Bakugo hated the fact that he couldn't ignore her. Especially when she texted him at whatever the fuck time late at night to tell him that she was sad. She didn't even explain herself, just said that she was sad and that she needed someone to talk to her. Then, when he had texted her back with a simple question mark, she didn't even answer. So he had decided, for some fucking reason, to visit her dorm room..

He climbed the stairs to the her floor, taking care to keep quiet as he shouldn't really be in the girl's wing after dark. He never understood a good portion of the rules at this goddamn school. Most of the students here were more worried about their careers as heroes rather than having sexual interactions in the dorms. He let out a small scoff at the way he worded that in his head. He stopped in front of her door, which was decorated in Saturn stickers and a decorative chalk board name plate with "Ochako Uraraka (Uravity)" written in loopy cursive with pink chalk. Next to her door was a small mailbox made out of a cardboard shoe box and wrapping paper. She really seemed to like to decorate. He made a mental note to offer to let her decorate his door if she wanted.

He stuck the key, which was pink and printed with little hearts (a gift from her that he kept on his key ring with secret pride), in the locked door and let himself in. He didn't really know for sure why she had given him a key to her dorm. He chalked it up to her making a bunch for the rest of the girls, who usually frequent each other's dorms, and accidentally made too many. Deku probably had one, though he didn't really want to think about that. Her shitty crush on that wannabe hero made him fucking furious. Speaking of furious, he had recently come to terms with his annoying crush on Ochako. Fuck, he hated himself for falling for someone who wouldn't be interested in him.

He decided on not turning on the light as he walked in, as he didn't want to call attention to himself. Her was dark besides the glow in the dark stars that were pasted to the ceiling. The room smelled like vanilla and flowers he probably didn't know the name of. Her bed was built into the wall with a pink sheer curtain to cover it. Her room was very pink, which amused him quite a bit. Pink curtains, pink carpet, pink and white bookshelves that held many books and nick-knacks. He made his way towards her wall bed and pulled back the sheer curtain. She seemed fast asleep under her pink covers (which were covered in white polka dots), clutching a pink bunny plush in mittened hands. Why was she wearing mittens to bed? She was fucking weird. He reached over and shook her awake which wasn't too hard, as she seemed like a light sleeper.

"Bakugo?" She said, disoriented. She rubbed her tired eyes with her mitten clad hands.

"Why are you wearing mittens in while you sleep." He asked. She looked down at the mittens like she forgot they were there.

"If I don't I accidentally float things, including myself." She explained taking off the mittens and setting them on her pillow. Of course she did. "Why are you here."

Why exactly was he? "I don't know, you said you were sad so..." He trailed off, not sure how to finish.

She let out a giggle. "Were you worried about me?"

"Of course not, why would I be worried about a round face like you." He snapped. This only caused her to let out another small giggle. She swung her legs over the side of the bed, which allowed him to get a good look at her pajamas. She wore white pajama shorts decorated with peaches and a matching white shirt with a peach at the top right. She was so cute, it was nauseating. She moved to plug in the fairy lights that were strung around where the ceiling and the wall met. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the sudden light.

"I assume you want to know why I texted you that I was sad." She sunk into one of the pink, unnaturally large beanbag chairs that sat on the floor. He just shrugged in response and sat in the one across from her. "Well, it's nothing really to worry about, I was just realizing I would never be with the person I have a crush on, so I might as well stop trying. The thought of that made me a little sad, you came here for nothing really." Was she talking about Deku? Probably, seeing as he was pretty sure that was who she had a crush on. That angered him.

"Well, don't try to fight it, I'm here for tonight. Tough shit." He grumbled. He was really hung up on the fact that she had had an obvious crush on Deku. Why couldn't he be interested in him the way she was interested in that green-haired shit face?

She let out a small laugh. "I'm glad you care about me." He sent a glare at her smiling face. Fuck her for being so cute. Should he tell her about his feelings? He'd been bottling this shit up for quite a while, so maybe it would be a good idea to tell her. "Bakugo?" Shit he'd been spacing off.

"What?" He snapped.

"Are you alright, it seems like something is bothering you." Should he tell her? Fuck it.

"I like you stupid." He stood, ready to leave as soon as she rejected him. "I have a stupid fucking crush on you."

She sat there a moment, stunned. He really fucked up this time. Or so he thought because a moment later she had her hands on his shoulders and was pressing her lips to his. She pulled away a second later a smile on her blushing face. Holy shit.

"What was that?" He mumbled, a little shell shocked.


"Disgusting." He paused a moment. "Do it again." She let out a laugh and kissed him again. He felt like he was floating, but knowing her they most likely were. They separated from each other to find that they actually were in fact in the air.

"Whoops." She mumbled. She took her hands off his shoulder and touched her fingers together, sending them both crashing to the ground. She let out a loud yawn. "We should probably go to bed." She stood and walked over towards the fairy lights, turning them off. "Would you... like to stay." A large blush spread across her face as she asked him. He only nodded in reply, feeling his face heat up. They crawled into the bed together with her the closest to the wall. She placed her mittens back on her hands and moved close to him, most likely sapping his heat for herself. Greedy little shit. She was quick to fall asleep, breathing softly.

"Good night Uraraka." He whispered. He placed a kiss on her forehead before falling asleep himself.

[Inspired by Dear Happy by Dodie Clark and Thomas Sanders

Song can be in both point of views, story is in Bakugo's

AHH! I have this head canon that Ochako wears mittens to bed so she doesn't float things in her sleep. I love it. Also I changed up the dorm thing to be more accurate to the canon.]