*Sees the world around me* Damn... Fanfiction world again? Shit... I blame my monochrome life.

Why am I here again!? But... Well, as a self-proclaimed proclamator I have to bear this somewhat heavy job...

Just want to let you guys know if you hadn't read Mending the Leaves. I'm deciding to take some rest for a couple of months for the sake of my study, perhaps I'm gonna update but that will be rare unlike my recents that only take less that a week break.

And there's another problem with this shot... Of continuation, it.


Alright maybe you guys would read that...

If I Win 2

Pairing: Zhou Zekai/Ye Xiu, ZhouYe, Slight!Everyone/Ye Xiu.

Tags: Another Bet, Zhou Zekai's sacrifice, Sun Xiang's interference, mention of Honeymoon, trying to get laid, still haven't get laid, of course it's still T-rated, Samsara, Happy, Other Teams, large-scale interference, a matter of pride.

Warning: Might Spoils you about Sun Xiang's ehem- spoiler. And Grammar with typos.

Disclaimer: The King's Avatar © Butterfly Blue

If I Win 2

If I Win 2

"I'll get this to Zhou Zekai," Sun Xiang stood up and waved the document decisively.

"*spurt*" Jiang Botao spurt out his coffee before frantically wiping it off under Sun Xiang's strange stares.

"No, I don't think that's necessary..." Jiang Botao quickly stated.

"Of course it's necessary! This is a document need to be seen by the captain!" Sun Xiang insisted.

"I'll be the one who sent that later, no need to rush," Jiang Botao assured.

"But, it's an opportunity for me to know my partner better or else I might get scolded by senior Ye Xiu again..." Sun Xiang mumbled.

"Yes, yes, of course you can sent that... But later is a much preffered time..." Jiang Botao trailled off.

Sun Xiang knitted his brows, "You're strange, it's an urgent matter cannot be delayed. Whatever, I'll sent it myself now." Sun Xiang eagerly exitted the room.

"Wha-? WAIT! SUN XIANG-!" Jiang Botao tried to stand up too fast and his chair tipped back, *THUMP* The Samsara's vice captain crashed butt first onto the floor and let out an unmanly yelp.

"Ouch, ow~ damn... SUN XIANG!" Jiang Botao forced himself to stood up and ran out the room and continue running towards Zhou Zekai's office. He turned on the right corner to find Sun Xiang still outside the office and about to spun the doorknob.

"Wait a minute!" Jiang Botao warned.

Sun Xiang rolled his eyes like a stubborn youth he is and ignored the cry of the desperate vice captain. He spun the doorknob and Jiang Botao knew he's already too late.

Sun Xiang pushed the door open innocently before frozen solid, behind him Jiang Botao's jaw dropped and also frozen solid.

In the spacy room, there's two occupant. One of which is Samsara's own captain, Zhou Zekai, while the other is the famous boyfriend of Zhou Zekai, Ye Xiu.

But the thing that made the two froze is not that.

But the position the two are in. Zhou Zekai is on top Ye Xiu, straddling him with his both hands holding Ye Xiu's wrists. On the other hand, Ye Xiu has his back flat on the sofa, three buttons of his shirt is opened revealing his chest for the world to see.

The distance of their faces is awfully close, like they're planning to kiss if it hadn't been for the intrusion (that, or they had just split apart.). The pair of lovers looked at the uninvited guests with blank eyes.

"Oh..." Zhou Zekai mumbled.

"Ah...?" Ye Xiu muttered.

Jiang Botao took several shaky steps back holding his nose, "I knew it!" he cursed. Sun Xiang only stood there gaping wide in disbelieve.

"Little Sun, Little Jiang, good afternoon." Ye Xiu casually greeted like he's currently not in a scandalous position with their captain.

"Y-you... You two-you..." Sun Xiang's brain disfunctioned completely while Jiang Botao is wiping his nostrils with his white sleeves desperately.

Ye Xiu pitily stared at them and sighed, "Like I said, your office is not exactly an ideal place..." he said to Zhou Zekai who has some decency to look guilty.

Zhou Zekai turned to their guests, "What's wrong...?" he asked.

"I-I... I..." Sun Xiang said robotically before flushing beet red. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE!?" Sun Xiang cried out loudly

"Whoah, pipe down! We don't want the entire club coming down here," Ye Xiu groaned. "Zekai, get off me!" he demanded. Zhou Zekai looks dismayed but complied anyway.

