Ok two things. First of I have opted to make the first chapter a challenge to anyone who wants to make the story their own way. Second I want to see where I can take it with my own views. This is a great idea if I say so myself. Alright that's all I am going to get on with the chapter enjoy

Naruto stood in the main room looking over the island they were approaching. As the strongest of the Seven Kin it was his duty to lead them by example. Which meant he had to fight the giant old man that stood before them, and their master, as they made their way towards Tenrou. Hades stepped forward and looked to the blonde "After I confront little Makky I want you to step out and put him down. You know what'll happen if you fail me boy." Hades said to him. Naruto snorted at the elder "If you're trying to scare me with a death threat then I'll just end it all here and crush you. I've had my fill of hatred so this doesn't scare me." he said to the man.

To be honest Naruto was sceptical about killing a man that was just looking out for his family. But he did understand the importance of comrades. After all he and Ultear had adopted Meredy when she was six. That wasn't to say she cared for the kin, but they each had a close relationship with each other to the point where they considered each other as siblings. Naruto had started dating Ultear when he was fifteen, and he was nineteen now, and had even told her his concerns about locating Zeref. To be honest he wanted to kill the dark wizard and ruin Hades' chance of ruling the world. He just wanted to be alone with Ultear where they could live normal lives.

Naruto watched as Makarov transformed into a giant with a large amount of respect. It kinda reminded him of his friend Choji's dad Choza when he fought, not that he had seen the man fight. He then witnessed as Makarov called upon the Fairy Law spell while Hades countered it with his own Grimoire Heart spell. Seconds later Hades spoke to him with telepathy "Naruto it is time, get out here and finish the job." he told the blonde. Naruto sighed and went outside and stood beside Hades. Hades motioned to Naruto "This young Makarov is Naruto, one of my more promising... wizards. He shall be your opponent now." Hades said as he left to watch the fight from inside.

Naruto jumped off the ship as his body glowed black with his... magic. A bright glow came from the blonde forcing those on Tenrou to look away as Naruto called upon the power of his patron. Naruto, when he had told Hades he housed the power of the God Susanoo had actually been telling the truth. The day he arrived he had been told by the god that he could upon his full power to fight and although he had the almighty Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan he didn't have the power of the Susanoo that it would provide. So far the only thing he could really do was use several powerful things his eye's allowed him to such as the Tsukuyomi, Kotoamatsukami, Kamui/Kamui Shuriken, Amaterasu, and Yasaka Magatama

When the glow died down it showed a large armored giant on par with Makarov. It had a helmet that features a long nose, two spikes over each eye, a slit stretching across its mouth, three gaps on each of its cheeks and one additional gap on its chin, above what appeared to be facial hair, as well as hair which is tied up at the sides as well as a vertical mark extending across its left eye similar to that of a scar and a single horn protrudes from the chin, like a beard. On it's back were two wings that had hands in the middle and wielding a large drill-like sword in the left hand, and a large katana in the right hand.

The warrior stabbed the swords into the ground and cracked its knuckles. Makarov charged at Naruto and went for a punch to try and end the fight. Naruto however caught the hand and brought his knee up into the old man's gut before placing his palm on the man's face to shove him away causing him to slip and fall nearly as he tried to rein in his balance. Once he had regained his balance Makarov charged once again. However flapped his wings and took to the sky to avoid the bull rush from Makarov. Naruto covered the arm of the giant form in purple electricity before he throws the punch at Makarov.

Makarov spins out of the way of the hit where the strike hits the ground instantly throwing up a large cloud of dust. Naruto rolls out of the way of a large stomp courtesy of Makarov. He then holds up his hand and conjures up several Magatama beads in his hand and he then throws them at Makarov like he would with a shuriken. Makarov skillfully dodges out of the way where the energy-like constructs swerve around him colliding with the cliff exploding on impact. Naruto and Makarov charge each other with the intent to bring the fight to a close. Their fists collide with a loud *BOOM* throwing out a powerful shockwave that forces the wizards watching the two giants to cover their eyes.

The resident dragon slayer of Fairy Tail was looking at the two giants clash from his own location with wide eye's. How was it possible for someone to match up to the old man's strength? Never before had he seen somebody match Gramps blow for blow. Naruto looked at Makarov from his position in the gem on Susanoo's forehead "Tell me old man... What makes you fight so hard?" he asked the elder. Makarov narrowed his eyes "My family gives me all the strength I need. Without them my magic would be useless. Unlike you I look to them for the guidance I need when I cannot muster any strength to fight." Makarov replied.

"What makes you fight so hard that you are willing to side with evil?" Makarov asked Naruto. The blonde shook his head "I don't know... but what I do know is that like you I have someone I'm willing to protect, but I can't tell her how much I'm willing to go for her. Hell we adopted a young girl when we were fifteen and tried to make sure she doesn't grow up to be a bad person. I know I'm not perfect, nobody is, but I'm willing to lay my life down to see her smile with happiness." he responded. Makarov coud feel himself smile at Naruto's words "So... you fight to prove your love to this young woman... I can honestly say I respect that young man." he said to Naruto.

Naruto shook his head "No... I don't deserve her love... She's to good for me, and I don't think I can live up to her expectation's. Honestly I don't think I'm the right man for her." he said honestly. Makarov smiled "That there proves just how much you love her." Makarov stated. Hades was getting impatient. He watched in annoyance as Naruto, his most powerful subordinate stood in the middle of a... fist bump with Makarov not doing as he was ordered to take the man out so they could search for and then awaken Zeref the Dark Lord so they could venture to the absolute world of magic.

