AN: Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood evening my Imperial Storm Army! So I did a thing...I signed up for NaNoWriMo...yup...*dies* Anyway. Drama aside. I'm doing it this year because I find I really need to improve not just my focus but my writing game in general and I think doing this will help me a lot. That and I've had this book on my back burner for so long, I feel awful and I really need to get it out there. So there's that as well. If you want to keep up with my progress on my draft, go to and search for The Mystery of Jason Barrow! Let reviews if you wish! Let me know how I'm doing and what you like so far :) Since it's the first draft constructive criticism is welcome! Moving forwards! Loving season 13 so far, it's a big step from 12 which didn't start out so great in my opinion, so it's good to see they've improved a lot and they've gone back to their roots! Somewhat. Lol. I'm also really loving Sam playing Dad to Jack. It's super sweet and such a Sam thing. Always taking care of others before himself. *pets Sam* Good boy! Jack is also a great character. He wants to make Sam proud and get Dean to like least a little. Come on Dean! How can you say no to such a precious little cinnamon roll?! *huggles Jack to death* Alright. Moving forward. This is the final chapter! I know, I know. But it's been a fun ride and Jack will be back ;) When we left off, Dean kicked ass! Rumsfeld did too!

Sylwinka1991-Thank you sweetie! Rumsfeld will be getting all the treats and belly rubs XD Glad you you enjoyed my love!

elliereynolds777-Cold pizza is the best! It's the breakfast of champions XD Yes, I remember it! Red Meat's one of my favorite episode :) I had another escape plan in mind for Sam, but went with this one. The escape I originally had planned will be used next time ;) Hehe Rumsfeld will be getting a lot of treats and belly rubs! Yes, now it's time for everyone's been waiting for, the fluff! I had a great Halloween! How about you?

Enjoy my loves

Join me and Team Free Will as Mutilated Pancake on Facebook or Twitter MissPancake9

All mistakes are my own and flames are not welcome

Because Fluff

"Dean. I'm okay, you can take your eyes of me for a few minutes." Sam said hiding a smile.

"Did you take your meds this morning?" Dean asked ignoring Sam.

"Yes mother." Sam said rolling his eyes.

"Sammy-" Dean started.

"Dean. I'm okay." Sam said. "What's going on with you De?"

"Nothing. It's you we've been worried about." Dean said taking Sam's book and tucking the blanket around his shoulders when Sam shivered.

It had been two weeks since the incident and Sam was doing much better. After getting Dean and Bobby untied, Sam collapsed due to his injuries and his fever which had spiked. The infection he had, had gotten worse when he rescued his family. But that's not what scared his brother and his father figure. What scared them was that Sam heard Dean and Jack fighting upstairs, he had gotten up from the floor and had stumbled up the stairs with Bobby behind him. Bobby did his best to keep Sam down but it didn't go well. Jack and Dean didn't hear Sam coming up due to all the wrestling around they were doing. Sam made it to the kitchen and whistled then watched as Rumsfeld tore Jack apart. Sam collapsed once more and Dean rushed over to him, and screamed at Bobby to call the hospital, Sam had stopped breathing.

Dean shuddered at the memory. He was snapped out of the thoughts when he heard his baby.

"Dean!" Sam called again.

"Sorry Sammy. Lost in thought." Dean said with a smile hoping Sam would buy it, but his Sammy was too smart.

"Dean, please. Tell me what's wrong." Sam said using his puppy eyes.

'Must resist. Must resist. MUST RESIST!' Dean thought to himself. 'DAMMIT!' He failed.

Dean took in a deep breath and sat down on the coffee table in front of Sam.

"I thought I lost you Sammy. For good this time." Dean started. He looked at Sam and Sam looked him telling him it was okay to continue. "First I pushed you away which lead to your kidnapping. Then you get hurt, then sick, you fucking stopped breathing, you spent a week in the hospital and you're still not a hundred percent. It's all my fault."

Sam freed himself from the swaddle and hugged Dean. Then swatted him upside the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Dean asked rubbing his head.

"For being stupid!" Sam snapped. "Dean. It was my idea to take a break without telling you."

"Yeah, but I pushed you into it. I hadn't been dealing with dads death like I needed." Dean said.

Sam shook his head with a giggle.

"What's so funny?" Dean asked with a raised eyebrow.

We'll never agree with anything, so let's just we're both stupid and this was both of our faults." Sam said.

Dean chuckled and gently hugged his Sammy.

"I'm so sorry baby boy." Dean whispered sadly clinging to Sam.

"It's okay. I got my daddy back, so it's all good." Sam whispered back and snuggled into Dean.

Dean smiled and tucked Sam back into the blankets, then ordered to sleep. Sam rolled his eyes but snuggled into the blankets with a yawn. Dean was back to looking after his baby and Sam had his dad back. It was all good in the hood.

Meanwhile Back At Jack's Manor

A scarred body with torn clothes walked into the door and went to a large bathroom. The man cleaned up and went into the mini OR. He sterilized the entire room while washing all the linens and blankets. The man sharpened all the scalpels and other knives. When the man was finished, he was found in the sun room watching the late night storm swirl above with a glass of wine.

"Soon. Very soon. My work will be completed." The man said with a crooked smile.

Lightning flashed and painted the man in an evil light. This was far from over.

THAT FLUFF WAS SO FLUFFY MY PILLOW IS JEALOUS! Thanks for all the love and support. Next story coming to a FF near you this week!

See ya in the next thrilling season of Supernatural!