AN: So here it is: my first story, I finally got around to it. Finally climbed the mountain of procrastination and lack of motivation, blah blah blah, y'all get the point. Just a fair warning for you guys, my boy Jaune is going to be OOC, he's going to be a little bit of a mix between himself and Shizuo Heiwajima from Durarara!, my favorite character and anime. If any of you don't like it, that's fine I guess but please at least give my story a chance.

I've thought about doing a story like that for a long time, and I was initially going to do a Percy Jackson story like this one but I decided to make the setting in RWBY so that Jaune's abilities wouldn't be too out of place.

I also thought about making Shizuo the main character of this story as opposed to Jaune so that it would be SNPR instead of JNPR which would be pretty lit. But I don't think my story would have as big of an audience as it might have if I do a straight RWBY story instead of a crossover.

This might seem a bit gratuitous to some but Rest in Peace, Monty Oum.

Anyways, I obviously don't own RWBY or Durarara! so there's that. Now on to the story...

Chapter 1 - Second Chance

I felt the bat's impact against the back of my head and the feeling of warm blood dripping down my face as I stared at the ground. The clean asphalt streets of Vale, illuminated by the the streetlights, were suddenly marred by droplets of blood coming from MY head. I could feel the volcano of rage within me about to erupt as I ball my hands into fists in an attempt to stave off the inevitable onslaught.

Let me just make this clear from the get-go: I hate violence. As you continue to read my story, you'll come to suspect that that really isn't the truth and, to be honest, I can't really blame you. I hate violence but I'm forced to live a life where violence is a necessity. Ever since I took that job as a bodyguard for a former classmate (now debt collector) to earn some cash after the whole Signal debacle, that ironic truth has been apparent. I really, truly, sincerely wish I could live on a peaceful island somewhere but when you're cursed with my particular set of abilities, that really isn't an option. I've always had a hair-trigger temper but it wasn't until one day when I woke up to see that my older sister had eaten my chocolate pudding that I had discovered that I had become incredibly strong as well. One moment I saw my sister scooping the last of the pudding out of the cup and the next I found myself holding the fridge over my head, preparing to throw it at my sister in a fit of rage. Thankfully my arm had pretty much shattered otherwise something much worse could have happened... At first my body wasn't able to handle my newfound strength, I literally am unable to count the number of times I had to be sent to the hospital for broken bones (thank the gods for free healthcare), someone I once knew theorized that, for whatever reason, the part of my brain that restricted my strength no longer worked anymore so, anytime I used my 'super' strength, my body would start to break down. However, after years of abuse, my body has only grown more resilient and has caught up to my strength so, unfortunately, I can fight without any harmful side affects besides the ones that an enemy might inflict upon me.

I took another deep breath as another futile attempt to stop my temper in its tracks but that's when I saw the cigarette on the ground. That bastard made me waste a cigarette...

"-Blonde hair, blue sunglasses-"

"-Bartender outfit-"

"-Shit! is that Jaune Arc?"

Ruby watched in worry as the blonde man (apparently Jaune Arc) who had quite literally walked in the middle of her fight, stood unresponsive after receiving a blow to the head from one of the dastardly criminals. Maybe he was one of those crazy people that her sister warned her about after they explored Vale together and saw a guy shouting about how he loved humans. Her train of thought was halted when she heard a gruff voice ring out across the street and realized it came from the crazy blonde guy.

"You just went for my head, didn't you? You know, if you hit someone the wrong way, you could kill them, right? If you know this, then you were trying to kill me, right?" At his point he finally looked up and revealed a blood-soaked, murderous expression. Definitely crazy. "Which means whatever I do next, you deserve it, right?"

All muttering from the gang of criminals ceased, it seemed like the whole world had gone silent and waited with bated breath for what would happen next. Then bam! The criminal that had attacked the crazy blonde guy was sent flying without his clothing and landed with a dull impact across the street. Apparently he was hit so hard his clothes had flown off; Ruby was amazed, she doubted even Yang could pull off something like that and she was going to Beacon!

The next few moments were total chaos as the gang decided to go all in and rush the guy, Ruby would have helped him but she was kind of starstruck, sure he didn't have a sweet weapon like her baby, Crescent Rose, but he was taking them all on with just his fists. The first thug to reach him was dispatched with a quick headbutt before he was picked up, spun around like a pizza, then launched at the nearest wave of gang members, knocking them out of commission before they could even land a blow. His movements were somehow graceful and he flowed like water through his enemies but the sheer amount of brutality and violence kind of scared her, was he some kind of huntsman? She was torn out of her reverie when she noticed the boss attempting to flee the scene with the dust, Jaune seemed to have noticed as well because he seemed even more angry, if that was even possible. Leaving the small fry to the blonde and ducking below stray debris (including pieces of the street and some of the criminals), Ruby chased after the boss.

