Hello everyone! Sorry again for taking so long to upload this. The reason why I took so long to do this and why a new story was made is because of my ex-friend. As explained before he fucked up my computer and deleted some stuff. I took it to get fixed and the people who fixed it fucked up my files.

So, had to do a new story here. I'm sorry guys. So, I hope you like this crossover I am doing. Was going with something else but this will do, especially how the Spider-Man movie went.

Anyways, let's go on to the disclaimer. I don't own anything from Spider-Man or Batman. One is owned by Marvel/Sony and the other by DC. So, enjoy everyone!


Brooklyn, New York

It is the middle of the night as the citizens of the downtown part of the city are turning in for the night. Those that are just waking up and heading off to work. Crime has gone down over the last few years. Thanks to the new chief of police and the new laws that were passed things have been getting quiet around the city.

All except one place tonight. Near a bank four men are seen knocking out the security cameras and sneaking inside the facility where the ATM are at. By cutting through the glass and gaining access. All without attracting any attention and not worrying about the alarm.

Thanks to one of the guards who they paid off they were able to get inside. They go to the machines as they remove their hoods. Revealing to be wearing masks of known superheroes. Captain American, Thor, Hulk, and Iron Man. The leader of the group wearing the Iron Man mask takes out an advanced looking weapon as he begins charging it up.

He turns the weapon to the ATM machines and fires a powerful laser against the first machine. Cutting through it without damaging the money inside. He moves the weapon around the machine so they can remove it to get to the money. Once he is done his men remove part of the machine and see the money all stacked.

"This is way too easy. Totally worth it," said leader as he motions his men to get the money while he works on the other machines.

Three of the men get out some cases and begin pouring the money inside of them. All while the leader cuts through another ATM and goes to work on the next one. The lights flickered on and off for a minute when the subway train passed by. Ever since they build the new subway train near the old neighborhood the electricity tends to flicker.

Not to the point the power goes off, but it does cause the lights to flicker. Once the lights came back on a fifth figure is seen in the room.

He is seen wearing a black and red costume with a red spider symbol on his chest. He is also seen wearing a red hood over his head wearing a mask, while he has a belt around his waist with a spider symbol on the belt buckle.

He is seen leaning against the door watching the men take the money, while checking the time on the clock nearby. He tries to figure out the best way to approach the men and went with clearing his throat getting their attention.

"Hi there. You guys here to withdraw?" he asked as he sees all four men wearing masks that belong to the Avengers. "Whoa! It's the Avengers! Wow, it's awesome to meet you guys. My mom told me a lot about you, but man you guys look a lot shorter than I thought you would be."

The leader pulls up his weapon and charges it to fire as the masked vigilante. However, the figure moves his hand up and fires a web blocking the weapon. The man tries to shut off his weapon, but it explodes and send him flying through the window sounding the alarm. The three men all charge at the figure, but see he jumps up to the ceiling and fires two webs at two of the men, moves his arms together, and cause the men to slam into each other.

The third man who is wearing a Hulk mask stopped himself as his friends hit each other. He takes out a handgun and opened fire. The figure jumped down missing the bullets and grabbed the gun. He crushes it with the man's hand causing him to scream.

"Come on, Hulk. You don't need a gun. You just need to smash like so," he kicks the man in the chest knocking him through the open window and into a mailbox denting it. "Like that!"

He said as he picks up the weapon that was used and examines it. "This doesn't look right," he said as he hears a gun cocking behind him.

"Freeze!" said a security guard as he came in to find the injured men. "Turn around with your hands behind your head, Spider-Man!"

The figure now revealed to be Spider-Man turns to the officer with his hands raised. "Wait. You serious? You know I'm the good guy, right? Why are you aiming your gun at me?"

"I don't care about that. Keep your hands up and don't move," said the security guard as he kept his gun on Spider-Man.

His eyes soon turn quickly to one of the men from behind Spider-Man before turning back to the masked vigilante. Spider-Man noticed this and his Spider-senses alerts him of danger from behind. He leaps over as the fourth man that he took out first came in with a crowbar. He swung it at Spider-Man, but missed.

The security guard goes to fire at Spider-Man, but missed and hits the criminal in the shoulder. Spider-Man lands on his feet and used his web to grab the gun out of the guard's hand. He jumps over and kicks him through the door knocking him out. He turns to the injured criminal and kicks the crowbar away.

"See. This is what happens when you try robbing from people," said Spider-Man as he hears police sirens from a distance. He leaves behind a note about the thieves and how across the street a convenient store has footage of the guard helping the criminals.

The police soon arrive just as Spider-Man is on the rooftop across the building. He watches as the police take in the criminals and the security guard into the back of the vehicles.

"Another successful night in stopping crime and saving the day," he said as he opened his backpack and took out a notepad. "And one without causing a lot of damage to any buildings or cars. That's a new one for me," he opened the notepad and wrote this down.

As he puts the notepad away he grabs his phone and checks the time. "Oh damn. I need to get back before she gets home," he said as he puts his things away and leans over to the edge of the building.

There attached to some web is a camera. He pulls the camera out and puts it in the backpack as he took off running.

He uses his web and begins swinging across the city. Trying to make his way towards his home. He swings up to a nearby roof and begins running across the buildings. Jumping over to the next one as he arrives to where he needed to go.

He uses his web again and makes it to a large apartment building. He begins climbing up against the building until he arrives to near the top. He opens the window and sneaks inside quietly. He then slowly closes the window and sighed in relief when he sees he made it in time.

He removes his hood and mask revealing his appearance. He appears to be around 15 years of age with short black hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. He removes his suit revealing an extra pair of clothing underneath. A black tank top, black short, and white socks. He goes to the closet where he puts his mask and costume in a case.

He looks down at his watch and realized he is a few minutes late. "The lights weren't on though. So that mean she isn't home yet."

It wasn't uncommon for his mom to come home late. With her job it tends to keep her busy. Getting home early, late, or till the next morning. So, maybe his luck is changing.

"I can just go to bed and if she asked I will tell her I got home in time," he said as he closed the closet. "And mom will never know I came home…" suddenly the light from his lamp turned on from behind.

He turns around to see a woman in her 30s with short blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and wearing a robe. All while sitting in the boy's chair with a coffee mug near her.

"Without knowing how late her son was to get back home during curfew?" the woman asked as she took a sip of her coffee. "Is that what you were going to say, Ben?"

Benjamin aka Ben slowly turned around to see his mom. "I'm grounded aren't I?"

The woman took another sip of her mug and nods. "Pretty much."

That's the end of the chapter and hope you all liked this chapter. Yep, going with an OC Spider-Man and also for those that figured it out yep the mom is…well you know what? I won't say who it is. I'll keep you guys guessing till next time.

Also, yeah the scene used for the fight was a lot like from the Homecoming movie. As for the year this story is set in I don't know. I decided not to go into any details for it. I have my reasons let's keep it that way.

Anyways, next time depending on how this first chapter goes I will try making it a little longer. Give some development on my character so you guys know more about him. Will I add in more characters? And will any look familiar?

Tune in next time to find out and please leave some reviews. Nothing negative those are banned. Just letting you all know. Take care everyone and bye guys!