Heart Note and Sunset smiled as they sat in the music room, listening to the Rainbooms practicing. All of the Rainbooms were pony-upped as they played. When they finished their song, their ears, wings, and extend pony tails disappeared.

"I hope the Friendship Games have a music competition, because we would totally rock it!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she played a cord on her guitar.

"Um, we're supposed to keep magic out of the Friendship Games, remember?" Sunset said, standing up.

"Easier said than done, darling." Rarity said as Rainbow scoffed. "I'm sure in Equestria, magic does whatever you want. But..."

"This isn't Equestria." Sunset finished dejectedly.

"Well, when it comes to magic, I'm sure you and Heart Note will figure it out." Applejack said putting and arm around Sunset in comfort.

"Don't worry, Sunset." Heart Note said putting her arm around Sunset's other shoulder. "I know we can do it." Sunset smiled in gratitude.

"And while Sunset and Heart Note work on keeping the magic out of the games, I've been working on what to put in!" Rarity giggled.

"Rarity, what'd you go an' do?" Applejack asked as she took her arm off Sunset.

"Well, I had a little time on my hands, and since we don't know what the Friendship Games' events are, I made a few options for uniforms!" Rarity pulled out a few racks full of clothes that she had made for the games. She then put Rainbow Dash in a track outfit. Everyone else started to look through them.

"You really didn't have to do that." Rainbow Dash said as she looked at all of the assortment of clothes.

"I know." Rarity responded proudly.

"No. You really didn't have to." Applejack said as she pulled out a frilly pink dress from the rack.

"I know!" Rarity giggled in excitement.

The group then went through the clothes and tried them on. Fluttershy was in a pink, white, and green hockey uniform with butterflies and flowers on it. Rainbow Dash was now in a bobby uniform and holding a baton, Rarity came up to her and put on the helmet. Sunset Shimmer was wearing a welding helmet and gloves. Applejack was wearing a red and white baseball uniform that had the number 3 on it, She also wore a green baseball helmet with three red apples on it, she was holding a large straw mitten. Rarity had sped over from Rainbow to Applejack to adjust her outfit. Pinkie Pie was wearing a light blue cowgirl outfit with curly designs on the shirk and collar, she also wore a light brown cowgirl hat and brown boots. Heart Note was wearing a pink dress that had a puffy skirt and puffy sleeves, a large yellow ribbon on the chest and on the back, a pink beanie, and she wore yellow stockings and pink shoes.

"Uh, Rarity, these outfits are great, but why would you put so much time and effort into clothes we might not even wear?" Applejack asked, concerned. "You're gonna exhaust yourself before the games even start."

Rarity scoffed. "Don't be silly, darling! Putting effort into clothes is what I live for, and spending time on my friends fills me with energy!" Rarity then started to glow and floated up, her ears and extended ponytail appearing. Everyone stared in awe at her.

"And magic, too, I guess." Sunset said as she watched the display.

Then Rarity, without warning, started to become exhausted as she floated back down and her ears and ponytail disappeared.

"Actually, Applejack, now that you mention it, I suppose I could use a tiny break." She then fainted, Applejack caught her before she touched the ground.

"I told you." Applejack said.

The door opened to reveal Twilight at the door.

"Twilight?" Everyone said in surprise at the sight of Twilight.

"Uh, yes?" Twilight asked in confusion. Everyone went over to the confused Twilight. Sunset and Heart Note smiled at seeing Twilight again.

"Well, I'll be. You shoulda told us you were comin'." Applejack said, putting an arm around Twilight.

"Darling, those glasses." Rarity said as she looked at Twilight's attire. "What are you wearing? It's so... severe."

"My uniform?" Twilight said, looking at her uniform in question.

"Your uniform for what?" Fluttershy asked.

"For... Crystal Prep." Twilight answered cautiously. "But why does everyone at this school know who I am?"

"Did you just say "Crystal Prep"?" Rainbow Dash asked skeptically. Spike then popped out of Twilight's bag and barked.

"Spike!" Fluttershy, Heart Note, and Rarity exclaimed as they started to pet the dog.

Twilight gasped in surprise. "You know my dog's name, too?" She shied away from the group.

"Twilight?" Principal Celestia said in question when she saw Twilight in the music room.

"This is getting ridiculous!" Twilight shook her head in disbelief.

"I must apologize for the curiosity of my prized student." Principal Cinch said as she approached Twilight.

"Your student?"

"The smart ones are always curious." Principal Cinch then took Twilight by the shoulder. "I'll return her to check in with the rest of her classmates."

"I didn't know Twilight had a twin sister." Principal Celestia said after Cinch left with Twilight.

"She doesn't!" Pinkie Pie said. "That Twilight is obviously the Twilight from this world since it couldn't possibly be the Twilight from the pony world since the Twilight from the pony world doesn't go to Crystal Prep or wear glasses."

Principal Celestia opened her mouth to say something but decided not to. "Nevermind." She said before leaving the music room.

The Rainbooms, plus Heart Note and Sunset, were walking down the hall, talking about what had just happened.

"I can't believe our world's Twilight goes to Crystal Prep!" Rarity said.

"You're saying that Twilight's gonna play against us?" Rainbow Dash said. "She'd never do that!"

"Our Twilight wouldn't." Fluttershy said. Sunset suddenly stopped.

"Our Twilight's a princess in Equestria where magic doesn't randomly pop up during pep rallies and costume changes!" Sunset yelled before taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I know how important the Games are to all of you, but the magic over here is so frustrating! It makes no sense!"

"Come on, Sunset." Heart Note said. "I'm sure we'll figure it out sooner or later."

"I'm not sure I want to." Sunset said, looking away from the group.

"Whadaya mean?" Applejack asked.

"Well, I keep thinking that magic should behave here in the way it does in Equestria." Sunset explained. "But maybe what I really need to do is go back." Everyone looked at her in shock.

"You mean leave us?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course I don't wanna leave all of my friends, but I don't wanna spend my whole life wanting things to be different than they are."

"Sounds to me like trying to control magic for the Friendship Games is stressing you out." Pinkie Pie said. Heart Note looked at Sunset with guilt in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Sunset." Heart Note said. "I didn't realize how much pressure was being put on you."

"Please don't be, it's fine." Sunset said. "I know how much you want to try to understand your own power."

"Oh, Sunset, Vice Principal Luna only asked for you both to try your best." Rarity stated. "I'm sure she never meant to put any undue pressure on you."

"That's right." Applejack agreed. "Why doncha just wait until after the Games, then we can all take a look at the magic over here together. If you still wanna go back after that, we won't stand in your way." Sunset sighed before looking up at everyone.

"Alright." She said. "I mean, I am already on the team. I wouldn't wanna let everyone down." Everyone cheered and hugged Sunset, glad she was staying for the games.

"Come on, guys!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Let's see if we can find any info about the events and come up with a strategy."

As everyone started walking away, Heart Note looked back at Sunset, who didn't follow. "You comin', Sunset?" She asked.

"I'll... catch up with you guys in a bit." Sunset said. Heart Note gave her a reassuring smile before nodding and catching up with the others.

Hello, everybody! So, I'm alive! Sorry you guys have to wait literal years for just a filler chapter. I haven't really been in the mood to write this, I've been more into drawing stuff lately. But hopefully I can get back into this. The only reason I finally decided to finish this chapter up was because I recently redesigned Heart Note. It's weird coming back to this, but I'm going to make an attempt to keep this fic going.

So, I hope you guys are willing to bear with me while I try to finish what I started. Also, feel free to check me out on Deviantart! I'll leave a link in my profile. So, see you guys next chapter!

Keep up the Awesomeness!
