Apparently deciding to get married was easier than actually getting married. Shikamaru had to inform his clan, they had to decide a day (it was unanimously decided the sooner the better), plan the ordeal and, Temari- Temari had to tell her brothers. Easier said than done honestly.

But it was fine. There were plenty of other things to figure out. Dual citizenship, for one thing, which was a new option for citizens of Suna and Konoha, (their alliance was the longest of all of the two villages current alliances). Because Temari loved Shikamaru, loved Chouji, knew marriage was her best option- but she'd never forsake Suna to deny her citizenship and become a citizen of another village. Suna was her home, her birthright. It was apart of her as much as the sand was apart of the desert.

Her official standing after the baby was another thing to figure out too. She didn't plan on stopping her work just because she was a mother- but living between Konoha and Suna both meant she wouldn't be able to be Gaara's constant bodyguard anymore. (a thought that upset her more than she wanted to dwell on.) She could continue to be a liaison between Suna and Konoha- move between both villages like she did now- and the baby could come with or Shikamaru could watch it. There. Simple.

Of course- she had no idea what Shikamaru and Chouji thought about this but, that didn't matter. She was the one giving up things here, wasn't she?

Besides. She knew he had been thinking this over since she told him. He had to know she'd never fully give Suna or her work up by now.

(she had considered it for a moment. but the thought of staying home, just a wife, just a mother- it wasn't her. she didn't know how to be anything but a kunoichi- going from that to nothing would kill her.)

She had requested extra time in Konoha but, still, it was used up before she realized it. She knew, without a doubt, that her brothers would know something was up if she didn't return home on time. (she'd be lucky if they didn't send a search party after her.) That meant she had to return home and finally face them. Tell them.

She wasn't looking forward to their reactions.

She left Shikamaru and Chouji with finding a venue- coordinating that sort of thing with a promise of an official date as soon as she spoke to her brothers. (planning social events wasn't a thing she enjoyed- nor did she want to enjoy. if she could have her way they'd merely have kakashi and gaara officiate things, sign papers, and it'd all be done and over with. unfortunately this wasn't the case though, temari was the daughter of a kazekage, sister to another. she was nobility born and raised. this, like every important event in her life, would have to be traditional and tedious and formal.)

She left before dawn on a Friday, the sun not even peeking over the horizon. Chouji and Shikamaru both saw her off, worry in their faces, and she did nothing to ease it off them. (there was nothing she could do.)

"I'll be fine," she said with a wave of her hand.

And like that she was gone.

Traveling to Suna from Konoha, at shinobi speed, took three to four days depending on the route. Temari preferred traveling south west, in a direct line, rather than any other way. It meant going through the Land of Rivers only rather than any other lands. (the land of rivers and the land of storms, tankigakure and amegakure respectively, were considered cursed and haunted lands by most now. the akatsuki had not done good things for their standings.)

It was a pleasant journey- within the Land of Fire at least. The land was dotted with little farming villages and families who were use to traveling shinobi. Occasionally you'd see a group of children rush out and point as she moved by, awe in their eyes.

The Land of Rivers was a different story. there were few villages that dotted the green landscape, the ones that did were usually situated around offshoots of the main river that ran through the land. There were no good natured greetings here- no awe in children. Just angry stares and adults who would pull children close and away when she passed through.

She was relieved once she reached the border, green land beginning to die away into patchy spots of nothing. The relief grew into joy once the landscape gave fully away into desert, sand and wind rolling through.

there were no villages north of suna and only one or two farms. most of the inhabitants of the country lived in Suna, in the Daimyo's village, or were entirely nomadic. What point was there to settle somewhere that had no resources?

It was inhospitable. It was harsh.

It was home.

She arrived to her birth village a little later than anticipated, exhaustion starting to have set in halfway there. This was something she'd have to get use to. Not being able to do like she use to be able to do.

the guards at the gate greeted her amicably, respect shining in their faces. they let her know her brothers had been asking of her, which she waved off with a laugh, before letting her in. Temari knew her little brothers. Knew the moment she didn't show up early they had begun to worry and fret.

She headed for the Kazekage tower first and met Kankuro on her way.

"That Nara rubbing off on you, Temari? Not like you to be late."

"I missed you too, Kankuro."

They walked to the tower together and made their way to Gaara's office with ease. Shinobi lining the hallways stepped aside as they walked by, greeting them with respect. To others it was perhaps unusual- them being so young and being some of the highest ranked shinobi in the village- but it was something they had been trained for since they were born. It was as natural for them as breathing was.

Temari, for her part, played casual well. She hid the worry that grew in her chest with each step she took towards Gaara's office. She knew it was better to get it over with, let the inevitable happen and move forward. She was on short time after all.

But still… it wasn't something she was looking forward to.

Gaara smiled when they both entered the room and gave them his full attention, papers down for once. Temari recalled the shinobi union meeting, speaking of what the other village representatives had said, and waited.

"I'm glad your trip was well," her youngest brother had said, starting to rise from his seat. "I'd like for us to get dinner together, if that's alright. It's been some time."

Kankuro had snorted in agreement, turning to open the door, when Temari stopped them.

"Wait. There's something else."

Both boys turned to look at her. Gaara's head tilted, gentle confusion etched on his face, while Kankuro looked irritated.

"Shikamaru and I are getting married."

(what was that about her finding more graceful or tactful ways to talk to others?)

You could have heard a pin drop.

And then, all at once:


She breathed, rounding on Kankuro who looked more like a feral, angry cat than a human. His face was screwed up, eyes wide, and stance tense. Gaara, behind her, looked more confused than anything.

"You didn't want to get married- what the hell Temari?! Is he blackmailing you?!"

"God, Kankuro! The hell? No! He's not! I'm the one who asked him!"

The anger dropped, hurt etching across her middle brother's face. He stepped back, shoulders drawing together.

"So you want to leave us?"

Temari drew herself up, face shifting into an expression that didn't suit her. Was too soft, too sad for her.

"Kankuro- No. It's not that at all. I'll still be working for Suna- I'd never leave you like that- It'll be like it is now, just my time in Konoha will be a little longer."

"He can't move here?"

It was pitiful. He was like a child again, a boy with no family besides his sister. He never wanted her to leave back then either.


"Enough," Gaara cut the conversation short, stepping out from behind his desk to put a hand on Temari's shoulder. "Congratulations, Temari. Let's go eat."

She knew he wasn't alright- but the fact he was trying to pretend he was meant a lot.

They'd come around eventually.

She hoped.