Jiang Botao immadiatedly jumped up, "Nonono, God Ye, we're so sorry for interrupting you two. Please continue," Jiang Botao assured.

"No, it's fine. You have some bussiness to discuss with Zekai right?" Ye Xiu said while buttoning up his shirt. "I'll go home," Ye Xiu stated decisively.

"What!?" Zhou Zekai cried out in disbelieve, staring at Ye Xiu.

"What?" Ye Xiu asked back pointedly.

"But..." Zhou Zekai looked pleadingly down to Ye Xiu's buttoned up shirt. "My room...?" he asked hopefully.

"Ah, ah, you're boring little Zhou," Ye Xiu shrugged and slipped to his old nickname for Zhou Zekai. "Just be a good captain and we'll meet again later in the tournament," Ye Xiu stated and Zhou Zekai turned pale at the mention of "Later in the tournament,".

"Love you, dear. Bye~" Ye Xiu cheekily said and pecked Zhou Zekai's left cheek before stood up and exitted the room after bid Jiang Botao and Sun Xiang a simple goodbye.

Jiang Botao and Sun Xiang nervously shared a glance and gazed at the seemingly soulless Zhou Zekai.

"Err- Captain Zhou?" Sun Xiang tried awkwardly.

Zhou Zekai groaned into his hands, "I almost get it..." The usually silent captain moaned pitifully. "I... Thought I'll definitely get it... This time," Zhou Zekai lamented.

"Zhou!" Jiang Botao gasped pityingly.

Sun Xiang winced unsightfully, so after almost a year dating, Zhou Zekai and Ye Xiu had never gotten into it? Sun Xiang cringed, and he just ruined Zhou Zekai's first chance?

"So... The plan for the next match is...?" Sun Xiang inquired to Jiang Botao.

"We'll do as always, support Zhou Zekai with all we got." Jiang Botao stated.

Sun Xiang bristled, "You mean One Autumn Leaf will support? He's not made to be a support! I'll be ashamed to see senior Ye Xiu again if that happens!"

"Then, what's your plan?" Jiang Botao knitted his brows.

"Duo! One Autumn Leaf used to play in a duo with gunner-type class too! I've studied the style thoroughly. What I want to say is... Can you convey it to Zhou Zekai?" Sun Xiang asked hopefully.

Jiang Botao looked at Sun Xiang bewilderedly, "You didn't strike me as a shy guy. Why do you need me to convey it to Zhou Zekai?"

Sun Xiang sulked, "Well, he looks like he's sorta despises me..."

Jiang Botao immadiately understood then solemnly nods, "I won't be surpised, you ruined his first chance to get laid after months dating the man every players wanted to tap..." he said thoughtfully.

Sun Xiang groaned, "Yes, That's my fault okay? Don't remind me!"

"I have to." Jiang Botao disdained. "The mood isn't there anymore!"

Sun Xiang winced, "Ouch... No chance for him?".

"No chance at all," Jiang Botao shooks his head.

Sun Xiang's cheeks streamed with tears, "Poor him...". "But, can't you please convince him somehow?" Sun Xiang begged

"I'll try to talk to him but no promises." Jiang Botao agreed, after all he's a soft hearted guy who can't bear seeing others being so pitiful.

"Thanks!" Sun Xiang brighten up.

"Hey Zhou," Jiang Botao greeted Zhou Zekau who was sitting in solitude with his phone in the cafetaria. Zhou Zekai nodded back in greeting before went back to his phone, absently picking on his food with chopsticks.

Jiang Botao unhesitatingly sat himself across his good friend, "Who are you chatting with?" He opened the conversation silently hoping the answer would be 'Ye Xiu' so the conversation won't turn into a stiff one.

"Chatroom," Zhou Zekai answered absently.

Jiang Botao paused and looked into his own phone to check Glory pros' Inner circle chatroom. None. No god level existence there creating even random statement. But Zhou Zekai seems to be pre-occupied.

"Which Chatroom?" Jiang Botao asked curiously.

"TTGG," Zhou Zekai replied simply.

Jiang Botao sweats as he smiled bitterly. TTGG itself stands for Top-Tier Glory's Gods, as like its name implied, the chatroom is only filled with the top tier god players, not something that normal pros like Jiang Botao could apply in.

Zhou Zekai started hissing, startling Jiang Botao, "What are you hissing at?" Jiang Botao asked.

