(a/n kinda a short chapter sorry but yeah hi)
pinkpaladin; once again im absolutely in love with ur reviews, tysmmm! i'm glad you think sera fits in so well! i really tried to like stick her in the world best i could, so i'm happy it worked out. (also ty for thinking their magic is cool, it took forever to think of seraphina's secondary in particular lmfao). i absolutely love both gajeel and juvia as members of fairy tail. (but i don't ship gruvia at all lolol lowkey seems like an advanced form of stockholm syndrome to me). also again TY; i'm so so so excited for her magic reveal. the way i have it set up rn isn't for a while, but there's gonna be hints and build up and ughh i just can't wait! i'm glad u like the concept sm and ty once again for ur very amazing review! :D
mizuna; juvia (& seras reaction towards her, which ur def on the right wavelength) is gonna be an interesting situation that i can't wait to write about ;) buttt i don't think you'll be disappointed! (hopefully;-;)
Seraphina was furious.
Honestly, that word was an understatement, but she was so struck with awe she could hardly think, as the scene in front of her was almost too insane to process. But it was real.
Team Shadow Gear was beaten up badly, and hung to the trunk of the Magnolia South Gate Park tree. The mark of Phantom was painted on the stomach of Levy and Seraphina trembled in realization when she saw their harsh iron shackles.
Gajeel did this.
"Oh no, Levy," Lucy called out staring up at her friend with tears in her eyes.
"Jet, Droy…" Gray continued his eyes wide with shock, had Phantom really gone that low?
And they had. Seraphina was glad now that the rest of Fairy Tail had decided to have a sleepover, at least no one else was harmed. However, attacking any member of Fairy Tail was a grave mistake on Phantom's part… they were going to pay.
"No fucking way,"
Seraphina turned around to see the slack jaw of Arjun Cheema as he stared at the scene in front of them teeming with anger. Aru stood next to her brother and her silver eyes had begun to glow dangerously.
"To think someone would have the gall to do this," the Lunar Mage commented, nails digging into her arms as she attempted to stay calm, "I don't even know what to say, except they're gonna regret everything."
"That they are," Erza Scarlet responded, and Seraphina wouldn't be surprised if she stormed Phantom on her own, with or without the Masters permission.
"Phantom did this," Natsu growled.
Arjun glared at the mark that was painted on Levy's stomach and felt repulsed. It truly was them. He and Aru had been on a job while Phantom attacked both their guild hall and friends. They may not have been able to prevent that, but they sure as hell were going to get revenge.
He took a couple steps closer to the tree and felt his expression soften the tiniest bit. They were going to retaliate, but first had to make sure that Levy, Jet, and Droy would be okay.
"Can someone get us a ladder please?" He asked.
Aru took a spot next to him "they're also going to need immediate medical attention. They've had to have been up there for a while."
Powerful footsteps resonated throughout the park, all the onlookers knew immediately to move out of the way and let the man through. Master Makarov of the Fairy Tail guild was not messing around today.
"Master…" Erza acknowledged solemnly.
"I can take our headquarters being reduced to rumble, but I will not let harm come to my children without taking revenge!" Makarov declared completely crushing his staff into a bunch of tiny pieces. "We have no choice but to go to war with Phantom."
The Phantom Lord guild was having a good day. The news of Gajeel's activities had spread through their ranks like wildfire, and a bunch of their lackluster members were getting ideas.
"We can't let Gajeel have all the fun."
"Yeah, we should go pick off a couple of Fairy Wings ourselves."
A group laughed and made their way to the door of Phantom Lord supremely confident they'd have a good day as well, but they were sorely mistaken.
The doors to the guild exploded with the rage of a red flame, a certain Dragon Slayers attack.
"Fairy Tail's come calling!" Master Makarov shouted.
The Phantom Lord members paused in a momentary lapse of confusion that they soon got over. Fairy Tail had taken out a decent amount of members due to the element of surprise but the non-retaliation didn't last long.
