Since so many requested a second chapter, here it is.

Eret was flirting with a couple giggling girls when Astrid passed him by. He immediately broke away from his current company to catch up to her.

Astrid spared him a glance but didn't stop on his account.

"If you are looking for Hiccup, he just left with Valka to get more supplies."

Eret laughed, shaking his head. "Ah.. Actually.. I was waiting on you."

Astrid paused this time, furrowing her brows. "Me?"

The brawny man ran a hand through his dark hair. "Ruffnut said you needed help repainting Stormfly's stables," he clarified. "I thought I might offer my personal assistance," he finished off with a charming smile.

"Oh." Astrid had almost forgotten about her project at hand, being pulled in every direction by villagers and fellow riders alike. Ever since Stoick's passing, she and and Hiccup had been leading a pretty hectic lifestyle. With Hiccup having to be the one to take the brunt of most of the burdens, Astrid at least wanted to ease some of the responsibilities off him. It helped that his mother was here as well and they couldn't be more thankful to Gobber for his continuous support.

When they reached the stables, Eret picked up a can of paint and two brushes, one of which he handed over to Astrid. "Thanks," she said.

They worked in silence, Astrid's mind still reeling over Hiccup's well being. She hoped he didn't work himself to the ground and considered paying him a visit tonight. He could use a good massage and relaxing. Maybe they could visit one of those hot springs and-

"Penny for your thoughts?" Eret's voice interrupted her.

Astrid stared at him blankly for a moment before shaking her head.

"I will take a wild guess and say you were thinking about the Chief."

Astrid narrowed her eyes.

Eret chuckled for a moment but then his smile noticeably faltered. "You really love him."

"Of course I do," Astrid said in a slightly annoyed tone, as if there was any doubt Hiccup Haddock owned her heart, soul and body. She was completely his just like he was completely hers.

"Even though he is rather scrawny?" he teased. "And not much of a warrior?"

She shot him an icy glare. "Hiccup is far from scrawny, I can assure you he is very defined in all the right places." She blushed at the image of a sexy shirtless Hiccup that sprung to her mind then. "Besides I'm not into the big, brawny, beefy type. Ugh."

Eret held up his hands in defense. "Hey, I like the guy. He is my Chief and I respect him. Just saying.. I would have imagined you with someone a bit.. different, that's all."

Astrid paused, remembering her conversation with Ruffnut all of the sudden.

"You mean.. someone like you?"

Eret's lack of answer spoke volumes and Astrid could suddenly feel herself grow very uncomfortable in his presence. She took a deep breath before throwing the paint brush back into the can.

"My lack of interest in you is not only because of my commitment to Hiccup," she started off in stern tone. "I'm not interested. Period. You do nothing for me."

Eret snorted. "You are in denial."

Astrid resisted the urge to punch him right there and then. "You are really full of yourself, aren't you?" she snapped. "Not so different from Snotlout."

Eret grimaced at the comparison. Snotlout was obnoxious as hel and Astrid had spent years rejecting him until he moved on to Ruffnut.

"Look, I'm sorry, that was over the line," he admitted. "I have no right to entertain such thoughts."

Astrid folded her arms around herself. "You are right, you don't."

"But I can't help my feelings for you," he continued, glaring down on the ground. "I can't control it."

"This right here is the main difference between you and Hiccup," Astrid blurted out. "You are only nice because you have ulterior motives, Hiccup is nice just for the sake of being nice. "

Eret hung his head low. "So what am I supposed to do then, just pretend that I don't love you?"

"Love?" she spat the word. "Seriously?"

Astrid broke into laughter.

Eret looked away, hurt by her reaction.

He never expected to be so blatantly rejected.

"What's going on?" a nasal tenor voice interrupted the scene.

Astrid shook her head and walked over to greet her lover who immediately pulled her into his embrace. "Why don't you tell him, Eret?" she said as her giggles finally quieted down. "Or should I?"

Eret shook his head. "You are right, I was just joking," he backtracked, taking the coward's approach.

Hiccup furrowed his eyebrows. "Did I miss something?" Astrid leaned up to kiss him on his adorable lips and shook her heard. "I was thinking you should take the rest of the day off so we can head over to the hot springs and..." she whispered into his ear, flustering him.

"What about Mrs. Larson's roof that was leaking, and rebuilding the-" Astrid cut him off with her finger. "Eret can take care of all that after he finishes up here, right Eret?"

Eret stared at her in shock for a moment and then nodded timidly.


Eret got the short end of the stick, lol.

Btw, I don't hate Eret. I just don't ship him with Astrid.

I hope in the next movie they give Eret his own love interest.