Do you know how hard it is to think up a Summary? Not that i write a summary in that little box, but you get the point.

Well let's get the boring part out of the way.

Disclaimer: This is a Fanfiction, you know? Fan and Fiction. Meaning, that I am neither Masashi Kishimoto nor Ichie Ishibumi.

I'm not even a fan of theirs, truth be told. They've created such a rich world and then done such a poor job of writing a story.

Yes, I hate the fucking Uchiha Lover who can't understand why the fans hate Haruno Sakura.

And I also hate the fucking bastard who created such a background rich world with so many gods and other factions and then threw them into background while he focused on only one single faction. The Judo-Christian. HE DIDN'T EVEN SHOWED THOR ONE SINGLE TIME! WHAT THE FUCK?! And well…the less disappointment that I show at Ichiei's level of imagining at the level of powers for Ophis, Great Red and TriHexa, the better it is for everyone.

Yeah, look at me, I created primordial god of infinity and I'm going to have her be absorbed by a pathetic no named fallen angel dragon hybrid. Because you know, absorbing a little juice from Infinity does not leave infinity behind. And if my math teacher says that, infinity minus infinity is infinity, then fuck him, what would he know anyway, isn't that right?

*deep breath* Calm down me, don't lose it now. *deep breath*

No Issei Bashing, yeah I know. I'm disappointed too. Don't worry, I'll tortur-*cough* I mean, train Issei to awesomeness so that you won't feel like wanting to bash your head at his stupidity.

He will be perverted, but not a hopeless and useless pervert. He'll be like Jiraiya from canon, more than just a pathetic pervert.

And there is always Naruto to make our day better, so no worries.

I fucking love Grayfia Lucifuge, and she IS going to end up with Naruto. Don't worry though, I hate NTR, just wait for the story to progress.

Other than that…well, not much to say.

Oh Yeah, I forgot. Someone mentioned that I should get a Beta Reader. Well I've no fucking idea where I could get one, so please any of you drop me a little hint about what to do in the comments section.

I definitely need someone to take care of those pesky little commas and exclamation marks that run away from me. And someone to proofread and give me ideas, before I publish the chapters.

Well, without further delays.

We all know how Uzumaki Naruto's luck works don't we?

The bastard can get 6 royal straight flush in a row with his eyes closed at one moment, and wake up in the middle of an interplanetary war between Asgardians and Kryptonians the next.

The worst thing…or the best, depending on how you look at it; is that Naruto considers both of the scenarios to be good luck. Can you believe it?

Well, of course you can, you're just as insane as he is.

So if there was one single moment, that one moment in the history of Earth which Naruto will choose to come to this Universe, where do you think, when do you think Naruto will end up?

Year: 1205 AD

Naruto stared at the form of a beast which was at least half the size of great red, the power though was nowhere even near his. The beast had 3 necks and 1 head attached to each neck making him have 3 heads, he also had 3 tails.

There was a man with 20 golden wings and a halo battling the beast, or rather he was trying his best to stay alive while he put layers upon layers of seals on top of the beast.

Naruto looked toward his side and stared at the form of his beloved Goddess Ophis. She was in her childish appearance again, he didn't have any problem with it, and he liked Ophis no matter what form she took.

"What do you think?"

Ophis looked thoughtful for a moment before she replied.

"Let's not interfere right now, you have already absorbed more than enough of 666's power that this little piece of him is nearby negligible to you."

Naruto hummed. Yes, that was indeed true, and maybe, just maybe this way TriHexa will be able to revive someday.

He knew how all the pieces of TriHexa were gathering energy and also trying to fuse with each other so maybe if he allowed them then they'll fuse back.

He could certainly use a challenge, no one other than Great Red could even hope to stand against him anymore. Ophis would not fight him, 666 was still in hibernation, Fate was notcombat oriented and Death well, the last time he challenged her to a fight, she tied him to a bed and rode him till he was barely conscious and gave up the fight, so no fighting her ever again.

