatballs that Maja handed to her, "Must've been hungry."

A young boy's shout came to their attention, making the puppy jump up as well, "Oh, looks like she has an owner."

"Yea and by the sounds a boy, better take him his pet, he sounds worried." Trine said handing back the plate to Maja, "I'll be back in a few."

With a small wave, Trine followed the shouting. Hearing it get louder and the puppy ready to jump off her lap as she came around the corner. There stood a young boy, worried plastered over his face as he looked around the area.

"Tino is going to be so mad at me." he said as he cupped his hands around his mouth, "Hana!"

"Excuse me." Trine called to him. "Are you looking for someone?"

He spun around to face her, giving a small nod as he tried to explain, but the puppy popped out of her coat before either of them had a chance to speak.

"Hana! You found Hanatamago!" he cried out as he ran over, "Oh thank you, thank you!"

"You're welcome, I found her in the alley just a bit away."

"You have no idea how happy I am right now and lucky that Tino won't get mad now." he told her.

"Peter?" she heard someone call out.

"Over here!" he replied, "I have Hana."

A tall man came over to him as his hand came atop of the boy's head and pet the puppy, "This lady found her."

The man turned and looked at her, giving a small nod, "Tack, tack så mycket."

"It's no..." she faded off as she looked up at him, it couldn't be.

She stared at him, couldn't help but do so. It was him. The man in her dreams, the very one that talks with the women and herself, the one that she can hear his voice even during her waking hours, can smell that sweet scent off his skin as his aqua eyes looked deeply in hers.

"Miss?" she finally broke her thoughts as the boy called out to her, "Are you ok?"

"Ja, I'm fine." she waved off the boy as she saw the man hold the puppy close to him, "I'm just glad she's back home and safe."

With a final nod, she turned around and made her way back to the shop, trying to keep her mind clear as she continued down the street. It couldn't have been him, it wasn't possible. The chances of that were too great, practically impossible, yet her mind and heart were screaming at her to go back to them. To speak with them and asked of things that made no sense. But it was best if she continued and-

"Miss!" she heard the boy yell.

Spinning her chair, she saw the boy running up to her with money in hand, "Oh no sweetie, you keep your money, I don't need that."

"It's ok, I used it more as an excuse to see you." he panted out, "But I wanted to ask you something."


"Why did you look at him like that?"

Oh, she was that obvious, of course, "I'm sorry, I thought he looked familiar that's all."

"You sure?" he asked, "Not just in person but in dreams?"


The boy smiled brightly at her as she tried to gather her thoughts, "Ok, if I'm correct would you please meet me in the sweet shop just a few blocks away from here? I'll bring one of my aunties to speak with you."

Trine wasn't sure what to do but the fact that he brought up her dreams made her mind to do as he offered. Giving him a nod in reply, he wrapped his arms around her neck, thanking her for giving the chance and ran back. She couldn't believe she just did that but something in her told her it was the right thing to do.

Turning back around, she continued to the shop as her mind whirled on the facts of the boy and the man, and that her dreams may actually be real.