"Alright who wants to play with fire?" Natsu shouted as he used his Fire Dragon Wing attack to defeat a cluster of wizards who headed towards him. A lethal glint was present in his hazel eyes as he continued to fight, he wasn't messing around.
Surprisingly, or not, Seraphina wasn't either. Fairy Tail was way too important to her to allow some stupid bastard to destroy. Gajeel, and in turn Phantom Lord, had also harmed her friends which was a line that could never be crossed.
"Okay, it's my turn!" The Flash Mage called out as a huge magic circle began to build up in front of her. "Flash Beam: Infinity Shot!"
From her magic circle an endless stream of light rays flashed onto the Phantom Lord Wizards in front of her. The purple hued beams shot forward at light speed effectively taking out her ill-prepared opponents. Seraphina smirked confidently, her Flash Magic was too fast to dodge sometimes and if the rest of Phantom was this weak it'd be almost too easy.
"Fire Dragon: Iron Fist!"
Seraphina blinked as a whole platoon of Phantom losers were taken out right in front of her. Natsu really was fired up and so was she.
"Seriously Natsu!" the Flash Mage whined as she jumped up and hit a trio with a slash of light. "I had them!"
"Gotta be faster next time!" The Dragon Slayer commented with a shit eating grin. A blast of fire then shot out to the left of them and he smirked, now was a good time for lunch.
Seraphina laughed as the guild mages cried out about how Natsu was a monster, it was kind of pathetic honestly. She knew there was no way the Element 4 or any of their advanced wizards were here yet, but still this was too fun.
"Ice Make: Saucer!"
A cold wind blasted behind Seraphina and she turned around fast enough to catch a glimpse of the chunk of ice that had taken out a couple of Phantom wizards. She could only assume they were attempting to sneak up on her to defeat her easily.
"Awh, thanks for the assist Gray!" Seraphina said with an appreciative smile which immediately turned into a pout, "But seriously… what's with you boys and trying to one up me?"
Gray smiled and ran a hand through his navy hair, "Sorry Seraphina, but it's just the way it's gotta be." He smirked cockily, "try and keep up!"
Seraphina rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue. Even if those weaklings had managed to attack her from behind she'd have no problem getting the upper hand in battle, but whatever.
Speaking of battle…
"Flash Bomb!"
"Ice-Make: Geyser!"
Seraphina and Gray both sent out an attack. Seraphina's bomb spell sending Phantom's forces flying and Gray's coating them in a freezing husk of ice.
A silver blast then caught the pair's attention and they looked to the left where the Cheema twins were causing quite a ruckus. Aru and Arjun were taking out Phantom wizards left and right, same as Erza and Natsu, but the Solar and Lunar mages teamwork was really something to be admired.
"It's almost like they have a telepathic bond," Seraphina grumbled whilst dodging a wind attack before knocking down the spellcaster. She hated to acknowledge Aru's talent, but her and Arjun were a near-perfect team that wouldn't be possible without the Lunar mage's power.
As if hearing Seraphina's inner thoughts, Aru was shrouded in a haze of shadows, and her magic power was given off a lot stronger, a signal that she planned to use a strong attack.
"Gravity Release!"
The area in front of the twins was enveloped in a shadowy haze before everyone in the space began to lose their footing. Aru held her arms up high keeping the spell going, which made the gravity the same as it would be on the moon. It was a harder spell to perform, especially with how many wizards she had caught in her midst, but that soon wouldn't be an issue.
Arjun jumped up from behind his sister, golden eyes glowing determinedly, "Solar Shot!"
A pure blast of sunlight emanated from his hands and took out all the wizards who had been affected by Aru's gravity spell. He rolled on the ground and got to his feet gracefully before nodding at his sister.
Aru's eyes narrowed and she raised her arms even higher before forcing them down aggressively. This corresponded with the actions of her spell and she watched as her opponents crashed onto the floor; the worn wood splitting in response to the enormous pressure.