Ophis just smirked as he was raped by her. Well he wasn't actually trying to fight against her too, and as they always say it, 'it isn't rape if you like it'. And the Threesome after that was just an awesome bonus.

Still, it's been so long since he had a good fight.

Fighting Ankhseram was fun, Fighting Acknologia was fun, Fighting 2 on 1 against Yamamoto and Yhwach was fun, fighting 12 on 1 against Beerus and his 11 sibling Gods of destruction was fun, Fighting against all 3 Admirals and all 7 Shichibukai during Ace's execution was fun, Fighting armies of White Walkers with a wooden sword was fun, fighting against hordes of Titans outside wall Maria in just his Human form with a kitchen knife was fun, throwing Kal-El and his cousin Kara Zor-El, or as they like to call themselves Superman and Supergirl; into a blue sun and then fighting them, now that was fucking awesome.

All of those things were so fun that he didn't even realize it at that time about how much stronger he was getting from fighting against such monsters. And soon he was so strong that those previous opponents became nothing more than utter bore to him.

Yes, he could hold back, seal some of his powers or something similar, but…

He was tired of sealing his powers and holding back, He missed those days when all that happened when he released his full power was, a few people disintegrating into atomic dust and feeling like the planet's gravity just increased 10 times. Now? Now he couldn't even release his powers completely anywhere outside the dimensional gap without destabilizing and destroying that universe.

Yes, perhaps it was better to let 666 revive, revive so that Naruto can enjoy a fight with him, before he kill him and take all his power, permanently.

Yes, he wanted to fight but there were more important things in life as well, like his family. A few of who were already in this world, and the rest that he didn't send here ahead of time were in stasis in his pocket dimension.

"What about that useless thing who is having a hard time sealing a single piece of 666 which is barely half as strong as my original Universe's piece of 666, Shinju; ever was?"

"Though it might be better to kill the weakling and be done with him, I think we should just let him be, he is going to die soon anyway."

Naruto wondered why Ophis thought that whoever this guy was going to die soon.

"Who the hell is he anyway?"

"Well most just call him God. Which is terribly misleading, considering how many gods there are in this Universe. He is the leader of Judo-Christian faction, the God mentioned in Bible. His other pronunciations are annoying so you can just call him Jehovah."

(AN: In case some of you didn't know, Jehovah is actually the name of the God mentioned in Bible, please remember it as I will be using it. It gets very confusing to me about which god the story is mentioning and unlike the Canon, which is quite pathetic BTW the only thing good about HS DXD is its rich background which is exactly what is needed for writing a good fanfic; I plan to actually make other factions do something. Which means, LOTS OF GODS)

Naruto turned his head and looked at the unimpressive looking guy, he did actually look impressive in his own way but to Naruto, everybody was unimpressive, as long as you were not one of his sexy lovers.

"This is the guy that spoke of forgiveness and love at one moment and then told his followers to rape the women of other factions the next moment? The guy who kicked his own son out of his home because said son told him that 'I'll serve and love only you my father and not a bunch of Humans'? This is the pathetic specimen that kicked his angels out of Heaven because they taught humans how to read, write, sing, etc.?"

Naruto spoke in a very incredulous tone.

"Yes." Replied Ophis blandly. "The very same."

"You said that I can't kill him right?"

Ophis smirked at Naruto's question that was spoken in a very excited and hopeful voice and spoke before he could actually do what he was thinking of doing.

"You can't Torture him as well."

"Eh? Why?!~ I want to play evil doctor with the bad man!~ I was even thinking of putting him inside a box with 20000 Chakra powered termites!~"

Ophis turned her attention at Naruto after hearing that high pitched and childish, petulant whining and saw that Naruto was currently looking like a 5 year old child, staring at her with a cute pout on his face, his eyes shining with childish sadness.

Her lips twitched in a desire to have those cute lips between her own.

She easily ignored the gruesome image that formed in her brain at the thought of what would happen to the man if he was indeed put into such a box and patted Naruto's head lovingly.