Torchwick's flashy outfit and orange hair stood out against the grey and white architecture of Vale, thought Ruby with derision as she watched him make his way up the ladder of a building, why he was going to an obvious dead-end? She had no idea, but she wasn't just about to let him get away with it. Wasting no time with the ladder, she simply used the gravity dust bullets currently loaded in Crescent Rose to propel herself over and onto the roof of the building in order to intercept the boss. He appeared neither shocked nor fearful at her sudden (and perfect) landing on the roof and for a few moments they had a tense stand-off, the sounds of his henchman being clobbered were the only sounds that accompanied the strange scene of a criminal boss facing a fifteen-year old girl.

The sounds of fighting died down and Ruby smirked, hopefully angry blonde guy (promoted from crazy) would be able to help her against Torchwick, however he still looked unperturbed and even started to smirk a little at the girl's newfound confidence. The cacophony coming from below the building was replaced by the uproar of jet engines as a Bullhead flew into view behind the gang leader. He confidently turned his back to Ruby and strode to the passenger bay and climbed into the aircraft. Naturally, Ruby didn't just let him get away with that, once she got over the shock and covering fire from the Bullhead she attempted to rush Torchwick before he could get away. However, before she could land any attacks, the jetcraft gracefully flew just out of her reach but within her hearing range so that he could taunt her. So close yet so far.

"Goodbye Red! I would say that it was a pleasure but then I'd be a liar AND a crook!" He apparently found his joke amusing because a mocking grin made its way onto his face "It's truly a shame that I made you stay up past your bedtime! Sayonara!" He then aimed his admittedly cool cane/gun combo and shot at Ruby, she could see that it was going towards her feet so she simply dashed back instead of receiving the blow with a block. To her surprise, however, the explosion was kind of huge and sent her flying back farther than she expected, almost over the edge but she was caught by a strong pair of arms before she could test if her cape would allow her to glide down below (something even her Uncle Qrow had never allowed her to do.)

She looked around in confusion before she saw a (kind of) familiar head of blonde hair, he then let go of her, letting her slide to the ground before she got up and dusted her self off.

"Thank you" she said gratefully (to which he simply nodded) before looking at him in confusion "Why do you have a vending machine with you?"

"I was gonna throw it at him." said the angry blonde guy simply while scratching the back of his head.

Ruby tilted her head in confusion, that guy looked plenty strong when he was fighting those thugs but was he really strong enough to carry a vending machine (not an empty one, mind you) up the side of the building? "Are you some sort of huntsman?"

"No, I'm unemployed." said the blonde gruffly while crossing his arms. She had obviously pushed one of his buttons.

Any further inquiries were interrupted by the sound of police sirens and doors opening and slamming shut. Ruby tugged on the blonde's arm "Come on, let's go tell 'em about Torchwick and what happened here!"

Angry seemed apprehensive at the prospect of meeting so many policemen which Ruby didn't really understand, he was a hero wasn't he? He pretty much stopped the whole gang by himself! By the time that they had descended the ladders, she noticed that the street almost looked like a warzone: men groaning for their mothers were strewn about with their limbs bent at odd angles and she spotted several dented streetlights torn out of the sidewalk; he must've really done a number on those thugs... One of the Vale policewomen noticed them and nudged one of her comrades on the shoulder and pointed them out.

"We finally got ya, you bastard!" said the officer in a suit (probably a detective), his defining features were his beard-lined square jaw, brown hair with streaks of grey, a pair of aviators and the toothpick positioned at the right corner of his mouth. Ruby was startled by the assertion, did they mean her? Did they find out about the pair of cookies she stole from a convenience store when she was five?!

"I guess you did, but what are you gonna charge me with?" impetuously inquired Angry, his hands shoved into his pockets "Stopping a robbery? Taking care of a gang of criminals for ya?"

"How about destruction of property?" the inspector gestured towards the discarded streetlights with a nod of his head, a triumphant smirk on his face "Not to mention the fact that, once we search ya, we'll probably find some smokes on ya too!"