"Yeah almost…" Gray commented in response to Seraphina's previous claim. He froze a couple more wizards before frowning, "Well they're twins so wouldn't that make sense?"
"Hmm," Seraphina hummed before shrugging her shoulders all nonchalant, "all I know is that we can make just as good of a pair! What do you say Gray?!"
The Ice Mage grinned before he took off his shirt, showing off his lean body and the fact that he was getting serious.
"I say we show these Phantom losers what's up."
The battle at Phantom Lord continued to rage, well more like drag, on. Neither side was giving up anytime soon, and though Fairy Tail had the upper side in morale their fiery determination was starting to wane the slightest bit.
Seraphina in particular was getting seriously annoyed. All these losers just needed to go down, and to think they hadn't even started fighting any of their S class mages yet, speaking of… where were they? They had to have heard about what was going on by now, and she was certain Gajeel at least wasn't one to shy from a fight.
The lavendette pursed her lips and glanced around the guild hall, determined to see anything that could defeat Phantom Lord any sooner. Everything seemed to be the same but a quick glance to the ceiling allowed her to formulate a plan.
"Ahh, I'm such a genius!" Seraphina commented airily. Gray, and Loke who had joined their little duo, looked at her inquisitively.
"I mean you're absolutely right gorgeous," Loke flirted, "but what has your beautiful brain come up with this time?"
Gray resisted the urge to roll his eyes at Loke's flattery. Seraphina wasn't known for being smart, if anything she was like Natsu, but far more ditsy. However, he did know that she had a weird way when it came to fighting, and maybe this had something to do with it.
"I'll be back!" she replied with a wink, "miss you two already!"
"Hey wait where are you going?" Gray called out. The lavendette just flashed a peace sign in response and Gray sighed in exasperation, he wasn't going to get an answer out of her but he wanted to make sure she'd be okay.
Seraphina kept her eyes set on the rafters that crisscrossed up top of Phantoms ceiling. If she could get to the top she could use her Flash Barrage attack to take out far more members of Phantom at once. They'd never see it coming, and then the search for Phantom's master Jose and Gajeel could continue uninterrupted.
Obviously she wasn't strong enough to take out all the Phantom members, but the high ground would definitely aid her and the rest of Fairy Tail in speeding up the process.
Seraphina stiffened before pushing herself back, narrowly avoiding a green-hued beam of light that was aimed at her head. She sighed, that was close, but also if the light had been any faster she would've got hit.
The attacks continued to fly at her and Seraphina bit her lip before ducking, jumping and evading the magic with ease. If they were truly light wizards she was disappointed, this was so slow.
She then made eye contact with a group to the left of her that seemed pretty miffed. If she had to guess she'd say those were her lackluster light mages.
"What are you doing? Hit her again!" One of them yelled, he was wearing a fedora and Seraphina sighed once more, his fashion sense was disappointing.
"Yoohoo! Yes you! In the ugly hat?" Seraphina called out as she cupped her hands over her mouth to be louder, "if you want to hit me again you actually have to hit me in the first place! Best of luck to you though!"
"How are we supposed to hit her if she keeps dodging our attacks?"
"Like this you idiot!"
A fairly large magic circle built up in front of Fedora man and Seraphina observed it curiously. Then a green-hued beam of light shot at her, almost at a worthy speed, almost.
Fedora man and his buddies laughed confidently believing they had wiped out a Fairy loser.
"Oh wow," Seraphina yawned, walking towards them at a lazy pace. She had easily sidestepped that attack and now looked at the aghast face of Fedora man feeling quite satisfied. "All that build up and for nothing? That's pretty pathetic I'll have you know."
"Here," she continued her green eyes glowing with determination, "I'll show you how it's really done!"
A single boost of speed allowed her to get in front of the group and she smirked knowingly as she watched them freak out.
"Flash Mob: Piercing Rays!"