Pressing a finger to his temple he connected to Naruto's mind "Naruto what is taking you so long to take out Makarov, don't just stand there kill him now. That's a order from your Master." he growled to the teen mentally. Naruto responded quickly "Can I please taunt my enemy before I take his skull from his body?" Naruto stated. Just as he finished responding Naruto gave a sigh "Sorry old timer it looks like I have to put a hold on our conversation and beat ya. Sorry." he said as he drew his fist back and jumped while rotating in the air where his Susanoo landed a powerful kick to the giant Makarov.

Makarov crashed through the forest and stopped as he crashed into a cliff causing a large rock slide. As Makarov rose he wasn't given a chance to recover as Naruto and his Susanoo appeared in front of him and gave him a powerful uppercut that threw Makarov off his feet. Naruto had his Susanoo spin around and kick Makarov's giant body where Makarov was then sent flying back. On board the airship Hades smirked. Next move... would be the last as Naruto would kill him. Watching Makarov stand Naruto stood impassive as he watched Makarov cup his hands causing them to glow bright with a golden light. Looking at Naruto he gave a sad smile "Sorry my boy, but this is where it ends." he told Naruto.

Naruto watched as Makarov clapped his hands together and a giant seal appeared in the sky. Calling upon Kamui Naruto turned his body intangible as the powerful spell washed over the island. When the light died down Naruto shook his head "I'll admit it was a valiant effort to try and strip me of my power, but I'll have you know I'm not the strongest member of Grimoire Heart for nothing." he told a shell-shocked Makarov. Hell everyone that had witnessed the spell was shocked that Naruto was still standing. Naruto then lifted one of his Susanoo hands and pointed it at Makarov "Sorry old timer, but it's the end of the line for you. Don't worry I've taken th liberty of taking most of the power out so you'll survive." Naruto stated.

As he finished speaking the giant hand sparked with purple electricity as Naruto called out "Raijin no Kuropansa (Storm God's Black Panther)" and with that the electricity arced off the hand which takes the form of a panther and charges Makarov. The electric panther pounces on the recovering Makarov causing the old man to scream in agony as he was electrocuted by the ancient magic of the storm god. The pain didn't last long as Makarov's brain quickly overloaded from the pain and he passed out and shrunk down to his normal size. Naruto looked back at the ship and growled "There, I've done your dirty work now come down here." towards Hades.

Hades smirked and connected his mind to Naruto's "Good job my boy, now end all their lives..." he ordered Naruto. The blonde man stopped and nodded his head. He then raised one of the Susanoo's hands into the air. Calmly looking at the approaching group of wizards Hades watched in dark satisfaction as Naruto called upon the Lightning God's power. Naruto couldn't help but shed a tear for them and muttered "Forgive me for doing this to you all." and then he struck.

"Ranjin no Ranryu (Storm God's Storm Dragon)" and with that the electricity shot off his arm and shifted around until it formed a gigantic dragon made of electricity. Releasing it he watched sadly as the dragon struck and begun to electrocute them in a painful manner. He watched as they shook from the shock of electricity ran through them and readied another technique "Ranjin no Ame (Storm God's Rain)" he chanted loudly. The sky grew dark and the sound of thunder rumbling reached their ears.

He then watches as the giant bolts of electricity strike the ground around them. Wave after wave he watched as they were destroyed. When the bolts of electricity died down he saw all of them on the ground passed out. Hades smirked. Although the boy didn't kill it was still a victory. Now it was time for them to awaken Zeref.

All of the spells that Naruto will now be using throughout the story-

Storm God's: Bellow

Storm God's: Blade (Kakashi's Raikiri)

Storm God's: Charged Particle Cannon
Storm God's 120 mm Lightning Cannon

Storm God's: Black Panther (Darui's Black Panther from the Anime)

Storm God's: Everlasting Storm (Conjure's up a powerful storm that eradicates a large area of land. This spell is considered a forbidden spell as it nearly kills Naruto every time he uses it.)

Storm God's: Storm Dragon (Creates a dragon out of electricity)

Storm God's: Rain (Causes bolts of lightning to rain down from the sky in a destructive blast)

Storm God's: Cyclone (Creates a twister that throws the enemy into the air where they are then shocked by electricity)

Storm God's: Storm Brigade (Creates a series of twisters that trap and release arcs of electricity that shock his opponent)

Storm God's: Night of Shooting Stars (Naruto creates several beams of lightning, reminiscent of shooting stars, which are released into the air and target the opponents no matter where their positions are, striking them with great force.

Storm God's: Storm Dance (Naruto creates two streams of wind from his hands and then sends them spiraling towards the target, blowing the target away where they then get electrocuted by electricity)

Unison Raid Spells-

Unison Raid: Sword of Frozen Black Lightning (Naruto along with Ultear combine their magic into a more powerful spell, creating several bolts of black lightning that drop onto the targeted area. Once the lightning makes contact, it freezes into spikes of ice.)

Unison Raid: Black Lightning Rose (Naruto and Ultear creates giant roses and spiked branches, made out of ice, that surround the target and attack them with thorns before they are shocked by electricity.)

Unison Raid: Back Lightning Bloom (Naruto and Ultear combine their magic to create a more powerful spell where they create a giant rose garden made of ice to surround and bind their opponent. where Storm God Magic then continuously refreezes any broken binds while simultaneously electrocuting the trapped opponent.)

God Slayer's Secret Art: Roar of the Thunder God (Creates large scale storm with massive damage causing effects)

God Slayer's Secret Art: Cataclysm (Ten Tail's Cataclysm)

God Slayer's Secret Art: Jewel of the Dragon Head (Allows Naruto to manipulate the weather and subsequent forces of nature, such as the flow of the wind, the tides of the oceans, the formation of the clouds, and the shifts made by the earth; allowing him to actually generate forth a storm of unparalleled magnitude.)