Naruto wrapped his currently tiny arms around her waist and buried his face in her stomach, giggling happily. She spoke after a moment of wait.

"I have a better idea."

Year: 1225 AD

Kurama sighed tiredly and rubbed the bridge of his nose in boredom.

The man if front of him, an owl Youkai, he still had no idea that such a specie even existed; continued reading his report.

He was currently slumped tiredly on his throne. Not very kingly image but he didn't care about what others thought, and he made sure that they knew that fact.

He really, really wanted his wife Yasaka to take the throne as the ruler of Youkai faction, but nooo~ he's the freaking 10-tailed fox and thus more deserving of the title than his 9-tailed wife who was obviously much more smarter and thus more suited to the job than him.

These stupid little shits and their stupid bigotry. Why the hell did he not had them executed by now again?

Oh yes, Yasaka threatened me with 1 month of blue balls. That's why.

He drowned out that boring owl's voice and thought back on how he ended up in this situation.

It was a bit more than 3000 years ago when he came to this world along with his 8 siblings and her.

He still wondered what Naruto had seen in the annoying bitch.

Did you know that she was pregnant with Naruto's children by the time they stepped into this world? He had no fucking idea when Naruto even got the chance to have sex with her.

And he also had no idea how she bypassed that non-fertility seal that Naruto had put on himself. He was quite sure that Naruto had no idea that he had a woman pregnant.

Can you believe it? After the last disaster that were her children, she went ahead and impregnated herself again!

At least she didn't name them Hagoromo and Hamura this time.

But seriously, Izanagi and Izanami?

He already knew that Naruto was going to laugh his ass off at Kaguya naming her children on Sharingan techniques, until of course he learned that they were his children.

He was sure that he was going to enjoy the expression on Naruto's face.

And then if that wasn't enough she named her grandchildren, Amaterasu, Sussano and Tsukuyomi. It's been 3 fucking millennia and yet he still couldn't put the memories of the Uchiha bastards behind him, it was like he was cursed.

Though now he knew that Naruto at least passed his incestuous genes in his children. He nearly faceplanted himself into the ground when he heard about that one.

Still Izanagi and Izanami were more interested in fucking each other like rabbits instead of going around and doing something stupid like giving humans the ability to use chakra, so that was good.

A few centuries later he received confirmation that the incestuous love was definitely in blood when he learned that Amaterasu was married to both of her brothers.

Not that he had any problem with all that of course. The first few centuries the 9 siblings too spent their time exploring each other in depth.

The fact that Naruto created them adjustable bodies with which they could change their shape size gender etc., massively increased their scope of possibilities.

Yep, barely a few days in new dimension and Gyuuki was already starting the Tentacle-Sex myth again. And this time Saiken also joined him. Well the Slime-Girl-Sex was quite nice so he didn't actually have any problem with all that of course.

All Youkai knew that they are descendants of first 9 Youkai that first walked the earth 3000 years ago, but not many knew that those 9 were still alive and going about their lives in the middle of them.

And that their current king was the strongest of the 9.

Well not exactly.

After setting up their country, the others left him in charge and went exploring the world, getting in trouble and other such thing.

He was quite sure that Kokuo was going around playing as Poseidon's pet for a few centuries. Seriously how many Dolphins are there that can also become a horse?

And seriously, Kraken? Did Gyuuki really think that they wouldn't find out about that one?

500 years ago, though, they started returning. They were all bored and tired. Especially without Naruto's insanity to entertain them.

Well he couldn't blame them, he too was tired and wanted to leave all this shit to his descendants. Too bad that he was chosen as their leader to look after the things.

They all joined with him in one body, without Shinju's spirit they were in complete control and the remaining 8 gave Kurama the reigns and went to sleep, telling him to wake them up when Naruto finally came from his journey.

Kaguya too was bored during that time. Apparently not satisfied with the way world was moving and went into hibernation herself.

Izanagi and Izanami…well he actually had no idea what they were doing.