Slashes of light surrounded the group of Phantom wizards who immediately complained about being blind.
"See now that's a bright light," Seraphina grinned before letting a ball of purple magic build up in her palms, "and this is a fast one!"
"Flash Bullets: Rapid Fire!"
Smaller spheres of light pulsed out from the big one she had prepared earlier and knocked out the flunkies with ease. The man in the fedora was taken out last and Seraphina curled her nose with disgust as she looked down at him.
"Get a new hat," she declared to the unconscious wizard, "see now if you had a sombrero, that'd automatically make you the coolest!"
"And you!" Seraphina called out catching the fist of a Phantom Wizard who had attempted to sneak up on her, "don't try and hit me while I'm talking! Be nice!"
The Flash Mage kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying back into a group of his goonies. She exhaled and a small puff of air moved a couple of hair strands out of her face. Now was the perfect time to boost up to the top as there was no one attacking her just yet.
"Flash Boost!"
Seraphina jumped and had an easy descent through the air. The ceiling was a lot higher than she realized and she was afraid she wasn't going to make it. However, she was able to grab it with one of her hands.
She grunted and performed a flip allowing her to land on her feet. Seraphina flailed around for a moment before she was able to catch her balance and she sighed relieved.
As she glanced down below she couldn't help but notice the battlefield below was interesting to watch. The many flashes of different magic being oddly beautiful somehow. However, she couldn't appreciate that right now. They were basically at war and she had to try and take out as many Phantom wizards as she could from up here.
A burst of pain erupted at Seraphina's side as she was unexpectedly hit by something very hard. She cried out before gritting her teeth and trying to ignore how bad it hurt. With some sloppy maneuvering, she was able to remain on the rafter and she glared up at her attacker with malice.
"Oh, you're still standing hmm?" the taunting voice of a male whose identity Seraphina had a pretty good idea of called out. "Pretty tough for some Fairy chick."
Seraphina forced out a laugh, "C'mon silly, you're going to have to do better than that! I mean… I guess your attack ticked a little bit, but I don't think that's what you were going for."
That was a lie, it hurt very bad. The throbbing was beginning to subside the slightest bit, but Seraphina was almost certain she was going to end up bruised. His attack hadn't broken the skin at all either so it's not like her wound would heal fast.
"Yeah, act all tough," he retorted. He was observant enough to know that his attack hurt the girl a lot more than she was letting on. "I know that hurt, do you know who you're messing with? I'm Gajeel, the Iron Dragon Slayer. I'm the one who destroyed your guild hall and beat up your pathetic little friends."
Seraphina rose a brow before giggling, time to do the thing she did very best, be annoying to the bad guys.
"Yeah… uh am I supposed to be impressed or something?" She asked feigning a front of confusion, "The only thing that seems familiar is that you hurt my friends… honestly, so rude, what did they ever do to you?"
Gajeel looked down at her with a plain expression before his arm turned into an Iron Club. Seraphina narrowed her eyes suspiciously, that must've been what he hit her with earlier.
"I'm not interested in having a stupid conversation," Gajeel declared before his red eyes glowed hungrily, "I just want to see every last one of you Fairies go down!"
His Iron Club extended forward barreling toward Seraphina at an alarming speed. The Flash Mage jumped up to the rafter about her head and watched as his attack cut clean through where she was standing previously.
He certainly was strong and with just one conversation Seraphina didn't doubt all the rumors about how ruthless he was. If she was actually going to take him on it would take a significant amount of her magic power and time. Plus she'd have to be serious. Gajeel wasn't going to go easy on her as some male wizards would just because she was a girl and chivalry or whatever, not that she wanted him to, it just made things easier sometimes.
Also… what if she made a mistake?
A quick glance to the guildhall below had Seraphina paint a smile on her lips… maybe she didn't need to.
"Just because you're fast doesn't mean you can dodge me forever!" Gajeel declared sending his club flying after Seraphina once again.
