Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, or any of the characters.

BEFORE YOU START TO READ THIS STORY: if you are not into these types of fics, then please do not read. I don't need people bagging this because they hate the idea. Take your negativity somewhere else.

This story started on my tumblr account and updates have been happening daily. I'm adding it to this account for anyone who's curious or looking for a new Student x Teacher fic! Anyways, I'll be posting every now and then on here when I get the chance, but if you're interested and want to keep up with the story, follow me at roraewrites on tumblr.

Chapter 1

"It's the first day of senior year and you're already going all out, Forehead."

Ino's obnoxious groans disturbed Sakura as she finished packing her bag and slipped her shoes on her feet. With her uniform in a neat and tidy manner, Sakura pushed by Ino and gave her a friendly glare.

"Yes, Pig, I am." Sakura sighed out.

Within minutes, the two of them began their walk towards the school. It was still early, and enough shade was provided while the sun still fought to make it's way over the mountains. From behind them, Sakura could hear the screams and yells of a boy, and when her head turned, she made out the familiar head of spiked blonde hair and azure eyes.

"Thanks for waiting," Naruto huffed out the second he caught up to both her and Ino. His cheeks were red, the familiar lines that resided there moved with each inhale and exhale he took. Sakura merely gave him a sheepish grin before continuing on with Ino.

"Of course, Naruto."

Their school wasn't located much farther than half a mile, and by the time they arrived, multiple cars filled the parking lot and numerous students filed in through the front doors. It was unusual how many students had enrolled that year, and even some of the teachers had unfamiliar faces, but Sakura pressed on.

"Who's your homeroom?" Ino's question pulled Sakura from her thoughts as they stood in the common area.

"Let's see here-" Sakura hummed before letting her bag slide down her shoulder. She pulled her class schedule from her bag and scanned for the letters that she searched for every year. "Uchiha-sensei?"

The name was unfamiliar, like most faces she had seen that morning, but when she looked back up from her slip of paper, Ino's mouth was gaping wide.

"Uchiha-sensei?! Seriously? I have Asume-sensei," her mouth no longer hung open and her eyes now narrowed at her friend. Naruto stood silently next to Ino before piping up with his own homeroom sensei.

"I've got Uchiha-sensei, too." His eyes found Sakura, and his face now held an ear to ear grin. "Good thing we're in the same class, huh, Sakura?"

Sakura rolled her eyes before sliding her paper back in her bag and hoisting it up over her shoulder once more. "Yeah, yeah. Let's get going, Naruto. Catch you around, Pig."

Ino stood by her lonesome now as Sakura and Naruto walked away. It was when Sakura turned back to give her friend one last smile, that she found Ino glaring her way. As pretty as Ino was with her long, platinum blonde hair and baby blue eyes, she could certainly give a nasty look when needed.

"Say, what do you think Uchiha-sensei is like?" Naruto piped up, his hands folded behind his head as they walked side by side.

"I guess we'll find out."

"Hopefully he's not old and cranky. That'd make for the worst senior year, ever,"

Sakura scoffed at his remark as they walked through the door. "Room number 7. We're here." There were multiple kids within the room already seated at desks.

"Woah, look how big that kid is!" Naruto yelped, all while his finger pointed towards a rather large kid with a head full of orange hair.

"Naruto, don't point." Sakura scolded. She felt relieved when the kid didn't glance their way, and as she snatched Naruto's hand from the air, she began to drag him into the room and towards a pair of desks that were empty.

Once seated, Sakura pulled out a simple black ink pen and shuffled in her seat until she sat comfortably. Her skirt, however, had lifted up her thigh and when she went to move it, a screech came from a slim girl, with an obnoxious shade of red hair. She hovered over Sakura's desk with fire in her eyes.

"Looks like you're already working on becoming the class slut," the girl scoffed before pushing her glasses up her nose.

Sakura's hand tightened around the fabric of her skirt, and when she pulled it down, the girl still smirked, her ruby eyes darkening. "If I were you, I'd keep that shit under control. Especially in Uchiha-sensei's class," her voice softened the moment she spoke of their homeroom teacher.

It rubbed Sakura the wrong way, and as she continued to fight back the blush, a deep voice cut through her embarrassment.

"Take a seat."

The tone was deep and alluring, and as Sakura glanced away from the red headed girl, her eyes laid upon a tall and masculine figure.

His hair was wild, but in an artistic and beautiful way; the color reminded her of burned charcoal and in the unnatural light of the room, she could make out bits of blue laced in with it. His skin was pale and looked rather smooth, and the longer Sakura stared at him, the faster her heart began to beat.

"Now," he instructed once more and at his final word, the girl walked rather quickly to her seat.

The man - her sensei she guessed - glanced at her, his eyes scanning down her face and coming to rest on the hand that held onto her skirt. Sakura instantly felt chills crawl through her body, and her fingers tremble slightly under his stare.

The blush that Sakura had fought so hard to hold back now made an entrance, and she sat in her seat with her hand still clenching onto her skirt. She gulped back her fears and nervous emotions the second his eyes landed on her; even his eyes were lovely, something within them mysterious yet inviting.

Black pearls, she told herself. Sakura was frozen in her terror, but the second he turned away from her, she felt herself exhale the breath she had been holding. Her chest heaved with such a force that she had thought the entire room heard her.

"You okay?" The familiar voice whispered to her instantly.

Sakura didn't turn to meet Naruto's question, instead, she kept her eyes on her homeroom teacher and drowned in the nervous pit that she had been thrown in.

"I'm not going to welcome you to your new homeroom, nor have everyone stand up and introduce themselves. Refer to me as Uchiha-sensei."

His words were quick, his tone low. His dark eyes scanned the room and when he finally took his seat, he pulled his roll call list from his desk and began to list off names. Some were familiar, some not, but when he reached Sakura's name - hers had been last - she felt her chest clench and her throat completely dry up.

"Haruno Sakura."

"Here," she croaked out miserably.

And when his eyes found her, she dropped her head in her arms and groaned.

What an awesome first day of senior year.