He would not be surprised if they were still having sex in their bedroom or in hibernation just like Kaguya or just Dead.

Quite cold of him, yes.

But it's just been so fucking long.

He was really tired.

He was actually thinking of leaving Kyoto without telling anyone, except his wife Yasaka.

It was so strange, they were immortal before meeting Naruto and were satisfied with their lives, but now? Now that Naruto has showed them peace and freedom, now that life was exciting…it was also very…boring.



Yeah, too dark and boring, let's just talk about something else.

Things were…quite well actually. They could be better of course but he couldn't really bring himself to do the hard work.

Just at that moment the door burst open and a messenger came running into the court.

Kurama smiled brightly at him, which caused all his sharp teeth to show and his eyes to gleam which caused a few Youkai in his court to shiver in fright.

Kurama though cared not for all that and just spoke to the messenger happily.

"Glad you came, I was just about to go on a rampage and kill something due to boredom."

Kurama gave the Owl Yokai a pointed look which easily told everyone exactly who he wanted to kill first.

Yasaka facepalmed, a few who knew Kurama closely snickered and the rest paled in fear. The previously mentioned owl Youkai blinked slowly, no expression visible on his face.

"My lord the Great war has just ended!"

Instantly everyone became serious, including Kurama, who sat straight.

"Tell me everything."

"Yes my lord, this is the detailed report," The messenger gave a report in the form of a scroll to Yasaka, she did at least take care of paperwork to reduce her Husband's stress. The messenger resumed after that. "The Summary is that the 3 biblical faction kept fighting, not caring for the death toll. It was good that you chased them away, as a few members of different factions that were not able to refuse, were all the first casualties in the war. The war ended when Grigori's leader Azazel retreated from the war due to the massive death toll. And the remaining 2 factions followed."

The messenger took a breath and resumed.

"The Devil faction has lost all 7 of the Maou and 10 out of the 72 Pillars and almost 60% of their population. Families of 3 out of the 7 Maou have been wiped out, the remaining 4 families are, Lucifer, Asmodeus, Leviathan and Beelzebub. The Fallen Angels have not lost any leader but they have lost 80% of their population. The Angels, my lord they have incurred a loss of 60% of their own population and not lost 3 of the 7 Archangels, only Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel are alive now. But they are behaving strangely, they are not acting like winners, they seemed very worried and fearful during the last moments. Their God Jehovah was not seen during the final moments of the war."

The messenger took a moment and tried to catch his breath. A nearby attendant handed a glass of water to the messenger. After drinking the water and thanking the attendant the messenger resumed.

"My lord it was a bloodbath, the causalities are massive. Fallen Angels have lost 75% of their strength, Angels have lost 45% of their Strength, and Devils have lost 55% of their strength. All three of the Judo-Christian faction combined now are barely half as strong as they were before."

Everyone's face brightened at that news. The Judo-Christian faction was troubling because all three of its sub factions were as strong as most factions of the world. And attacking one of them would have gotten them ambushed by the other two. Now…now all three factions combined are barely 1.5 times as strong as other factions, and knowing how badly these 3 Christian faction hates each other…the blow was massive.

"My lord that's not all, the Crusades that were happening in the Human world are at their end stages too. Without the support of Heaven, the Church is losing very fast, and thus losing ground. On the other side, our spies in underworld report that the situation is very volatile, the families of now dead Maou and their supporters are pushing to continue the war while most of the Underworld want to live in peace instead of getting destroyed. They are on the verge of a Civil War."

Everyone's happiness went through the roof at that news. The Christian faction has been nothing but an annoyance to the rest of the world. They come last and act like they own the place. Not to mention, the Devils and Angels were very, very pathetic and proud species, they weren't even strong just numerous, but their arrogance was out of the world. Now…not the situation was turned.

Of course, that was not all the truth. The truth was much worse and not something that would be found out soon. The truth that the God of Christian faction was dead and how the devils were about to lose a lot of their population.