The lavendette frowned while swinging throughout the rafters swiftly, to avoid Gajeel's very constant attacks, "Isn't that exactly what being fast lets me do?"
Seraphina then landed on top of a specific row, that was basically in the center of the guildhall. She looked at Gajeel with a wide smile while he regarded her with a frown.
"So, you're tired already? Really pathetic, even for a Fairy."
"Hmm, yeah…" Seraphina hummed halfheartedly. "Honestly I'm kinda over it, how about you?"
Wasting no time at all Gajeel sent his club after her. Seraphina grinned and mockingly saluted the Dragon Slayer before jumping off the pillar right as his attack neared contact. She soared down and landed in a clearing on the floor below. She got a couple of odd stares from various guildmates and she smiled at them before boosting away the slightest bit.
A loud crack boomed throughout the guildhall and Seraphina looked over her shoulder to see that Gajeel had made his grand entrance to everyone else. He stood haughtily on top of the now broken Phantom Lord bar sign and grinned down at the members of Fairy Tail. Seraphina looked at him and he regarded her back with a cocky smirk.
"Woah, that's Black Steel Gajeel!" A random Fairy Tail member said.
"Yeah, I met him a couple of minutes ago," Seraphina replied before lowering her voice the slightest bit, "I have to tell ya though, he ain't that great."
Nab jumped up behind Gajeel, fist clenched and ready to throw, "You attacked Levy!"
Gajeel easily socked Nab in the gut with his iron club, sending the Fairy Tail wizard flying. With his attack, however, he took out even members of Phantom Lord and a look of confusion clearly painted itself on Seraphina's face. Why'd he attack his own guildmates?
"Show me what you got," Gajeel taunted further. "Unless you scum are too scared to face the Iron Dragon Slayer."
Seraphina rose her brows feeling quite unimpressed. How many times was he going to bring up the fact that he was the Iron Dragon Slayer? It was like his favorite personality trait or something.
The comment must have struck a nerve with Elfman however because he ran forward with resolve.
"Too scared?" He repeated while his arm fulfilled a take over spell, "real men have no fear!"
Elfman attempted to punch Gajeel but he blocked it easily by turning his arm into a rod of iron. Gajeel smirked before attempting to hit Elfman with his iron rod but the real man moved his head to the side to dodge it before catching his iron kick within his rock arm easily.
"Not bad big guy," Gajeel commented.
"Well, that's because I'm a real man!" Elfman responded and Seraphina giggled, of course that was his answer.
She was confident that one of her guild members would be able to defeat Gajeel, and she even had a specific person in mind. He'd definitely want to get involved in the fight and take revenge on Gajeel.
Moments after she thought of that Natsu used Elfman as a springboard to punch Gajeel. Seraphina smirked as the Iron Dragon Slayer was sent flying from Natsu's fist attack.
"Whew, Natsu is fired up now," Wakaba commented.
"Yeah, I'd hate to be that other guy!" Macao added.
"He's quite the wizard," Erza admitted with a proud smile.
Seraphina grinned and spread her arms out, "there's no way Natsu's gonna lose to him!" Her eyes then shone excitedly, "so now, let's take the rest of them out!"
She forced her way through a blockade of Phantom wizards before knocking them down easily with her Flash Bomb. Oddly there seemed to be more of them fighting now. Seraphina groaned when she came to a realization, all the ones that got knocked out earlier were beginning to matriculate back into the fight.
Seraphina was about to attack some more Phantom mages but the entire guild hall began shaking which distracted her. There was only one person who could emit that much magic power, Master Makarov must've started fighting.
A small part of her wished to witness the fight between two wizard saints, but honestly, it would be dangerous to even be near them as they battled.
Plus, she had her own fight to worry about.
"Flash Mob: Minor Chaos!"
It wasn't much of a surprise when her attack knocked out those closest to her. But there were still so many of them.
Seraphina lowkey wanted to make her way back to Gray; they were doing fairly well fighting off Phantom together. It was also assuring to have someone fighting along her side. Before she could make her final decision however a loud crash garnered her attention.
