Chapter Eight

Both girls were up early the next morning. Fenella had officially moved back in and they had both agreed not to talk about the time when they were not friends. Both girls left their rooms at the same time in their pyjamas and smiled when they saw each other.

"Oh well Hello, you are looking radiating this morning" Griselda said as she walked closer to her now girlfriend.

"You are looking beautiful like always" Fenella replied as they reached each other and kissed each other gently on the lips both blushing at the still new experience.

"Mmm you taste sweet" Griselda smirked as she pulled out the kiss.

"Not as sweet as you" Fenella replied kissing her some more.

"Mmm, well I need to shower" Griselda said again pulling out the kiss having to go shower.

"No you smell lovely don't leave me" Fenella said not wanting her to leave her just yet.

"I won't be long Miss Mushy" Griselda said walking in the bathroom and closing the door after winking at her girlfriend.

"Yes" Fenella cheered as she sat on the sofa happy that they were now dating.

After both girls had showered they sat on the sofa and cuddled up to watch a film as they decided to have a lazy Saturday.

"Throw it" Fenella said as Griselda took a piece of popcorn and threw it in the air for the brunette to catch in her mouth.

"Missed" Griselda said with a laugh as the piece of popcorn landed on the floor.

She threw another piece which hit Fenella's lip and bounced off.

"You are so bad at this" Griselda replied laughing at her for missing every throw.

"Come on third time lucky" Fenella said as Griselda rolled her eyes and threw a piece of popcorn in the air and this time she caught it in her mouth.

"Told you I could do it" Fenella said chewing happily, proud of herself.

"You are so cute" Griselda said as she leaned in to peck her girlfriend on the lips and then she pulled away.

Fenella swallowed the popcorn and looked at her before she leaned in and kissed her on the lips again.

The kisses between the two girls had so far lasted a few seconds but this time they started to kiss back dragging out the kiss for longer. They were so caught up in each other they did not hear the knocking.

"Whoops sorry" Dana said as she walked into their flat and saw the two of them making out.

The two girls pulled away from each other but kept their arms around each other as they looked at the twins.

"Who kissed who first?" Drea asked neither twin seeming fazed or shocked to see the two friends kissing.

"Grissy did" Fenella replied answering her question.

"YES I WIN A FIVER" Dana shouted as she put her hand out telling her sister she wanted her money.

"You had a bet which one of us would kiss the other first?" Gris asked as she pulled her arms away from around her girlfriends neck and instead placed a hand on her knee.

"Of course we did, we made this bet a few days after we met you." Drea replied with a laugh, the girls could always see there was something more between them.

"But wait, how did you know we had a crush on each other?" Fenella asked as she knew neither of them had said anything to anyone.

"How can we not? Dana asked as though it was obvious to them.

"Literally all you two do is flirt" Drea replied simply stating what they were always doing.

"We do not" Griselda said defending herself as she never felt like she was flirting.

"Yes you do" Dana said throwing it back at her again.

"Oh Grissy, your hair looks so clean and fresh today I love it" Drea said mocking Fenella before them.

"Oh my Fen, your brown eyes sparkle like the stars in the sky" Dana mocked Griselda playing along.

"Since when do either of us speak like that?" Griselda asked thinking their expressions were awful.

"I don't know but everyone knows you two have the hots for each other" Drea replied again as it was so apparent to all.

"I think even the teachers know too, they will probably have a party when it comes out you are together" Dana replied thinking that even the teachers would have noticed by now.

"Haha very funny" Fenella replied rolling her eyes.

"It is nice to see you two not trying to kill each other though" Dana said loving seeing how they were finally getting along again.

"Yes, we never had to go ahead with Plan C in the end" Drea replied thankful it didn't resort to that.

"Plan C?" Both Fenny and Gris asked together.

"Well Plan A was trying to get you both to talk, that did not work" Drea said sharing what their plan was.

"Plan B was to keep you apart as much as possible hoping you would see sense but it just made you both moody" Dana replied sharing the next stage in their plan.

"And Plan C was to lock you both in a room and not let you out again until you promised not to kill each other" The twins replied in unison.

"Oh thanks for that" Fenella said sarcastically.

"Oh it's no problem" Drea said with a smile.

"I think we best go, we have a lot to do today" Dana suddenly said ready to leave.

"We do?" Drea asked not thinking they had anything to do.

Dana gave her twin sister a look and she nodded in understanding.

"Oh right, yes lots to do, let's go sis" Drea said as they waved goodbye to the girls and left.

"Reckon they actually had anything to do?" Grisleda asked sensing they were just leaving the girls to be alone.

"No way, I think they just wanted us to have time alone" Fenella said agreeing with the thought Grissy had.

"Oh well I wonder what we should do?" Griselda asked with a smile.

"I can think of something" Fenella said as the two girls kissed each other once again.

Both girls knew in that moment they would be together forever and nothing will ever break them apart again.