Here's the latest chapter! Sorry it took so long to get out. Alot has been happening and I haven't been able to focus. Hopefully this makes up for it!

Chapter 3: The Project

When Kichiro and Rylie picked up Ryker that afternoon, Ryker noticed his sister's attitude was different. Once they got home, Rylie immediately ran up the stairs to her room, Ryker following close behind. When he stepped into her room, he found Rylie sitting at her desk, her glasses plugged into the computer monitor. She had her drawing tablet in front of her, pen in her left hand, which was already moving across the tablet.

He walked up behind her, casually leaning on the back of the chair. "What? Did you get a new idea?"

"I'm working on something that will get me into San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. It's incredible!"

Ryker laughed. "I haven't seen you this excited in a long time."

"Haven't had a reason to be this excited in a long time." Rylie responded. Ryker's smile widened as his twin's hand moved swiftly across the tablet. Soon, she was getting out the many parts she kept in her closet, along with her tools.

Ryker, meanwhile, had taken a seat on Rylie's bed, watching Rylie as she began building. "So, what's the big project?" He asked. Rylie spun in her chair to look at him.

"I can't tell you that." Rylie replied, smirking.

"Why not?"

"It's a surprise."

Later that week, after much more planning and building had been done, Rylie felt she was ready. The expo was that night and she hoped she'd be able to impress the judges enough to get into the school. As she got ready to leave, Kichiro knocked on her room door. She turned and smiled.

"Nervous?" He asked. Rylie rolled her eyes.

"Not a chance." Kichiro raised an eyebrow, but his silence unnerved Rylie a bit. "Okay, maybe a little bit. I just want to do good."

Kichiro walked across the room and knelt in front of his sister, brushing a few stray strands of hair from her face. "You will be amazing. I know that. Ryker knows that. Even Mom and Dad knew how amazing you are." Rylie smiled and the three siblings left the house.

When they arrived at the expo, Rylie gulped. She didn't think so many people would be there. She may have only been able to see shapes, but that just made her even more nervous. The three got out and Ryker put a hand on Rylie's shoulder. "You'll do fine." He said. The younger twin smiled slightly and together they walked inside. Katie met them at the door.

"There you are!" She exclaimed. "I was worried you weren't going to come."

"And miss a great chance like this?" Rylie asked, smiling wider than she had been. They walked inside and up to the stage.

"So where's your invention?" Katie asked. Rylie only pointed to the pocket of her hoodie, a smirk on her face. "Let's hope its as awesome as I bet it can be."

"Oh it will be." Rylie said. Not too long after, her name was called and Rylie stepped onto the stage. She took the mic in hand and reached into her pocket. Pulling her hand out, everyone saw what looked like an eye in her hand. "Before anyone freaks, this is not a real eye. It's cybernetic. With the use of a small computer chip, this eye could be surgically implanted into those with limited or no vision and enable them to see even better then a person with normal vision. It allows someone to see in all scopes, infrared and ultraviolet to name a couple."

She seemed to get no response until someone who Rylie could see was blind, came up to her. "Is there any way to demonstrate this?" They asked. Rylie smiled and nodded. The view screen was turned on as Rylie knelt down on the stage. She reached over and began attaching a couple of wires to the person's head.

"Normally, it is more effective if it was implanted, but for demonstration purposes, I extended the wiring." Turning the eye on, the blind person started and began looking around, the eye following whatever movement that was told by the brain.

"This is amazing!" They exclaimed and Rylie smiled. She detached the eye and held it up again.

"And that's pretty much it. This eye could give the blind what they've been missing and could revolutionize everything!" And with that last word, Rylie put the eye back in her pocket and bowed. "Thank you for your time." She ran off the stage, jumping into Kichiro's arms as she did so.

"You were incredible!" He exclaimed.

"Doesn't the eye have a name?" Ryker asked.

Rylie shook her head. "Not right now, no."

"You might want to think of that, imoto." Ryker said, smiling.

"Again, I'm only thirteen minutes younger than you." Rylie said, rolling her eyes. She stopped when she saw Katie walking up to her.

"That was amazing!" She exclaimed. "I'll be honest: I wouldn't be surprised if you won." As if predicting the future, the person in charge came up and presented Rylie with an envelope.

"Welcome to SFIT, Miss Tsukimoto." They said, smiling. Rylie took the envelope and, grinning, turned back to her brothers and Katie. They all cheered and wrapped Rylie in a huge group hug.

Special thanks to guest reviewer, baymaxpikachu619 for the invention idea! I hope I did it justice! Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it's so short. There wasnt really much i could put into it. I'll work on making the chapters longer in the future as best as i can!