She looked over to where the sound originated thinking that maybe Gajeel and Natsu's fight had gotten intense, but that wasn't the case whatsoever.
"Oh no, Master!" Seraphina exclaimed before zooming over to the fallen wizard immediately.
He was green and seemed to be struck with some sort of illness, but Seraphina couldn't imagine what. She pursed her lips nervously and was lost in thought. How did they defeat him? And so drastically?
"My power… my magical power…"
Seraphina listened intently to his mumbles… his magic power? She gasped when she realized something, there was no magic energy emanating off of him whatsoever. Being in the presence of a wizard as powerful as Makarov always had some power that was noticeable, but now there was nothing.
Gray came to the same realization as her and announced it to the group. Hearing this caused Erza to get even more nervous. Their odds of defeating Phantom were already quite low, but without the Master? Impossible.
Phantom seemed to notice this as well and began to attack Fairy Tail with a newfound resolve. Seraphina grit her teeth and looked at them all before laughing, they were going down Master or not.
"Flash Cannon!"
Her attack took out a couple of wizards but the others must've caught on to her magic because they were able to avoid her light. One Phantom member, in particular, pressed a lot closer to Seraphina than she should've allowed and his sword got within inches of the Flash Mage. She scurried back quickly and swiped him with her magic. Seraphina wanted to use a stronger spell to try and take out more but an order she didn't expect to hear rang out.
"We must retreat!" Erza Scarlet shouted. "Everyone back to the guild at once!"
Everyone in Fairy Tail looked at her shocked. Many protested this and Seraphina wanted to as well, but then she felt bad for being selfish. The Master and a bunch of other Fairy Tailers were hurt and being here any longer would be dangerous. Plus, disobeying a direct order from Erza… not what she wanted to do right now.
"Ugh, I hate it when I think rationally…" Seraphina muttered before begrudgingly backing away from the fight.
Most others had already begun retreating. Aru and Arjun were fighting off any Phantom flunkies who got close to the injured and it was a good thing, they were getting a little too cocky in Seraphina's opinion.
As she got closer to the door she noticed two other people hadn't retreated yet, Natsu, which she expected, and Gray. She frowned, surprised that at least Gray wasn't listening to Erza. But the Ice Mage had a big ego, no matter how chill he seemed, and he was most likely still looking for revenge.
"Erza's gonna be big time mad at you~" Seraphina teased lightly as she walked over to Gray.
"I don't care!" Gray snapped holding his fist to prepare an ice make spell. "I'm not going back yet. I won't leave until I have revenge, they're going to pay for what they did to us!"
"You're right," Seraphina admitted. "They are gonna pay, just not right now, kay? We kinda need to get back to the guild with everyone else, and you are strong Gray, but you can't take all of them on yourself. Plus! We can make a cool battle plan when we get back."
She then looked down sadly, "Master is hurt, and there's no way we can win without him. If you decide to stay though, I'm staying too, but I think all of our friends would want us by their side!"
Gray seemed conflicted and Seraphina pursed her lips, if they didn't start going soon all of Phantom was going to attack them. Plus she could just imagine the one-way ticket to pain Erza Scarlet would send them on for not listening.
Seraphina reached her hands out and wrapped them around Gray's gingerly. The icy magic in his palms began to subside and Gray glanced down at her hesitantly. She held his hands apart and looked at him pleadingly.
Gray looked back at the Phantom wizards one more time before gritting his teeth and turning around.
"Ladies first," he said to Seraphina.
She grinned back at him and finally began to retreat with the others, sticking her tongue at as many Phantom wizards as she could. They taunted them with stupid insults that Seraphina really couldn't care less about, but then one thing stood out to her.
She almost stopped cold, but remembered clearly that she was supposed to be leaving. However, she stared up at Gajeel and frowned.
Just what was Phantom doing with Lucy?