Ruby was confused now, the blonde and the detective seemed awfully familiar with each other but, based on the fact that he stopped the robbery, Angry didn't seem like much of a criminal even if he was a bit destructive when he fought. Okay, maybe not a bit. And why would he be charged for possession of cigarettes, he easily looked like he was in his late teens/early twenties and smoking was banned for those under the age of eighteen. She cleared her throat and the inspector looked at her in surprise, as if he didn't even notice her in the first place.

"Who the hell is she?" inquired the detective, looking both towards his subordinates, and Angry for an explanation.

"I dunno who she is but she did help with trying to stop the robbery." said the blonde gruffly with a careless shrug of his broad shoulders.

"Well she's probably involved in this shitstorm too." he nodded towards the other officers and two walked towards the crime-stopping duo, a pair of cuffs in each of their hands "Bring her in too, I wanna question the both of 'em."

"Jaune Arc and...?" she noticed that the detective was looking at her with a questioning look and she answered dejectedly with her name "Ruby Rose, you are both under arrest for the destruction of public property and for suspicion of being involved in the armed robbery of From Dust 'Till Dawn. You have the right to remain silent, if you do say anything, it can be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to have a lawyer present during any questioning and if ya can't afford one, one will be provided for ya."

Her rights were dictated with a surprising amount of decorum, thought Ruby, she thought he would've been like one of those dirty city cops from all the movies she and her family watched. As the the pair of handcuffs were placed around her wrists, only one thought entered her mind: she should've just borrowed some dust from Yang instead of going out to buy some by herself at night.

The only light in the room flickered on and off repeatedly, bathing the sole occupant in the room in a maddening, inconsistent light, water was dripping noisily somewhere off in one of the corners; it was like a setting from a cliche movie where the 'loose cannon' cop takes his interrogation efforts a step too far and gets kicked off the force. Was it even an interrogation room or did they just set up this room for a special occasion? His eyes twitched in irritation and a vein throbbed on his temple, one hand cradled his head while the other one (which was cuffed to a rusty, metal table) tapped the surface relentlessly creating an inconsistent beat that, in combination with his setting, was honestly starting to drive him a little crazy. Jaune was pretty sure that Detective Burns kept him waiting just to see him go stir-crazy before he interrogated him, the thought made him pissed off and he was sorely tempted to just break through his bonds, punch a hole through the wall and escape the station. However, he didn't really want to turn into a criminal, nor did he want to live life on the run as that would actually justify the actions of any thug trying to attack him, he would be outside the law after all. Plus, there was the fact that he didn't think that he would be able to afford the mounting destruction of public property and underage smoking charges. The blonde sighed despondently and practically slammed his head against the table, relishing the feeling of the cool metal against his skin. His head still kind of hurt since that red-eyed officer that had been leering at him (probably) purposefully hit his head against the roof of the car as he was being ushered into the back seat.

His head snapped up quickly, almost causing him whiplash, at the sound of the dingy door unlocking. He straightened his back and tried to look like he wasn't going crazy from the flickering light above him, he wanted to look as rock solid as possible so that Burns didn't get any satisfaction from his imprisonment.

The first one to step into the room was a man with messy grey hair who didn't look nearly old enough to have grey hair, but Jaune had seen plenty of strange hair colors before so he wasn't too fazed by it, he wore a black suit with a green scarf and also had glasses that were positioned lower down on the bridge of his nose. The blonde blinked in confusion, he clearly wasn't a police officer, so maybe he was the police chief? A private investigator maybe? Some sort of torture technician? The next person made Jaune blush a little and he pushed his blue sunglasses up his nose into their corret position to look a little more proper; Tom had always teased him for being into older women whenever the topic of his romantic life came up, much to the blonde's annoyance, so what if he liked more... mature women? She had neat blonde hair tied into a bun with a few strands hanging down the front of her face, she looked like a more risque office worker, like someone decided to dress up like a sexy secretary for Halloween. Her cape and the severe expression on her face as she looked about the room made him reconsider those thoughts, to him she looked like some sort of huntress (or huntswoman?)

"You are Jaune Arc, correct?" asked the man while looking at him with piercing brown eyes.

"Could be... who's asking?" replied Jaune gruffly, he wished he could cross his arms to drive home the point that he wasn't totally impressed by his interrogator but one of his arms was restrained so he simply settled for glaring at the guy.

The coffee-drinking man didn't seem too put out by the blonde's disrespect, much to Jaune's annoyance. "Me? Well I'm Professor Ozpin, though you might know me as the Headmaster of Beacon Academy." He then gestured towards the woman "This here is Glynda Goodwitch, my colleague, a professor at Beacon Academy."