"Hold on..." Zhou Zekai dismissed him as his thumbs fastly typed something. This action baffled Jiang Botao, usually Zhou Zekai would take sime delicate time to type a message because his mind is rather slow in preparing a respond (just like any of his interviews), and sometimes he would even stop in the middle and erase his messages, restarting anew.

Zhou Zekai's enchanting grey eyes grew even more gloomy as he looked into the chatroom


Wang Jiexi: Up for another round of lectures, Ye Xiu, Lord Grim?

Huang Shaotian: Sly move Wang Jiexi, so sly of you...

Zhang Jiale: Ye Xiu, want to create an alliance?

Ye Xiu: Hmmm... Let's see...

Zhou Zekai: Don't bother Ye Xiu...

Huang Shaotian: What bother? I don't bother him, no one bothers him!

Huang Shaotian: Old Ye! Old Ye! Old Ye! How about a movie night?! I found this realllyyyy epic movie with balanced romance, action, and comedy! Let's watch it! Let's watch it! Watch?!

Ye Xiu: Hmmm...

Xiao Shiqin: Senior Ye, can we meet? Additionally why does your PM system blocked?

Ye Xiu: Too much hassle... Where do you want to meet up little Xiao?

Huang Shaotian: Stand back Xiao Shiqin! Old Yeeee, let's hang out! Let's hang out!

Zhou Zekai: No.

Zhou Zekai: Ye Xiu... Will you come to Samsara? I promise it won't happen again...

Zhou Zekai: Or... Should I come over to yours instead?

Huang Shaotian: Rejected.*rejecting emoji*

Yu Wenzhou: Troubling Rain, stop it.

Chu Yunxiu: Whoah! What is this!? Lover issues!? Zhou Zekai! What had happened "Last time"!? Could it be...

Chu Yunxiu: Ah! Domestic Violence!? Violence in-ehem! Or you got caught cheating behind his back!? What had you done Zhou Zekai!? *angry emoji*

Chu Yunxiu: based on your answer, I'll call my female pros army... *threatening emoji*

Huang Shaotian: woah! Whoah! Hoooold! Domestic Violence!? Zhou Zekai, if that was right, I'll kill you... Or maybe I'll contact Han Wenqing instead... Summon Desert Dust.

Han Wenqing: I don't think Ye Xiu is a typical who would get abused... If there's anything HE's the one who would abuse.

Ye Xiu: I resent that. *sighing emoji*

Xiao Shiqin: Misty Rain, we already mentioned it in GG chatroom. Chu Yunxiu stop getting carried away by your K-Dramas...

Zhou Zekai: Shut up... *frustrated emoji*

Zhou Zekai: Lord Grim, please? I promise that will never again, alright?

Zhang Xinjie: I'm sorry for Out Of Topic but... I have trouble believing this... That long statements…speak, is this Zhou Zekai or an imposter?!

Xiao Shiqin: Agreed, the messages are too long. Maybe, Sun Xiang stole Zhou Zekai's phone?

Sun Xiang: WTH do I need to do with Zhou Zekai's phone, Small Matter?! And, Senior Ye Xiu, last time won't happen again, I swear... Just give Zhou Zekai a chance... Perhaps?

Yu Wenzhou: ... That wordings...

Chu Yunxiu: AAAAGGGHHH! This... F*CK! You are cheating after all! ZHOU ZEKAI! Really!? And with Sun Xiang nonetheless!?

Chu Yunxiu: Despicable! Lowlife! Senior Ye, if you're hurt, just remember countless guys will immadiately confess if you asked!

Sun Xiang: Hold On! There's no cheating or whatsoever at all! Dammit Chu Yunxiu! Get YOUR mind out of the gutter!

Li Xuan: Lol! *Laughing emoji* there's always a reason I love this chatroom.

Zhou Zekai: I'm not cheating... So Ye Xiu? Lord Grim.

Ye Xiu: Nah, I'm busy :)

Ye Xiu: Don't have a time. *helpless emoji* :)

Zhou Zekai: ... Then...?

Ye Xiu: Idk, really.

Ye Xiu: and Lol, little Chu, little Sun, you guys gave me a good laugh. Thx.

Zhou Zekai: ... Can you unblock your PM email?

Ye Xiu: Nah, too much spams. We'll talk again after championships...?

Zhang Jiale: Championship is still far though... *inquiring emoji*.

Ye Xiu: Hehe :) later then.

With that Ye Xiu's name turned dim.



