I am severely pissed.
No no no no! Annabeth was already shot and pulled away by her cousin. No way in bloody hell was I going to accept this person getting shot! Nope. Nu uh! Sorry not happening. Where the bloody hell were those two anyway? I thought. Next thing I knew, Carter's sword dropped to the grown and so did our colourful friend's weapons. Then I heard a prominent THUD of zombie boy passing out.
"I-Idiot." Green bean grunted through their teeth. They were squeezing their pink shoulder which was quickly getting red. Annabeth came out from behind the door and ran to her cousin.
What I did? I tackled Sir Splatter paint and punched him so many times I lost count. Then I got up and smiled at my brother, "I feel much better now." He just stood there in kinda shock I guess. I didn't do any real damage. For all I knew this was some nut job who could just see the odd world around us. I've met quite a few of those in New York.
"Fucking...Your such an idiot Maggie."
Carter ran over to our injured fashion statement. He applied more pressure to the wound and greeny thanked him with a two colored glare. My brother didn't flinch. "Is there a better place we can do this?" He asked.
"...We could go to where they live." Annabeth said as she picked up her unconscious relative. "Alex do you think you can call your sister?"
Green bean, who I assumed was Alex, grunted, "Yeah." Carter help Alex up.
I felt like doing something semi-helpful so I sat on gun slinger and then kicked him the groin. Which inconvenienced him a little more so I hope that did something. Then I noticed something, "Annabeth? Why aren't you hurt?"
Once again she hesitated, "Magnus healed me." I looked at Alex then back at Magnus. I then walked over and slapped him.
His eyes darted open,"Gah! Ow!"
"Welcome back Chase." Alex said weakly.
"Alex!" He ran over and set his friend down. "You got shot!"
"Yeah no kidding Maggie." Magnus seemed a little relived to hear the snark in his bleeding friend's voice. He started to glow faintly as he placed his hand on Alex's shoulder. Eventually, after a few minutes of silence, the bleeding stopped. Now the only blood on the sweater vest was just the stain. Alex looked at me, "You slapped him."
"Yes?" I said.
Alex gave me an approving smirk, "Please refer to me as she and her until I say otherwise." Carter and I nodded.
"What are we going to do with the paint ball shooter?" Carter asked as he picked up the guns. The gunman groaned in pain. I may or may not have smiled to myself a bit.
"Well does he have any artifacts on him like the ones back in New York?" Annabeth suggested while scanning the guy over to see if there's any odd about him. Well, odder. I started inspecting his clothes and his long jacket.
"What about that weird tattoo on his arm?" Magnus said.
I saw what he was talking about. On the man's arm was a tattoo with the Egyptian hieroglyph, cidib: kill. The glyph was repeating itself in a circle with red ink. Inside the circle was a pharaoh's crown, that symbol lulu lemon uses, the letters SPQR, and a tree. "Carter your an endless pit of knowledge, what do you think this means?"
My library brother studied the tattoo but he looked as puzzled as I was. Though he did identify where the symbols came from. "They're all different mythologies. Why did he get this one though?"
"Maybe he's an enthusiast who likes hunting down random teenagers at historical landmarks." Alex suggested.
"That would be quite a news story." I responded with a bit of a laugh.
Annabeth studied the body art closely and her grey eyes lit up, "They're in a specific order." She sat next to my brother, "See? Look." Carter picked up the guy's arm to get a better look and Maggie even seemed a bit interested by peeking over. "The Omega is in the front then the tree."
I could practically see my wiki brother's wheels turning. He furrowed his brows, "The color is darker on those symbols as well."
I finally decided to break up the detective case, "Um excuse me can you explain what's going on to the rest of us in here?"
Annabeth looked at me, "I think we were targeted."
"Um why?" Magnus asked.
"Your really asking that now Maggie?" Alex said as she slipped on some sunglasses which I found quite random but fitting. It was an odd combination.
"What do you mean?"
"Well let's see." She put her finger on her chin and looked as if she was trying to think of how to explain something to a child, "Loki is getting ready to sail in a few months and I believe the best way for us not to be ready would be to distract us with another threat."
Carter was finally confused, "Wait what? Loki? The Norse god?"
Annabeth gave a quick, "Yep." And that was really all that was needed.
"Well I do like Tom Hiddleston in those Avengers movies. Way better than Thor." Magnus looked like he wanted to argue but then he detracted because that's a war he will never win.
Instead he reinstated what was going on, "So we're being distracted? But why attack Annabeth and you guys too?"
"Less threats from others?" Carter said uncertain if he was actually right which I have to admit was quite refreshing.
"I guess if we were killed off then the end of the world would happen easier for those who want it." Annabeth sounded like she was speaking from experience which honestly didn't surprise me.
"But those tattoos are in a specific order right?" I said, "So we're in a bloody game of guess who needs to run for the hills next?"
Alex snorted, "Sound like a party."
"You mean home?" Zombie boy added. She gave a smirk then shrugged like it was just another Wednesday.
"So who's next?" Alex studied the arm with her two toned eyes seeming perplexed as she got to symbols she didn't recognized.
Annabeth gave the tattoo another look, "Huh."
We all gave her a collective, "What?"
"The darker symbols are people who already got shot."
"So X's or something?" Alex said, "Get shot then get out of jail free card?"
I would've laughed if Carter didn't say what he did, "Sadie...we need to run."