Surprise people! I decided to do something crazy for this Special. And what a better way with Tijuana "Best Frenemies" Matt López and Adrian Lord.

And as the surprise... well the title of it says what it's going to happen. Enjoy it people.

The crowd cheered loudly for the match that they were seeing, and it wasn't even the main event yet. The men who were in the match? A good ol' classic going on between people's favorite "The Mexican Lone Wolf" Matt López and "El Ingobernable Internacional" aka "THE ICW International Championship destroyer" Adrian Lord, one of the most hated man of the GWE, SSW... TDW... alright, the whole WFA. Any way, this match is before the main event of this Live Show from GWE on the road to Burning Flare.

The match started like any other match between the two rivals, like exchanging right hooks, hitting forearms, poke to the eyes by Adrian, the traditional trade of superkicks... oh, and let's not forget that both men can fly.

At this moment of the match, both were exchanging blows (again), with Matt having the advantage at this moment, when suddenly Adrian got enough and blocked the next hit from Matt with his own arm, and started with another series of blows but when he goes for a lariat, Matt dodges it by ducking, who runs and bounces to the ropes to try and hit Adrian with a lariat of his own.

Adrian of course dodges it, and bounces to the rope and goes to hit Matt with an hurracarrana, who doing a front flip goes to stands at his feet, as he goes to hit Adrian with a hurracarrana of his own, but Adrian manages to do the same, as he aslo does a front flip of his own.

Both men stare I mean glare at each other, and goes for a dropkick at the same time, falling to the mat and going to their feet quickly, without breaking eye contact as the crowd cheered for the display between the long time rivals. This seems to be another good match for the books.

Beat It - Michael Jackson

Suddenly both men looked confused when they heard the song sounding at the arena. But when the guitar started to sound... it started.

When the guitar in the song sounded, Matt López (you heard me right... read), started to move with the rhythm of the song, while Adrian mouthed "What the-" as he saw that Matt was indeed dancing like Michael Jackson... and he was nailing it.

Suddenly Adrian was taken back when he saw that Matt now was singing (actually it was lip sync) the letter of the song.

Matt was shaking his right wrist as he was taking steps following the rhythm of Michael Jackson, as he was dancing straight to the face of his longtime rival.

"Just beat it! Beat it!" Matt shouted at Adrian's face, as he dodges a short-arm lariat and keeps dancing, to the delight of the fans who were cheering for his best Michael Jackson imitation.

Matt points at Adrian while he dances and lip syncs, while the crowd cheered as they wanted to see the Ingobernable dance against his rival, because it was obvious Matt was igniting a dance-off.

Adrian tried to attack Matt with any kind of hits, but Matt dodges every single one with his dance steps, as Matt keeps issuing Adrian to dance and so as the fans as they hear the chants "Dance!" from the crowd.

Adrian looks at Matt, who is waiting for it... and so as the fans, as Adrian puts his hands at his hips and sighed. And just when he was about to dissapoint everyone, Adrian turns and does a moonwalk towards Matt as he spins around and counters the dance off with his own steps! The crowd cheered loudly for it!

Matt and Adrian starts to mirror each other dance steps, obviously trying to see who is better, as Matt surprises everyone with as he does a spin in the middle before doing half split as the crowd and Adrian lose it!

Adrian decided to counter, as he gets on one knee, and shouting out to Booker T, he goes for a Spinaroonie! The crowd loses it as after the fifth spin, he jumps to his feet, with his arms spread open looking at the crowd.

But for doing that, he lefts Matt an opening as Matt runs behind him and puts him in a Stormmaker, knocking out Adrian and winning the match.

Matt shrugged his shoulders as the fans looked at him, as he says "We were in a match" as he leaves the ring, while Adrian is still knocked out in the ring.

Maybe Matt won the match, but clearly he lost the dance-off.

Well? what did you think of this? This idea came from all the dance-offs seeing from wrestling shows.

And for the next one, well... all I'm going to say is it's going to be a surprise.