What if Mal was the Queen of the Isle of the Lost?? I don't own Descendants.

Mal's POV

Ever since the young age of 12 I had basically ruled the Isle of the Lost. It was a lot of responsability and was hard, but I am pretty proud of how it turned out.

Mother used to do rule, but she wasn't very good. She did not care much about the others and was very unfair. Of course, the people got mad at this. They demanded Maleficent to appoint a new leader. She really did not care about the welfare of the island so she just picked the person closest to her, me.

The people were first very furious that a 12 year old would rule but Maleficent just said, "She may be 12, but she's a smart girl she can do it." Now, if mother actually meant that I would feel happy but I knew that she only said that to get them to stop annoying her.

So that was basically my life.

Ever since I became the ruler everyone got the same amount of food, were happy, and they got along. It had only been a year since I became ruler. So this has been my life since that.

I sit on my desk reading about some issues on the island. There's really not much I can do about these issues, food shortage and bad homes. King Adam and Queen Belle will be visiting this weekend. I haven't met them since I've only started a year ago.

I decide to go take a walk around the Isle and see how everyone is doing.

I go and visit my friends first. Evie was my advisor, she also made all my clothing that was presentable enough for a Ruler. Jay and Carlos were Law Enforcers, they would make sure everyone was following the rules and not causing a riot.

"Hey, guys. Anything new since this morning??" I ask. I do this three times everyday, going around the Isle to make sure everything is good.

"Nope. People seem to be doing fine with the rules, a bit of stealing, but nothing important stolen so it's good."

"Any Beggars?? Cause if there are we need to get them sorted." I ask Carlos.

"Yeah, there was one in the usual street." He reports. I nod.

"Okay thanks. Evie any advise??"

"Yeah, there's a guy kidnapping some children."

"Jay, find the kidnapper and bring him to my Throne Room in Town Hall."

"On it, Mal."

"Good. I'll be walking around town some more, if you excuse me."

I walk away from them and head to Gaston's.

"Good Evening, Gaston Jr. How are your parents and your sister??" I ask him.

"Mom and Dad are okay. Gasha is fine. Now have you changed your mind about going on a date with me??" He winks.

"I'm positive I do not want to go on a date with you. And may I see your parents." I ask.

"There in the house." He replies disappointed. I nod.

"Gaston? Carmella??"

"Ah yes!! The Fair Queen of the Isle!!" Gaston says as he walks in the room.

"Hello Gaston. I've come to see how things are."

"Great, although we could use some more food."

"Yes I plan on talking to the King and Queen of Auradon about it when they come this weekend."

"Great!! That's all we need. I do believe Mother Gothel has a problem."

"Thank you."

I continue on. I visit Captain Hook, Ursula, Cinderella's Stepmother, Queen of Hearts, Hades, Hans, Shere Khan, Scar, and many other people. Most of their problems are about food or their home collapsing. Some people do wish for a place for their younger children to stay. We already have Dragon Hall for he older kids. I tell them I'll try to figure something out.

I then make it to Mother Gothel's Tower.

"Hello Mother Gothel."

"Alas!! You've finally arrived!! I've been waiting so long for you. I have some issues."

"Go on Mother Gothel." I say taking a seat on one of the dining chairs. She takes one right across from me.

"Well for starters, I would like for Dragon Hall to get a larger staff. Just me, Dr. Facilier, Yen Sid, and Lady Tremaine is definitely not enough for Villian Children!!"

"I see where you're coming from. I'll bring in some new staff. Anything else??"

"The school building is getting quite old, I'm worried about it collapsing."

"I'll see what material we have for that."

"Also, the method of teaching the villian children in my opinion is not right."

"What do you mean??"

"I do not think we should just only teach them about how to be evil, but also some history and about sole villains."

"I understand, so that the kids could finally find a villian to look up to. That is a great idea, we could have a week of school where we invite some villains to tell the children their stories!!"