Jiang Botao jerked slightly, "Zhou?!" he cried out as he bewilderedly staring at Zhou Zekai who had slammed his head onto the table.

Zhou Zekai groaned and raised his head weakly, "Yes...?" His voice come out as muffled and lifeless.

Jiang Botao scratched his cheek, "Erm... So I want to discuss... It's about our upcoming matches..." Jiang Botao said carefully as he picks up a cup of tea.

Zhou Zekai blinked soullessly gesturing to the vice captain to go on.

Jiang Botao sipped his tea for a bit, "I'm thinking it would be great if you and Sun Xiang to do a collab, you know- Playing in duo? You guys will be undefeatable!" Jiang Botao suggested cheerfully.

Zhou Zekai's grey eyes snapped towards him in a very cold manner. Jiang Botao relented and swallowed as he's faced with Zhou Zekai's chilling glare for the very first time in his life.

Zhou Zekai knitted his brows and sneered coldly, the conversation from the chatroom come back haunting him for a bit.

"I'm not gonna cheat. Especially not with him." Zhou Zekai coldly stated and stood up leaving the cafetaria and the completely frozend and bewildered Jiang Botao.

Several seconds past and Jiang Botao snapped awake, "Cheat?" he stood up.

"Playing in a duo is not a cheat Zhou!" Jiang Botao shouted and chased desperately after his captain. Unaware that the said "Cheat" the captain had said is the other meaning that Jiang Botao did not grasped.

"Sun Xiang, I think it's beyond repair... He despise you so much..." Jiang Botao informed helplessly as he sipped his tea.

Sun Xiang shooks his head sadly, "I don't blame him. I understand his situation as much".

"How come?"

Sun Xiang showed Jiang Botao the TTGG chatroom and Jiang Botao gasped as he read the contains. Having read enough, Jiang Botao leaned back shaking his head in pity.

"Captain Zhou... Judging from how easily Ye Xiu brushed him off it seems like Ye Xiu is not in a hurry?" Jiang Botao speculated.

Sun Xiang arched his brows,"You noticed it too."

"... That Zhou Zekai is the desperate one? Of course. But still... After championship..." Jiang Botao almost burn an incense for Zhou Zekai out of pity.

Sun Xiang mused thoughtfully, "... I really feel bad now. I'll do something about it." Sun Xiang stated. Last resort, might as well risk it all, Throw yourself to your predecessor and beg.

Zhou Zekai's hand slipped as he heard his phone went off signalling a message. Cloud Piercer also slipped off from his Aerial Fire but quickly recovered along with his owner. After he's on a stable ground. Zhou Zekai abandoned Cloud Piercer in favor to look over his phone as that ringtone is from one and only lover of Zhou Zekai, Ye Xiu.

"Zekai...?" Ye Xiu messaged.

Zhou Zekai smiled happily, "Yes...?"

"Your last match, congratulation. But I saw it as a disappointment." Ye Xiu bluntly admonished.

Zhou Zekai gave a start before sulked, "Sorry..."

"It's fine. Everyone make a mistake :)" Ye Xiu is happy that his lover acknowledged his fault.

"But you should work with little Sun more." Ye Xiu added as suggestion.

Zhou Zekai hesitated, "Um..." his fingers typed down the message relucantly.

"Love, don't 'Um...' me..." Ye Xiu rolled his eyes.

"One Autumn Leaf used to be mine. Battle Mage and Gunner Class type have a good synchronization. You guys are teammates, outside the game you can hate each other all you wanted but inside the game you all are one." Ye Xiu scolded

"At this rate you won't grow..." Ye Xiu typed down calmly.

Zhou Zekai bitted his nail, "I'm sorry..."

"What are you sorry for? Try to work with little Sun more okay?" Ye Xiu patiently replied. Zhou Zekai blew out a cold air.

On the other side, Ye Xiu blew out a smoke and put off his cigarette. Earlier today Sun Xiang had manage to coax Su Mucheng to convince Ye Xiu that he was urgently needed to says something, so Ye Xiu unblock his PM system and accept Sun Xiang.

The Battle God's successor waste no time to instantly begged his predecessor to talk with Zhou Zekai, so the Great Gunner' owner could put off his resentment and at least collaborate with him.

Ye Xiu is not one to just simply give a helping hand when someone else asked. But he's always someone who gives others room to to grow. Plus, Zhou Zekai is his boyfriend and Sun Xiang is more or less his junior and successor of One Autumn Leaf, plus the cause of Zhou Zekai's resentment might be resourced from him.

