Advocate of the Broken Seal-



"What do you mean Aladdin is gone?" Sinbad demanded, his mind going from barely awake to totally alert in the span of time it took one to blink as he sat up on his bed and glared at his fretting general, Ja-far.

"Alibaba went to take him some food earlier- apparently Aladdin has been withdrawing from him and Morgiana lately and they weren't taking it well- anyways, when Alibaba got to Aladdin's assigned room...he was gone. What little bit of his clothing, and a few other things he possessed, are missing..." Ja-far said before pausing, uncertain of how to say the next little bit of information to his king since he was honestly very puzzled about it.

Shortly after Alibaba had gone tearing through the palace raising the alarm, Ja-far and several other generals had gone to Aladdin's room to see if they could find any clues to the whereabouts of the young magi. Morgiana and Masrur of course being just two among the rest of the small crowd.

The moment that the two fanilis had entered Aladdin's bedroom, they had both automatically zeroed in on something that the others didn't notice before in all the panic.

When asked what was wrong, Masrur had bluntly growled the word, "Blood."

After which Morg had tacked on in a worried tone. "A lot of blood. Aladdin must have somehow become injured. The smell of it is so strong that I can only assume that he lot almost enough to render him unconscious!" Her voice was getting more and more scared sounding by the second as she tracked the scent from one corner of the room to the other before finally finding the half burned pile of blood stained rags among some ashes, partially hidden from everyone's immediate view.

Reaching down, she carefully collected the still warm and smoldering pieces in her delicate hands and then stood up holding them for everyone to see.

Alibaba looked at the soiled rags and paled even more than he thought possible as he stared at Morg through wide amber eyes as Masrur tracked what was left over of the scent of blood to the window and leaned out a little bit to sniff the air, before stating. "Aladdin's scent ends here."

"You mean to say that he flew off while injured?" Sinbad asked curiously, the gears in his mind turning faster than they should have given his hangover. However he couldn't help but wonder just how Aladdin had managed to get around the runes in the room without alerting anyone to the use of his magic, like he had when he and the others had first been brought to Sindria.

Sinbad made a soft humming sound as he thought for a moment before asking, "Have you gotten several teams together to search the island for Aladdin? I don't want him to remain missing if he's injured and losing a lot of blood." Sin said as he gazed straight ahead. His normally warm honey gold eyes were cold, indicating the depth of his displeasure about losing the young magi.

Especially when the boy could prove to be a very valuable ally for not only Sin and his generals but for their kingdom and home.

"Yes of course."

"Good, then give the order. I want Aladdin found and returned to the palace to be treated immediately."

"Hai!" Ja-far said as he bowed to his king and quickly ran from the room, leaving Sinbad sitting there lost in thought. There was much of this that didn't make any sense to him.

For starters, how did Aladdin get around the runes? They were specifically carved into the walls of his room to act as a magical seal to keep the boy out of mischief and trouble. He had never expected that Aladdin would be able to breach them.

The kid either knew magic better than he had first let on or someone else had helped him. The only problem was that the someone who could have helped him- was Sinbad himself, and frankly he had no desire to help the boy escape him.

And second of all, the amount of blood that had been found...where exactly was Aladdin injured? And how bad was it really?

And last but not least, why would he have left the safety of the palace if he was injured? He knew that everyone would be looking for him/worry about him. Granted that the kid had vanished a time or two for about a week or so, but he usually left someone a note and came back in one piece.

Which was what made this incident so peculiar to him. It was simply out of character for the kid to pull a stunt like this out of the blue. Especially while injured.

Aladdin what have you gotten yourself into? Sinbad wondered as he scrubbed his face with his hands and then got up. It was unlikely that he would manage to get any sleep while Aladdin remained missing, so he might as well go and oversee the search parties and be of some actual use.


Morgiana left Masrur's room after making the man swear to her that he would not tell Sinbad nor any of the other generals about the scent of Aladdin's blood. He had naturally been reluctant to promise her to keep silent about their finding, but after a very passionate and persuasive talk from her- he had finally given in and promised that he would say nothing of Aladdin's new and slightly startling development.

It wasn't his place to speak of it anyways. Or so he had said before he had pushed her out of his room and told her to go and speak with about the development with Alibaba since the young man was practically beside himself with worry.

So that's what she was going to do, as she walked through the palace halls, taking note of various numbers of people littering the hallways. Searching various empty rooms and so on as she passed them.

Everyone in the palace was franticly searching for Aladdin, including each of Sinbad's generals and of course, Sinbad himself.

It had been almost three hours since Aladdin had been discovered missing and Morgiana was beginning to wonder if they would even find...him? After all, how far could- he- have possibly gone? Especially in...his current state.

Sighing, she admitted to herself that to continue the charade and refer to Aladdin as a male would inevitably cause her great distress. But she was so used to referring to the girl as such that she simply couldn't stop now. Not even if her life depended on it.

Finally sighting Alibaba, standing alone with a map of Sindria that Sinbad had been kind enough to hand to him a little while ago so that he could help them search for Aladdin better, she made her way over to him and laid a hand on his shoulder to draw his eyes to her.

Turning his head, he looked at her for a moment before taking note of her 'all business' expression and lowered the map as he asked, "What is it? What's wrong?"

"We need to talk."

"Can it wait?"


He sighed and began rolling the map back up and then gave her his total and undivided attention. "Alright, Morg. What's up?"