"Any more??"

"Nope that's it!! Thank You Mal." She says and basically pushes me out the door.

I get back to my office in Town Hall and start trying to see what I can do about these problems. I start with the school for younger children.

After a lot of thinking I decide I can open up a small daycare in Town Hall. I leave my office to find an empty unused large room for it. I finally find a large room on the basement floor. It's probably the 3rd largest room after the Throne Room and Large Meeting Room. I quickly go to find Evie.

"Hey Mal, you needed something??"

"Yes. I want to open up a daycare for the little ones here. I need to find a staff."

"Sure, are you gonna pay them??"

"Yeah, uhmm how's $100 per day??"

"That's a large pay but sure, if you can provide that much. And how long will a day be??"

"From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m."

"Okay I'll make an announcement in the Town Square." Evie tells me. I nod.

"Well I've also got to start a kindergarten." I say.


"Yeah. Well I've gotta go. Bye."

"Okay. I'll also make the kindergarten staff announcement??"

"Yeah. Same pay same hours."

"Okay, don't worry about the staff problem."

I go and find a kindergarten room: I find another room in the basement floor. It's a bit smaller than the Day Care room. I then move to the Market Place for some furniture for the places. By the time I finish I have gotten some tables, toys, and other needs for a kindergarten and daycare.

I get someone to furnish the rooms and go to Dragon Hall to figure out Mother Gothel's problems. I call a staff meeting.

"This Week to the End of Next Week will be Villians Week."

"I see." Doctor Facilier says.

"I'm bringing in some new teachers next week so be prepared for that. Start moving around the classes."

"Lady Tremaine I would like you to arrange the new classes."

"Also as of right now we only have 5 classes, Stealing; Plotting; Villainy Basics; Fear Overcoming; Basic Fighting. I would like to add a History Class where you learn about the History of Villians and of course Auradon. They deserve to know everything." I announce.

"I will teach that class!" Mother Gothel volunteers. Dr. Facilier nods.

"That's it, so I shall leave now."

I leave there and go to find the beggar on Cruelty Lane.

"Hello, I am Mal, Daughter of Maleficent. Ruler of the Isle." I introduce myself to the guy I think is the beggar.

"I am Avragal."

"I have been informed by my friend that their is a beggar here and I believe you are it."

"You are right." He confirms.

"Well I'd like to help you find a home and get you some food. Also may I interest you a job in the Daycare or Kindergarten. Or even Dragon Hall."

"Thank you. And I would love to take a job in the Kindergarten." Avragal says.

"Well I do believe there is a small house available a few blocks from here." I smile at him.

"Lead the Way."

We eventually arrive at the house.

"You will owe about $1,000 for this house and I'll give you one year to pay that debt. As the pay for the Kindergarten is $100 a day that is more than enough time to pay that. Also please remember to pay your taxes." I say. He nods.

"Thank you again."

This was one of the houses I had built when I first became leader.

I get back to my office in Town Hall. I make sure I have all my paperwork done and head down the the Throne Room. Jay is waiting for me there. I take a seat.

"Jay is this the kidnapper??"

"Yes Mal."

"I trust you to deliver the correct punishment?? Release the prisoners and nurse those in need of medical help."

"You can trust me."

"Now I do have a few words for the kidnapper."

"Go right on ahead."

"Why'd you kidnap the people you kidnapped??"

"I-I had to. I-I've been st-st-stealing food from these people and wh-when th-they f-f-found out they wanted to arrest then since they had barely been able to survive because of the food I left them. So I kidnapped them since I didn't want to be arrested."

"I see, but you could've just come and found me if you needed help with food."

"I'm sorry."

"Well it's too late now, you've stolen the food and kidnapped the people."

"P-p-pleaaaaaaase." He pleaded. I shook my head. Jay returned and took him out.

That night I go to bed, feeling I had been successful today.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Next Chapter will be the meeting with King Adam and Queen Belle.