"Okay, ever all gotten our Z-Crystals." Connor said. He placed the Dragonium Z on the table. "Dragonium Z, from Poni Island's abandoned Trial grounds."

Mustang put the Waterium Z on the table next. "Waterium Z, from Akala Island on Brooklet Hill."

"Then there's Ghostium Z. From the abandoned Thrifty Mart on Ula Ula Island." Morph said putting hers next.

"That makes four crystals along with the one we got from Melemele island, the Darknium Z." Connor said.

"So, now what? To find out the weakness of the Elements, what do we do with these crystals?" Morph asked.

"The Z crystals function as their hearts. I need to figure out their capabilities." Betty said.

"And how do you think we can do that?" Hawkeye asked.

"Not we...Me. This is my department now." Betty said. "Please leave me to my work."

"Okay. If anyone comes to try and stop you...we'll…" Connor said before Betty pushed him out.

"Connor, I like the monologues but now is not the time." she said shoving him out and locking the door.

And so with them out of the room, Betty began experimenting with the crystals and studying them. Gauging their strengths.

"I can see why Flux used these as the cores. These crystals hold an immense amount of power with the capability to hold more and more." Betty said. "Is there a way to find a way to beat the elements?"

This continued for days on end before Betty came out sleep deprived.

"I give up." she said to them.

"What?" Connor asked.

"These crystals are the perfect conductors and power sources. They can't be stopped, therefore, we can't defeat the elements for good. It used to be that they would stop to recharge after use of the z move, but because of their adaptations that won't work. The Enhanced and the human race are doomed." Betty said.

"What? No no! You can't say that." Morph said in panic. "I am not being killed."

She ran into the lab and began messing with different equipment. "Look! I'm doing science stuff! See? I'm helping!" she said before she accidentally dropped a hammer as it dropped onto Waterium Z and shattered it.

"Morph!" Connor shouted.

"Sorry!" she panicked trying to piece it together.

"You idiot! All of my days wasted and you shattered it! You...shattered it…." Betty said before realizing. "Of course. The answer was looking at me right in the face. Z crystals may hold power but they aren't indestructible. Take out the crystal and you have no power."

"So the crystals are not only their source.. But also their weak spot!" Connor said.

"If we can somehow locate a crystal inside of an element, we could shatter or remove it and leave them powerless." Betty said. "This could be the only way to stop them all."

"Should we tell the heroes about this?" Connor asked.

"I'm sure they can eventually figure this out on their own. They're very resourceful." Betty said.

"Then we'll entrust this to them. For now, the plan should be obstructing their other goal and make sure they don't find the government HQ." Connor said. "And it can be done with signal jammers. As of now...destruction of the Elements should be left to the heroes."

The Elements weakness is now known. The heroes will find it, but will Rainbow find it in her fight against Flying? Find out in DImensional Heroes: Star Fox Zero.