In the end all three factions would have lost almost 75-80% of their power.

Kurama wondered what would have happened, if he was not here. If he was not in this world, or if he had left Kyoto to roam around the world. If he didn't kill the messengers of Angels, Devil and the Fallen Angel faction in rage when they came and ordered him to feel proud because they had chosen the Youkai to fight in their honor, and then killing any other they sent. Seeing Kurama's reaction, all the remaining factions of the world gave similar responses and closed their doors on the messenger's faces, making sure to hit hard enough to break the messenger's neck.

The three factions learned soon that they were losing a lot of population before the war even started and held back. Probably thinking of making them pay for their 'insolence' after the end, when they won.

Kurama wondered how many factions would have been wiped out or weakened, fighting in a war that was not even theirs if he wasn't there, would his descendants be slaves to those factions right now? Would they be serving arrogant devils and then get killed when they didn't like them? Would they be used as breeding stock to bolster their population and then thrown like trash?

Kurama didn't know how right he was, he would never know, the only one who knew the fate, was Fate herself.

And it was better that way, there would be no point in him finding out that the Nekomata would have been wiped out to the point that only 2 of them would remain alive, and those two would be servant to Devil as well.

It didn't matter what would have happened, the thing is that nothing happened.

"My Lord…"

Now suddenly the messenger became very worried, but there was also hope in his eyes.

How strange. Thought Kurama and all the others who noticed this.

"What is it, speak!" Shouted a wolf Youkai rudely.

"My lord…there are multiple reports of a Yokai being sighted in the war."

Kurama's eyes widened, the rest of the room exploded in chatter.

"Who would dare ignore our orders?!"

"This won't cause any problems right?"

"They better not have trapped someone in an illusion or loyalty contracts, or I would tear them to pieces."

And other such words were being passed around by Worried and Angry Youkai.

Kurama though remained calm, ignoring the angry mayhem around him and looking directly at the messenger.

"And…?" instantly all the chatter stopped, as people realized that the messenger was not done.

"My lord…the reports said that he had 10 Pitch-Black fox tails, and 10 Pitch-Black scaly dragon wings, 2 Pitch-Black horns growing from his head and…a third eye with spiral pattern and 10 comma pattern on the spiral, on his forehead."

The messenger gulped down his saliva nervously.

Everyone around was silent, their eyes were wide with fear and hope.

They had, all of them, grown up hearing stories about that man, about their true leader, about their God.

About Uzumaki Naruto.

The first 9 Youkai made sure to educate their first children, about the man who saved all 9 of them and was, as close as brother, but also as respected as a leader.

Otsusuki Kaguya also taught her children and later her grandchildren about their father Naruto, hoping that knowing about their father's deeds will make them try to be more like him and thus not end up similar to how both her first children ended up, stupid and arrogant and later torn apart and absorbed by Naruto in rage, when he learned how they betrayed their own mother for something as stupid and unachievable as Peace, especially when it was them who was the main cause of wars in the land which later became known as Elemental Nations.

So yes, everybody, every child, every grown up had grown up hearing tales of Uzumaki Naruto and how, even right now he was on a journey to become more powerful and wise so that he could rule them properly and guide them to greatness.

So hearing the report that someone who matched his expected appearance was now in their midst, was both worrying and exciting.

Yasaka ignored her own happiness though and looked at how Kurama was faring, she knew how much he missed Naruto after all, knew what Naruto meant to him.

As everyone was chattering away happily and worriedly, only she saw that small, genuine small on Kurama's face, along with that trail of tear that slid from his red slitted eyes.

Only she heard as he muttered lowly.

"Finally you're back, aren't you, brother? I missed you so much."

She smiled slightly.

Yes, things were good. And were going to get even better.

I wanted to write more, end the devil civil war in this chapter too, but I'm kind of tired and sleepy.

Do follow my profile as well as this story so that you are notified when I upload the other stories.

Yes, the ones that have happened in the 3000 year gap.

See you soon.

And Review, Please.