So, Ye Xiu is willing to bother.

In Samsara's building, Zhou Zekai glanced at Cloud Piercer's point of view and looked around him to see his teammates are doing their best in training. Sighing, Zhou Zekai relented,

"I'll Try..." Zhou Zekai typed down.

Ye Xiu had been happy for his lover's open-mindedness but soon got annoyed as several days later the result of their talk come out. Samsara won, certainly against another cannon fodder-like team but... They're barely won in Ye Xiu's eyes.

"Cloud Piercer Zhou Zekai, I said teamwork. Not split up "you go the hell take there and I'll take here" plan. Little Jiang Botao, I'm also disappointed on you. Aren't you a pretty good tactician?" Ye Xiu started. This time the message is placed in the inner circle pros' chatroom, intentionally joining their discussion over the latest match.

"Worshipping god Ye..." A wall of message exclusive for greeting Ye Xiu appeared.

"Yes, Hi everyone," Ye Xiu absently replied to their greetings.

"But have to admit, that was really tyrannical..." Zhang Xinjie replied to Ye Xiu.

"'Tyrannical' Lol! Good one from you Zhang Xinjie," Huang Shaotian joined along.

"Worshipping god Xinjie, god Huang..." the others greeted profusely.

"I'm inclined to agree with Xinjie, although rather reckless that strategy is really good. After all Samsara have two growing gods..." Yu Wenzhou also dropped his opinion.

"Worshipping god Yu..." others hastily greeted.

"Blue Rain and Tyrannical Ambition could easily do that too. If only your hands are not handicapped and Zhang Xinjie is not a cleric. But that strategy is thoroughly stupid, it's fine if they still communicate but nooo" Ye Xiu bluntly responded to Yu Wenzhou's statement.

"I have to agree with Ye Xiu. Glory is played together. It's fine if they still have some interraction but Samsara basically cut all the ties..." Han Wenqing agreed.

"Worshipping god Han..." The pros once again greeted profusely. Silently sweated a little, It's still a mistery to them on how every gods seemed to wake up from their sleep whenever god Ye Xiu post something.

"I've tried, senior..." Sun Xiang typed down helplessly.

"But isn't that how teamwork works...? I've give him his share..." Zhou Zekai deffended his innocence.


"Yes..." Zhou Zekai answered.

"Zekai... Teamwork is not like that, it's not a matter of simply split up and take care. Dancing Rain, have we ever split up like that?" Ye Xiu summoned Su Mucheng.

"Of course no. I watch your back and you watch my back" Su Mucheng replied earnestly.

"See?" Ye Xiu pointed.

"… But I don't need it, he also doesn't need it." Zhou Zekai tried to argue.

"Another best example is Wang Jiexi, Vaccaria. He sacrifice his own great style for the sake to work well with his team. You should learn from him," Ye Xiu added.

"Somethings achieved alone but more things achieved when together. Is this admonishing Zhou Zekai event?" Wang Jiexi instantly dropped a line.

"Ssshh, it's getting good. Don't ruin the mood" Zhang Jiale replied to Wang Jiexi.

"It's rather difficult god Ye, Zhou is not used to watch others' backs when playing..." Jiang Botao deffended his captain.

"Really?" Ye Xiu sighed.

"Then tell me Zhou Zekai, if I played as One Autumn Leaf what would you do?" Ye Xiu asked.

"I'll watch over and protect you!" Zhou Zekai confidently answered.

"..." Jiang Botao is speechless. 'Seriously Zhou! I'm trying to deliver a point here to save your face! Your display of love and affection is just too dense!'. The rest of Samsara also facepalmed at their captain's denseness.

"Why don't you do the same with little Sun?" Ye Xiu sharply inquired. Ignoring Samsara's laments.

"If you kept moving forward without your team in your mind you'll be destroyed..." Ye Xiu scolded.

"Alright I won't scold you anymore... It might only thicken your resentment to little Sun..." Ye Xiu stated. Sun Xiang thanked the God 'Senior, could it be my mental beggings reached you after all?!'

"How about a bet...?" Ye Xiu suddenly proposed.

"Did I hear a bet?" Chu Yunxiu piped in.

"'See' is more likely" Li Xuan also joined.

"So many gods, I'll drop a line I guess..." Fang Rui randomly dropped by.

"Worshipping the gods" a wall of messages from fake corpses popped up.

