I should be updating one of my other stories but I couldn't resist making this~
Pausing for a breather, a blue haired woman leaned against a nearby tree, sliding down it until she was seated at the base of it. Slipping off her backpack, she reached to the side of it to pull out her water bottle and took a generous sip.
Sighing in relief now that she was rehydrated, she slid it back into its place in her bag and relaxed against the tree to listen to the soothing ambient sounds of the abandoned forest. The soft rustling of the leaves calming her significantly despite being alone. The icy air licked the exposed flesh of her neck and she shivered, bundling tighter in her thick jacket. The trek up the mountain was long and freezing and she only wanted to take a small break before trying to find shelter for the night.
Suddenly, something light and ticklish flicked along the bit of skin exposed at her ankle. Jolting with a squeak, Hinata shot up to catch sight of a small, black snake staring at her.
It's tiny, forked tongue flicked out at the air as it began to curl around her ankle. It didn't put any pressure - merely tried to push its way to shelter at the opening on the bottom of her pants. Feeling a smile curl along her lips, Hinata lifted up the fabric of her pants and held her hand out towards the reptile.
It accepted her invitation as it curled its way into her sleeve, wrapping lightly around her wrist and settling there as it tried to absorb as much heat as it could from her. It was thanks to her love for gardening that Hinata wasn't scared of snakes - otherwise she probably would have kicked it off and run in fear. She's had many of these scaly critters hanging around in her plants and it was obvious to her that this little one was just trying to find some warmth from the freezing temperature.
A puff of white air flowed out of her mouth, lavender eyes gazing up at the steadily darkening sky.
She should hurry and find some type of shelter before night falls and it gets even colder. Plus, who knows what kind of creatures prowl in the night?
Last thing she wants is to be devoured by a wolf before she finds what she needs.
"Come on, little guy," She stood up carefully, making sure not to squish the snake as she slipped her bag back on. "We should find shelter." Surprisingly, she felt the end of its tail slide along her wrist - seemingly acknowledging her words as its body tightened more securely to her arm despite the fact that she was holding it up towards her chest to keep it from sliding out.
It almost seemed like it could understand her.
But she decided to pay it no mind as she made her way blindly through the forest, footsteps moving quicker as the sun continued to dip the longer she took.
She was almost to the point of giving up and just sleeping on the forest floor when she stumbled upon the opening of a rather dark and large cave. It seems she finally had some luck as she took a step into the cave, lavender eyes darting back and forth in the darkness. Perhaps it would be best to stay at the entrance - but it's probably safer and warmer inside.
Placing her bag on the ground, Hinata began to dig in it to find her flashlight. Once she wrapped her fingers around the smooth handle is when she heard it.
The sound of something large and heavy being dragged hurriedly along the rough cave floor.
Squinting her eyes, Hinata was about to flick on her flashlight when her lavender eyes locked with two glowing red orbs in the darkness. She could see black tomoes swirling in the red pools in a hypnotizing manner as it stayed glued to her wide eyes.
It was only then that she realized that she couldn't move any of her limbs.
Her heart pounded rapidly in her ears as she tried in vain to command her limbs to move, she couldn't even move her eyes away from those entrancing scarlet orbs that seemed to be getting closer by the second. Lips trembled but she couldn't part them to get any words out.
She hardly even noticed the small snake hiding in her sleeve traveling higher up her arm.
The heavy dragging got louder and sounded as if it was traveling around her but her head refused to budge to see what was the source of the noise filling the quiet air.
She soon got her answer when large, scaly coils full of powerful muscle tightened around her, the large tail was curled around her from her abdomen to her feet. Restricting any movement if she had any.
Her breath left in small, rapid bursts through her slightly parted lips. Chest rising up and down frantically in her panic, regretting ever deciding to step in this damn cave - she should have just taken her chances on sleeping outside.
Finally, whatever that held those mesmerizing orbs slid into the bits of light that the departing sun left and she was granted to the sight of a rather handsome man. She quickly realized that the loud dragging sound came from him as she was able to glimpse the onyx colored scales that made up his lower body before he swiftly closed the distance and all she could see was his unique eyes glaring at her.
The scarlet glowing in the growing darkness, tomoes constantly spinning in a slow circle - the sclera of his eyes was a haunting pitch black instead of the normal white of a human and it sent a chill down Hinata's back unsure of what to think of this terrifying man.
A black tongue slid along one of his dangerous fangs in hunger as his eyes regarded her cooly.
"What are you doing trespassing in my territory, human?"
Been spazzing about a certain game with Aegri Somnia Vana which has these twin brothers that are Nagas - and I told her it would be fun to make a Naga!Sasuke x Hinata. ;D