Jaune's mouth slid open before he closed it back up with an audible click, he immediately regretted addressing the Professor with such a disrespectful greeting, not that he would admit it out loud, doing so would only make him more foolish than he actually was. But what the hell did the Headmaster of Beacon Academy, one of the few premiere combat schools, want with some thug like him?

He cleared his throat before voicing his thoughts "Why is the Headmaster of Beacon Academy visiting a lowlife like me?"

Goodwitch looked like she agreed with the question which kind of hurt his feelings, just because he acknowledged it didn't mean others had to.

"To be perfectly honest, I've been looking into you for a long time." seeing Jaune's confused expression, he clarified: "When you're in my line of work you to tend to look for potential candidates among the people of this world and when I saw someone with a reputation such as yours in my own backyard, you could say that I decided to keep tabs on you. 'The Strongest Man in Pond Alley', 'Violence Incarnate'... 'The Blonde Guy in the Bartender Suit', those are only some of the titles you have acquired over the years." He paused for dramatic effect "Tell me, what do you aspire in life?'

His piercing eyes were obviously looking for a specific answer, albeit a truthful one, so Jaune decided to give it his best shot: "Well, I've kind of always wanted to be a huntsman, y'know? Follow in my family's footsteps, do some good with my abilities." He scratched his smooth, beardless cheek, the next part was embarrassing "But, that didn't really turn out well, Signal turned me down for... reasons and after my career choices, I just didn't see it as possible."

Ozpin raised his bow and nitpicked his answer "Didn't?"

"Up until now it didn't seem possible." Ozpin motioned for him to go on, looks like he picked the right answer "As I said before, it would be kind of weird for the headmaster of a prestigious academy to visit a lowlife in a police station but, given how you look for potential, it's possible that you see me as a candidate for your school. This might be wishful thinking on my part but, I don't know, it just seems like this is how it's going down, y'know?"

There was a slight pause in the conversation, the headmaster seemed to be evaluating him before he adopted an approving expression before looking back at his silent companion and sending her a nod. Jaune didn't think someone could look so begrudging while tapping a few buttons in their scroll but Professor Goodwitch shattered his expectations. Despite her negative attitude, the blonde teen could feel his heart soar at the prospective meaning of her actions.

"Alright then, welcome aboard." said Ozpin nonchalantly, his expressive once more neutral.

"What! Really?" demanded Jaune, despite partially expecting (or hoping for) the answer, it still came as a shock.

"Really." he now had a smirk on his face.

"Wow! I don't- I don't really know what to say..."

Ozpin ignored the younger man's ramblings "There will obviously be some conditions" That got Jaune's attention "There will be no smoking on campus, it doesn't matter if you're above legal age or not. You will also have to visit the therapist at least once a week to see if we can rid you of that dreadful temper of yours."

Jaune paused at that, he could certainly see the value behind that proposal but he was reluctant to talk about his feelings and a bit embarassed about the fact that he would have to visit a therapist, not to mention the fact that he would have to give up smoking. Jaune sighed and wiped his sweaty palm on his thih before extending it across the table "Deal."

"It was a pleasure doing business with you," said Ozpin playfully while shaking Jaune's hand "let's see if we can get you out of these cuffs..."

AN: So what'd you guys think? Was it good, terrible, rough around the edges?

In any case, please review or send me a private message with recommendations, compliments, advice, constructive criticism, even just plain old criticism, it doesn't have to help me but I'll still appreciate it.

Feel free to flame too; freedom of speech and all that.

Please share this story with others as well, the more people that give me feedback, the better this story will be.

Or don't... that's your choice.

Also, I already have two candidates in mind for Jaune's pairing and I pretty much have my mind set on them but if you have suggestions, I'll keep my mind and my eyes open to them.

Here's a little outro, hope you guys get it, if not, it shall be explained in due time.

"I suppose I have to thank you, Glynda." said Ozpin with a hint of mirth.

"Whatever for?" asked Goodwitch in confusion.

"If not for your presence, I doubt Mr. Arc would have accepted my offer." said Ozpin coyly, his smirk hidden behind a mug to which his colleague simply rolled her eyes. They had obviously noticed Jaune's... roaming eyes.

They watched as the new student collected his belongings from the policeman at the desk and noticed his growing ire, most likely due to the fact that he would not be receiving his cigarettes due to his age. The words 'private property' were tossed around quite often.

"We're going to need to replace the dining hall's glasses with plastic, or perhaps metal cups." said Ozpin while sipping his coffee much to Goodwitch's confusion.