"Yeah! Let's bet! Let's bet! If I kick Zhou Zekai's sorry ass, will you broke up with him" Huang Shaotian eagerly proposed.

"No." Zhou Zekai glared at Huang Shaotian's message.

"What bet...?" Zhou Zekai replied to his boyfriend.

"Err, shouldn't you do that in private?" Su Mucheng suggested.

"No, let everyone be the eye witness" Ye Xiu dramatically stated.

"Is it breaking up bet?" Han Wenqing voiced out every gods' (except Chu Yunxiu's) wishes. But Ye Xiu ignored them.

"If Samsara could win this season and seize the best duo award. I will agree to your proposal about that one month honeymoon." Ye Xiu helplessly declared.

Many jaws instantly dropped. If Zhou Zekai is any less that a reserved man he is, he would have shouted "AW YEAH!" For the whole Samsara to knows. But the Great Gunner's owner suppressed his excitement by taking some sweet time to breath in and out.

"Promise?" Zhou Zekai probbed.

"I'm a man of my words." Ye Xiu stated. Many pros would have snorted at that if it wasn't because they're still shocked to the core.

"That means..." Zhou Zekai probbed further.

"Yes, sharing bed, long romantic times, dating, game-dating, just the two of us. In a place you'd booked. Just like you proposed." Ye Xiu confirmed.

Zhou Zekai punched the air, he didn't quite shouts out "Aw Yeah!" but close...

The chatroom might be kinda quiet but the people behind the screen is not at all quiet. Like Huang Shaotian, he's currently screaming bloody murders and wailing to the ceilings about his woes, basically telling the whole Blue Rain how pissed he is.

Yu Wenzhou's reaction is much calmer, he only took out his bolpoint and printed out Zhou Zekai's picture for some venting off ritual with his bolpoint.

Han Wenqing had tossed his phone in anger before went and beats up an innocent sandbag that Zhang Xinjie had stuck with Zhou Zekai's poster.

And Wang Jiexi would seriously considering a cursing method if not because Ye Xiu continues on

"But..." Ye Xiu added. Everyone looked back into their QQ.

"If you lost, we'll forget the honeymoon. And if you also not getting any Best Duo award. Let's forget about getting laid and we'll focus more on training your teamwork for the next season." Ye Xiu finished cheekily.

Zhou Zekai's heart dropped while others' leaped.

"AW YEAH!" Huang Shaotian cheered in the QQ and real life.

"Damn cold!" Chu Yunxiu cursed. She was busy screen-capturing the earlier chat (for latter fangirling purposes) not expecting a (cruel) condition.

"Fair trade." Wang Jiexi calmly remarked.

"There's no such a thing as lost the battle and win the war here,"Han Wenqing expressed and agreed.

"I see, hard pressed for absolute victory huh?" Yu Wenzhou asked myrthfully

"Agreed." Zhang Xinjie is satisfied.

"I'm sorry is it bad that I laughed?" Zhang Jiale asked.

"None. *insert madly laughing emoji*" Li Xuan replied.

"Zhou Zekai, hats off to you, I really pity you... Well, I would if only the one you're dating is not senior Ye Xiu..." Xiao Shiqin expressed.

"Zhou Zekai, rest assured. This sister will give you an easy win if we met in the play-off" Chu Yunxiu supported.

"Captain..." Misty Castle's vice Captain sighed helplessly.

Zhou Zekai gritted his teeth, "Alright." he typed resolutely.

"If I Win. Honeymoon." Zhou Zekai agreed so easily making team Samsara gasped and teared up in pity. 'Captain Zhou, you're really that desperate?!' they thought.

"Bring it on! Blue Rain won't lose!" Huang Shaotian declared. And Yu Wenzhou seconded that.

"Team Tiny Herb will take its third championship." Wang Jiexi declared.

"Tyrannical Ambition won't lose out," Han Wenqing accepted the challenge.

"I'm in Samsara! Don't think we'll be an easy pick!" Sun Xiang once again declared his presence. He'll help Zhou Zekai to get it with his senior to atone on his sins. No matter what, it's a matter of pride!

The other big teams also announced their ambition fierily after seeing the spirits.

With this, Let the War begins.

No seriously, What the hell am I doing here? In an hour I should get ready to school. I'm in the middle of mid-term to top it off... I'm also sick with light cold...

Sigh... Sorry if some typos hurt your eyes. There's still the third piece actually but I'll leave it for vacation, I'm really busy. Sorry.

Might get on short hiatus again. Bye...